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Источник: Украина получит безвиз в июне


В Европарламенте 6 апреля состоится голосование по украинскому безвизу.
Безвизовый режим Украины с Европейским союзом может вступить в силу 11 июня текущего года.
Об этом сообщил корреспондент Радио Свобода Рикард Йозвяк в своем Twitter-аккаунте.
«Для Украины, пленарное заседание Европейского парламента для голосования за «безвиз» состоится 6 апреля и ЕС, вероятно, поддержит его 26 апреля. Подпись (состоится, — ред.) +\- 15 мая, вступление в силу +\- 11 июня», — написал Йозвяк.
Напомним, во вторник, 28 марта, в силу вступил безвизовый режим между Грузией и Европейским союзом.
Как сообщал MIGnews.com.ua ранее, 6 апреля 2017 года в Европейском парламенте должно состояться голосование относительно предоставления Украине безвизового режима. Накануне голосования в ЕП пройдут дебаты по этому вопросу.

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/politics/17129163.html
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Kathrada: South Africa's anti-apartheid veteran dies aged 87


Ahmed Kathrada, who spent 26 years in prison for his activism, was a close associate of Nelson Mandela.
Veteran South African anti-apartheid activist Ahmed Kathrada has died aged 87, his foundation says.
It says Mr Kathrada passed away peacefully in a Johannesburg hospital «after a short period of illness, following surgery to the brain».
Along with Nelson Mandela, Mr Kathrada was among eight African National Congress activists sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964.
They were convicted of trying to topple the white minority government.
Apartheid was a legalised system of discrimination against non-white people introduced in South Africa in 1948.
But laws that discriminated against non-whites existed prior to that.
Mr Kathrada, affectionately known as Kathy, spent more than 26 years in prison, 18 of which were on the notorious Robben Island, where Mr Mandela was also jailed.
He was not only one of Mr Mandela’s closest friends, but also a human rights activist in his own right who had a long history in the struggle against discrimination and apartheid, says the BBC’s Milton Nkosi in Johannesburg.
He joined the Young Communist League at the age of 12 and later became a member of the Transvaal Indian Congress.
He was released from prison in 1989, and after South Africa’s first democratic elections in 1994, President Mandela persuaded Mr Kathrada to join him in government as his political adviser.
Mr Kathrada left parliament in 1999, but remained active in politics, criticising the recent direction of the ANC and calling on President Jacob Zuma to resign.

Similarity rank: 7.5
Sentiment rank: -1

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-39414785
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Trump executive order will dismantle Obama environmental regulations


On Tuesday, Trump will sign an executive order which aims to undo Obama’s 2013 Climate Action Plan
Last Updated Mar 28, 2017 3:31 AM EDT
President Trump will sign a sweeping executive order on Tuesday to begin the process of dismantling environmental regulations implemented under the Obama administration to aggressively fight climate change.
The Energy Independence executive order, which Trump will sign at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), attacks the core of President Obama’s 2013 Climate Action Plan. A senior White House official said Monday that the order “directs the EPA to suspend, revise, or rescind the Clean Power Plan,” adding that the EPA would “proceed in a manner that upholds the rule of law” and would continue to abide by the Clean Air Act.
The executive order also mandates that every agency conduct a 180-day review that identifies all regulations and rules that “impede” energy production. Mr. Trump plans to use the reports to craft his administration’s “America First” energy blueprint to serve what the administration calls the “twin goal” of protecting the environment and strengthening the economy by promoting energy production.
According to the senior administration official, Mr. Trump aims to “strengthen the nation’s energy security by reducing unnecessary regulatory obstacles that restrict the responsible use of domestic energy resources. This order will help keep energy and electricity affordable, reliable, and clean in order to boost economic growth and job creation.”
Scott Pruitt , the head of the EPA, echoed the Trump administration’s “pro-growth and pro-environment approach to how we do regulation in this country” on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.
But critics argue that Mr. Trump’s anti-climate change initiatives that resist transitioning from coal and gas to clean energy will in fact hurt the economy.
“The best way to protect workers and the environment is to invest in growing the clean energy economy that is already outpacing fossil fuels, and ensuring no one is left behind,” Michael Brune, the executive director of the Sierra Club, wrote in a statement. “At a time when we can declare independence from dirty fuels by embracing clean energy, this action could only deepen our dependence on fuels that pollute our air, water and climate while making our kids sicker.”
Mr. Trump’s executive order also lifts the moratorium on federal coal leasing, rescinds restrictions on hydraulic fracking, and eliminates the National Environmental Policy Act, a set of guidelines for agencies to consider climate change into their decision making process.
While the Trump administration initiates a review of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, the White House is lifting the moratorium on federal coal leasing, and rolling back the federal regulation of methane emissions from the oil and gas industry.
The senior White House official said that the president and the administration accept the scientific view of climate change but they disagree with the Obama administration over policy prescriptions.
There is no mention of the Paris Agreement on climate change, from which Mr. Trump has previously said he would withdraw. Roughly 200 countries agreed to the climate plan that cuts greenhouse gases, but the senior administration official says that they have not made a final decision on the matter.

Similarity rank: 7.3
Sentiment rank: -0.3

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-executive-order-will-dismantle-obama-environmental-regulations/
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Riots in Paris after police shoot Chinese man dead


NewsHubThough there were no film acting roles on George Michael’s CV, the late singer could still claim to have worked with Lindsay Anderson , the legendary Free Cinema pioneer and director of the influential and incendiary 1968 film If… (not to mention former film critic of this parish).
Both men’s obituary writers tended to overlook this unlikely collaboration but then that’s scarcely surprising given that it never really saw the light of day – at least not in the form that Anderson intended.
He was at an odd stage of his career in the early 1980s. He had been on both sides of the critical divide, having made a rare acting appearance in 1981 in the widely-adored, Oscar-winning Chariots of Fire before then facing critical opprobrium and public indifference in 1982 for his savage state-of-the-nation satire Britannia Hospital , which used the ailing institution of the title as a metaphor for the country.
He turned down another acting role, as the Emperor in Return of the Jedi , and was having his usual difficulty getting a movie off the ground when he was offered the chance to return to his documentary roots by shooting a film about the first western pop group to play in China. That group was Wham!
Anderson, who was then almost 62-years-old, was reluctant at first, as he so often was. “Have I the energy? The curiosity? The conviction?” he wrote in his diary after being offered the job in March 1985. “How on earth have two (lower) middle class boys from Watford managed to transform themselves into these vibrant figures of pop myth…? It’s a complete mystery.”
Still, he pressed on, and had lunch with George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley. “I have really nothing to say to them: confident, bright, uninteresting, respectable, of the Eighties . .. I get the impression they will be reasonably cooperative. Certainly not inspiring.”
The trip was not, all things considered, a huge success. Anderson suffered some medical setbacks. He had rheumatism so severe that he had to use the fingers on his left hand to prise open the ones on his right. Then he tore a ligament while shooting at the Great Wall of China.
He learned that Michael didn’t like being photographed and so the film became more of a portrait of the Chinese people and the gentle culture clash that occurred with Wham! in their midst.
In 1986, Anderson admitted that he had accepted the commission “in a spirit of curiosity. Curiosity about China and curiosity about the odd confrontation of China and Wham! – and even a certain curiosity, not very great, about the phenomenon of Wham! itself.”
But during shooting it dawned on him that he was “not engaged to direct a film of Wham! in China – I was engaged to occupy the position of director .”
A rough cut, titled If You Were There , was viewed by the band’s managers, Simon Napier-Bell and Jazz Summers, in October 1985. Though it was incomplete, suggestions and criticisms were put to Anderson, who responded by writing personally to Michael:
“[Y]ou know that when people who don’t really understand the creative process – whether it is film or music – start formulating criticisms and making demands on a work in progress, it is only too easy for the whole enterprise to founder. .. Jazz and Simon both seem terrified of you – which may be useful sometimes but at other times can be dangerous. I certainly have enough respect for your creative verve and intelligence not to be scared to show you the work, and of course, to be interested in your feelings about it.”
Michael never replied to the letter (though he did see Wham! in China! , as it was now called, at a screening which Anderson said “went extremely well”). The director heard in November that the film was being taken off him and recut.
The finished film moved Wham! to the forefront and China to the background. In the course of researching a Radio 4 documentary about Anderson in 2008, the journalist John Harris saw Anderson’s cut and called it , “a rich, poetic, panoramic portrait of China’s strangeness to the eyes of outsiders…”
Its defining flaw, according to Michael, was that it hadn’t felt “modern” enough.
Anderson died in 1994. His archive is at the University of Stirling and letters held there reveal his fury at the butchering of his film. He called Michael, “a shivering aspirant plucked out of the street, who turns almost overnight into a tyrant of fabulous wealth, whose every command his minions must dash to execute” and “a young millionaire with an inflated ego. . [whose] vision only extends to the top 10 . .. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s any limit to his reckless autocracy.”
Michael apparently blocked a proposed screening at Stirling of Anderson’s version. Andy Stephens, the singer’s then-manager called it “a dreadful film”. But Anderson told his diary: “I do think that between them the Whammies have destroyed, or suppressed, an enjoyable, informative, entertaining and at times even beautiful film.”
The original cut is available to view privately at Stirling. Whether Michael’s death means that it will now be made more widely available (as with, say, Stanley Kubrick and A Clockwork Orange ) is another matter. For now it will have to carry on being the answer to a pub quiz question as well as a jigsaw piece, out-of-reach if not exactly missing, for completists of singer and filmmaker alike.
Doon was doing nothing, just killing time, while he waited for his mam to finish at meeting. Once she went down the steps into the basement he got out of there. The hour was too long to wait and he did not like seeing the others. There was always one freshly dire specimen hanging around outside, wrung-eyed and jitter-limbed and making a pitiable hames of trying to light up a cigarette. Sometimes he recognised the parent of some kid out of his class. He didn’t want to see the parents and he didn’t want them to see him. The meetings were another world. His mam went down there and an hour later she came back out.
He did laps of the town with his hoodie up. The drawstrings of his hoodie had little laminate tubes at the end that flailed as he walked. It was autumn, blond and ochre and umber leaves matted together and turning to slick mush underfoot. He was wearing dark olive combat boots laced tight, the ends of his combat trousers crimped into the tops of the boots. Passing an apartment block he saw something on the blue wooden slats of a bench seat. It was a wallet. He commended himself for noticing it and kept right on walking. As he walked he clenched his stomach muscles, an isometric exercise to promote definition and also a means of keeping warm.
He browsed a Men’s Fitness magazine in a newsagents, reread three times an article detailing the correct techniques for executing power cleans and deadlifts off the rack, and bought a large raspberry slushie. He’d loved slushies as a kid. Every six months or so, usually in one of the small newsagents still scattered around the town, he’d notice the plastic rotors mesmerically churning the blue- and blood-coloured ice in their transparent bins, and would buy one. Only after tasting it would he remember how nauseating they were. Three strawfuls in and there was already the sickly sensation of the syrup turning in his stomach and a bout of brainfreeze running through his head like static.
He went a few doors down, into the lobby of the Western Range Hotel. Still stubbornly sucking on the slushie, he strolled into the hotel bar. The bar was a spacious rectangle of smoked glass, carved teak and piped muzak, and went back a long way. Four men in suits were stalled by the counter, luggage cases on wheels poised beside them like immaculately behaved pets. A pair of them bid goodbye to the others, and headed towards the lobby. Doon watched the automated doors, the way they seemed to flinch before smoothly and decisively giving way. To escape the chatter of the remaining men he went and stood at the far end of the room. A recessed bank of floor-to-ceiling windows yielded a direct view on to the town’s main street, already streaming with Saturday morning shoppers. He watched the flow of bodies, the pockets of arrest within the flow. Directly across the street was the gated rear entrance to the county district court. The gating was innocuous, black bars without identifying signage, and if you did not know it led into the court, you would not have been able to tell. The gate was ajar, a concrete step leading down into the narrow mouth of an alley. In the alley a tall redheaded woman in a suit jacket was urgently conferring with a rough unit on one crutch. The man’s smashed-and-resmashed-looking face, the colour of baked clay, was tilted towards the sky. It was impossible to tell his age. He was leaning on his crutch and staring into the blazing nullity of the sky as the woman attempted to direct his attention to something in the heavy-looking black ledger she was holding tucked against her diaphragm. A page lifted up, levitated free of the ledger and fluttered down the street. The woman cursed, slammed closed the ledger, and stooped after the page as it curlicued along at shin level. The man turned his face from the sky and stared with bovine dispassion at her scooting, bobbing rump.
“You can’t eat that in here.”
Doon turned. The barman was behind him, a kid not much older than Doon with awry lugs glowing either side of his head, his black barman’s shirt squeezed over a snub-nosed paunch.
“I’m not eating anything.”
“That.” The barman pointed at the slushie. “Can’t eat that in here.”
“Don’t make me correct you again, I’m not eating anything,” Doon said, and took an emphatic suck of the slushie. From the depth of the plastic cup came a clotted suctioning noise that reminded him of being at the dentist: Snnnrgggkkk.
“C’mon man,” the barman said, his fussy little face turning the same colour as his lugs. “Just go finish it outside.”
“You get at all your potential customers like this?”
“You’re not a customer.”
“Could’ve been a case I was about to be.”
Snnnrgggkkk .
“Even if you want something, you’ve to finish that outside first.”
Snnnrgggkkk .
“So no one’s allowed just stand here for five minutes, make their mind up on giving you their custom.”
“Not no one,” the barman said, “but you’re you. You’ve to take that outside.”
“This is profiling, lad,” Doon said.
The two men remaining at the bar were watching this exchange. The older, a tall lean man with grey hair, laughed, then cut the air with his hand, like enough.
“Lad’s got a point,” the grey-haired man said to the barman, indicating Doon with a nod of his head.
“We have a policy,” the barman croaked.
“What’s that?” The man went on, “Harass the kid with the skint head and hoodie? So he’s eating a slushie, so what? I worked in a bar myself when I was a young buck. Just let the shift see itself out if it’s going quiet, lad and don’t give patrons grief that aren’t giving you grief.”
Snnnrgggkkk .
“See, listen to the oul fella,” Doon said and grinned at the man.
The man grinned back.
“Let’s resolve this simply,” the man said, taking out his wallet. “I’ll get him something, so then he counts as a customer, and we can all let him finish his drink in peace. Do you want a Coke or a coffee, lad?”
“Pint of Guinness, fella,” Doon said.
“Ha, now, lad. What age are you? I’ll buy you a coffee but I’m not buying a minor a pint on a Saturday morning.”
Doon took an extended, convulsive suck of the slushie’s remnants as the barman beetled in behind the counter. When it was empty, Doon placed the cup on the bartop.
“You’re alright so then. Coffee’s worse for you than drink,” Doon said. He considered the two men again, and grinned. “You boys are in a savagely dapper condition for this town, even of a Saturday afternoon. Is there a wedding in or something?”
The men smiled at each other. The younger one, who had a V-shaped hairline with a bald patch spreading out from his crown, like Zinedine Zidane, shook his head. “We were in for a convention. Sales conference for the NorthWest Connaught Regional Estate Agents Association.”
“Christ, I lost interest halfway through that sentence,” Doon said.
The grey-haired man grinned again.
“So,” the barman interjected, but talking to the man, not Doon. “Did you want a coffee then, or?”
“You heard me decline the fella, didn’t you?” Doon sneered. Now he turned his back on the men, to focus his ire squarely upon the barman. “Congratulations, son, three souls in your dying-on-it’s-hole bar and you’re successfully chasing a third of them off. Profiling is what you were doing.”
Doon began walking backwards towards the lobby, his face bright with contempt.
“Your mam’ll be well proud. Speaking of which, tell her I said hello,” Doon said, and stuck his raspberry-coated tongue all the way out.
He heard the two men behind him chuckle again and his leading heel struck something. “Watch,” he heard the grey-haired man say as he swung his other heel into place alongside the first. He turned, knocking over the carry cases. “Jesus,” Doon said, stepping across the two men at the exact moment they stepped forward to right their luggage. “Sorry,” he said, feinting to step one way, then another, but somehow ending up still between them and the cases. He faced the grey-haired man and grabbed hold of his forearms, as if balancing or restraining him. The man stepped back and Doon stepped with him, like a dance partner.
“Sorry, lads, sorry,” he said to the man. He was close to the man’s face. The man’s face was indrawn and baffled. Then Doon stepped off him. He turned, picked up and righted the man’s case.
“I’m all of a daze with the harassment,” he said, gripping the case’s handle and yanking it twice to extend it out, before offering the handle to the man. The man looked at it, looked at Doon, and took it. Doon was already walking straight towards the automated doors.
He went through the lobby and out on to the street. He looked left and right, because that’s what people do. He checked the wallet, took the nice big fifty, left the two tens and a fiver. He went back in, said, “Found that outside, doll,” to the best-looking receptionist, dropped the wallet on the counter and went straight back out again.
His mother, as usual, was one of the first ones out. She came straight up the steps with her head facing forward and did not look back. She handed him the car keys and they walked towards the car park. They passed the apartment block. The wallet was still there, on the bench, and the instant Doon knew his mother would see it, she did. She stopped. “Look at that wallet some eejit’s after leaving there.”
“Come on,” Doon said.
“Check it to see if it says whose it is,” she said, nudging him.
Doon stayed in place. “Leave it. It’s not our concern.”
His mam looked at Doon and smiled. “‘ Not our concern ,’” she repeated. “Christ lad, where you get your talk from sometimes. You sound like a policeman.”
“A policeman’d be over there rooting through it with his big snout.”
“I don’t mean the sentiment,” his mam said, “I mean the tone.”
“Feck off,” Doon said.
“Now, now, don’t be regressing to sewer-mouthery just cos I’ve hit a nerve.”
“You’ve NOT touched a nerve,” Doon snapped.
She placed her hand on his neck.
“I mean you’ve got this authority to you,” she said. “It’s just your way. My lad. Soul of a policeman.”
Colin Barrett’s debut short story collection, “Young Skins” (Vintage), won the Guardian First Book Award and the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award

Similarity rank: 0.1
Sentiment rank: -2.2

© Source: http://www.newstatesman.com/culture/film/2017/01/why-was-film-about-george-michael-never-released
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Сенат США принял окончательное решение о вступлении Черногории в НАТО — у Лаврова настоящая истерика


Сенат США подавляющим числом голосов одобрил заявку Черногории на вступление в НАТО и фактически открыл стране путь присоединения к Альянсу. СМИ сообщают о настоящей истерике в Москве.
За указанное решение проголосовали 97 американских
сенаторов. Журналисты сообщили, что последней процедурой должно стать формальное утверждение в верхней палате Конгресса. При этом эксперты говорят, что никаких проблем с указанным голосованием для Черногории не возникнет и уже в ближайшем времени
страна станет полноправным членом НАТО.
В то же время СМИ сообщают о настоящей истерике в
Москве, политики которой очень нервно относятся к расширению Альянса. Так, глава
МИД России Сергей Лавров с едва скрываемым раздражением заявил, что Черногория
поддалась ультиматуму со стороны НАТО и принесла в жертву свои экономические
Напомним, ранее
» Диалог. UA » информировал о том, что командующий войсками НАТО в
Европе Скапарротти хочет дать Украине защитное оружие.

Similarity rank: 12
Sentiment rank: 0.7
TW posts: 2
TW reposts: 9
TW likes: 1
TW sentiment: 0

© Source: http://www.dialog.ua/news/114795_1490689525
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В сети появилась информация о прибытии Пескова в Луганск


В некоторых СМИ сообщили, что пресс-секретарь Путина приехал в «ЛНР» сменить руководство — Новости — Дмитрий Песков — лнр
В некоторых СМИ сообщили, что пресс-секретарь Путина приехал в «ЛНР» сменить руководство
В сети появилась информация о том, что пресс-секретарь президента Российской Федерации Владимира Путина Дмитрий Песков якобы приехал в так называемую «ЛНР». Об этом сообщает » Остров «.
В издании полагают, что целью визита Пескова вероятно является замена руководства террористической группировки «ЛНР».
Информацию, которая вполне может оказаться фейком, обсуждают пользователи соцсети Twitter. В частности, в комментариях отметили, что причина приезда – смена власти, является вымыслом, а вот сам приезд пресс-секретаря Путина пользователи допускают.
Кстати, карикатурист показал отношение Путина к митингующим россиянам. Известный российский художник Сергей Елкин в своей новой карикатуре показал отношение президента РФ Владимира Путина и его свиты к митингующим россиянам. На карикатуре изображены российский гарант и его пресс-секретарь Дмитрий Песков, который разговаривает по телефону.

Similarity rank: 11.7
Sentiment rank: 0.2

© Source: https://styler.rbc.ua/rus/zhizn/seti-poyavilas-informatsiya-pribytii-peskova-1490689937.html
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Neue Ein-Pfund-Münze soll fälschungssicher sein


Die neue britische Ein-Pfund-Münze soll durch zwölfeckige Form, Hologramm und Zweifarbigkeit die fälschungssicherste Münze der Welt werden. Für viele Briten ist sie aber ein Albtraum.
Die neue britische Ein-Pfund-Münze soll durch zwölfeckige Form, Hologramm und Zweifarbigkeit die fälschungssicherste Münze der Welt werden. Für viele Briten ist sie aber ein Albtraum.
Das britische Pfund, einst Währung eines weltumspannenden Empire, hat kürzlich einiges von seinem Schein verloren. Seit dem Brexit-Referendum im Juni sank der Kurs der Devise kräftig. Das macht Importiertes teurer, etwa Benzin oder viele Lebensmittel — ärgerlich für die Briten. Die Performance an den Devisenmärkten mag also glanzlos sein, doch immerhin wird am Dienstag die Ein-Pfund-Münze in frischem Glanz erstrahlen. Ende März bringt die Royal Mint, die Münzprägeanstalt Ihrer Majestät, eine neue Münze in Umlauf.
Die soll Weltspitze sein, behauptet Royal Mint: Keine andere Münze, die auf dem Planeten von Brieftasche zu Brieftasche wandert, sei schwieriger zu fälschen. Falschmünzerei klingt ein wenig mittelalterlich; heute kopieren Kriminelle lieber Scheine, sollte man meinen. Aber nach Schätzungen der Royal Mint ist jede dreißigste Ein-Pfund-Münze eine Fälschung. Das entspricht 45 Millionen Geldstücken — Schwerstarbeit für Verbrecher. Die neue Münze unterscheidet sich stark von ihrer Vorgängerin. Sie ist nicht rund, sondern hat zwölf Ecken. Zudem ist sie anders als die alte Münze zweifarbig. Ein goldener Ring aus Nickelmessing umfasst einen silbern glänzenden Kreis. Natürlich ist weiterhin ein Portrait der Queen auf der einen Seite zu bewundern. Doch ist die Monarchin bei ihrem neuen Abbild deutlich gealtert.
Es ist die größte Umstellung im britischen Münzwesen, seit 1998 das alte 50-Pence-Stück durch ein neues ersetzt wurde. Und die Regierung gibt ihren Bürgern nicht allzu viel Zeit, sich darauf einzustellen. Nur bis 15. Oktober sind neue wie alte Ein-Pfund-Münzen gültig, danach werden die bisherigen Geldstücke nicht mehr akzeptiert. Die Untertanen Ihrer Majestät sollten also über den Sommer besser die Sparschweine schlachten und ihre runden Ein-Pfund-Stücke verprassen, bevor diese vom Zahlungsmittel zu Altmetall werden.
Dass deren Nachfolger schwieriger zu fälschen sind, hängt nicht nur mit der ungewöhnlichen Form und den zwei Farben zusammen. Unter dem Portrait der Königin, dort, wo ihr Dekolleté wäre, ist eine Art Hologramm eingeprägt. Je nach Blickwinkel sieht der Betrachter die Zahl eins oder das Pfund-Symbol.
Die Münze ist aber nicht nur ein Albtraum für Fälscher, sondern auch für Hersteller von Verkaufsautomaten, Parkuhren oder einarmigen Banditen. Sie müssen ihre Maschinen umstellen. Der Verband der Verkaufsautomaten-Betreiber klagt, das koste allein seine Mitgliedsfirmen 32 Millionen Pfund. Neuer Glanz und mehr Sicherheit haben ihren Preis.

Similarity rank: 1.3

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/geld/neue-ein-pfund-muenze-frischer-glanz-kurz-vor-dem-brexit-1.3392157?source=rss
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Erhebliche Mängel bei Deutschkursen für Flüchtlinge


Der Bundesrechnungshof kritisiert die Arbeitsagentur: Ein großer Teil der 400 Millionen Euro für Einstiegskurse sei ins Leere gelaufen.
Der Bundesrechnungshof hat der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Verschwendung im Zusammenhang mit Deutschkursen für Flüchtlinge vorgeworfen. Es seien erhebliche Mängel bei der Ausführung und Abrechnung der Kurse festgestellt worden, berichtet NDR Info unter Berufung auf einen Prüfbericht, der dem Sender vorliegt.
Demnach seien Einstiegskurse untersucht worden, die Ende 2015 veranlasst wurden und für die bis zu 400 Millionen Euro ausgegeben worden seien. Es sei davon auszugehen, «dass ein großer Teil der eingesetzten Mittel de facto ins Leere lief».
Um den Erfolg der Einstiegskurse zu überprüfen, habe die Bundesagentur aber keine ausreichenden Mittel ergriffen. So seien viele Kurse immer schlechter besucht worden, auch weil die Qualität des Lernmaterials häufig mangelhaft gewesen sei.
Auch bei den Abrechnungen habe es Unstimmigkeiten gegeben: So sollen in einigen Fällen auch Doppelförderungen und Doppelabrechnungen entdeckt worden sein. Zudem habe die Arbeitsagentur die Sprachkurse auch für Kinder zwischen 0 und 13 Jahren gezahlt, obwohl die Maßnahme als «aktive Arbeitsmarktförderung» gedacht gewesen war.
Die Bundesagentur räumt die Versäumnisse ein, rechtfertigt sie aber mit einer sehr kurzen Zeitspanne, in der die Einstiegskurse eingerichtet werden sollten. Sie hatte zweieinhalb Monate dafür Zeit. Die Vorbereitung einer regulären Umsetzung sei damit nicht möglich gewesen. «Um eine möglichst ausreichende Zahl an Bildungsträgern zu gewinnen, wurde auf dezidierte Vorgaben zu Inhalten, Methodik, Durchführung und Anforderungen an die Qualifizierung der Lehrkräfte verzichtet. «

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/integration-erhebliche-maengel-bei-deutschkursen-fuer-fluechtlinge-1.3439562?source=rss
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Schweinsteiger bald in Chicago: "Macht ersten Abend unvergesslich"


Am Mittwoch wird Schweinsteiger bei einer Pressekonferenz in einer Privatbank offiziell in seiner neuen Heimat Chicago vorgestellt.
Bastian Schweinsteiger wird schon am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) in seiner neuen Heimat Chicago erwartet. Der Fußball-Weltmeister werde gegen 18.30 Uhr (1.30 Uhr MESZ in der Nacht zu Mittwoch) an Chicagos O’Hare Airport landen, teilte sein neuer Verein Chicago Fire am Dienstag mit. Der Club aus der nordamerikanischen MLS rief seine Fans auf, den 32-Jährigen bei der Ankunft herzlich zu begrüßen, «um seinen ersten Abend in Chicago zu einem unvergesslichen zu machen».
Am Mittwoch (22 Uhr MESZ) wird Schweinsteiger dann bei einer Pressekonferenz in einer Privatbank offiziell vorgestellt. Damit läuft alles wie geplant — das war die Voraussetzung für ein schnelles Debüt beim neuen Club. Am Samstag spielt Fire gegen Montreal Impact.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/sport/Schweinsteiger-bald-in-Chicago-Macht-ersten-Abend-unvergesslich-id41020186.html
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Центральный офис "дочки" "Сбербанка" в Киеве разблокирован


В данный момент возле офиса банка находится несколько молодых людей, которые сдирают наклейки с фасада здания. При этом разрушена стена из шлакоблоков, которыми был замурован центральный вход в здание.
Активисты прекратили акцию по блокированию офиса «дочки» российского «Сбербанка» в центре Киева, передает корреспондент. Ранее члены партии «Национальный корпус», созданной на базе нацбатальона «Азов», сообщили, что на короткое время. В «Нацкорпусе» подчеркнули, что речи о прекращении блокады в целом не идет и призвали граждан Украины забрать сбережения из российских банков. «Сбербанк» в понедельник сообщил, что консорциуму инвесторов — латвийскому «Норвик банку» и белорусской частной компании. Мажоритарным акционером консорциума покупателей стал , сын бизнесмена Михаила Гуцериева. В «Сбербанке» ожидают закрытия сделки в первом полугодии 2017 года после получения соответствующего согласия регуляторов Украины и Латвии. В данный момент возле офиса банка находится несколько молодых людей, которые сдирают наклейки с фасада здания. При этом разрушена стена из шлакоблоков, которыми был замурован центральный вход в здание. К входу банка подогнали «КамАЗ», на который будут грузить разбитые шлакоблоки. Палаток и других предметов, напоминающих об акции, возле банковского учреждения на данный момент уже нет. Ранее противники отношений с РФ повредили банкоматы , залив их монтажной пеной и заклеив экраны. Кроме того, члены партии «Национальный корпус», созданной на базе нацбатальона «Азов», вход в здание, где размещен офис «дочки» «Сбербанка» в Киеве. Также они заблокировали мешками с песком въезд во двор и расписали антироссийскими лозунгами здание банка. Таким образом они добиваются прекращения работы «Сбербанка» в Украине. Сотрудники банка обратились к президенту Петру Порошенко с призывом вмешаться в ситуацию и принять срочные меры для восстановления работы одного из крупнейших коммерческих банков в Украине. Совета национальной безопасности и обороны, которое президент Украины Петр Порошенко ввел в действие своим указом, с 16 марта сроком на один год вводятся санкции против всех пяти работающих в Украине структур российских госбанков: украинских «Сбербанка» и ВТБ, «БМ Банка» («внучка» ВТБ), Проминвестбанка («дочка» ВЭБа) и VS Bank («дочка» Сбербанка). Им запрещен вывод капиталов за пределы Украины в пользу связанных с ними лиц.

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: 1.3

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/economy/20170328/1022665798.html
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