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Grokstyle is putting computer vision to work on home decor with $2M in funding


One of the things I’ve always wanted out of technology is the ability to point my phone at something or take a screenshot, and have it say, here’s what that..
One of the things I’ve always wanted from technology is the ability to point my phone at something or take a screenshot, and have it say, here’s what that thing is and here’s where you can buy it. Well, my lavish consumerist dream is starting to come true, and Grokstyle is one company working to make it so — in this case, automatically identifying furniture and home decor from just about any picture or angle.
The basic idea is this: you open an app or web interface, and upload or take a picture of, say, a chair or lamp you like. Any angle, any style. The Grokstyle service immediately returns the closest matches, either including the object itself or ones very like it.
That would of course be very handy for any interior decorator, but ordinary shoppers can make it work, too. See a cool lamp at Restoration Hardware but can’t see yourself spending $500 on it? Maybe CB2 has something similar — Grokstyle would have hooks into individual stores’ inventories so you could check that sort of thing, or sort by price range.
At heart it’s all about computer vision and machine learning, of course: figuring out what the picture is of, then the contours of the piece, the dimensions, colors, and so on, and matching that info to a library of millions the company has collected.
“The company started from research at Cornell,” said co-founder and CEO Sean Bell. “We were focused on the question ‘what is it?’ And we developed the best tech for that problem.”
It isn’t easy: lighting, occlusion, weird angles — not to mention the intentions of the user. Did they mean to shoot the table or the chair next to it? And is that walnut or cherry?
Easy or not, they made it work, and the resulting system is so fast it almost looks fake (it isn’t). Watch a prototype in action here:
Co-founder Kavita Bala led the lab that Bell joined as a grad student, and they presented the foundation for Grokstyle’s tech at SIGGRAPH in 2015. As it showed so much promise, they decided to spin the project off as its own company, something Cornell clearly approved of.
“Entrepreneurship at Cornell has become a big deal over the last few years,” Bala said. “We’re very plugged in, they want us to succeed.”
Part of that was, of course, getting hooked up with the people who have the money. Grokstyle started with a grant from the National Science Foundation for $225K, and have parleyed that into a total of $2 million from a variety of firms and angels. I don’t want to leave anyone out so I’m just going to quote Sean’s summary:
CB Insights liked them enough to include them in the AI 100 list — no small feat, considering the number of AI startups these days. The plan right now is to push hard in the furniture space, but that’s by no means the end of the story.
“We think the algorithm is generalizable,” said Bala. “Multiple people have talked about TV as a use case — if you had the right partners for that…”
Not to mention how this type of tech can be applied in fashion, tourism, and any other highly visual market. Furniture, while there’s a great variety of it, is at least stationary and relatively rigid. You don’t have to worry about an ottoman flapping in the wind, or whether a bar stool’s chairs will be in the same place second by second. Shoes and handbags, however, might act as a stepping-off point for the company in that space.
For now the company is working on getting partnerships up and running (what they were, I couldn’t get them to tell me), and further expanding the algorithm’s accuracy and flexibility by hiring “a huge pile of engineers.”
You can learn more about Grokstyle’s systems and what they’re up to (or see about getting API access) over at the company’s website.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/Y3adzbqnJ8M/
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Yelp acquires Wi-Fi marketing company Turnstyle Analytics for $20 million


Yelp this morning announced it has paid $20 million in cash to acquire the Wi-Fi marketing company, Turnstyle Analytics, which offers a service that allows..
Yelp this morning announced it has paid $20 million in cash to acquire the Wi-Fi marketing company, Turnstyle Analytics , which offers a service that allows businesses to connect with their customers over a freely provided Wi-fi network. The move, Yelp explains, is aimed at expanding the types of business marketing services Yelp already offers beyond those that are focused on customer acquisition, to also include those that help businesses with customer retention and loyalty.
Toronto-based Turnstyle was founded in 2012 that today supports nearly 3,500 businesses, primarily across the U. S. and Canada. According to the logos on its website, these customers include Back Alley Burger, Burger King, Broncos Slider Bar, Subway, and others.
Turnstyle is a paid service for its business customers, based on scale, that offers insights into customer behavior, visits and more, gained from the free guest Wi-Fi logins.
Customers who agree to use the free Wi-Fi provide their email address, which then allows the business to build out a target customer contact lists. The businesses can also take advantage of analytics tools that provide additional insight into visits – tracking things like frequency, to identify their most loyal customers, and duration, among other factors.
Yelp explains that the average consumer today spend more than five hours per day online, but still makes approximately 93 percent of their purchases offline. With Turnstyle, Yelp aims to give its small-to-medium sized business customers a means of connecting with those offline customers.
In addition, it points out that free Wi-Fi has been shown to increase foot traffic and sales figures. 62 percent of customers spend more time in places that provide free Wi-Fi and 50 percent of those customers spend more money on services and products as a result of the extra time spend in the establishment, Yelp noted , pointing to a Small Biz Trends survey .
Businesses using Turnstyle are able to send out emails to customers, as well as offer them other incentives and rewards to encourage their repeat visits. It lets businesses automate their marketing, as well, doing things like scheduling message delivery for days, weeks, or months in advance, or sending out digital coupons in email or SMS campaigns.
Those campaigns can be customized, by changing the incentives to meet various metrics. For example, it can trigger offers when customers enter or exit the venue, after they’ve visited a certain number of times, or it can reach those who haven’t visited in a certain period of time, offer incentives to first-time customers, send out birthday rewards, and more.
The product is currently used by a number of clients, including restaurants, cafes, retail stores, auto dealers, spas, salons and others – basically, anywhere a consumer may be spending time and lingering around, and expects there to be free Wi-Fi.
Turnstyle’s clients will continue to be supported, and won’t have any change in either their service offering or pricing as the company begins its integration with Yelp.
Meanwhile, the 30 employees located at Turnstyle’s headquarters in Toronto will also be joining Yelp. No layoffs are expected, Yelp says. The brand name “Turnstyle” will remain for the time being, though that could change in time.
Yelp says that although Turnstyle is supported outside the U. S. and Canada, its focus with the product will be on the North American market.
“We’re excited to expand our product offering for local businesses through this acquisition. Turnstyle helps connect businesses to consumers through free public Wi-Fi, and is an effective retention and loyalty program that helps businesses be more successful,” said Jeremy Stoppelman, Yelp co-founder and chief executive officer, in a statement about the acquisition.
The company will share more information about the Turnstyle revenue model during its Q2 earnings call, but declined today to speak about its financial information, like revenue and growth rate. However, it says that it’s not adjusting guidance as a result of the acquisition.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/bsalgKUKUT8/
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In tech, the wage gender gap worsens for women over time, and it’s worst for black women


According to a new study involving more than 120,000 job offers transacted on Hired, a jobs marketplace for tech workers, the average female candidate is..
According to a new study involving more than 120,000 job offers transacted on Hired , a jobs marketplace for tech workers, the average female candidate is still making less than her male peers for the same work, and sometimes far less.
Hired’s data shows that 63 percent of the time women receive lower salary offers than men for the same job at the same company, with white women offered 4 percent less on average, and women more broadly offered up to 50 percent less in the most extreme examples. Along the same vein, for one out of every 10 job openings that Hired analyzed, companies offered white men salaries that were at least 20 percent higher than those offered to women.
It’s both terrible yet unsurprising. According to the American Association of University Women, it might take another 136 years for the pay gap to disappear entirely.
Perhaps more illuminating in this new report is what happens to women’s salaries over time, and who is receiving the lowest pay of all for the same jobs at the same companies: Latina and black women.
Indeed, unlike its inaugural study last year, Hired has segmented job applicants more narrowly this time, including by age and ethnicity. It found that white women with four years or less of experience actually ask for more money than their male counterparts — possibly because they’re armed with information about what the market is paying for more entry-level jobs.
A gap in the other direction begins to appear in candidates with six or more years of experience, however, with white women in tech both asking for less than their white male counterparts and receiving it. Indeed, over time and across the country, white women in tech earn an average of.90 cents for every dollar made by their male peers for the same work.
Less transparency into what their peers are making is one possible driver, suggests Hired’s lead data scientist, Jessica Kirkpatrick. “Women at the outset might have a better idea of what appropriate salary expectations are for an entry-level job, but as they have fewer peers to compare themselves with against [as their careers evolve], it may be less clear what they should be paid.”
A raft of other factors are likely at play, too, says Kirkpatrick, citing unconscious bias during the interview process and the motherhood penalty that sometimes impacts women who take time away from their careers to rear children.
Either way, far worse is the pay gap facing Latina and black women, suggests Hired. According to its calculations, black women earn 79 cents on the dollar to white men — twice as large as the gap between white men and white women. Hispanic women fare only slightly better, earning 83 cents for every dollar made by their white male counterparts.
Kirkpatrick says she hopes Hired’s study “helps raise awareness so that individuals can adjust what they are asking for, and clients and companies can recognize that this is a systematic issue and adjust their practices to be more equitable.”
In the meantime, she adds, the company’s data “does shows that if you are an underrepresented racial minority, bias compounds to become doubly discriminatory.”
You can scan its findings here .

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/CY8yXYsn8Z8/
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Brexit-Verhandlungen: Spannungen um Gibraltar


Regelmäßig befahren spanische Marineschiffe Gewässer vor Gibraltar, die Großbritannien für sich beansprucht. Doch inmitten der Spannungen um die Brexit-Verhandlungen hatte ein solcher Vorfall am Dienstag mehr Brisanz als sonst.
Regelmäßig befahren spanische Marineschiffe Gewässer vor Gibraltar, die Großbritannien für sich beansprucht. Doch inmitten der Spannungen um die Brexit-Verhandlungen hatte ein solcher Vorfall am Dienstag mehr Brisanz als sonst.
Inmitten des Streits um die Zukunft von Gibraltar ist ein spanisches Kriegsschiff ohne Erlaubnis durch die umstrittenen Gewässer vor der britischen Exklave gefahren. Die Korvette «Infanta Cristina» fuhr etwa eine Meile von der Küste entfernt an Gibraltar vorbei, woraufhin die britische Marine nach eigenen Angaben ein Patrouillenboot losschickte.
Großbritannien beansprucht drei Meilen um den Felsen für sich. Spanien hält dagegen, dass es sich um spanische Gewässer handle. Entsprechend dementierte das spanische Außenministerium, dass das Schiff illegal Gewässer befahren habe.
Ein Sprecher der Regierung von Gibraltar verurteilte hingegen das «illegale Eindringen» des spanischen Marineschiffes als neuerliches Beispiel «für die Art, in der Spanien regelmäßig gegen die UN-Seerechtskonvention verstößt». Ein britischer Regierungssprecher kündigte einen «formellen diplomatischen Protest bei der spanischen Regierung» an.
Mehr zum Thema Brexit-Streit um Gibraltar
Es kommt regelmäßig vor, dass spanische Marineschiffe durch die von Gibraltar beanspruchten Gewässer fahren. Der Vorfall vom Dienstag erfolgte aber inmitten wachsender Spannungen zwischen London und Madrid um die Zukunft Gibraltar nach dem EU-Austritt Großbritanniens.
Die Regierung von Gibraltar fürchtet, dass Spanien im Zuge des Brexit seinen Anspruch auf das Gebiet geltend machen könnte. Die Regierung in London versicherte ihrerseits, an den Ansprüchen auf seine Exklave festzuhalten. Das an der Südspitze Spaniens gelegene Gibraltar gehört seit 1713 zu Großbritannien. Die Exklave hat 32.000 Einwohner.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/gibraltar-109.html
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Harnik stoppt den Club


Ein Tor in der 47. Minute lässt den Ausflug der Nürnberger zu Spitzenreiter Hannover scheitern.
Ein Tor in der 47. Minute lässt den Ausflug der Nürnberger zu Spitzenreiter Hannover scheitern.
Hannover 96 hat für mindestens 24 Stunden die Tabellenführung in der zweiten Fußball-Bundesliga übernommen. Der Erstliga-Absteiger gewann unter dem neuen Trainer André Breitenreiter auch das zweite Spiel gegen den 1. FC Nürnberg 1:0 (0:0) und zog zum Auftakt des 27. Spieltags am vorherigen Spitzentrio VfB Stuttgart, Eintracht Braunschweig und Union Berlin vorbei.
Der österreichische Nationalspieler Martin Harnik erzielte in der 47. Minute vor 34 000 Zuschauern das Tor des Tages. Damit hat 96 zunächst ein Zwei-Punkte-Polster auf seine Rivalen, die allesamt am Mittwochabend spielen. Der Zweite, Stuttgart, muss zum TSV 1860 München, der Dritte, Eintracht Braunschweig, muss in Fürth antreten, und der Vierte, Union Berlin, erwartet die zuletzt so erfolgreiche Mannschaft von Erzgebirge Aue zum Ost-Derby in der Alten Försterei.
Das spannendste Aufstiegsrennen in der Historie der zweiten Bundesliga wird allerdings zunächst einmal von Hannover angeführt. Die Niedersachsen liegen nun knapp vor dem Trio der Verfolger. Mit schnellen Pässen in die Spitze — vor allem auf Felix Klaus, Niclas Füllkrug und Harnik — erzeugten die Hausherren vom Anpfiff weg zunächst reichlich Torgefahr. Nach rund 20 Minuten fand der Club in der Defensive aber seine Ordnung, das Spiel verflachte deutlich.
Nach dem Wiederanpfiff war 96 erneut die klar bessere Mannschaft — und belohnte sich durch Harnik, der nach einer Füllkrug-Flanke eiskalt mit seinem 14. Saisontor die Führung markierte. Auch in der Folge gab Hannover im Duell der beiden einstigen Erstligisten gegen offensiv lange ungefährliche Franken den Ton an.
Petrak, Salli und Matavz fehlten den Nürnbergern gegenüber dem 2:1 zuvor gegen Karlsruhe, dafür spielten Kammerbauer, Löwen und Ishak. Des Weiteren kam Doppeltorschütze Kempe für Hufnagel zum Zug. «Reinstellen und darauf warten, dass sie uns irgendwann überrollen, wird sicher nicht unsere Idee sein», hatte Nürnbergs Trainer Köllner vor Anpfiff gesagt. Tatsächlich musste Köllner sich nicht lange gedulden, bis die ersten Angriffe auf Raphael Schäfer anrollten: Schon nach dreißig Sekunden schickte Füllkrug seinen Sturm-Kollegen Harnik in das Duell gegen Schäfer, der parierte aus sieben Metern. Es schien, als hätten Füllkrug und Harnik da schon trainiert für ihr Tor des Tages, das dann später am Abend folgte.

Similarity rank: 3.3

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/sport/-in-hannover-harnik-stoppt-den-club-1.3450827?source=rss
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Stocks finish slightly higher ahead of Trump-Xi meeting


Stocks closed slightly higher Tuesday as investors exercised caution ahead of a meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and Friday’s jobs report. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 39.03 points, or 0.2%, at 20,689.24, led…
Stocks closed slightly higher Tuesday as investors exercised caution ahead of a meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and Friday’s jobs report. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 39.03 points, or 0.2%, at 20,689.24, led by gains in shares of Caterpillar Inc.
CAT, +2.02%
and Boeing Co.
BA, +1.16%
The S&P 500 index [s; spx] finished up 1.32 points, or less than 0.1%, at 2,360.16, with the energy and materials sectors leading gainers. The Nasdaq Composite Index rose 3.93 points, or less than 0.1%, to close at 5,898.61.

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://feeds.marketwatch.com/~r/marketwatch/bulletins/~3/lM6QaXdq2Vk/bulletinredir.asp
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HP EliteBook x360 G2 unboxing and first impressions


HP’s latest high-end commercial laptop includes a 360-degree hinge, pen support, and a number of business-centric features like HP SureStart. Here’s our unboxing and first impressions.
Alongside a new version of the Spectre x360, HP announced the EliteBook x360 G2 at CES 2017. Like all of the company’s products with the ‘Elite’ brand, it’s made for businesses; however, unlike the Elite x3 Windows phone , this probably wouldn’t be something that you’d buy as a consumer product.
The convertible laptop is offered with a Core i7 vPro chip, and choices of either a 1080p or 4K display. There’s also an option of a Sure View display, which reduces 95% of visual light from the display if you’re viewing it from more than 35 degrees from the center. The Sure View laptops aren’t out yet, and they won’t be available in the 4K models, but you can see some images of one in the gallery below.
Aside from a privacy display, there are a number of other security features that are built into the EliteBook x360. SureStart checks the BIOS against a master copy, and if it’s been corrupted, it replaces it. There are two separate options for Windows Hello as well: fingerprint scanning and facial recognition.
Moreover, there’s an app called HP WorkWise, which will allow your PC to lock when you move your phone a predetermined distance away from it. It can also give you alerts if someone tampers with the device, notify you when your PC is overheating, and even install printer devices. The app is only available for iOS and Android, so don’t plan on installing it on your Elite x3.
Check out our unboxing and first impressions in the video below:
Make sure to subscribe to Neowin on YouTube! It’s the best channel in the universe!

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/v_ziFrkFQ3Y/hp-elitebook-x360-g2-unboxing-and-first-impressions
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Євросоюз перерахував Україні другий транш макрофінансової допомоги у розмірі 600 млн євро — Порошенко


Президент України Петро Порошенко повідомив, що 4 квітня Євросоюз перерахував Україні транш макрофінансової допомоги…
Президент України Петро Порошенко повідомив, що 4 квітня Євросоюз перерахував Україні транш макрофінансової допомоги у розмірі 600 млн євро.
«Сьогодні ЄС здійснив другий транш у розмірі 600 млн євро для України як частину макрофінансової допомоги для стабілізації ситуації та реформування її економіки», — повідомив президент на своїй сторінці у Twitter .
Нагадаємо, Рада директорів МВФ 3 квітня, завершила третій перегляд економічної програми України в рамках розширеного фінансування (EFF).
Україні виділили $1 млрд.

Similarity rank: 5.2

© Source: http://biz.nv.ua/ukr/economics/jevrosojuz-pererahuvav-ukrajini-drugij-transh-makrofinansovoji-dopomogi-v-rozmiri-600-mln-jevro-poroshenko-922055.html
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W ataku chemicznym w Syrii zginęło co najmniej 100 osób


W domniemanym ataku chemicznym na kontrolowanym przez rebeliantów obszarze prowincji Idlib w północno-zachodniej Syrii zginęło co najmniej 100 osób, a 400 odczuło skutki bombardowania — poinformowała koalicja międzynarodowych organizacji pomocowych.
W domniemanym ataku chemicznym na kontrolowanym przez rebeliantów obszarze prowincji Idlib w północno-zachodniej Syrii zginęło co najmniej 100 osób, a 400 odczuło skutki bombardowania — poinformowała koalicja międzynarodowych organizacji pomocowych.
Według Unii Organizacji Pomocy Medycznej, której siedziba jest m.in. w Paryżu, bilans ofiar najprawdopodobniej jeszcze wzrośnie. Z ich informacji wynika, że te 400 poszkodowanych osób miało problemy z oddychaniem.
Według wcześniejszego szacunku Syryjskiego Obserwatorium Praw Człowieka we wtorkowym ataku chemicznym zginęło co najmniej 58 osób, w tym kilkanaścioro dzieci. Obserwatorium podało, że ataku na miejscowość Chan Szajchun w kontrolowanej przez syryjskich rebeliantów prowincji (muhafazie) Idlib najprawdopodobniej dokonały syryjskie lub rosyjskie samoloty.
Koalicja organizacji medycznych podaje, że we wtorek zaatakowana została nie tylko sama miejscowość, ale też centrum Białych Hełmów, czyli organizacji zrzeszającej ratowników, oraz szpital Al-Rame.u «Widzieliśmy ponad 40 ataków od godziny 6.30. (…) Bilans ofiar będzie się zwiększał wraz z atakami w regionie Idlibu oraz konwencjonalnymi atakami w Hamie» — podała koalicja.
Syryjska armia zaprzeczyła, jakoby stosowała broń chemiczną. Ministerstwo obrony Rosji oświadczyło, że rosyjskie samoloty nie dokonywały nalotów w pobliżu Chan Szajchun.
Syryjska opozycja oskarżyła o atak reżim prezydenta Baszara el-Asada i również zaapelowała do Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ o zwołanie pilnego posiedzenia i wszczęcie dochodzenia w tej sprawie. (PAP)
lm/ kar/

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,886992,w-ataku-chemicznym-w-syrii-zginelo-co-najmniej-100-osob.html
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長嶺大使 ソウルに到着 3か月ぶりに韓国に戻る


韓国プサンの 日本総領事館の 前に、 慰安婦問題を象徴する少女像が設置されたことへの 対抗措置として、 一時帰国していた韓国駐在の 長嶺大使は4日夜、 お…
韓国プサンの日本総領事館の前に、慰安婦問題を象徴する少女像が設置されたことへの対抗措置として、一時帰国していた韓国駐在の長嶺大使は4日夜、およそ3か月ぶりに韓国に戻りました。 韓国駐在の長嶺大使は去年12月、プサンの日本総領事館の前に慰安婦問題を象徴する少女像が設置されたことへの対抗措置として、ことし1月から森本プサン総領事とともに一時帰国していましたが、日本政府は3日、来月の大統領選挙後に発足する次の政権に備えるなどとして、長嶺大使らを韓国に戻すと発表しました。 これを受けて、長嶺大使は4日夜、羽田空港を出発し、午後10時ごろ、首都ソウルの空の玄関口、キンポ空港に到着しました。 長嶺大使は、大統領の職務を代行するファン・ギョアン(黄教安)首相に対し、慰安婦問題をめぐる日韓合意の着実な履行を次の政権に引き継ぐよう直接、要請する方針です。 到着後、長嶺大使は記者団に対し、「安倍総理大臣と岸田外務大臣からの指示を踏まえて、ファン首相などの要人に会い、慰安婦問題をめぐる日韓合意の実施を強く求めていく。北朝鮮をめぐる問題や、次の大統領選挙を見据えて、大使として全力を傾けて対応していきたい」と述べました。 日本政府は、2012年に当時のイ・ミョンバク(李明博)大統領が島根県の竹島に上陸したことに抗議して、韓国駐在の大使を一時帰国させたときは、韓国に戻ったのが12日後でしたが、今回は、およそ3か月に及びました。 韓国外務省の報道官は4日の記者会見で、「大使の帰任をきっかけに、意思疎通と協力を通じて両国関係がより発展することを期待している」と歓迎しましたが、韓国では、パク・クネ(朴槿恵)前大統領の罷免で政府が求心力を失っているうえ、慰安婦問題をめぐる合意や少女像の撤去に否定的な世論が根強く、日韓関係が改善に向かうのかは不透明な状況です。

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170404/k10010937161000.html
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Timeline words data