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Schetyna: Inicjatywa prezydenta ws. referendum — niepoważna i kompromitująca


Propozycja prezydenta ws. referendum dotyczącym konstytucji jest niepoważna i kompromitująca — ocenił lider PO Grzegorz Schetyna. Zauważył też, że nie ma żadnej odpowiedzi PiS odnośnie tego pomysłu. Jak dodał, PiS i prezydent są ostatnimi, którzy powinni mieć inicjatywę ws. konstytucji.
Prezydent powiedział w środę podczas uroczystości w święto Konstytucji 3 maja, że chce, aby w sprawie konstytucji RP odbyło się w przyszłym roku, gdy przypada 100. rocznica odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości, referendum. Podkreślił, że naród polski powinien się wypowiedzieć, co do przyszłości ustrojowej swojego państwa, na temat m.in. roli prezydenta, Sejmu, Senatu.
Schetyna w czwartek w Polsat News zauważył, że «na razie nie ma żadnej propozycji, niczego na stole w tej kwestii». «Nie ma propozycji referendum, bo widziałem twarze polityków PiS zdumionych propozycją prezydenta».
«Jeżeli założylibyśmy, że żyjemy w normalnym kraju, że jest normalny prezydent, który jest głową państwa i jest szef partii, który jest zapleczem dla tego prezydenta, to po takiej wypowiedzi, wypowiada się partia rządząca, która ma większość i która może podjąć ten temat rozmowy o referendum w parlamencie» — wskazał Schetyna.
«Natomiast słyszę odpowiedzi rzecznika premier i innych polityków PiS, którzy mówią, że nic nie słyszeli o tym pomyśle. To jest kompromitujące» — ocenił lider Platformy. «To nie jest poważna propozycja — nie ma żadnej odpowiedzi ze strony PiS» — wskazał.
«Trzeba zapukać i powiedzieć, żeby się obudzili ci, którzy w sposób naprawdę mało poważny kompromitują polską rację stanu. Nie można o konstytucji w dniu 3 maja opowiadać w taki sposób» — stwierdził Schetyna.
Dodał, że «jeżeli jest pomysł», to on jako przewodniczący największej partii opozycyjnej jest otwarty na rozmowę o tej kwestii. Ale, według lidera PO, «tu nie ma żadnej rozmowy, nie ma żadnego tematu». «Jest tylko nieudolna próba zajęcia pola w perspektywie zbliżającej się rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości» — uważa szef Platformy.
Schetyna podkreślił, że konstytucja to najważniejsza ustawa; tymczasem sposób rozmowy o niej jest «wiecowy i niepoważny».
Szef PO zapytany, czy propozycja prezydenta może wynikać z tego, że ogląda kabaret «Ucho prezesa» i dlatego chciał pokazać, że jest samodzielny, odpowiedział: «Myślę, że ogląda ten kabaret i chyba to go popycha do jakiejś aktywności». «Ale to nie tak, nie w ten sposób, nie może dotyczyć najważniejszych spraw w państwie» — zaznaczył.
Na pytanie, czy konstytucja wymaga zmian, Schetyna odpowiedział: «Na pewno wymaga debaty i rozmowy». «Uważam, że trzeba, czy można rozmawiać na temat zasad, na temat ustrojowych oczekiwań. Ale mogą to robić ludzie, którzy szanują konstytucję i wiedzą jak to jest ważne dla całego systemu państwowego» — powiedział.
«To, co się dzieje w ostatnich miesiącach pokazuje, że i partia rządząca i prezydent nie szanują zapisów konstytucji, . Więc oni akurat są ostatnimi, którzy powinni mieć inicjatywę w sprawach konstytucji» — dodał lider Platformy.
Schetyna był też pytany, co jego ugrupowanie zrobi ws. Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, jeśli wygra wybory parlamentarne.
Szef PO zapowiedział, że jeszcze przed wyborami zostanie powołana komisja składająca się z wybitnych prawników i konstytucjonalistów, która pomoże stworzyć jedną ustawą, przywracającą sytuację sprzed «procesu łamania konstytucji» przez PiS. PO — jak dodał — zaproponuje ponadto zapisy, które wprowadzą «kotwicę» dla parlamentarnej demokracji.

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1040085,schetyna-inicjatywa-prezydenta-ws-referendum-niepowazna-i-kompromitujaca.html
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英女王の夫 フィリップ殿下 秋に公務を引退へ


イギリス王室は4日、 エリザベス女王の 夫で来月96歳になるフィリップ殿下が、 ことしの 秋以降、 公務から退くと発表しました。
イギリス王室は4日、エリザベス女王の夫で来月96歳になるフィリップ殿下が、ことしの秋以降、公務から退くと発表しました。 イギリス王室は4日午前、ロンドン中心部のバッキンガム宮殿に王室関係者を集めて緊急の会議を開いたあと、声明を発表しました。 それによりますと、エリザベス女王の夫のフィリップ殿下は、ことし8月までは公務を行うものの、その後は原則として新たな公務を入れないことを決めました。 また、現在、名誉総裁などを務めている780以上の団体の公務からも退き、事実上引退するということです。 1947年11月にエリザベス女王と結婚したフィリップ殿下は、多くの公務に女王とともに参加し、70年近くにわたって女王をそばで支えてきました。 90歳になった2011年に、負担を軽減するため公務を縮小しましたが、2013年には腹部の手術を受けたほか、去年は毎年ほぼ欠かさず参加してきたクリスマスの礼拝を欠席するなど、体調を崩すことが多くなっていました。 イギリス王室は、女王もフィリップ殿下の決断を理解し支持しているとしたうえで、女王の公務の予定に変更はないとしています。 また、メイ首相は「フィリップ殿下は女王を支えながら、多くの慈善団体の活動を支援し、イギリスは将来にわたってその恩恵を受け続けるだろう」と述べ、感謝の意を示しました。

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170504/k10010971031000.html
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‘This guy is crazy!’ American man charged in Tokyo after starting a brutal fist-fight in a plane


Two men on Japanese airlines, All Nippon Airways, get caught up in a heated brawl; a flight attendant is mildly injured
TOKYO — An American man who took part in a fistfight on a flight about to leave Tokyo for Los Angeles has been charged with assaulting an airline official, authorities said on Wednesday.
Video of the fight, taken by a passenger, has been widely circulated online. In it, a man wearing a red Hawaiian-style shirt punches a man in a black T-shirt, who fights back and then shouts: “Go to hell. This guy is crazy!”
Later, the man in the red shirt returns, more punches are exchanged, and a passenger can be heard pleading: “Hey guys, stop it. Get off this plane!”
A flight attendant tried to break up the fight as passengers looked on aghast or moved out of the way.
The fight occurred Monday on All Nippon Airways Flight 6, or NH6, aboard a Boeing 777 that was about to embark on an 11-hour journey to Los Angeles International Airport from Narita International Airport outside Tokyo.
Michihiko Aoi, a police official at Narita, said Wednesday evening that “a man of American nationality in his 40s was taken off NH6, as he had flown into a rage and caused trouble on the plane.” The man was drunk, he added.
Aoi’s statement continued: “Today, we received several phone inquiries from the news media asking about the video taken inside the plane. The man was not charged over the incident recorded inside the plane, but because of the violence he inflicted on the ANA official, causing scratches on his forehead.”
“We can’ t comment on the video as we don’ t know who took it, and also there are other people appearing in it, ” Aoi added. “He was seen in the video, but we cannot confirm which one he is, or which color shirt he wore.”
The passenger who recorded the video, Corey Hour, an Arizona-based photographer and cinematographer, has told CNN, The Washington Post and other news organizations that the man in the red shirt had started the fight.
“He literally just flipped, ” Hour told The Post, adding that the man in the red shirt had threatened to kill the other man. “Nobody knows why.”
Hour told CNN: “The flight attendants actually got caught up in the mix, and that’s when the video ends, as I put my phone down and I actually got in the middle of everyone and confronted him.”

© Source: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/this-guy-is-crazy-american-man-charged-in-tokyo-after-starting-a-brutal-fist-fight-in-a-plane
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Bully pulpit: Trump signs order allowing political speech in church, lawsuit threatened


President Donald Trump signed an executive order on the National Day of Prayer, seeking to circumvent a decades-old law prohibiting political speech in places of worship and build on contraception coverage exemptions. Civil rights groups promised to sue.
The executive order will “prevent the Johnson Amendment from interfering with your First Amendment rights” and “directs the IRS not to unfairly target churches and religious organizations for political speech. No one should be censoring sermons or targeting pastors, ” Trump said to a standing ovation. It also directs the Department of Justice “to develop new rules to ensure these religious protections are afforded to all Americans.”
“Our founding fathers believed that religious liberty was so fundamental that they enshrined it in the very first amendment of our great and beloved Constitution, ” Trump said. “Yet for too long, the federal government has used the power of the state as a weapon against people of faith, bullying and even punishing Americans for following their religious beliefs. That’s been happening.”
The Johnson Amendment ‒ which Trump called “very, very unfair” ‒ is a 1954 law that bars tax-exempt organizations such as religious groups, including churches, from engaging in open endorsement of or campaigning for political candidates, among other political activities. These organizations «may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates, » according to the Internal Revenue Service, which enforces the law.
“No American should be forced to choose between the dictates of the federal government and the tenets of their faith, ” Trump said.
It is not clear if the president is able to direct the IRS to ignore enforcement of the Johnson Act without a bill from Congress lifting the ban. There have been no instances in which a church has lost its tax-exempt status for dabbling in political activity, Vox pointed out in November, although Trump said Thursday that the IRS went after Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
Vice President Mike Pence introduced Trump at the ceremony in the White House Rose Garden, calling the president “a believer” who has “an unshakeable faith in God and the American people.”
As governor of Indiana, Pence signed a religious freedom law that was widely denounced as discriminatory and offensive to LGBT individuals. It led to boycotts of the Hoosier State before lawmakers bowed to the intense public pressure and altered the legislation.
The federal government enacted a similar law, the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, in the 1990s, Pence said at the time. That legislation was spurred by job discrimination against Native Americans over the consumption of peyote in religious ceremonies.
In early February, a leaked copy of a draft executive order included similar message, which critics said would allow for widespread discrimination based on objections to sexuality, premarital sex, abortion and other reproductive health care, and gender identity. That language was not included in Thursday’s executive order.
It does, however, provide “regulatory relief” for companies that object on religious grounds to providing employees with contraceptive coverage, as mandated under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The executive order builds on the exemptions provided by the Supreme Court’s ruling in the controversial 2014 Hobby Lobby case.
The American Civil Liberties Union immediately vowed to sue over the executive order, which ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero described as “a broadside to our country’s long-standing commitment to the separation of church and state.” He also accused the Trump administration and Republican leadership in Congress of “using religion to further divide the country and permit discrimination.”
“President Trump’s efforts to promote religious freedom are thinly-veiled efforts to unleash his conservative religious base into the political arena while also using religion to discriminate, ” Romero said in a statement . “It’s a dual dose of pandering to a base and denying reproductive care. We will see Trump in court, again.”

© Source: https://www.rt.com/usa/387175-trump-religion-contraception-order/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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May a Fourth be with we as fans symbol Star Wars day


It’s May a Fourth and Star Wars devotees on a internet have not let us down.
It’s May a Fourth and Star Wars devotees on a internet have not let us down.
Referring to a word “may a force be with you”, fervent fans set a tinge early: On Wednesday @kirkymcjerky wrote, “tomorrow is might 4th that means for each #starwars nerd like myself it’s a best day”.
But Carrie Fisher, who died in 2016, is a genuine star this year. The singer has played Princess Leia opposite many Star Wars films and her straight-talking character about politics, mental health and women’s rights after done a favourite among feminists and Star Wars fans alike.
“Today feels like a ideal day to remember a gracefulness of Carrie Fisher” pronounced @pandamoanimum, tweeting a design of Carrie revelation American TV horde Stephen Colbert that she had been asked to remove weight in credentials to wear a famous bullion bikini.
Carrie done her possess fun about a date in a interview, quipping “They wish to sinecure about three-fourths [of me] and so we have to get absolved of a fourth. The fourth can’ t be with me”.
Her character’s arise to energy in a trilogy was also distinguished – “The Princess who became a General will always be my Princess. Remembering #CarrieFisher this May 4th”, commented Laura on Twitter.
The detriment of Ms Fisher – whose semi-autobiographical novel Postcards from a Edge minute her knowledge of drug dependency – was felt keenly currently by other amicable media users who simply tweeted their tributes.
“I’ d like to take currently to remind everybody for a 500th time that we skip Carrie Fisher”, pronounced @totallypeachy, while @outcastspice announced “Today is wear shine for Carrie Fisher day. May a 4th be with us all”.
Fame, Love and Addiction – Carrie Fisher Obituary
Meanwhile, ABC News chose May a Fourth to exhibit Darth Vader is a 39-year-old male vital in Tennessee, United States. Darthvader Williamson, that is.
Williamson, who is a surgical assistant, was named Darthvader by his revolutionary Star Wars fan father, Williamson’s mom Patricia Knowles told ABC News .
Ms Knowles explained that she compromised with Darthvader’s dad, who wanted to use a full pretension Lord Darth Vader. She concluded to a shorter chronicle since she “hadn’ t seen a movie” and “didn’ t know a character”.
And we also schooled critical Star Wars geeks could be behind a Twitter accounts of a Australian Senate and Australian House of Representatives.
“It’s a contrition there isn’ t a Galactic House of Representatives”, tweeted a Senate, referring to (yes, we googled it) a faith that legislative decisions in a universe were done harmoniously in corner meetings of House and Senate, rather than in apart bi-cameral meetings as in common in Earth’s democracies.
By a UGC and Social News team

© Source: http://headlinenewstoday.net/may-the-fourth-be-with-you-as-fans-mark-star-wars-day.html
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Schutzzonen für Syrien: Nicht mehr als eine Absichtserklärung


Russland, Iran und die Türkei haben sich auf Schutzzonen für Zivilisten in Syrien geeinigt. Doch dass es dazu kommt, ist äußerst unwahrscheinlich.
Schutzzonen – für die kriegsgeplagten, notleidenden und tagtäglich vom Tod bedrohten Menschen in Syrien wären sie zumindest ein Hoffnungsschimmer. Doch auch wenn die Konfliktparteien Russland, Iran und Türkei sich nun im kasachischen Astana auf die Einrichtung derartiger Gebiete der „Deeskalation“ geeinigt haben, ist es noch keineswegs ausgemachte Sache, dass schon in absehbarer Zeit daraus Realität wird – wenn überhaupt.
Denn bisher gibt es lediglich eine Absichtserklärung. Die zentrale Frage nach dem Wie – also wer mit welchen Mitteln für die Sicherheit der vorgesehenen vier Schutzzonen garantiert – ist noch überhaupt nicht beantwortet. Gerade an diesen unerlässlichen Voraussetzungen sind alle bisherigen Vorstöße gescheitert.
Offenbar sind sich aber immerhin mit Moskau, Ankara und Teheran drei in der Region einflussreiche Regierungen einig, dass vier kampffreie Zonen geschaffen werden müssen: in der nordwestlichen Provinz Idlib, Teilen der zentralen Provinz Homs, im Süden des Landes und in der Oppositionshochburg Ost-Ghuta bei Damaskus. Und diese Kriegsparteien haben inzwischen einen potenziell mächtigen Verbündeten im Geiste.
US-Präsident Donald Trump hat bereits mehrfach erklärt, er befürworte die Schaffung von Schutzräumen für Zivilisten, um das Blutvergießen wenigstens ein wenig einzudämmen. Was Amerika dafür bereit wäre zu tun, ob das womöglich auch militärische Mittel einschließt, darüber war bisher so gut wie nichts zu hören.
Auch ist völlig unklar, ob Russlands Schützling Baschar al Assad es zulässt, dass auswärtige Mächte in dem von ihm beanspruchten Herrschaftsbereich nach Gutdünken Sicherheitszonen einrichten. Viel spricht dafür, dass der Machthaber in Damaskus diese kaum gutheißen wird. In der Vergangenheit war Assad Berichten zufolge mehrfach sogar russischen Vorgaben nicht gefolgt.
Hinzu kommt: Auch andere Konfliktparteien wie die Terrormiliz „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) , die Nusra-Front und weitere Extremistengruppen sind in die Gespräche auf diplomatischer Ebene nicht eingebunden.
Dennoch dürfte sich vor allem Recep Tayyip Erdogan bestätigt fühlen. Der türkische Staatschef, der nach wie vor Assads Sturz fordert, setzt sich seit Langem für Schutzzonen ein. Dieses Engagement ist jedoch vor allem dem Wunsch geschuldet, unter allen Umständen die Bildung eines Kurdenstaates in Nord-Syrien zu verhindern. Seiner Lesart nach müssen Kurden als Terroristen bekämpft werden – auch im Nachbarland. Washington wiederum schätzt Syriens Kurden als Partner im Kampf gegen den „Islamischen Staat“. Für die Menschen in Syrien verheißt das nichts Gutes.

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/schutzzonen-fuer-syrien-nicht-mehr-als-eine-absichtserklaerung/19757270.html
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Trump's Executive Order On Religious Liberty


The executive order has drawn concern from some for not going far enough. Here’s what we know.
President Trump Thursday «promoting free speech and religious liberty.» The order relaxes political restrictions on religious groups of all denominations. NPR reporters annotated the order below adding context and analysis.

© Source: http://www.npr.org/2017/05/04/526840823/annotated-trumps-executive-order-on-religious-liberty?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news
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Toyota CEO: Don’ t ditch NAFTA


In a roundtable Thursday, Toyota Motor North America said NAFTA can be revised, but insisted it is good for the U. S.
York Township — With an executive order that would withdraw the U. S. from the North American Free Trade Agreement looming, Toyota Motor North America Corp. CEO Jim Lentz joined other U. S. auto industry leaders in saying the trade deal shouldn’ t be tossed out.
“NAFTA has been around a long time, and it probably needs to be modernized, (but it) has been positive overall for America, ” he said Thursday during a roundtable discussion before the grand opening of Toyota’s expanded research and development center outside Ann Arbor.
But Lentz said every part of the trade deal should be re-examined. For example, the NAFTA Rules of Origin, policies that levy lower tariffs on goods originating from the U. S., Mexico or Canada, could use updating.
“This is going to be kind of a once in a lifetime opportunity to take a look at what has been a good treaty, and figure out what makes sense today, ” Lentz said.
Those comments reflect others made and repeated by Ford Motor Co. around potential executive orders from the Trump Administration.
“We think NAFTA has overall made the industry much more competitive, ” Ford CFO Bob Shanks said recently. “Could it be reformed? Sure. Of course. It can be improved. It can be modernized, so we support that.”
President Donald Trump singled out Toyota and Lentz during a visit to Michigan in March. Trump turned to Lentz, and said, “You have to build plants here. I know I gave you a hard time but you have to build them here.”
That came before a speech in which Trump told those gathered at Willow Run Airport to “Buy American and hire American.”
“That’s exactly what Toyota is, ” Lentz said Thursday, adding that 71 percent of what Toyota sells is made in North America. “We don’ t necessarily disagree with his philosophy. In fact, it’s a philosophy we’ ve followed in the 60 years we’ ve been in the U. S.”
Toyota on Thursday officially opened its expanded and revamped research campus in York Township off Platt Road. The $154-million expansion relocated employees from California, Arizona and Kentucky to Michigan, and added 135,000 square feet and a slew of technology improvements to the facility
The project included construction of two new buildings in York Township: a new prototype facility for vehicle development and a supplier center. The expansion enlarges Toyota’s powertrain development facility on its Ann Arbor Township campus.
Toyota recently announced a $1.33 billion investment to retool its Georgetown, Kentucky, factory where its Camry sedans are built. The company has plans to invest $10 billion in the United States over the next five years.

© Source: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/foreign/2017/05/04/toyota-lentz-nafta/101300988/
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The House Gets One Step Closer to Scrapping Dodd-Frank


The House Financial Services Committee passed its version of repeal-and-replace for Wall Street regulation.
On Thursday, the House Financial Services Committee approved the Final Choice Act, thus helping President Donald Trump move one step closer to his long-stated goal of repealing the Dodd-Frank Act. The bill now must be passed by the full House and Senate before becoming law.
The Choice Act —which stands for Creating Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers, and Entrepreneurs—is in some ways a repeal-and-replace initiative for the financial sector. For instance, the bill would do away with Title II of Dodd-Frank, the section that created the Orderly Liquidation provision and provides a government guided wind-down process for banks facing bankruptcy. In its place, Republicans would create a new section of the bankruptcy code specifically targeted at large financial institutions.
But overall, the Choice Act is heavier on repeal than it is on replace. The Act would do away with Title IV of Dodd-Frank, which gives the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) the ability to designate financial organizations as systemically important and impose more rules and regulations on them. The Act would also call for the dissolution of FSOC, repeal the portion of the law responsible for the Volcker Rule (which a major bank just got caught breaking for the first time) , and kill the fiduciary rule once and for all. The bill would allow big banks to skip out on a slew of oversight they’ re subject to now if they agree to hold high levels of capital. It would fundamentally change the role and scope of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, removing its authority to act upon practices it deems “unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts, ” and making it subject to Congressional oversight—which would leave it vulnerable to being completely defunded in the future.
Given the two executive orders issued by the President on Dodd-Frank, the constant protest to Dodd-Frank from the GOP, and the court cases filed alleging that the CFPB’s structure was fundamentally unconstitutional, neither the content of the Choice Act nor the fact that it was passed by House Republicans should come as much of a surprise. Republicans have long blamed Dodd-Frank and its requirements for the lackluster economic growth seen in the recovery and the years following. Donald Trump himself, before issuing his first executive order to look into Dodd-Frank, said that many friends of his “with nice businesses” had trouble getting loans due to Dodd Frank.
Democrats have already attempted to introduce several amendments to the Choice Act, and will likely fight it vigorously. While many concede that Dodd-Frank is certainly imperfect, they worry that repealing the complicated bill could make the financial sector more risky and unstable than it was before the Great Recession.
While the Choice Act, especially in its current form, may never actually make it into law, it helps provide both momentum and framework for the administration’s ultimate goals of widespread deregulation. The first review of Dodd-Frank by the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is due in June. After that, the administration is expected to give more details on its plans for deregulating the financial sector and what, if anything, will replace the existing framework.

© Source: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/05/dodd-frank-repeal/525474/?utm_source=feed
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Trump signs "religious liberty" order to “defend freedom of religion”


Trump signs executive order he says will " defend freedom of religion and speech in America"
Commemorating the National Day of Prayer, President Trump signed an executive order he says will «defend freedom of religion and speech in America.»
«It was looking like you’d never get here folks, but you got here, » said Mr. Trump said in the Rose Garden Thursday, addressing members of various faith communities. He called it the first time such a religious statement has been made so publicly on the White House grounds.
At the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday morning, President Trump vowed to put an end to the so-called Johnson Amendment, which bars tax-exempt …
«The Founding Fathers believed religious liberty was so fundamental they enshrined it in the first amendment in the constitution, yet for too long the Federal government has used the power of the state as a weapon against people of faith bullying and even punishing Americans for following their religious beliefs, » said Mr. Trump.
«No American should be forced to choose between the dictates of the government and their faith, » Mr. Trump added, «Freedom is not a gift from government. Freedom is a gift from God.»
The president, surrounded by various faith leaders and Vice President Mike Pence, signed executive orders that would allow the IRS — when IRS officials choose — not to enforce the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits nonprofits such as churches and charities from «directly or indirectly» engaging in a political campaign. But the order doesn’t provide blanket relief for tax-exempt religious organizations, opening the possibility that the IRS could pick and choose whom to penalize.
Mr. Trump called the Johnson Amendment «very unfair» and had promised on the campaign trail to «destroy» the amendment if he won.
«If I didn’t win, I’d probably be out enjoying my life, but I wouldn’t be helping you with the Johnson Amendment, » joked the president with faith leaders.
According to a senior administration official, the entire White House team, including Mr. Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, both observant orthodox Jews, worked on the executive order.
The order, which was based on one of Mr. Trump’s campaign promises, would also provide regulatory relief from Obamacare requirements such as the requirement that organizations provide contraception care, which was heavily debated in the Little Sisters of the Poor case. Mr. Trump commended the nuns from the case for having «good lawyers.»
Mr. Trump took a moment during the event to also formally announce his plans to travel to the Middle East, where he is expected to travel to Saudi Arabia to hold talks with Muslim leaders in an effort to help «combat terrorism and violence and to embrace a more just and hopeful future for young Muslims in their countries.»
«Our task is not to dictate to others how to live but to build a coalition of friends and partners» to fight terrorism, and to «bring stability to the war ravaged Middle East, » added the president.
Mr. Trump will continue his overseas visit to Israel and then to Rome shortly thereafter, ahead of the NATO and G7 meetings.
The NYPD expects President Trump to be greeted by thousands of protesters Thursday when he returns to the city for the first time since his inaug…
The president also promised to direct the Department of Justice to develop new rules to establish religious protections are afforded to all Americans
«Under my administration, free speech does not end at the steps of a cathedral or synagogue, we are giving our churches their voices back, with this order, we will also make clear that the federal government will never penalize any person for their protected religious beliefs, » said Mr. Trump.
In a statement issued following Mr. Trump’s remarks, the ACLU announced their intentions to file a lawsuit in reponse to the executive order.
«The actions taken today are a broadside to our country’s long-standing commitment to the separation of church and state. Whether by executive order or through backroom deals, it’s clear that the Trump administration and Congressional leadership are using religion as a wedge to further divide the country and permit discrimination, » said American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director Anthony D. Romer in a statement.
The statement went on to say «President Trump’s efforts to promote religious freedom are thinly-veiled efforts to unleash his conservative religious base into the political arena while also using religion to discriminate. It’s a dual dose of pandering to a base and denying reproductive care. We will see Trump in court, again.»
The phrase “fake news” has been used by Trump to discredit responsible reporting that he dislikes. But «60 Minutes’ » investigation looks at truly fake news created by con-artists
Just how many almonds does he really eat, anyway?

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-signs-religious-liberty-order-to-defend-freedom-of-religion/
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