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サムスントップを逮捕 チェ被告に贈賄容疑 地裁が承認


韓国の 朴槿恵(パククネ)大統領を巡る疑惑で、 特別検察官は17日、 サムスン電子副会長の 李在鎔(イジェヨン)容疑者(48)を贈賄や横領の 疑いで逮捕した。 ソウル中央地方裁判所が17日午前5時過ぎ、 特別検察…
韓国の朴槿恵(パククネ)大統領を巡る疑惑で、特別検察官は17日、サムスン電子副会長の李在鎔(イジェヨン)容疑者(48)を贈賄や横領の疑いで逮捕した。ソウル中央地方裁判所が17日午前5時過ぎ、特別検察官が請求していた逮捕を認めた。朴氏を巡る疑惑は韓国最大財閥の事実上のトップ逮捕という事態に発展した。 李副会長には、サムスングループ内の企業合併に政府が協力する見返りに、朴氏の支援者、チェ・スンシル被告らに資金提供した疑いがかけられている。特別検察官側が贈賄と判断した金額は、支援を約束した額を含めて総額430億ウォン(約42億円)。李副会長は容疑を否認していた。 サムスングループの経営トップが実際に拘束されるのは初めて。サムスン電子は17日、「今後、裁判で真実が明らかになるよう最善を尽くす」とした短いコメントを発表した。 朴氏と単独で面会したことがある李副会長の逮捕で、検察が今後、朴氏を収賄容疑で立件する可能性が高まった。ただ朴氏はこれまでチェ被告の行動を全く知らなかったと主張している。検察による朴氏の対面調査も実現しておらず、検察が今後、朴氏を立件できるかどうかは予断を許さない状況だ。朴氏の大統領在職中は訴追はできない。 地裁は1月にも李副会長への逮…

Similarity rank: 12
Sentiment rank: -3.4

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK2K2132K2KUHBI003.html
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「非常に厳しい状況になっているの は事実だ」 と答弁。
※やり取りが出ない方は こちら 。
※ハフィントンポストではフリーランス協会との共催イベント(無料)を2017年3月1日(水)10:30-12:30 に開き、フリーランスで働く人の子育て事情や工夫などについて語り合い、提言をまとめたいと考えています。
ゲストは以下の4人です。 菊地加奈子 さん(社労士/保育園経営者) 新倉暁子 さん(ライフオーガナイザー) 吉野ユリ子 さん(ライフスタイル・ジャーナリスト)
フリーランスで働いている方、保活に苦労している方、フリーランスという仕事の仕方に興味がある方もぜひお越しください。詳細は下記から、またはこちらの ページ からご確認ください。ご参加を心よりお待ちしています。

Similarity rank: 7.9
Sentiment rank: 1.5

© Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.jp/2017/02/17/taiki-abe_n_14810340.html?utm_hp_ref=japan&ir=Japan
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容疑者の男4人は国外逃亡か 防犯カメラに予行演習、女2人は「雇われた」


【クアラルンプール=吉村英輝】 マレーシアで北朝鮮の 金正恩(キム・ ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長の 異母兄、 金正男(ジョンナム)氏が殺害された事件で、 容疑者の 男4人は…
【クアラルンプール=吉村英輝】マレーシアで北朝鮮の金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)朝鮮労働党委員長の異母兄、金正男(ジョンナム)氏が殺害された事件で、容疑者の男4人は国外に逃亡したとの見方が出ている。逮捕された2人の女は工作員ではなく、男たちに雇われたと証言しているとされ、捜査の難航も予想される。 マレーシアの中国語紙、中国報によると、逮捕されたベトナム旅券所持の女の隣で、親密に話す黒い服の男が空港の防犯カメラに写っていた。 また、逮捕されたインドネシア旅券所持の女は「100ドル(約1万1300円)でいたずらビデオへの出演を持ちかけられた」と供述、殺意を否認した。この女は顔を覆う役で、ベトナム旅券の女がスプレーをまく役となり、撮影のためだとしてリハーサルをしたという。別の中国語メディアは犯行前日の12日、現場で4人の男と練習する2人の映像が防犯カメラに残っていたと伝えた。 2人は、それぞれ1カ月前と3カ月前に、別々に接客して男らと知り合いになったという。同紙は、ベトナム旅券の女は犯行後、男と連絡がつかなくなったため、15日に空港に舞い戻り、警察に拘束されたとしている。

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: -19

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/world/news/170217/wor1702170046-n1.html
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【ボン時事】 ティラーソン米国務長官は17日、 20カ国・ 地域(G20)外相会合の 開催地ドイツ西部ボンで、 中国の 王毅外相と会談した。 トランプ政権下で米中の 外相会談は初めて。 中国本土と台湾は不可分とする「一つの 中国」 原則をめぐってぎくしゃくした関係を改善し、 核・ ミ
【ボン時事】ティラーソン米国務長官は17日、20カ国・地域(G20)外相会合の開催地ドイツ西部ボンで、中国の王毅外相と会談した。トランプ政権下で米中の外相会談は初めて。中国本土と台湾は不可分とする「一つの中国」原則をめぐってぎくしゃくした関係を改善し、核・ミサイル開発を続ける北朝鮮問題に協力して対処していく姿勢を確認するとみられる。 トランプ大統領は昨年11月の当選後に台湾の蔡英文総統と電話会談するなど、「台湾カード」で中国を揺さぶる姿勢を見せたが、就任後は一転。習近平国家主席との電話会談で「一つの中国」原則を確認したことで、関係構築に道筋ができた。両外相は首脳会談の早期実現を目指すとみられる。 12日にトランプ政権発足後初めて弾道ミサイルを発射した北朝鮮への対応も焦点の一つだ。ティラーソン氏は、対北朝鮮制裁を定めた国連安保理決議の完全な履行を中国に求めるとみられる。北朝鮮をめぐって協力できるかが、米中関係の今後を占うことになる。(2017/02/17-19:12)

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: 1.6

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017021701139&g=int
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As investigation swirls, body of Kim Jong Un's half-brother is unclaimed


Days after his apparent assassination, Kim Jong Nam’s body remained under guard in a Malaysian morgue Friday, with no one in his immediate family stepping forward on behalf of a man who lived in fear of his half brother, the powerful and mercurial ruler of North Korea.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia –   Days after his apparent assassination, Kim Jong Nam’s body remained under guard in a Malaysian morgue Friday, with no one in his immediate family stepping forward on behalf of a man who lived in fear of his half brother, the powerful and mercurial ruler of North Korea.
South Korea was quick to accuse its enemies in North Korea of dispatching a hit squad to kill Kim Jong Nam at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, saying two female assassins poisoned him and then fled in a taxi.
Although Kim Jong Nam is believed to have two sons and a daughter with two women living in Beijing and Macau, police in Malaysia say none has come forward to claim the body or provide DNA samples in the aftermath of what appeared to be a well-executed hit.
North Korean diplomats in Malaysia have requested custody of Kim Jong Nam’s body, arguing that he had a North Korean passport. The officials objected to the autopsy, but Malaysian authorities went ahead with the procedure anyway because they did not receive a formal complaint.
This image provided by Star TV on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2017, of closed circuit television footage from Monday, Feb 13, 2017, shows a woman, center in white, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, Malaysia, who police say was arrested Wednesday in connection with the death of Kim Jong Nam, the half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. (Star TV via AP)
(Star TV)
Investigators were still trying to piece together details of the case, and South Korea has not said how it concluded that North Korea was behind the killing.
Malaysian police were questioning three suspects — two women and a man — and waiting for autopsy results that could shed light on why Kim Jong Nam suddenly fell ill at the airport as he waited for a flight home to Macau.
Dizzy and in pain, he told medical workers at the airport he had been sprayed with a chemical. Within two hours, Malaysian officials said, he was dead.
Kim Jong Nam, who was 45 or 46, had lived in exile for years and was estranged from his younger half brother, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. He reportedly fell out of favor in 2001, when he was caught trying to enter Japan on a false passport to visit Tokyo Disneyland.
Yoji Gomi, a Japanese journalist who wrote a book about Kim Jong Nam, said he criticized the family regime and believed a leader should be chosen «through a democratic process. »
Gomi said he met Kim Jong Nam by chance at Beijing’s international airport in 2004, leading to exchanges of 150 emails and two interviews in 2011 — one in Beijing and another in Macau — totaling seven hours.
Kim Jong Nam appeared nervous during the interview in Macau, Gomi said.
«He must have been aware of the danger, but I believe he still wanted to convey his views to Pyongyang via the media,» Gomi said. «He was sweating all over his body, and seemed very uncomfortable when he responded to my questions. He was probably worried about the impact of his comments and expressions. The thought now gives me a pain in my heart. »
Malaysia said Friday it wants DNA samples from Kim Jong Nam’s family as part of the post-mortem procedure and that officials were not yet willing to hand the body over to the North Koreans.
«If there is no claim by next-of-kin and upon exhausting all avenues (to obtain DNA), we will finally then hand over the body to the (North Korean) embassy,» said Abdul Samah Mat, a senior Malaysian police official.
He would not speculate on how long that process might take.
Meanwhile, investigators were focused on getting details from three suspects in their custody: 25-year-old Indonesian woman Siti Aisyah; a Malaysian man believed to be her boyfriend; and a young woman who was picked up carrying Vietnamese travel documents.
The three were arrested separately on Wednesday and Thursday.
The women were identified using surveillance videos from the airport, police said. Early Friday, police took the pair back to the crime scene at the budget terminal of the airport «for further investigations,» Abdul Samah said. Local media reported that police wanted to recreate the crime scene to establish new leads.
In Indonesia, Aisyah’s family and former neighbors said they were stunned by her arrest, describing her as a polite and quiet young mother.
Between 2008 and 2011 she and her then-husband lived in a home with flaking red paint in a narrow alley of Tambora, a densely populated neighborhood in western Jakarta.
Her former father-in-law, Tjia Liang Kiong, who lives in a nearby middle-class neighborhood and last saw Aisyah on Jan. 28, described her as respectful.
«I was shocked to hear that she was arrested for murdering someone,» he said. «I don’t believe that she would commit such a crime or what the media says — that she is an intelligence agent. »
Aisyah’s mother, Benah, said by telephone that the family comes from a humble village background and has no ability to help her.
«Since we heard that from the television, I could not sleep and eat. Same as her father, he just prays and reads the holy Quran. He even does not want to speak,» said Benah. «As villagers, we could only pray. »
According to Kiong, Aisyah only completed junior high school and moved to Malaysia with her husband in 2011 to seek a better life after the garment-making shop they ran from their home went out of business. The couple left their nearly 2-year-old son in Jakarta under the care of Kiong and his wife.
She and her husband divorced in 2012.
Malaysia, which is approaching developed-nation income levels, is a magnet for millions of Indonesians, who typically find work there as bar hostesses, maids and construction and plantation workers.
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla said Aisyah probably had been manipulated.
«From the information we have received and also what was circulating in the media, what has happened in Kuala Lumpur is Kim Jong Nam and Aisyah were victims,» Kalla said. «Aisyah was a victim of some sort of manipulation or fraud. «

Similarity rank: 4.5

© Source: http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/world/~3/r6s0k7m8qUU/as-investigation-swirls-body-kim-jong-uns-half-brother-is-unclaimed.html
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Spanien: Freispruch für Infantin Cristina


Die spanische Infantin Cristina, Schwester von König Felipe, ist in einem Prozess um Steuerbetrug für nicht schuldig befunden worden. Ihr Mann hingegen wurde zu sechs Jahren und drei Monaten Haft verurteilt. Beide müssen nun eine hohe Geldstrafe bezahlen.
Die spanische Infantin Cristina, Schwester von König Felipe, ist in einem Prozess um Steuerbetrug für nicht schuldig befunden worden. Ihr Mann hingegen wurde zu sechs Jahren und drei Monaten Haft verurteilt. Beide müssen nun eine hohe Geldstrafe bezahlen.
Die spanische Infantin Cristina ist vom Vorwurf der Beihilfe zum Steuerbetrug freigesprochen worden. Das geht aus der Urteilsschrift des zuständigen Gerichts in Palma de Mallorca hervor. Ihr Ehemann, der ehemalige Handball-Profi Iñaki Urdangarin, wurde schuldig gesprochen und zu sechs Jahren und drei Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt, zitierte die Zeitung «El País» die Urteilsschrift.
Insgesamt waren in der Finanzaffäre rund um die vermeintlich gemeinnützige Stiftung «Nóos» 17 Verdächtige angeklagt. Ob Urdangarin sofort ins Gefägnis muss, war noch nicht klar. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte ihm die Veruntreuung von sechs Millionen Euro Steuergeldern sowie Betrug, Geldwäsche und Urkundenfälschung vorgeworfen.
Cristina, die 51-jährige Schwester von König Felipe und Nummer sechs der spanischen Thronfolge, war Mitglied im Nóos-Vorstand. Während des mehr als fünfmonatigen Prozesses hatte sie stets betont, in finanziellen Dingen vollkommen ihrem Mann vertraut zu haben. Trotz des Freispruchs müsse Cristina eine Geldstrafe von 262.000 Euro bezahlen, Urdangarin sei zu einem Bußgeld von 512.000 Euro verurteilt worden, hieß es.
Für Urdangarin ist der Prozess noch glimpflich ausgegangen: Die Anklage hatte fast 20 Jahre Haft gefordert. Es war das erste Mal, dass eine direkte Angehörige der Royals vor Gericht stand.

Similarity rank: 6.3

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/cristina-103.html
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ekolodzy piszą skargę do KE


Komisja Europejska zajmie się sprawą smogu w Polsce. Skargę na złą jakość powietrza w kraju złożyły cztery organizacje — ClientEarth, Miasto Jest Nasze, Greenpeace Polska i Akcja Demokracja. Podpisały się pod nią 24 tys. osób.
Komisja Europejska zajmie się sprawą smogu w Polsce. Skargę na złą jakość powietrza w kraju złożyły cztery organizacje — ClientEarth, Miasto Jest Nasze, Greenpeace Polska i Akcja Demokracja. Podpisały się pod nią 24 tys. osób.
Jak tłumaczą autorzy skargi do Komisji Europejskiej, jest ona związana z naruszeniem przez polskie władze obowiązków związanych z obniżaniem poziomu w powietrzu benzo (a ) pirenu. To rakotwórcza substancja. Jej dopuszczalne stężenia są przekraczane nawet siedmiokrotnie. Ekolodzy podkreślają, że to skutek głównie palenia w piecach kiepskiej jakości węglem i śmieciami.
Agnieszka Warso-Buchanan z Fundacji ClientEarth Prawnicy dla Ziemi wyjaśniła, że po otrzymaniu skargi, KE może wystąpić z zapytaniem do władz Polski, jakie podejmowane są działania, które mają doprowadzić, by jakość powietrza była zgodna z normami. Następnie KE może wysłać formalne wezwanie do przedstawienia tej sytuacji, a ostatecznie — skierować sprawę do Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości. Dodała, że na pierwsze reakcje KE możemy oczekiwać do kilku miesięcy.
Warso-Buchanan dodała, że ostatnie propozycje rządu dot. jakości paliw » prowadzą nas do wniosku, że węgiel jest nadal większą wartością dla naszych władz, niż zdrowie i życie 38 milionów Polaków «. Chodzi o projekt noweli ustawy o systemie monitorowania i kontrolowania jakości paliw oraz towarzyszące jej rozporządzenia, w tym dotyczące wymagań jakościowych dla paliw stałych.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1.5

© Source: http://businessinsider.com.pl/wiadomosci/smog-w-polsce-ekolodzy-pisza-skarge-do-ke/8rjppk9
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Why Japan is relieved about Trump


While critics say Abe failed to challenge the US president on immigration issues, most are happy a trade war seems less likely
Despite the most awkward handshake in the history of Japanese-US relations, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe returned to Tokyo after his meetings with President Donald Trump in Washington and Palm Beach last weekend declaring the visit had been a resounding success.
And, given the positions that Trump had taken against Japan in the run-up to his election in November, the Japanese leader’s relief is understandable.
Trump never once mentioned his earlier demand that Japan pay more – or, indeed, the entire cost – for US troops stationed there and the suggestion that Japan develop and deploy nuclear weapons that so horrified many never came up.
Instead, the two leaders busied themselves by reiterating the importance of the bilateral security relationship and Washington’s commitment to defending Japan and maintaining its nuclear umbrella. Pointedly, that included the disputed Diaoyu islands, which Japan controls and knows as the Senkakus.
The shared security message received a significant boost when North Korea launched a new type of medium-range ballistic missile on Sunday morning. Not many believe the timing of the launch was a coincidence.
The other key issue between Trump and Abe was economics, with the Japanese leader again relieved that there was no new talk of imposing tariffs on Japanese companies’ imports or accusations that Tokyo manipulates its currency to help exports and the national economy.
The Japanese public shared Abe’s delight at being able to dodge issues that had the potential to derail the relationship, with more than 70 per cent replying to a poll conducted by Kyodo News expressing satisfaction at the outcome of the first meeting between the two leaders. Only 19.5 per cent were unhappy with the results.
And 60 per cent said it was “appropriate” that Abe had played a round of golf with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
“I’m not sure if 70 per cent praised the outcome of the meeting because my sense is that most people here are simply indifferent,” said Mayako Shibata, a university student.
“People don’t care if Trump is the president – it could have been Bush or Obama – but they just want Japan to have a good working relationship with America in terms of security and trade,” she said.
“People around me were saying they were worried about the collapse of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal, but now it looks like there will be a bilateral deal, so that problem is solved and businesses are happy,” she told This Week in Asia .
“And I think Abe might secretly have been quite happy when North Korea fired that missile because he could use it as evidence of the importance of the security alliance,” she added.
Yasukatsu Matsushima, a professor of economics at Kyoto’s Ryukoku University, agreed that the Abe-Trump talks received a good grade from the public “because all they are concerned about is maintaining the military alliance, because we are worried about China and North Korea, and over more business opportunities and investments in the US”.
And security and trade rank far ahead of other issues when it comes to balancing the good and the bad, he said.
“Back in World War II, the US put Japanese in internment camps and now Trump is imposing restrictions on people entering America,” Matsushima said. “Some people are worried about that policy, but they are willing to overlook it.”
The results of the Kyodo poll bear that out. Fully 75.5 per cent of the respondents said they could not understand why Trump had issued an executive order to freeze the US refugee programme and bar entry to nationals from seven middle-east nations. But while they may not “understand”, precious few are protesting.
A demonstration in Tokyo’s Shibuya district on Sunday attracted an underwhelming 350 people calling for an “inclusive America” and protesting the ban on refugees and plans to construct a wall on the Mexican border.
Speaking to local media, a number of participants questioned why Abe had failed to criticise Trump’s travel ban and the wall.
Shibata believes not enough Japanese care.
“There has been some criticism in the press, but Japanese people are actually very nervous about terrorism,” she said.
“Japan is a very safe country and a lot of people here support Trump’s travel ban because they think it makes them safer.”
Japan’s opposition parties have found it difficult to earn any traction for their own anti-Abe message after the meeting in the US, and have been forced to fall back on accusing Abe of “kowtowing” to Trump for failing to criticise the president’s attitude towards Muslim immigrants.
Seiji Maehara, a member of the Democratic Party and a former foreign minister, said Trump “is a leader who divides society”.
“The prime minister cannot help but be described as a chicken that follows whatever a ferocious animal says,” he added.
Jun Okumura, a visiting scholar at the Meiji Institute for Global Affairs, believes the Abe-Trump alliance is getting positive ratings simply because the American leader “is turning out not to be as scary a figure as he appeared in the run-up to the election”.
“There was serious concern that Japan was going to go back to being Washington’s target, like it was in the 1980s, with trade rows over the auto sector, the yen and so on,” he said. “But now he appears more benign to a Japanese audience.”

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/week-asia/geopolitics/article/2071849/why-japan-relieved-about-trump
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Family, friends describe ‘nice girl’ embroiled in assassination of North Korean leader’s half-brother


Family and former neighbours of the Indonesian woman suspected of involvement in the audacious killing of the North Korean leader’s half-brother in Malaysia are stunned by the arrest of the young mother who they say was a polite and quiet “nice…
Family and former neighbours of the Indonesian woman suspected of involvement in the audacious killing of the North Korean leader’s half-brother in Malaysia are stunned by the arrest of the young mother who they say was a polite and quiet “nice girl”. Siti Aisyah, 25, is one of by Malaysian ­police for possible involvement in the apparent assassination of Kim Jong-nam. Between 2008 and 2011 she and her then-husband lived in a modest dwelling in a narrow alley of the densely populated Tambora neighbourhood in west Jakarta. Her former father-in-law Tjia Liang Kiong, who lives in a nearby middle-class neighbourhood and last saw Aisyah in late January, described her as a “very kind, ­polite and respectful person”. “I was shocked to hear that she was arrested for murdering someone,” he said. “I don’t believe that she would commit such a crime or what the media says – that she is an intelligence agent.” The three suspects – Aisyah, a woman carrying a Vietnamese passport and a man said to be Aisyah’s Malaysian boyfriend – were arrested separately on Wednesday and on Thursday. The women were identified using surveillance videos from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, where Kim Jong-nam suddenly fell ill on Monday morning. Malaysian officials said he died on the way to a hospital after telling medical workers at the airport that he had been sprayed with a chemical. Multiple South Korean media reports, citing unidentified sources, said two women believed to be North Korean agents killed him with some kind of poison ­before fleeing in a taxi. News of Aisyah’s arrest has captivated Indonesia’s scandal-and-mystery loving media, with some outlets characterising her as a spy. “Oh my God, how can I believe it,” said Aminah, a housewife who is one of Aisyah’s former Tambora neighbours. “She’s very nice with all the people here, she’s so naive. How she can kill a great man? No way, it’s impossible.” Aisyah’s mother, Benah, said that the family comes from a humble village background and has no ability to help her: “Since we heard that from the television, I could not sleep and eat. Same as her father, he just prays and reads the holy Koran.”

Similarity rank: 8.5

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2071870/family-friends-describe-nice-girl-embroiled-assassination-north
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【2月17日 AFP】 国家安全保障問題担当の 米大統領補佐官を辞任したマイケル・ フリン(Michael Flynn)氏の 後任としてドナルド・ トランプ(Donald Trump)米大統領が就任を要請していたロバート・ ハーウォード(Robert Harward)元海軍中将が、 指名を辞退した。
【2月17日 AFP】国家安全保障問題担当の米大統領補佐官を辞任したマイケル・フリン( Michael Flynn )氏の後任としてドナルド・トランプ( Donald Trump )米大統領が就任を要請していたロバート・ハーウォード( Robert Harward )元海軍中将が、指名を辞退した。16日、米メディアが報じた。
米 CNN が伝えたハーウォード氏の声明は、指名辞退の理由について「大統領補佐官の職務は、1日24時間・週7日間ずっと集中力をもって仕事に専念しなければまっとうできない。私にとってそれは現状では難しい」と説明している。

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