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11 Frugal Ways to Deal With Frigid Winter Temperatures


NewsHubA few days ago, a true cold spell rolled through our area, taking temperatures down to nearly -20 degrees Fahrenheit. Given that it was also a day where every member of our family had some business out and about, it meant that we were all exposed to the frigid elements.
This post originally appeared on The Simple Dollar .
I don’t mind cold weather, but there comes a point where frigid temperatures become nearly painful to experience, and when you have to go outside for a particular errand, such temperatures are particularly nasty, even when the wind is blowing.
Many people around here respond to this with all kinds of expensive gear and disposable items. Things like remote car starters are wonderful, but some of the best tools I have for combating frigid temperatures and keeping myself warm are very inexpensive. Here are some of the things that my family does to keep the worst of frigid temperatures at bay.
We use reusable hand warmers.
These are just small cloth bags with dried rice inside of them. You can actually make one easily out of a sock by putting some dried rice down in the toe, putting clothespins in place above the rice, then cutting the sock about two inches above that, rolling it down, then sewing that little roll of cloth together.
Then, just microwave the hand warmer on high for about 60 seconds or so and you have yourself a toasty hand warmer that stays nice and warm for a surprisingly long time in your pocket. I often take one of these to bed with me, too, warming one up just before I go to bed and tossing it under the covers with me.
We keep a bottle of homemade de-icer just inside the front door.
Our de-icer is just a container of 70% isopropyl alcohol (bought for a buck at the dollar store) mixed with just a few drops of dish soap and poured into a spray bottle. This mixture does a fantastic job of eliminating ice, even on really cold days. I often start my vehicle and let it heat up to get it warm and let some of the external ice melt, and if there’s any ice left, this spray mixture makes short work of it. Far better than buying a bottle of similar stuff at the store.
We dress in lots of layers of clothing.
As I write this, I’m wearing a t-shirt, covered by a long sleeved t-shirt, covered by a sweatshirt, and a pair of sweatpants covered by jeans. If I were to go outside for very long, I’d probably add another layer to my bottoms. All of the innerwear – the stuff you wouldn’t see in public – is stuff that’s well worn but still keeps me warm, so I don’t have any need to buy a lot of clothes for this. There’s really no need for a special “warm” winter wardrobe.
We open the curtains/blinds on any windows facing direct sunlight, but keep them closed on other windows.
Direct sunlight tends to warm up a room, so we open the curtains on windows with direct sunlight shining upon them to let warmth into those rooms and leave the curtains and blinds closed on other windows. In the northern hemisphere in the winter, where we live, that means opening the curtains on the east and south side of the house in the morning, and on the west and south side of the house in the afternoon and evening, with all curtains drawn in the middle of the day (as the sun is close enough to overhead to provide no major benefits).
We add caulk to any windows that leak cold air, and we add weatherstrips and door stops to any doors that leak cold air.
Cold air leaking through the edges of windows and doors is a great way to lose heat throughout the cold winter months. While no method is perfect, our strategy usually is to identify spots around windows where air is leaking and add caulk in those spots (a very easy task with a caulking gun), and to add a weather strip to any doors to the outside where cold air leaks through the edges. In some cases, we add a bit of clay to the inside of the door frame if a weatherstrip won’t work well, as clay can block a small amount of cold air flow very well. We also use draft blockers (effectively, a small pillow) along the bottoms of some doors as a temporary fix.
We bake a lot of food.
Baking a loaf of bread in the winter is even more cost effective than doing it in the summer, because during the winter months, one can just leave the oven door open afterward and allow the heat to flow out into the house. Thus, during the winter months, we tend to bake a lot more than we do in the summer because the heat actually helps with our energy bill rather than working against it.
We park our cars so that the morning sun hits as much of our windows as possible.
Part of the reality of living in a cold climate is that many mornings find us with ice on the windshields and doors of our cars. One great tip to avoid that problem is to find places to park that start to receive direct sunlight as soon as the sun is over the horizon. This often serves to begin the melting process of ice on the windows, making scraping much easier–if it’s even needed at all.
We keep water in the tea kettle at all times.
Tea and hot chocolate tend to be consumed quite a bit during the winter months in our home. Not only does a hot beverage make you feel much warmer (meaning that you’re not as predisposed to raise the temperature of the home), but the actual act of boiling the water adds additional heat to the home. We make this convenient by keeping water in the tea kettle, as we often use an entire kettle’s worth of water once or twice a day.
We get some indoor exercise.
It’s often easy to think of a northern winter as a “hibernating” time, where people are curled up under blankets to stay warm and not moving around much, but I’ve found that one of the most effective ways to feel warm indoors in the winter is to exercise. Do an exercise routine or some body weight exercises and you’ll feel incredibly toasty. I really like the free daily body weight exercises over at Darebee.
We keep emergency kits with warming items in the car and the house.
Sometimes things don’t go as planned and you find yourself stranded by the roadside or without power, and those situations can cause you to be seriously cold very quickly. Our solution is to have emergency kits in the car and even at home. Those kits have some instant hand warmers in them, some backup warm clothes for everyone, some blankets, a flashlight, some road flares, and so on. We keep these items in a box and load them in our vehicles in the winter months.
We keep blankets out in every room.
Whenever anyone is doing anything that’s sedentary during the winter at our house, they’re wrapped up in a big thick blanket. We have stacks of blankets that we keep in every room, so if you’re going into a room to watch a television show or read a book or play a game, you just grab a blanket and swaddle yourself in it. That way, you’re always nice and toasty.
The big idea here is simple: You don’t have to keep your home thermostat running at 72 degrees Fahrenheit for everyone to feel warm all of the time. Doing so is incredibly expensive, especially when there are so many other simple tactics to use to stay warm during the winter months. Keep that thermostat lower and use some of these tactics instead when the snow is flying and the wind chill is frigid outside.
Good luck!
11 Frugal Ways to Make Frigid Temperatures More Tolerable | The Simple Dollar
Trent Hamm is a personal finance writer at TheSimpleDollar.com. After pulling himself out of his own financial crisis, he founded the site in late 2006 to help others through financially difficult situations; today the site has become a finance, insurance, and retirement resource. Contact Trent at trent AT the simple dollar DOT com; please send site inquiries to inquiries AT the simple dollar DOT com.
Image by Paul Itkin via Unsplash.

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© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/rwf28lxCFk4/11-frugal-ways-to-deal-with-frigid-winter-temperatures-1790691069
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Microsoft Hits Business Highs in 2016 with Cloud Services, Windows 10


NewsHubIn 2016 Microsoft achieved levels of success it hadn’t seen since the dotcom boom of the late 1990s. Its revenue and earnings have been on a roll this year, and its stock price is hitting new highs as the year comes to an end. It has taken eight years for the company to fully recover from its low points during the last recession that started in 2008. But the company now is as rich and powerful that it has ever been in the IT industry. The Redmond, Washington, software giant now offers enterprises a sprawling suite of Azure services, from basic cloud storage and virtual machine deployments to its promising artificial intelligence and blockchain solutions. Although Amazon Web Service (AWS) continues to dominate the cloud computing market, Microsoft is making strong progress in building out its cloud services portfolio. Rival cloud providers let out a big sigh of relief this year after Microsoft scored a major legal victory against the U. S. government that, at least for now, strengthens the data privacy and residency assurances provided by American cloud companies. Also this year, the Anniversary Update breathed new life into Windows 10 for power users and regular folks alike and signaled an ambitious new approach to developing system software that keeps up with the times.

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© Source: http://www.eweek.com/enterprise-apps/slideshows/microsoft-hits-business-highs-in-2016-with-cloud-services-windows-10.html
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A Spoonful of Grainy Mustard Makes Any Vegetable Dish Shine


NewsHubSimple vegetable dishes are healthy and bolster any meal, but if you’re tired of the same old steamed or roasted flavors, reach for the mustard. Just a little—to just about any vegetable dish—can transform it beautifully.
A good, grainy mustard adds both a kick of flavor and texture just by mixing a spoonful in. You can use a plain grainy mustard, or step it up a notch with a flavored or spicy one for even more layers. Cook your vegetables as normal, whether you plan to steam, roast, or anything else, then just before serving or packing them up, toss with a little mustard. If you want to tone down the mustard’s tang, also add agave nectar or a touch of honey. This technique is perfect for spicing up dishes like green beans, roasted cauliflower or brussel sprouts, and steamed broccoli.
5 Ways to Use Grainy Mustard to Make Any Dish Pop | The Kitchn
Image from infobunny .

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© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/hNW1Ye9ibGA/a-spoonful-of-grainy-mustard-makes-any-vegetable-dish-s-1790622719
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The Best Workouts For Your First Day Back After a Break


NewsHubIs today the day you’re going to start working out more often? Or are you just getting back to what you used to do before all the holiday parties messed with your schedule? Either way, it’s time to get started. We’ve picked out six workouts that are perfect for your first (or second) day back.
Remember, the golden rule of re-starting is to take it easy. Treat yourself like a beginner, and before you know it you’ll be back to your old routine without too much soreness or difficulty.
You probably have an idea of what kind of exercise you’d like to do, so just click on over to the one that works for you:
There are plenty of other great options out there too, but if you haven’t chosen one already, grab the one that fits you best from this list and just do it. Remember, which workout you pick doesn’t matter as much as whether you make good on your promise to yourself to get a workout in.
Photo by Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ.

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© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/WzGZ8rm5sGU/the-best-workouts-for-your-first-day-back-after-a-break-1790629478
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NewsHub【エルサレム時事】イスラエル警察は2日夜、複数の実業家から高額な贈り物などを受領した疑いで、汚職捜査の一環として、ネタニヤフ首相から3時間にわたって事情聴取した。地元メディアが一斉に報じた。 聴取はエルサレムの首相公邸で行われた。これに先立ち、首相は「何も(不正は)ないのだから、何も出てこない」と容疑を否定していた。 検事総長は2日、声明を出し、警察が十分な証拠を見つけたため、首相に対する聴取を決めたと述べた。具体的な内容は明かさなかった。(2017/01/03-11:24)

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -1.8

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017010300049&g=int
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ブラジルの刑務所で暴動、60人が死亡 ギャング同士の衝突で首を切り落とされた囚人も


NewsHubブラジル北部アマゾナス州マナウスのアニジオ・ジョビン刑務所で1月1日、暴動が発生し、およそ60人が死亡した。 ロイター通信 によると、暴動は薬物の密売をめぐり敵対関係にあったギャング同士の衝突から始まり、死亡した囚人の何人かは首を切り落とされ、刑務所の壁を越えて投げ捨てられたという。
「これは静かに進行している、血も涙もないもう一つの麻薬密売戦争だ」と、フォンテス氏は語った。 AFP通信 によると、刑務所内に脱走用のトンネルが16本掘られており、当局の発表で87人の囚人が脱走したが、これまでに40人を再び拘束したという。
ハフィントンポスト・ブラジル版 によると、アニシオ・ジョビン刑務所は2016年1月の時点で450人の定員に対して1147人の囚人が収容されており、過剰収容率が254%に達していた。また、看守など刑務所職員は153人で、通常の職員数よりも40%不足していたという。
BBC によると、ブラジルにはおよそ60万人の囚人がおり、世界で4番目に多い。1992年にもサンパウロのカランジル刑務所で大規模な暴動が発生し、警官が鎮圧する際に発砲するなどして囚人111人が死亡した。
脱走者の捜索をする警察の治安部隊 MARCIO SILVA/AFP/Getty Images
脱走者追跡のため捜査車両を出動させる治安部隊 JAIR ARAUJO/AFP/Getty Images
アニジオ・ジョビン刑務所の正面入口に集まった囚人たちの親族 MARCIO SILVA/AFP/Getty Images
(スライドショーが見られない方は こちら へ)

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -95.5

© Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.jp/2017/01/02/brazil_n_13933582.html?utm_hp_ref=japan&ir=Japan
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オバマ大統領、お別れ演説へ 10日に地元シカゴで


NewsHub【ワシントン共同】米ホワイトハウスは2日、オバマ大統領が10日に地元シカゴで、米国民向けにお別れの演説を行うと発表した。2009年1月に就任したオバマ氏は今月20日に大統領任期を終える。2期8年の政権を総括する演説になりそうだ。 オバマ政権が実行した政策の多くを「廃止する」と誓うトランプ次期大統領の就任を控え、自らの実績や米国の将来に関してどのような見解を示すかが注目される。 オバマ氏は2日、ハワイでの2週間超の休暇を終え、家族と首都ワシントンに戻った。休暇中の昨年12月27日には、安倍晋三首相と共に真珠湾のアリゾナ記念館を訪問した。

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017010301000642.html
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中国12月景況指数大幅上昇 3年11カ月ぶり高水準


NewsHub英調査会社マークイットは3日、2016年12月の中国の景況感を示す製造業購買担当者指数(PMI)が51・9だったと発表した。前月に比べ1・0ポイントの大幅な上昇で、13年1月以来、3年11カ月ぶりの高い水準。好不況の判断の節目となる50を4カ月連続で上回った。 公共事業などの拡大を受けて、中国の景気は持ち直しの傾向が鮮明となった。 中国国家統計局などは1日、12月のPMIが51・4だったと発表した。マークイットは毎月、国家統計局とは別に独自で中国のPMIを調査している。(共同)

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 3.5

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/economy/news/170103/ecn1701030007-n1.html
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北朝鮮情勢 正恩氏「新年の辞」、トランプ氏や韓国次期大統領の「対話」転換に期待にじませたか (産経新聞)


NewsHub産経新聞 1/3(火) 10:26配信
一方、金委員長は「能力がついていかない悔しさと自責の念の中で昨年1年を送った」と最高指導者として異例の“反省”も口にし、人民に「身も心もささげ」ると強調した。経済低迷などの問題の責任を幹部らに転嫁し、非難の矛先をそらす思惑があるとみられる。(ソウル 桜井紀雄)
最終更新:1/3(火) 10:26

Similarity rank: 2.1
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© Source: http://rdsig.yahoo.co.jp/rss/l/headlines/kr/san/RV=1/RU=aHR0cDovL2hlYWRsaW5lcy55YWhvby5jby5qcC9obD9hPTIwMTcwMTAzLTAwMDAwNTEwLXNhbi1rcg—
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