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'Thousands' of pilgrims return to China before Dalai Lama event


NewsHubThousands of mostly Tibetan pilgrims who travelled to India for a rare Buddhist ceremony held by the Dalai Lama have returned to China under pressure from Beijing, organisers said Wednesday.
The 81-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader will this month preside over the Kalachakra teachings at Bodhgaya in eastern India, where the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment more than 2,000 years ago.
Tens of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world are expected to attend the event, which is held only once every few years.
But as preparations got under way on Wednesday, the chairman of the organising committee Karma Gelek Yuthok said almost 7,000 pilgrims had returned to China, citing pressure from authorities there.
«It is unfortunate, they have returned after Chinese pressure. They are nearly 7,000,» he told journalists in Bodhgaya.
«They planned to end their pilgrimage in Bodhgaya (but) just because of this they have gone back. »
Yuthok, who is a member of the Tibetan government-in-exile based in the north Indian town of Dharamsala, said some pilgrims had reported receiving threats to relatives in China if they did not return.
In 2012 China detained hundreds of Tibetans after they returned from the Kalachakra in Bodhgaya.
Last month Radio Free Asia reported that many Tibetan pilgrims who travelled to Dharamsala ahead of the Kalachakra had been ordered to return home before the end of the year, preventing them from heading on to Bodhgaya.
It said the Dalai Lama had held a special audience for them in Dharamsala last month.
The Chinese embassy in Delhi declined to comment when contacted by AFP.
The Dalai Lama fled to India after a failed uprising in 1959 but is still deeply revered by many Tibetans.
Beijing says its troops «peacefully liberated» Tibet in 1951 and accuses the Nobel Peace laureate of seeking Tibetan independence through «spiritual terrorism».
He says he merely wants greater autonomy for his homeland, where many accuse the central government of religious repression and eroding the Tibetan culture.
The Kalachakra opened in Bodhgaya on Tuesday, although the main teaching section will only begin next week.
A spokesman for the Indian government said it was unaware of the issue.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 1.5

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/thousands-of-pilgrims-return-to-china-before-dalai-lama-event/article/482934
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Chinese official shoots 2 cadres, then kills himself


NewsHubBEIJING (AP) — An official allegedly shot and injured two leaders of a city in southwestern China on Wednesday as the pair held a meeting in a conference center, and later killed himself, local authorities said.
The suspect entered the venue where the Communist Party chief and mayor of Panzhihua city in Sichuan province were meeting and shot continuously before running off, according to a statement from the city’s information office.
The statement said that the suspect, identified as the city’s land and resources chief, Chen Zhongshu, was found dead on a basement floor in the conference center. It said he had committed suicide. The statement gave no possible motive for the attack.
The injuries of the city’s party chief, Zhang Yan, and mayor, Li Jianqin, were not life-threatening, the statement said.
Shootings are rare in China, where gun ownership is heavily regulated and private ownership of firearms is generally illegal.
Copyright © The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -16.9

© Source: http://mynorthwest.com/502989/reports-chinese-official-shoots-2-cadres-then-kills-himself/
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Man Knifes 11 Kindergarten Kids In China


NewsHubA knife-wielding man entered a kindergarten in China and attacked 11 children Wednesday, Chinese media revealed.
The middle-aged man climbed over the wall around 3:30 in the afternoon and began stabbing children at a kindergarten in Pingxiang, Guangxi Province. The motives behind the attack are currently unknown.
None of the children sustained life-threatening injuries during the course of the attack.
The suspect is in police custody and an investigation is underway.
Such attacks are surprisingly common in China.
A man stabbed 10 Chinese children at a school in Hainan Province before taking his own life in February of 2016. Two years earlier, a man stabbed three elementary school kids before jumping off a building, and in 2012, a man stabbed 23 children and an elderly woman in a village in Henan Province.
In one of the worst cases, three serious attacks occurred in one month in 2010. In one incident, a man killed eight and wounded several others. In another, the attacker stabbed 31 people, including 28 students. In the final attack, the man struck children with a hammer causing severe injuries before setting himself on fire.
China has since stepped up security at its schools, but incidents like the one Wednesday continue to occur.
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Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -2.1

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/04/man-knifes-11-kindergarten-kids-in-china/
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'Passengers' Secures Last-Minute China Release Date


NewsHub9:09 PM PST 1/3/2017
Patrick Brzeski
Sony’s sci-fi romance Passengers finally has a confirmed release date in China, the world’s no. 2 movie market.
The film, which stars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, will open in the Middle Kingdom on Friday, Jan. 13 — just one week after the China release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
The confirmed date came uncommonly late. China usually announces official release dates for Hollywood studio titles at least four to six weeks in advance. But Sony was confident enough in eventually landing a January date that it sent Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt to Beijing for a promotional event on Dec. 17.
Sony will be hoping that China can help make up for the film’s less-than-stellar performance stateside, where it has earned $66.2 million. Overseas, the film’s total stands at $56.8 million. It had a production budget of $110 million to $120 million after tax incentives and rebates. Critics were not kind.
Passengers has a strong local backer in Beijing, however, thanks to a strategic marketing partnership Sony signed in September with Chinese entertainment and real estate conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group, which controls an estimated 16 percent of Chinese movie screens.
Sony had an especially tough 2016 in China, where it was the weakest earner of the six Hollywood studios, with none of its titles cracking the country’s list of top 50 releases.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 3.4

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/thr/news/~3/ycdkVN3WuPw/passengers-secures-last-minute-china-release-date-960652
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The Consumer Electronics Show opens Thursday in Las Vegas


NewsHubThe Consumer Electronics Show was first time organized 50 years ago, in New York, with 117 exhibitors and 17,500 visitors, at that time as a trade show for transistor radios and black-and-white television. But the interest increased for many industries. More than 170,000 people are expected to attend CES 2017 in Las Vegas this week.
There are about 3,800 exhibitors on over 2.5 million square feet. CES 2017 will showcase technology to all attendees from Thursday through Sunday. About 138 automotive-related companies will be at the show, most of them offering test drive. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV plans to reveal a new vehicle at CES this year. Autonomous driving becomes a trend and artificial intelligence developers for autos will be there to expose the latest news. The Web-connected gadgets have become a central part of the show in the last years and now it will be the same. Cujo LLC and eBlocker each are scheduled to promote devices that block hackers and provide privacy to people using devices on a home-internet connection. Health related products made using advanced research and special technologies will be also presented on the show. Humanoid robots with voice command, drones, VR devices, special displays. hardware and software for special needs are prepared to meet consumers at CES.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.roundnews.com/world/usa/5549-the-consumer-electronics-show-opens-thursday-in-las-vegas.html
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The Latest: Obama argues for preserving health care law


NewsHubThe Latest on Congress (all times EST):
10:30 a.m.
Democrats say President Barack Obama is making the case for keeping his health care law.
Obama made a rare trip to the Capitol on Wednesday to meet with House and Senate Democrats.
New York Rep. Louise Slaughter says Obama focused on how well the law is working, and on how many letters he’s gotten in support of it.
She calls it «a very nostalgic speech. »
Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin says Obama’s message is that the individual parts of the law are popular, and that repealing it would affect all Americans.
«We need to personalize this,» Cardin says — echoing the president.
Republicans promise to move quickly to repeal the law, but they’ve failed to coalesce around a replacement.

10 a.m.
Once he’s sworn in, President-elect Donald Trump will move swiftly to undo Democratic President Barack Obama’s policies.
That’s the message from Vice President-elect Mike Pence to House Republicans at a Capitol Hill strategy session Wednesday.
On Jan. 20, Trump will use his power through executive orders to target the health care law and other policies.
New York Rep. Chris Collins and Missouri Rep. Ann Wagner specifically mentioned health care, though it’s unclear what changes could be made through executive order on the nearly 7-year-old law.
Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold says Pence told the GOP: «What can be done with a pen and a phone can be undone with a pen and a phone. »

9:40 a.m.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is holding a closed-door briefing Thursday for members to learn more about the Obama administration’s response to suspected Russian interference in the 2016 election and harassment of U. S. diplomats.
Also, U. S. intelligence officials, including national intelligence director James Clapper, are set to testify Thursday in an open session by the Senate Armed Services Committee.
President Barack Obama struck back at Moscow last week with a set of punishments targeting Russia’s leading spy agencies that the U. S. has accused of meddling in the presidential campaign. The U. S. also kicked out 35 Russian diplomats in response to what the White House says has been Russia’s harassment of American envoys.

9:30 a.m.
President Barack Obama is at the Capitol to give congressional Democrats advice on how to combat the Republican drive to dismantle his health care overhaul.
Vice President-elect Mike Pence is meeting with GOP lawmakers to discuss the best way to send Obama’s cherished law to its graveyard and replace it with — well, something.
The separate strategy sessions come on the second day of the new GOP-led Congress.
In 16 days, Republican Donald Trump replaces Obama at the White House, putting the party’s longtime goal of annulling much of the 2010 health care overhaul within reach.

Similarity rank: 7.7
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article124454224.html
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Donald Trump takes another shot at U. S. intelligence, promoting Julian Assange's version of events


NewsHubThis is our look at President-elect Donald Trump’s transition and the outgoing Obama administration:
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President-elect Donald Trump lodged another unprecedented assault on U. S. intelligence agencies Wednesday, promoting the credibility of WikiLeaks founder and editor Julian Assange at their expense.
Trump has been highly critical of the government’s assessment that Russia intervened in the November election, using WikiLeaks to release hacked Democratic emails.
On Twitter on Wednesday, Trump cited Assange’s assertions mocking the intelligence community’s conclusions that Russians were responsible for stealing the emails of top Hillary Clinton advisor John Podesta .
Assange gave an interview to Fox News host Sean Hannity, who has in the past called for trying him on espionage charges, echoing other Republicans and many in the intelligence community who say his airing of sensitive documents has put U. S. lives and strategic interests at risk. U. S. officials have said Assange is under criminal investigation.
Assange’s backers, including some on the far left, have praised him at times for scrutinizing U. S. actions abroad and in the war on terrorism.
Hannity, Trump’s biggest supporter in the media, has praised Assange since Trump began complaining that the conclusion about Russian meddling in the election was wrong. He flew to London to interview Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy, airing their conversation Tuesday. Assange has lived in the embassy for more than four years, fleeing sexual assault accusations in Sweden.
Trump also quoted Assange’s criticism of the media as dishonest, amplifying that critique in his own words.
The praise for Assange on Wednesday came less than a day after Trump ridiculed U. S. intelligence.

Similarity rank: 2.3
Sentiment rank: 1.7

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/la-na-trailguide-updates-donald-trump-takes-another-huge-shot-at-1483543012-htmlstory.html
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CES 2017: What to expect at the year's biggest tech show


NewsHubTech industry insiders are descending on Las Vegas this week to check out the latest in gadgets and innovation at the biggest showcase of the year — CES 2017 , the Consumer Technology Association’s International Consumer Electronics Show.
At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, a variety of creative tech gadgets were on display, from rollable TV screens to a drone yo…
Every year, CES offers a first glimpse at technology we’ll all be buzzing about in the near future, and this year’s show — the event’s 50th anniversary exhibition — promises to be the biggest yet.
The exhibits occupy up to 2.6 million net square feet over three venue spaces. There are 24 product categories at show this year, with about 200,000 people expected to flood the show’s floors this year, CNET reports. Media preview access begins today and the show officially runs from January 5 through the 8th.
Here’s just some of what you can expect to see, from the latest in high-end TVs to the next generation of self-driving cars and everything in between.
As has been the trend, TV screens keep getting larger and larger. This year, companies like Samsung and Sony will face more competition from companies like Hisense out of China with large screen TVs showing off LCD-based tech that is poised to take on OLED , the current gold-standard for picture quality, CNET’s John Falcone wrote.
LG’s OLED TVs are seen as leaders of the pack, and they’ll continue to try to stay at the top.
Similarly, 4K resolution will be in demand as television-makers continue efforts to make home entertainment the most sensorially appealing experience possible for consumers. Why leave home to go to a movie theater when you can get dazzling picture and sound quality from the comfort of your couch?
Beyond TVs themselves, streaming video services and devices are increasingly important to the tech-savvy audience, with Android TV, Chromecast, and Roku TV — just to name a few — having a presence at the show.
At the end of 2016, when offering predictions about the year ahead, CNET’s Dan Ackerman told CBS News that we should “expect to see a ton of developments in terms of automatic tech and car tech.”
While Uber’s early experiment with self-driving cars in San Francisco took a stumble at the end of last year, interest in the technology is clearly growing. Expect to see a lot more about autonomous vehicles at CES.
Uber is at odds with California regulators after incidents last week involving its self-driving vehicles. The two sides met Wednesday to discuss…
CNET’s Wayne Cunningham writes that we will see displays of self-driving cars and related technology from both traditional automakers and technology companies. He predicts the self-driving trend “looks ready to blow up” this year.
Hyundai will show off its progress on self-driving vehicles, while car tech supplier Delphi will be promoting some of its innovations for companies like Audi and computer vision-processing company Mobileye, Cunningham reports.
On the electric car side, last year, car manufacturer Faraday showed off a concept car, but Cunningham reports that the company looks like it will debut its first production car this year. A more traditional company like Chrysler will get in the game, with a “plug-in” fully electric variation of its Pacifica minivan expected to be on display.
Virtual reality technology was the big story in past years at CES, and while VR headsets have finally hit the mainstream market, they have not yet infiltrated people’s daily lives as much as some futurists predicted. VR and augmented reality (AR) tech will still have a place this year, despite not necessarily setting the consumer space on fire.
“Expect to see more products and services building on the mass-market acceptance and familiarity in this category that 2016 products like the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PlayStation Now and Pokemon Go helped pioneer,” writes CNET ’s Falcone.
Hello, Siri , Alexa and Cortana. CES 2017 will again shine a spotlight on digital personal assistants and the internet-connected devices that give them a starring role.
This year is seeing something of a turf war emerge between the various assistants and the devices that bring them into our homes.
Falcone reports that we can expect to see a wide range of companies play up how much something like Amazon’e Alexa-running Echo device will make day-to-day life easier by way of their own products. Similarly, Google Home, Apple’s Siri-running HomeKit, and Microsoft’s Cortana will all be seen and heard, even though their masterminds, tech giants Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, do not have official spots in the CES lineup.
Samsung, which will be one of the show’s biggest exhibitors, could also showcase its Viv assistant, as we continue to move into a “Jetsons”-like future of smart, connected homes and the devices and digital assistants that aim to infiltrate all aspects of life.
At a pre-show panel on Tuesday, Shawn Dubravac, chief economist of the Consumer Technology Association, predicted huge growth in voice-activated systems in the year ahead. According to the Associated Press, he said they’re expected to double to 10 million in 2017.
CES can also be seen as something of a window to the future — not just a showcase of current consumer technology, but an opportunity for tech fanatics and cultural gurus to divine where trends are heading and how we will live our lives and interact with the world around us in the years ahead.
One trend Falcone highlighted is that CES 2017 will offer a big platform for Chinese companies, as the country continues to develop its role in the tech world.
“China has long been a manufacturing hub for the consumer electronics world, but the CES show floor has seen a rise of China-based brands in recent years, too,” he wrote. “Look for companies such as Xiaomi , TCL, Hisense, LeEco and Huawei to use the spotlight of the CES show to give their brands a bigger halo as they look to further expand outside of their home market.”
Tech titans like Apple CEO Tim Cook and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos met with Donald Trump in New York Wednesday. Many of the tech leaders did not suppo…
Perhaps more crucially, the show could reflect how tech responds to a changing political world.
“In some ways, the CES show floor is really just a distraction from the real action of the show, which takes place in bars, restaurants, hotel suites and blackjack tables as companies wine and dine prospective clients, partners and — yes — journalists, swapping all manner of information both on and off the record,” Falcone wrote.
Tech leaders are scrambling to come to grips with how the administration of President-elect Donald Trump will interact with the tech world and impact the regulations that shape their industry. Just looking at a company like Twitter being excluded from the president-elect’s recent “tech summit” at Trump Tower, and Trump’s efforts to push Apple to manufacture iPhones in the U. S. instead of China, could be a preview of things to come. This political sea-change will have CES attendees talking about a lot more than just gadgets this year, Falcone predicted.

Similarity rank: 3.3
Sentiment rank: 3.6

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ces-2017-consumer-electronics-show-las-vegas/
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Charles Manson hospitalized for 'serious illness,' but still alive


NewsHubBAKERSFIELD, Calif., Jan. 3 (UPI) — Notorious criminal mastermind Charles Manson was moved from his prison cell to a hospital on Tuesday night to receive emergency treatment for a stomach issue, sources said.
Manson was removed from Corcoran State Prison to a Bakersfield, Calif., emergency room for treatment of gastrointestinal issues. While details on his condition were not immediately made available, he was reported to be alive.
«We do not disclose inmate movements for safety and security reasons,» Terry Thornton, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, told the Los Angeles Times .
Sources told news media of Manson’s «serious illness» on condition of anonymity, as they are not authorized to disclose such details.
The 82-year-old is serving nine life sentences for conspiracy to commit murder based on his role as the leader of the infamous Manson Family cult during its murderous spree in 1969.
On Aug. 9, 1969, four of Manson’s followers murdered pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four others at her home in the Hollywood hills. The next night, six Manson followers killed supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife Rosemary at their home.
The accused mastermind of the crimes, Manson was convicted of conspiracy for ordering the deaths of all seven victims and sentenced to life in prison. He’s been denied parole 12 times, with his next chance at early release scheduled for 2027 when he would be 92.
Five of the six perpetrators were tried, convicted and sentenced to death — though they were all later commuted to life in prison by the California Supreme Court. One Manson family member, Linda Kasabian, turned state’s evidence and was never prosecuted.
Last year, one of the killers, Leslie Van Houten was recommended for release by prison officials. However, California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the decision and she remains in prison. Last week, parole officials postponed a decision on whether to parole another, Patricia Krenwinkel.

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: -3.1

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2017/01/04/Charles-Manson-hospitalized-for-serious-illness-but-still-alive/3831483500984/
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Turkey detains 5 ISIS suspects linked to nightclub attack


NewsHubFollowing are key dates in the battle for Syria’s Aleppo where fierce fighting resumed on Wednesday in a blow to hopes for the peaceful evacuation of the last rebel-held areas.
Carnations left at the scene around photo of victims as people protest an attack at a popular nightclub in Istanbul. (Emrah Gurel, AP)
Multimedia · User Galleries · News in Pictures Send us your pictures · Send us your stories
Istanbul — Turkish police on Wednesday detained at least five
suspected ISIS militants believed to be linked to the deadly Istanbul nightclub
attack, the state-run news agency reported.
operation was launched in the Aegean port city of Izmir and was ongoing,
Anadolu Agency said.
gunman, who killed 39 people during New Year’s celebrations, hasn’t been
publicly named and is still at large. But Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu
said authorities had identified the man, without providing details.
ISIS has
claimed responsibility for the attack, which also wounded nearly 70 people.
Most of those killed were foreigners from the Middle East.
private Dogan news agency said the police operation targeted three families who
had arrived in Izmir about 20 days ago from Konya — a city in central Turkey
where the gunman is thought to have been based before
carrying out the nightclub attack. It said 27 people, including women and
children, were taken into custody.
At least
14 people were previously detained in connection with the attack, including two
foreigners stopped on Tuesday at the international terminal of Istanbul’s
Ataturk Airport after police checked their cellphones
and luggage, according to Anadolu.
24.com encourages commentary submitted via MyNews24. Contributions of 200 words or more will be considered for publication.

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: -4.4

© Source: http://www.news24.com/World/News/turkey-detains-5-isis-suspects-linked-to-nightclub-attack-20170104
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