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Von Böllern erschreckt | Pferde rennen auf Autobahn – tot!


NewsHubWie die „ Westfalenpost “ berichtet, führten Montagabend zwei Pferdehalterinnen ihre Tiere nahe der A40 zwischen Neukirchen-Vluyn und dem Kreuz Moers an der Leine, als jemand Silvesterknaller zündete. Die Halterinnen protestierten – woraufhin der Böller-Werfer dem Bericht zufolge nur noch mehr knallte.
Sibirientief „Corinna“ lässt es in weiten Teilen Deutschlands schneien, die Straßen werden zu Rutschbahnen. Und schon kracht es!
Sie wurde in ihrem Auto eingeklemmt und schwer verletzt, schwebt aber laut Polizei nicht in Lebensgefahr. Die Feuerwehr benötigte mehrere Stunden, um sie aus dem völlig demolierten Fahrzeug zu befreien. Die beiden Pferde starben bei dem Zusammenstoß.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.bild.de/news/inland/autobahnen/moers-unfall-pferde-tot-49573926.bild.html
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De Maizière fordert „Bundesausreisezentren“


NewsHubFrankfurt. Zwei Wochen nach dem Anschlag in Berlin hat sich Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière für eine Ausweitung der Kompetenzen des Bundes bei der Abschiebung abgelehnter Asylbewerber ausgesprochen.
In einem Gastbeitrag für die „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ schlägt der CDU-Politiker vor, „dass der Bund eine ergänzende Vollzugszuständigkeit bei der Aufenthaltsbeendigung erhält“. Abschiebungen könnten so unter der Regie des Bundes „unmittelbar vollzogen“ werden.
Abschiebungen sind Ländersache. Der Bund macht seit langem Druck auf die Bundesländer, abgelehnte Asylbewerber oder andere ausreisepflichtige Ausländer – zum Beispiel jene, die in Deutschland straffällig geworden sind– konsequenter in deren Heimat zurückzuschicken.
Der Minister regt in dem „FAZ“-Beitrag die Einrichtung von „Bundesausreisezentren“ an. Diese sollten den Ländern „eine Verantwortungsübergabe“ für die letzten Tage oder Wochen des Aufenthalts von Ausreisepflichtigen ermöglichen. „Ausreisezentren sind gesetzlich bereits möglich und könnten vorzugsweise in der Nähe deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen errichtet werden“, hieß es.
Dazu verlangt De Maiziére eine Stärkung des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA), eine Abschaffung der Landesämter für Verfassungsschutz zugunsten einer Bundesverwaltung sowie den Ausbau der Bundespolizei zu einer „echten Bundes-Polizei“. „Um unser Land, aber auch Europa krisenfest zu machen, halte ich Neuordnungen für erforderlich“, schreibt der Minister.
Bei dem Lkw-Attentat vom 19. Dezember waren zwölf Menschen getötet worden. Der Anschlag löste eine neue Debatte über strengere Abschiebe- und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen aus.
Von RND/dpa

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Politik/Deutschland-Welt/De-Maiziere-fordert-Bundesausreisezentren
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China says Hong Kong must not be used to infiltrate or subvert mainland


NewsHubChina warned Hong Kong it would not tolerate anyone using the city to damage mainland stability, Beijing’s top official in the city said, as concerns rise over an emerging independence movement.
Tensions have flared in the semi-autonomous territory after the ousting of two pro-independence lawmakers ignited fresh concern over Beijing’s tightening controls on Hong Kong, which enjoys a separate political and legal system from the mainland.
Britain handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997 under a deal which gives the city broad autonomy and preserves its freedoms and the rule of law for 50 years. But many warn these freedoms are being eroded by Beijing.
In an interview with state broadcaster CCTV late Sunday, the head of China’s liaison office in Hong Kong, Zhang Xiaoming, said that controlling the city’s independence movement requires strengthening «bottom-line awareness» among its people.
«As for Hong Kong, no one is permitted to engage in any form of activity that harms national sovereignty and security, or challenges the authority of the central government or Hong Kong’s Basic Law, or uses Hong Kong to infiltrate and subvert the mainland’s social and political stability,» Zhang said.
«These are the three bottom lines. »
China’s Communist Party authorities have viewed the emergence of openly pro-independence politicians with alarm, though only a minority of the city’s residents support such a move.
Beijing’s increasingly brazen attempts to stifle dissent in Hong Kong have prompted worries over the erosion of its identity as a rules-based business hub — its major draw over mainland rivals such as Shanghai — and a vibrant city with a free press and a distinct way of life.
The disappearance last year of five booksellers known for publishing salacious titles about Chinese political leaders earned international condemnation and realised many residents’ worst fears when they resurfaced in detention on the mainland.
The city’s unpopular leader Leung Chun-ying, who has been vilified by critics as a puppet of Beijing, said last month he would not run again for office.
Regina Ip, a former security chief and hardliner who is loathed by Hong Kong’s pro-democracy camp, has said she will run for his position, in a move opponents fear would be a further sign of tightening controls by Beijing.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -0.6

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/china-says-hong-kong-must-not-be-used-to-infiltrate-or-subvert-mainland/article/482796
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Johanna Konta: British number one wins opening match in China


NewsHubBritish number one Johanna Konta powered through her first match of the new season, beating Turkey’s Cagla Buyukakcay 6-2 6-0 in the first round of the Shenzhen Open.
Konta, the world number 10, conceded just nine points on her first serve in her 56-minute triumph.
She will play American Vania King in the second round.
Konta, 25, is the first British woman to start the season in the top 10 of the rankings since Jo Durie in 1983.
«I’m really enjoying my time in Shenzhen,» she said.
Mon 2 Jan, 11:00, 17:55 & 23:45 GMT, BBC Red Button
Love to Dance Abbots Langley
Didcot Urban Race

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 5.9

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/38487368
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Pollution alerts issued as China starts 2017 engulfed by smog


NewsHubBeijing and other cities across northern and central China were shrouded in thick smog on Monday, prompting authorities to delay dozens of flights and close highways.
The Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau extended an «orange alert» for heavy air pollution for three more days. Beijing’s smog had initially been forecast to lift by Monday.
The «orange alert» is the third level, preceding a «red alert», in China’s four-tiered warning system.
On Sunday, 25 cities in China issued «red alerts» for smog, which triggers orders to close factories, schools and construction sites.
Air pollution readings in northern Chinese cities were many times above the World Health Organisation-designated safe level of 25 micrograms per cubic meter of PM 2.5, the tiny, toxic particles that damage lung tissue.
The readings exceeded 400 by Monday afternoon in several cities in the northern province of Hebei.
Expressways in Shijiazhuang, Hebei’s capital, and more than half a dozen other cities there were temporarily closed, according to notices posted on the official microblog of the province’s traffic police.
In the central city of Zhengzhou, authorities ordered students from kindergarten through high school to stay home on Tuesday because of the smog.
More than 300 flights out of the northern city of Tianjin were cancelled on Sunday due to poor visibility.
Authorities have deployed teams of inspectors to check on polluting factories, reports said.
China has long faced some of the worst air pollution in the world, blamed on its reliance of coal for energy and factory production, as well as a surplus of older, less efficient cars on its roads.
Researchers at Germany’s Max Planck institute have estimated that smog has led to 1.4 million premature deaths per year in China, while the non-profit group Berkeley Earth in California has had a higher figure, 1.6 million.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/pollution-alerts-issued-as-china-starts-2017-engulfed-by-smog-35335594.html
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Duterte seeks 'strategic shift' from US to China: envoy


NewsHubThe Philippines is tilting away from its traditional ally the United States towards China in a bid to «normalise» relations following a longstanding territorial dispute, the country’s incoming ambassador to Beijing said Monday.
Manila has been one of Washington’s most loyal allies in Asia, but Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to end the decades-long alliance after the US criticised his bloody war on drugs that has killed over 5,000 people since he took office in June.
His fiery rhetoric against the US has been followed by overtures to China as he has sought to assuage Beijing’s concerns over Manila’s competing claims to the South China Sea.
The new Philippine ambassador to China, Jose «Chito» Sta. Romana, told AFP the move represented «a strategic shift in our foreign policy».
«We were one-sidedly imbalanced in favour of the US,» he said.
«We are not abandoning our alliance with the US…. We are basically trying to normalise our relations with China. »
Beijing claims most of the South China Sea despite competing claims from the Philippines and other Asian countries, but a UN-backed tribunal ruled in July that China’s claims had no legal basis in a resounding victory for Manila.
Duterte’s decision to set aside the territorial conflict in exchange for Chinese investment and aid has given Beijing a boost in its quest for more control over the strategically vital waters.
The incoming envoy, a former Beijing-based journalist, said Manila was open to working with China to access resources in the disputed region.
«The Chinese viewed the Philippines as a geopolitical pawn or Trojan horse of the US. Now they look at us as a friendly neighbour. »
He added that relations with the US plunged after Washington criticised Duterte’s crackdown on crime.
«The problem came after they began lecturing him. The president considers it an internal affair,» he said.
«The Chinese don’t comment on your internal affairs. «

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Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/duterte-seeks-strategic-shift-from-us-to-china-envoy/article/482808
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Radwanska saves 3 match points to survive at Shenzhen Open


NewsHubTop-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska saved three match points before edging Duan Ying-ying of China 6-2, 6-7 (4), 7-5 in the first round of the Shenzhen Open on Monday.
Radwanska, the defending champion, cruised through the first set without facing a break point, but struggled in the final two sets, dropping serve five times to the 103rd-ranked wild card entry.
The Pole relied on her strong defense to close out the match in just under 2 1/2 hours, chasing down a well-placed drop shot and hitting a forehand crosscourt winner to set up match point.
In other matches, second-seeded Simona Halep, the 2015 champion, defeated Jelena Jankovic 6-1, 3-6, 6-3; third-seeded Johanna Konta routed Cagla Buyukakcay 6-2, 6-0; and Serbian qualifier Nina Stojanovic took out fifth-seeded Timea Babos 1-6, 7-5, 6-2.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 3.8

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/article124134254.html
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Poem: Simon Armitage The best pop culture moments of 2016


NewsHubOctober on Earth
and distinctly autumnal,
the goldfish bowl
of the sixth-form common room,
an hour’s lull
in the space-time continuum
between double physics
and English literature,
a radio oozing
with American soft-rock
and easy listening,
a blurred ruckus
of alpha males
working line-out drills
and rolling mauls
with a Hallowe’en pumpkin,
meeker souls
in tight constellations,
some brown-nosing
through Isaac Newton
or Robert Browning,
some Rubik’s-cubing
or grooming and braiding,
some lost in the coma
of late revision.
As Fleetwood Mac’s “Sara”
looped the horizon
(the six-minute-plus
album version)
the school trickster
and first-choice scrum-half
plunged the volume slider
from seven to nought
on the cusp of the line:
“You’re the poet in my heart”.
And the airspace that followed
was instantly baubled
with orbs and globes
from the mouths of angels
and an outed choirboy’s
helium bubbles,
till the heavens ballooned
with unworldly apples.
Simon Armitage is Professor of Poetry at Oxford. His latest book, a translation of Pearl, is published by Faber & Faber.
The best entrance
Beyonc é , Lemonade
Just ten months after its release, it’s hard to imagine a cultural landscape without Lemonade. Beyoncé’s second visual album, which dropped in February, set the bar high early in the year. By turns blistering, bitter, and blissful, listening to Lemonade for the first time can feel like a kind of baptism, cleansing through its catharsis. So it’s only appropriate that one of the film’s most lasting visuals plays with similar ideas, as Beyoncé begins «Hold Up» with waves breaking through heavy doors. That’s one way to make an entrance.
The best use of social media
Kim Kardashian West, Snapchat
It would take a much higher wordcount to explain the tension that had been building between Taylor Swift and Kanye West for years , but their relationship was more tense than ever when West released a rap mentioning her: «I think me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? / I made that bitch famous. » West claimed he had her approval for the lines, but Swift hinted at her horror at the Grammy’s. Contentious comments in interviews followed, until Kim Kardashian West came to her husband’s support with a delicious serving of revenge: posting video footage of Taylor’s approval on her Snapchat. A truly electrifying use of personal social media channels that showed Kardashian West’s dominance of the form. It’s bittersweet to remember her triumph after a traumatic assault has seen her move away from her former social media persona.
The best British export
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag
Hilarious, depressing, filthy and always surprising – Fleabag was undoubtedly the best of British comedy in 2016. Constantly leaving its audience on a knife-edge between laughter and tears, Phoebe Waller-Bridge – who wrote and starred in the sitcom – offered an irresistible exploration of a woman struggling to entertain those around her while dealing with grief, shame, and insecurities financial and personal. It was extra sweet to see her success translate Stateside when Amazon Prime Video distributed the series. Extra points, too, must go to a show that manages to make a scene starring Hugh Dennis talking about orgasms and his dishwasher moving.
The best revenge
Every woman on Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones has been rightly criticised for its voyeuristic and degrading treatment of women across its six seasons. We’ve seen Arya, Sansa, Cersei, Daenerys, Ellaria and Yara beaten, raped, humiliated and tortured at length. So when this season saw several disparate plotlines culminate with the triumph of the women at their centres, it was hard not to celebrate for them. Particularly sweet was Sansa’s revenge, as she finally sat at the head of her house and murdered her husband using his own preferred method of torture: death by dogs. Let’s hope they don’t fuck up her character (there have been hints of a «the power goes to her head» storyline) in season seven!
The best non-stop monologue
Aoife Duffin, A Girl is a Half-formed Thing
I loved two female-driven monologue performances in 2016: Fleabag at the Soho Theatre was one, and the other was A Girl is a Half-formed Thing at the Young Vic. Following on from runs in Dublin, Edinburgh and Manchester in 2014 and 2015, this production finally came to London this year, and it was transcendent. This uninterrupted 90-minute show is relentlessly traumatic and terribly bleak, but the sheer force of it reminds us of the depths simmering beneath the faces of every passing person you meet.
The best nostalgic romance
Barry Jenkins, Moonlight
2016 has been a year thick with nostalgia: from Stranger Things to La Land and beyond. Moonlight , a coming-of-age film set in Eighties Miami by director Barry Jenkins – described by one critic as » Carol meets Frank Ocean» – is the most nuanced and stylish of the lot. Following the troubled youngster Chiron as he grows up, discovers his sexuality, and even falls in love, Moonlight seduces you from its very first frame. An honourable mention, too, must go to the Black Mirror episode “San Junipero”, which managed to transcend all the melodramtic, po-faced elements of your typical Black Mirror episode by choosing to look at the potential positive aspects of future technology.
The best exit
Damien Chazelle, La Land
It’s not out in the UK until 12 January, but La Land has dominated the cinematic conversation in 2016. A lush, sweeping musical centring on two LA romantics (Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone), it spends its two-hour run time hovering between fantasy and reality. It’s irresistible throughout, but it’s the final scene – a dreamy musical montage with a gorgeous score – that knocks the wind out of its audience. I’ve seen this film three times, and so far I haven’t managed to not bawl my eyes out throughout. Just go and see it, okay?

Similarity rank: 0.4
Sentiment rank: 7.7

© Source: http://www.newstatesman.com/culture/poetry/2016/12/poem-simon-armitage
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Iran publishes list of bidders for oil and gas projects


NewsHubIran’s Oil Ministry has published list of 29 international companies qualified to bid for oil and gas projects following the lifting of sanctions under a landmark nuclear accord.
The list published on the ministry’s website Monday includes several multinational firms, among them Total, Shell, Eni, Gazprom and Schlumberger.
In October, Iran invited foreign companies to bid for 50 exploration and production projects for the first time since the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.
Iran has upgraded its model for oil contracts, allowing for the full recovery of costs over almost two decades. In October, Iran signed the first such contract with a local oil company.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/world/article124138144.html
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Recovery efforts resuming for small plane carrying 6


NewsHubCLEVELAND (AP) — Authorities say recovery efforts are resuming in the search for a small plane carrying six people that disappeared over Lake Erie, near Cleveland.
The city of Cleveland said Monday morning that weather conditions are favorable for searching, with light winds and fairly calm waters. Seven vessels and four dive teams are taking part in waters 35-45 feet deep.
The city says there have been multiple reports of debris washing ashore east of Burke Lakefront Airport, where a plane carrying a family of four and two neighbors departed late Thursday. Police say they have confirmed that a bag recovered Sunday was from the aircraft. No details have been released. It was found near a private harbor in a small lakeside community.
The other debris hadn’t been verified as from the plane.
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Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 4.2

© Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/2/recovery-efforts-resuming-for-small-plane-carrying/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
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