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Від початку року в зоні АТО загинуло 98 військових


З початку 2017 року у зоні бойових дій на Донбасі загинуло 98 українських військових.
З початку 2017 року у зоні бойових дій на Донбасі загинуло 98 українських військових.
Про це повідомив Андрій Петренко – представник Міноборони України під час виступу на конференції в Грузії, передає перший заступник голови Верховної Ради Ірина Геращенко.
Петренко повідомив також, що за цей час більш ніж 800 бійців було поранено та зафіксовано понад 110 фактів порушення режиму тиші.
Як повідомлялося, з початку доби 27 травня бойовики 18 разів відкривали вогонь по підрозділах Збройних сил, в результаті чого 8 військових дістали поранень.

© Source: http://zik.ua/news/2017/05/27/vid_pochatku_roku_v_zoni_ato_zagynulo_98_viyskovyh_1104099
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G7-Gipfel: Von Trumps Blockade genervt


US-Präsident Trump sprach von einem «schrecklich produktiven Gipfel», die anderen G7-Staats- und Regierungschefs aber sind enttäuscht. Egal ob Klima oder Migration — Trump weigerte sich, sich den anderen anzuschließen. Von Jan-Christoph Kitzler.
US-Präsident Trump sprach von einem «schrecklich produktiven Gipfel», die anderen G7-Staats- und Regierungschefs aber sind enttäuscht. Egal ob Klima oder Migration — Trump weigerte sich, sich den anderen anzuschließen.
Eigentlich reicht ein typisches Merkel-Wort, um diesen Gipfel zu beschreiben: «Unzufriedenstellend» nannte die Bundeskanzlerin das, was am Ende beim Streit um den Klimaschutz herauskam.
Auf ein gemeinsames Bekenntnis zu den Klimaschutzverträgen von Paris konnten sich die sieben Staats- und Regierungschefs in Taormina nicht einigen. Merkel sagte:
Wie sehr die Meinungen doch auseinander gehen: Donald Trump, der US-Präsident, der die Runde mit seiner Blockadehaltung in wichtigen Punkten genervt hatte, war mit seiner Leistung offenbar zufrieden.
Er sprach, kurz vor seinem Abflug, von einem «schrecklich produktiven Gipfel» und davon, dass er die Beziehungen zu den engsten Verbündeten gestärkt habe und überhaupt — das sei eine historische Woche gewesen.
Paolo Gentiloni, Italiens Premierminister und Gastgeber, konnte einem da fast leidtun. Er hatte am Ende die unangenehme Aufgabe, das Treffen von Taormina irgendwie als Erfolg zu verkaufen.
Der sonst sehr diplomatische Italiener zeigte fast so eine Art Galgenhumor:
Inhaltlich war der G7-Gipfel von Taormina eine Enttäuschung. Nicht nur bei den Verhandlungen zum Thema Klima oder bei der vorsichtigen Öffnung in Handelsfragen.
Auch beim Thema Migration blieb das Treffen weit hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Italien hatte ursprünglich ein eigenes Papier zur Migrationskrise gewollt. Auch die Wahl Siziliens, wo jede Woche Tausende Flüchtlinge an Land gehen, war kein Zufall. Aber am Ende reicht es nur zu einem Formelkompromiss. Die USA wollten vor allem über Sicherheit und Grenzschutz diskutieren.
Für Justin Forsyth, Vizechef beim Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen UNICEF, ist das angesichts der Tausenden Toten auf dem Mittelmeer ein Skandal:
Und so wurde am Ende von den Gipfelteilnehmern vor allem die gemeinsame Haltung im Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus gelobt, die gestern bereits beschlossen war und die auch in den Wochen vor dem Treffen nie umstritten war.
Bundeskanzlerin Merkel, die während der Beratungen zur Rechten von Trump sitzen musste, nutzte ihre Abschlusserklärung zu einer Lehrstunde in Sachen G7-Gipfel:
«Wir erinnern uns noch mal daran, dass G7 ja gegründet wurde, um auf der Grundlage gemeinsamer Interessen und Werte die Herausforderungen der Globalisierung anzunehmen — und sie auch zum Wohle der Menschen bei uns zu Hause zu gestalten und zum Wohle der Bürgerinnen und Bürger in der ganzen Welt. Das ist das, was uns leiten sollte. Und ich kann berichten, dass wir an einigen Stellen hier sehr wohl auch diesen Leitgedanken umsetzen konnten.»
Nach dem Taormina-Gipfel ist also noch viel Luft nach oben. Die Diskussionen sollen Anfang Juli in Hamburg im Kreise der G20-Staaten fortgesetzt werden. Und Trump hat immerhin schon mal angekündigt, er werde in der nächsten Woche entscheiden, wie die USA zum Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen stehen. Wohlgemerkt: In der Verhandlungsrunde hat er das nicht gesagt, sondern per Twitter.

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/g-sieben-taormina-115.html
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Arsenal London gewinnt FA Cup gegen Chelsea durch 2: 1-Sieg


Der FC Arsenal hat gegen Chelsea zum 13. Mal den britischen FA Cup gewonnen und ist damit neuer alleiniger Rekordhalter vor dem zwölffachen Pokalsieger…
Die Gunners siegten mit 2: 1 (1: 0) gegen den Londoner Stadtrivalen und englischen Meister FC Chelsea, der damit das Double aus Meisterschaft und Pokal verpasste. Der Chilene Alexis Sanchez (4. Minute) und der Waliser Aaron Ramsey (79.) trafen im ausverkauften Wembley Stadion vor 89 472 Zuschauern für Arsenal. Diego Costa (76.) erzielte den zwischenzeitlichen Ausgleich für die Blues, die ab der 68. Minute in Unterzahl auskommen mussten. Victor Moses hatte für eine Schwalbe im Strafraum die Gelb-Rote Karte kassiert, nachdem er zuvor für ein grobes Foul Gelb gesehen hatte.
Weil Shkodran Mustafi bei Arsenal wegen einer Gehirnerschütterung nicht im Kader stand und Laurent Koscielny gesperrt fehlte, gab Mertesacker sein Startelf-Comeback. Der Abwehrspieler hatte in dieser Saison aufgrund einer Knieverletzung nur ein Spiel gemacht. Er war beim 3: 1 gegen Everton am letzten Spieltag eingewechselt worden.
Arsenal, das die Saison in der Premier League als Tabellenfünfter beendete und damit erstmals in der Ära Wenger die Champions League verpasste, sorgte durch den Pokalerfolg für einen versöhnlichen Saisonabschluss und wurde von den eigenen Fans mit lautstarken Gesängen gefeiert.

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/sport/Arsenal-London-gewinnt-FA-Cup-gegen-Chelsea-durch-2-1-Sieg-id41575416.html
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China calls for new talks with North Korea on nukes


China’s U. N. ambassador said Tuesday that multiple North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile tests, with no end in sight, show the «very strong» need for new talks with Pyongyang to reduce tensions and try to achieve denuclearization. …
UNITED NATIONS — China’s U. N. ambassador said Tuesday that multiple North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile tests, with no end in sight, show the «very strong» need for new talks with Pyongyang to reduce tensions and try to achieve denuclearization.
Liu Jieyi, whose country is closest to North Korea, said all progress with North Korea on eliminating nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula has come through dialogue, «so there’s no reason why dialogue is not taking place in the current situation.»
Liu spoke to reporters after emergency Security Council consultations behind closed doors on the North’s latest missile test.
The United States, Britain and France have been pushing for a new U. N. resolution with tougher sanctions against North Korea.
But Liu said China «first and foremost» wants to see the six sanctions resolutions against North Korea already adopted by the council fully implemented.
«Meanwhile, we should also work to reduce tension, to de-escalate and also to try to achieve denuclearization through dialogue by political and diplomatic means, » he said. «Dialogue should take place because we can only resolve the issue through dialogue.»
The Security Council late Monday strongly condemned North Korea’s «flagrant and provocative defiance» of U. N. sanctions banning ballistic missile tests and again vowed «to closely monitor the situation and take further significant measures including sanctions.»
It also welcomed efforts by council members and others to facilitate «a peaceful and comprehensive solution through dialogue» with North Korea.
Last Friday, North Korea’s deputy U. N. ambassador Kim In Ryong told U. N. correspondents that the government will rapidly strengthen its nuclear strike capability as long as the United States maintains its «hostile policy» toward the country.
He said that if the Trump administration wants peace on the Korean Peninsula it should replace the Armistice Agreement that ended the 1950-53 Korean War with a peace accord and halt its anti-North Korea policy, «the root cause of all problems.»
The Trump administration has said there should be no talks until North Korea takes steps toward getting rid of its nuclear arsenal.
During Tuesday’s Security Council meeting, members were briefed by U. N. political chief Jeffrey Feltman, mainly on technical aspects of the weekend launch.
Uruguay’s U. N. Ambassador Elbio Rosselli, the current council president, said it was the 11th this year «which basically means a quantum leap and determined effort to acquire aggressive capabilities, and that is of major concern.»
Japan’s U. N. Ambassador Koro Bessho told reporters afterward that «North Korea is acting in triumphant and emboldened manner by this most recent launch, and is now clearly demonstrating that it is determined to further bolster its nuclear build-up.»
Calling the provocations «an enormous global threat, » he said «the international community must not leave this total defiance of the Security Council unanswered.»
Bessho said Japan hopes the council will «strengthen the measures and strengthen the sanctions mechanism.»
He said Japan is talking to the U. S., South Korea, and close neighbors Russia and China to make sure pressure on the North is continued «and even strengthened so that North Korea will change its policy.»

© Source: https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/may/27/china-calls-for-new-talks-with-north-korea-on-nuke/
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Some women-only screenings planned for ‘Wonder Woman’


Scattered plans among Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas to host women-only screenings of the upcoming «Wonder Woman» movie have produced both support and some grumbling about gender discrimination. …
NEW YORK — Take a seat, «Thor.»
Scattered plans among Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas to host women-only screenings of the upcoming «Wonder Woman» movie have produced both support and some grumbling about gender discrimination.
Various locations have taken to social media in response, including the operators of the Brooklyn theater promising on Twitter to funnel proceeds from women-only screenings in early June to Planned Parenthood. And by women only, they mean staff, too.
Some of the screenings were already selling out despite social media haters, many of whom are men, and several have been added.
The offer of special screenings began recently in Austin, Texas, where Alamo has held specialty screenings in the past for military veterans and others. As for «Wonder Woman, » the Alamo in Brooklyn posted a statement online saying what better way to celebrate the most iconic superheroine than with «an all-female screening?»
«Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying ‘No Guys Allowed’ for several special shows at the Alamo Downtown Brooklyn. And when we say ‘Women (and people who identify as women) only, ‘ we mean it. So lasso your geeky girlfriends together and grab your tickets to this celebration of one of the most enduring and inspiring characters ever created.»
The movie opens June 2 based on the DC Comics character. It was directed by Patty Jenkins and stars Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman/Diana Prince.

© Source: https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/may/27/some-women-only-screenings-planned-for-wonder-woma/
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AP reports Kushner back channel with Russia involved Syria


President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and now top White House adviser Jared Kushner proposed a secret back channel between the Kremlin and the Trump transition team during a December meeting with a leading Russian diplomat, The Associated Press has learned. …
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and now top White House adviser Jared Kushner proposed a secret back channel between the Kremlin and the Trump transition team during a December meeting with a leading Russian diplomat, The Associated Press has learned.
Kushner spoke with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about creating that line of communication to facilitate sensitive discussions aimed at exploring the incoming administration’s options with Russia as it developing its Syria policy, according to a person familiar with the discussions.
The intent was to connect Trump’s chief national security adviser at the time, Michael Flynn, with Russian military leaders, said this person, who wasn’t authorized to publicly discuss private policy deliberations and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Russia, a pivotal player in Syria, has backed Syrian President Bashar Assad, often at the expense of civilians during a long civil war.
The Trump team eventually felt there was no need for a back channel once Rex Tillerson was confirmed as secretary of state, and decided to communicate with Moscow through more official channels, according to the person familiar with the developments.
Kushner’s involvement in the proposed back channel was first reported by The Washington Post, which said he proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities for the discussions, apparently to make them more difficult to monitor.
The newspaper cited anonymous U. S. officials who were briefed on intelligence reports on intercepted Russian communications.
The Post wrote that Kislyak was reportedly taken aback by the suggestion of allowing an American to use Russian communications gear at its embassy or consulate — a proposal that would have carried security risks for Moscow as well as the Trump team.
The White House confirmed in March that Kushner met with Kislyak at Trump Tower in December, dismissing them as standard diplomatic meetings. One White House official at the time characterized it as a brief courtesy meeting and confirmed that Flynn was in the room.
Flynn served briefly as Trump’s national security adviser before being fired in February after officials said he misled Vice President Mike Pence about whether he and the ambassador had discussed U. S. sanctions against Russia in a phone call.
Sally Yates, the former acting attorney general, told Congress this month that deception left Flynn vulnerable to being blackmailed by the Russians. Flynn remains under federal investigation in Virginia over his foreign business ties and was interviewed by the FBI in January about his contacts with Kislyak.
The disclosure of the back channel put White House advisers on the defensive Saturday, as Trump wrapped up his first foreign trip as president, and led lawyers for Kushner to say he is willing to talk with federal and congressional investigators about his foreign contacts and his work on the Trump campaign.
Meeting with reporters in Sicily, two Trump advisers refused to address the contents of Kushner’s December meeting with the Russian diplomat. But they did not dismiss the idea that the administration would go outside normal U. S. government and diplomatic channels for communications with other countries.
Speaking generally, national security adviser H. R. McMaster said «we have back channel communications with a number of countries.» He added: «It allows you to communicate in a discreet manner.»
In response to repeated questions from reporters, Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn said, «We’re not going to comment on Jared. We’re just not going to comment.»
Kushner was a trusted Trump adviser last year, overseeing the campaign’s digital strategy, and remains an influential confidant within the White House as does his wife, Ivanka Trump.
Federal investigators and several congressional committees are looking into any connections between Russia and the Trump campaign, including allegations that there may have been collaboration to help Trump and harm his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
On Saturday, the AP confirmed that the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U. S. presidential election, has requested information and documents Trump’s campaign.
The request from the Senate Intelligence Committee arrived last week at campaign headquarters in New York, according to person familiar with the request who wasn’t authorized to discuss the developments publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. It was said to be the first time any investigators have made inquiries with Trump’s campaign officials.
The Post first reported the request, which covers materials such as emails, phone records and documents dating to Trump’s first days as a candidate in July 2015.
Those inquiries now include scrutiny of Kushner, according to the newspaper.
Obama administration officials have previously told the AP that the frequency of Flynn’s discussions with Kislyak raised enough red flags that aides discussed the possibility Trump was trying to establish a one-to-one line of communication — a back channel — with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In addition, Reuters reported that Kushner had at least three previously undisclosed contacts with Kislyak last year, including two phone calls between April and November. Kushner’s attorney, Jamie Gorelick, told Reuters that Kushner «has no recollection of the calls as described.»
Defense attorneys and former FBI agents say that one likely area of interest for investigators would be Kushner’s own meetings with Russians, given that such encounters with a variety of Trump associates are at the root of the sprawling probe, now overseen by former FBI Director Robert Mueller.
Regarding Kushner, former FBI agent Jim Treacy said Friday: «If there is an investigation on anybody, would other folks around that person be of interest to the FBI as far as being interviewed? The answer to that is a big yes.» If the FBI wants to speak with someone, it’s not necessarily an indication of involvement or complicity, said Treacy, who did two tours in Moscow as the FBI’s legal attache.
«Really, being spoken to, does not confer a target status on the individual, » he said.
Investigators are also interested in a meeting Kushner had with the Russian banker, Sergey Gorkov, according to reports from The Post and NBC News.
«Mr. Kushner previously volunteered to share with Congress what he knows about these meetings, » Gorelick said in a statement Thursday. «He will do the same if he is contacted in connection with any other inquiry.»
Associated Press writers Eileen Sullivan, Julie Bykowicz, Chad Day and Eric Tucker contributed to this report.

© Source: https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/may/27/ap-reports-kushner-back-channel-with-russia-involv/
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Two top Trump advisers dodge Kushner questions


President Donald Trump’s top economic and national security advisers on Saturday declined to comment on the swirl of allegations that Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is facing regarding his contacts with Russian officials.
«We have backchannel communications with a number of countries, » McMaster said.
McMaster and Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, swatted away the questions after reports surfaced that Kushner considered setting up a secret line of communication with Russia to discuss military options in Syria and other matters. A source with knowledge of the matter confirmed to CNN that Kushner first discussed creating the backchannel in a meeting last December with the Russian ambassador.
Kushner was a private citizen at the time, not a US government official although he was acting on behalf of the incoming US government and in an official capacity having an interim security clearance.
The details were shared with CNN as an explanation to The Washington Post reporting, which it said was based on intercepts of conversations between Russia’s ambassador and Moscow.
Kislyak, according to The Post, told higher-ups in Moscow that Kushner suggested the proposal in a December meeting at Trump Tower — which former national security adviser Michael Flynn also attended. Kushner «suggested using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States for the communications, » the Post reported, in an apparent attempt to try to shield discussions during the transition from monitoring.
The Post said Kislyak reportedly was taken aback by the idea of having an American use Russian communications equipment at one of its facilities because it could have involved security risks for both Americans and Russians.
Such a line of communication would have allowed Kushner and Flynn to talk securely with Russian military officials, but it never was actually set up, the source with knowledge of the matter confirmed to CNN. Flynn apparently would have been the US point person, the source said.
«That’s something I’m not prepared to talk about, » McMaster said when he was first asked about the allegations.
Cohn said: «We’re not going to comment on Jared. We’re just not going to comment.»
Pressed repeatedly on the matter during a news conference on Saturday that was kept off camera at the White House’s insistence, McMaster also said he was not «involved with or have any knowledge of» any attempt on Kushner’s part to set up backchannel communications with Moscow.
The FBI, in the course of its investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 election, is now also looking at Kushner’s multiple roles in Trump’s campaign operation and his contacts with Russian officials.
Kushner has acknowledged meeting during the transition with the Russian ambassador to Washington, but Reuters, citing seven current and former US officials, reported Friday that Kushner had several previously undisclosed contacts with Russia’s ambassador — including two phone calls between April and November of 2016.
Kushner’s lawyer, Jamie Gorelick, told CNN in response to the Reuters report: «Mr. Kushner participated in thousands of calls in this time period. He has no recollection of the calls as described. We have asked (Reuters) for the dates of such alleged calls so we may look into it and respond, but we have not received such information.»
McMaster was visibly frustrated as he faced a barrage of questions from reporters on Saturday about Kushner’s contacts with the Russians. He urged reporters to instead ask him about foreign policy and national security issues that would have come up during the President’s first foreign trip, which has been dogged by the incessant flow of new allegations surrounding the President’s campaign associates’ contacts with Russian officials.
This story has been updated.

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/27/politics/jared-kushner-russia-gary-cohn-hr-mcmaster/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
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Trump leaves G-7 summit undecided on America’s status in climate accord


Opposed to the landmark agreement as a candidate, the president’s views are said to be evolving.
Donald Trump continued to distance himself from fellow world leaders over climate change at the G-7 summit, and said he’ ll determine next week whether to pull the U. S. out of the landmark Paris climate accord.
“I will make my final decision on the Paris Accord next week, ” the president told his almost 31 million Twitter followers on Saturday.
Trump, who for months has delayed a decision on the climate agreement, made his announcement at the conclusion of the Group of Seven summit in the resort town of Taormina, Italy.
In an unprecedented step, the U. S. broke from the other six nations in a joint statement issued at the summit’s conclusion, saying America is reviewing its climate policies while the G-7 members others remain committed to the Paris Agreement.
Climate was among the most disputed issues separating Trump from other leaders at the two-day meeting on the Sicilian coast. A top White House adviser said the president’s views were evolving on the issue, but Trump wasn’ t immediately swayed by arguments from Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, France’s President Emmanuel Macron and others to honor the Paris Agreement, brokered in 2015 by almost 200 nations to slash fossil fuel emissions and boost funding to ease impacts of global warming.
“The whole discussion about climate has been difficult, or rather very unsatisfactory, ” Merkel told reporters after the summit. “Here we have the situation that six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one.”
Diplomats spent days trying to hammer out language for the G-7 joint statement. Past communiques, which are painstakingly crafted to reflect common goals and values of all seven nations, have dedicated lengthy sections to climate change. At one point this week, the words “Paris Agreement” were nearly excluded from the statement, underscoring how contentious the issue became in Taormina, said a Canadian government official who spoke on the condition on anonymity to discuss private deliberations.
Trump, who once said the concept of global warming “was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U. S. manufacturing non-competitive, ” repeatedly vowed to pull out of the Paris deal during his election campaign, but has sidestepped the issue since taking office.
Delaying a decision about the accord provided opportunity for G-7 leaders and Pope Francis to press Trump to honor the U. S.’s environmental commitments. Now the president heads back to Washington, where much of his party is pushing him to do the opposite.
Last week, 22 Republican senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, sent a letter to Trump urging him to exit the Paris accord. Members of his administration, meanwhile, are deadlocked on the issue. Environmental chief Scott Pruitt and top strategist Steve Bannon are pushing for a pullout. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, White House adviser Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, the president’s son-in-law and daughter respectively, have urged the president to stay in the deal.
John Kirton, director of the University of Toronto’s G8 Research Group, said Trump’s trip home may not bode well for those in favor of Paris. “If you let him go back to the civil war within the White House, Pruitt might win, ” he said.
Trump has criticized efforts to cut emissions, saying they limit U. S. economic competitiveness. The president’s views on the Paris accord, however, are evolving, White House National Economic Council director Gary Cohn told reporters Friday in Italy. Trump may be willing to stay in the agreement, Cohn said, if the U. S. can scale back commitments made by former President Barack Obama.
“His views are evolving, and he came here to learn, ” Cohn said. “His basis for decision is ultimately going to be what’s best for the United States.”
The Paris Agreement is broader than any previous climate accord. It calls for reducing pollution in hopes of limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above temperatures at the outset of the Industrial Revolution.
Hundreds of corporations and investors have endorsed the pact, including oil majors Royal Dutch Shell Plc, BP Plc and Exxon Mobil Corp., which was previously led by Tillerson. Alden Meyer, who’s followed climate talks for two decades as director of policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, said Trump’s reluctance to support it puts him at odds with much of the world.
“He stands in stark isolation, ” Meyer said. “The leaders from Europe, Canada, and Japan have made it crystal clear that they intend to fully implement their national commitments under the Paris Agreement.”
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© Source: http://www.pressherald.com/2017/05/27/trump-leaves-g-7-summit-undecided-on-americas-status-in-climate-accord/
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Vergewaltigung in Bonn: Polizei hielt Notruf für Scherz


Der Fall hatte bundesweit für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Eine Frau wird beim Campen mit ihrem Freund überfallen, der Täter hat eine Säge und vergewaltigt die Frau…
Der Fall hatte bundesweit für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Eine Frau wird beim Campen mit ihrem Freund überfallen, der Täter hat eine Säge und vergewaltigt die Frau. Er wird später festgenommen. Nun gerät die Polizei in Erklärungsnot.

© Source: http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Panorama/Uebersicht/Vergewaltigung-in-Bonn-Polizei-hielt-Notruf-fuer-Scherz
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Obama o Brzezińskim: To był żarliwy zwolennik amerykańskiego przywództwa


Były prezydent USA Barack Obama w sobotnim oświadczeniu upamiętniającym Zbigniewa Brzezińskiego nazwał go «znakomitym urzędnikiem państwowym» i «żarliwym zwolennikiem amerykańskiego przywództwa».
Wraz z żoną Michelle Obama złożył kondolencje rodzinie zmarłego w piątek profesora.
«Zbigniew Brzeziński był znakomitym urzędnikiem państwowym, wybitnym intelektualistą i żarliwym zwolennikiem amerykańskiego przywództwa. Wywierał wpływ na kilka pokoleń, a ja byłem jednym z kilku prezydentów, którzy korzystali z jego mądrości i rad. Zawsze było jasne, jakie Zbig miał poglądy, a jego koncepcje i zabiegi pomogły w kształtowaniu przez dekady narodowej amerykańskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa. Wraz z Michelle składamy kondolencje jego wspaniałej żonie Emilie oraz dzieciom Ianowi, Markowi i Mice» — brzmi komunikat wydany przez byłego prezydenta, cytowany na stronie internetowej amerykańskiego radia publicznego NPR.
Zmarły w wieku 89 lat profesor Brzeziński był jednym z najbardziej wpływowych politologów i strategów polityki zagranicznej USA, a także doradcą ds. bezpieczeństwa narodowego za prezydentury Jimmy’ego Cartera (1977-1981) . W kampanii prezydenckiej w 2008 roku zdecydowanie poparł Obamę i był jednym z jego nieformalnych doradców ds. polityki zagranicznej.

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1046103,obama-o-brzezinskim-usa.html
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