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MON o wypadku amerykańskiej ciężarówki: Kierowca nie dostosował prędkości do warunków na drodze


NewsHubDroga nr 27 prowadzi z Zielonej Góry w kierunku Żar i Żagania. W Żaganiu stacjonuje kilkuset żołnierzy i sprzęt amerykańskiej brygady pancernej, która została skierowana do Polski. Do wypadku ciężarówki z amunicją doszło w rejonie miejscowości Piaski w powiecie zielonogórskim. Z pojazdu wysypał się ładunek. Kierowca ciężarówki przewożącej amunicję treningową do czołgów M-1 Abrams nie dostosował prędkości do panujących warunków drogowych. Kierowane przez niego auto wpadło w poślizg i wypadło z drogi. Część przewożonej amunicji wypadła na drogę” — poinformował w niedzielę rzecznik. Jak dodał, dwóch amerykańskich żołnierzy — kierowca i pasażer odniosło lekkie obrażenia. Udzielono im niezbędnej pomocy medycznej. Zaraz po wypadku miejsce zdarzenia zostało zabezpieczone przez Żandarmerię Wojskową, policję i strażaków. Droga została zamknięta i wytyczono objazdy — prace miały trwać do rana w niedzielę. Poranny komunikat Generalnej Dyrekcji Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad informował, że wszystkie drogi krajowe są przejezdne. Teren, w którym doszło do zdarzenia jest niezamieszkany. ansa/

Similarity rank: 2.2
Sentiment rank: -2.5

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/wPolitycepl/~3/QoyRxOq9oM0/324354-mon-o-wypadku-amerykanskiej-ciezarowki-kierowca-nie-dostosowal-predkosci-do-warunkow-na-drodze
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Задержанным в Вашингтоне грозит 10 лет тюрьмы и $250 тыс штрафа


NewsHubКИЕВ, 22 янв — РИА Новости Украина. Активистам, которые были задержаны за беспорядки в Вашингтоне в пятницу грозят длительные сроки заключения. Об этом сообщило агентство Ассошиэйтед Пресс со ссылкой на офис федерального прокурора по столичному округу Колумбия.
Большинству из 230 задержанных предъявлены обвинения в беспорядках, что соответствует статусу тяжкого преступления и может повлечь до 10 лет тюрьмы и 250 тысяч долларов штрафа.
При этом задержанных продолжают выпускать под залог, суды пройдут в феврале.
Большинство из задержанных — противники президента Дональда Трампа, но есть и его сторонники.
В ходе инаугурации Трампа прошли протесты, причем ряд скоординированных, по мнению полиции, групп бил витрины и стекла в машинах, был сожжен лимузин. Полиция применяла слезоточивый газ, шумовые гранаты и водометы.

Similarity rank: 1.2

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/world_news/20170122/1020725588.html
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Schnellzug entgleist: Mindestens 32 Tote in Indien


NewsHubBei einem Zugunglück in Indien sind mindestens 32 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die Unglücksursache ist noch unklar. Das indische Bahnsystem gilt als veraltet und marode, oftmals fehlt es an den einfachsten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen.
Mindestens 32 Menschen sind ums Leben gekommen, als im Süden Indiens eine Lok und acht Waggons eines Expresszuges am Samstagabend entgleisten. Darüber hinaus wurden nach Behördenangaben mindestens 50 Menschen verletzt.
Der Zug war auf dem Weg von Jagdalpur nach Bhubaneswar, der Hauptstadt von Odisha. Der Zugverkehr auf der Küstenstrecke wurde nach dem Unglück ausgesetzt.
Die Bahn ist Indiens wichtigstes Fernverkehrsmittel. Das System gilt jedoch als veraltet und marode, oftmals fehlt es an den einfachsten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen. Erst im vergangenen November waren beim Entgleisen eines Zuges im Norden des Landes 146 Menschen ums Leben gekommen.
Laut einem Regierungsbericht aus dem Jahr 2012 sterben in Indien jedes Jahr 15.000 Menschen bei Zugunglücken. Premierminister Narendra Modi hatte bei seinem Amtsantritt vor gut zweieinhalb Jahren Investitionen in Höhe von 137 Milliarden US-Dollar zur Modernisierung des Bahnsystems angekündigt.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/zugungluck-indien-101.html
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Pogrzeb posła Rafała Wójcikowskiego we wtorek


NewsHubRafał Wójcikowski zginął w czwartek o poranku, w wypadku na drodze S8 w powiecie skierniewickim. Stracił panowanie nad autem i uderzył w barierki.
Informacja ws. pogrzebu posła Rafała Wójcikowskiego pic.twitter.com/fQGeuq4ZxN — SejmRP (@KancelariaSejmu) 22 stycznia 2017
Rafał Wójcikowski w Sejmie zasiadał między innymi w Komisji Finansów Publicznych – był zastępcą jej przewodniczącego. Pracował również w Komisji do Spraw Energii i Skarbu Państwa oraz w Komisji Edukacji, Nauki i Młodzieży.
#wieszwiecej | Polub nas
Wójcikowski występował w licznych debatach sejmowych m.in. nad ustawą budżetową – w której apelował do rządu, by w roku 2017 skoncentrował się na obniżeniu ryzyka inwestycyjnego. W tej debacie apelował o poparcie – przyjętego później – wniosku mniejszości, który wprowadził rozróżnienie między Zespołem Aspergera i autyzmem.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -3.3

© Source: http://www.tvp.info/28736508/pogrzeb-posla-rafala-wojcikowskiego-we-wtorek
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Fleetwood holds off major champions to win in Abu Dhabi


NewsHubTommy Fleetwood looked at the leaderboard and saw three of the biggest names in golf among the players hunting him down in the final holes of the Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship on Sunday.
Rather than unnerve the Englishman, it spurred him on.
Fleetwood produced his best stretch of golf all week when it mattered most, a back nine of 31 completing a 5-under 67 — the lowest score of the day — and a one-shot victory over the strongest field that the European Tour compiles.
Dustin Johnson, Henrik Stenson and Martin Kaymer, all recent major winners, couldn’t keep up with Fleetwood, who ended his 3½-year wait for a second European Tour title.
«At the end of the day, they are world beaters,» the 26-year-old Fleetwood said. «They know how to get it done and they know what they are doing when they get up there.
«It’s a very big deal to prove yourself against some of the world’s best. »
For Fleetwood, a victory was due after a strong run of results since September, which was sparked by a return to his old caddie and his former coach. He just didn’t see it coming here, where he’d missed the cut in four of the previous years.
In a tense final round during which five players held either the outright lead or a share of the lead, Fleetwood made his move at the par-5 10th hole when he chipped in for eagle from 20 yards to get within a shot of first place.
He rolled in a 10-footer for birdie at No. 11 to tie the lead with Kiradech Aphibarnrat of Thailand and wasn’t out of the lead through to the 18th hole. Holding a one-stroke advantage, Fleetwood pulled his drive into the spectators but got relief and a nice lie from his drop. He smashed a 3-wood downwind toward the green, shouting at the ball as it flew through the air, and it settled more than 300 yards later in the heart of the putting surface.
«I just had a go at it,» Fleetwood said. «You’ve got to take those chances if you want to win. »
His putt for eagle slid three feet by, but he made no mistake coming back and only an eagle from Pablo Larrazabal in the final group behind could deny Fleetwood. When the 2014 champion’s third shot came up short, Fleetwood — distinctive with his long, flowing hair — celebrated with his team behind the 18th green.
His winning score was 17-under-par 271.
«You know (if) you keep knocking on the door, it would come,» said Fleetwood, who had 10 top-20 finishes in 12 events stretching back to September. «I didn’t really think it would be this week. »
This win will lift him from a ranking of No. 102 to near the top 50. His career-high ranking was 47th in July 2015, after which he changed his swing — hoping, in his words, «it would make me a world-class golfer» — and got stuck in a rut.
Fleetwood’s only previous win came at the Johnnie Walker Championship at Gleneagles in August 2013.
Johnson, the U. S. Open champion, holed a 20-foot eagle putt at the last for a 68 and a share of second place with Larrazabal on 16 under. Kaymer (69), a three-time winner in Abu Dhabi, also eagled No. 18 and was in a three-way share for 4th place with Aphibarnrat and Bernd Wiesberger.
Kaymer led on his own for two holes before dropping three shots in a five-hole stretch around the turn.
Stenson (69) was tied for eighth on 13 under.
Playing his first event in the Middle East, Johnson started the final round in the last group, one shot behind third-round leader Tyrrell Hatton, and on the back of a 64 on Saturday. However, he didn’t make his first birdie until No. 8 — remarkably that was his first birdie on a par-5 hole all week for the long-hitting American — and his strong finish of two birdies and an eagle in his final six holes came too late.
«I struck the ball well and gave myself plenty of opportunities,» the third-ranked Johnson said. «I just didn’t roll any putts in. »
Larrazabal was seeking his second win here in three years and provided more energy on the course than any other player, pumping his fists and skipping across the putting green after a 35-footer for birdie for No. 14, a chip-in in from the fringe at No. 14 to briefly tie the lead, and a 20-foot putt for birdie at No. 17 to draw within one stroke of Fleetwood.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 2.9

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/article128069919.html
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У Авакова подтвердили имя нардепа, на которого готовилось покушение


NewsHubОб этом он написал на своей странице в Facebook.
Шкиряк пояснил, что главными мотивами покушения была деятельность сайта «Миротворец» и жесткая открытая, публичная антироссийская деятельность Геращенко.
«Почерк заказчиков идентичен с планированием и осуществлением теракта с убийством Павла Шеремета», — написал он.
Ранее информацию о том, что целью убийц был Антон Геращенко, привело издание «Цензор.нет» со ссылкой на собственные источники .
Как сообщал «Апостроф», глава СБУ заявил, что к покушению причастны российские спецслужбы. Убийство нардепа планировалось совершить с применением самодельного взрывного устройства. По подозрению в покушении задержаны два человека.
Напомним, в результате взрыва автомобиля в Киеве утром 20 июля погиб журналист Павел Шеремет.

Similarity rank: 8.8

© Source: http://apostrophe.ua/news/84190
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Donald Trump attacks media over 'shameful and wrong' inauguration crowd reports


NewsHubDonald Trump has hit out at reports that considerably fewer people turned out to watch him take the oath of office than at Barack Obama’s first inauguration and warned a «big price» will be paid by reporters who allegedly lied about the size of the crowds at his inauguration ceremony.
Pictures shared on social media appeared to show acres of empty space on Washington DC’s National Mall, where an estimated 1.8 million people stood to see his predecessor in 2009.
However, the new president insisted that his was «the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period» and slammed the reports as «shameful».
Speaking at the CIA headquarters in Virginia on his first full day in office, Mr Trump said the reports did not reflect the scene from his vantage point on Capitol Hill.
He also attacked reporters as being among the «the most dishonest human beings on Earth. »
«We had a massive field of people, you saw them — packed. I get up this morning, I turn on one of the networks and they show an empty field,» Mr Trump said.
«I said ‘wait a minute, I made a speech’, I looked out the field was, it looked like a million, a million and a half people, they showed a field where there were practically nobody standing.
«Honestly it looked like a million and a half people, whatever it was, it was. But it went all the way back to the Washington monument. »
The new White House press secretary Sean Spicer also chided the news media for what he called «deliberate false reporting» regarding the attendance at figures at the inauguration.
Talking at his first press briefing, Mr Spicer spoke for about 10 minutes, before walking out without taking any questions.
«Yesterday, at a time when our nation and the world was watching the peaceful transition of power … some members of the media were engaged in deliberate and false reporting,» he said.
Launching into a lengthy explanation over photos on which appeared to show swathes of empty space at the ceremony on social media, he insisted: «This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period. Both in person and around the globe. »
He said: «Photographs of the inauguration process were intentionally framed in a way… to minimise the enormous support that had gathered on the National Mall,» he said.
The area between the Capitol building and the Washington Monument, just over halfway down the National Mall, held approximately 720,000 people, he added.
«All of this space was full when the president took the oath of office,» he said.
He added: «This was the first time in our nation’s history that floor coverings had been used to protect the grass on the Mall that had the effect highlighting any areas where people were not standing, while in years past, the grass eliminated this visual. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period – both in person and remote. »
However, similar coverings were used on the Mall during Mr Obama’s inauguration in 2013.
Estimates place attendance of Mr Trump’s inauguration at around 250,000, although there are no official figures.
“No one had numbers because the National Park Service, which controls the National Mall, does not put those out,»Mr Spicer said.
He added that 420,000 people used the DC Metro Transit on Friday, compared to 317,000 who used it for President Obama’s last inauguration in 2013. He did not say how many used the system in 2009.
Nielsen estimates that 31 million viewers watched TV coverage of President Trump’s inauguration.
That is better than Mr Obama’s second inauguration but well short of his first.
The most-watched inauguration since 1969 was President Ronald Reagan’s first oath-taking in 1981, which was seen by 41.8 million people. The audience total measures continuous coverage by 12 broadcast and cable networks.
In 2013, 20.6 million viewed Mr Obama’s second inauguration. His first inauguration, in 2009, was seen by 37.8 million people.
Around 1.8 million people also attended the live event in Washington DC.
Mr Spicer also said that the Trump administration were “going to hold the press accountable,” partly by reaching the public through social networking sites.
Meanwhile, more than 500,000 demonstrators marched on the nation’s capital the day after the presidential inauguration – and hundreds of thousands and possibly millions more took to the streets in all 50 states and around the globe

Similarity rank: 6.3
Sentiment rank: -0.7

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/north-america/donald-trump-attacks-media-over-shameful-and-wrong-inauguration-crowd-reports-35387850.html
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Andy Murray: Australian Open loss to Mischa Zverev is tough to take


NewsHubAndy Murray says his shock defeat by world number 50 Mischa Zverev at the Australian Open is tough to take.
The German played aggressively to surprise Britain’s world number one and register a 7-5 5-7 6-2 6-4 victory.
Murray, 29, has never won the title despite reaching the final five times, but was favourite to win after Novak Djokovic was knocked out on Thursday.
«It a tough loss at one of the biggest events and one that I wanted to do better at,» Murray told BBC Sport.
«I get a bit of time off now and try to learn from it and try to understand what I could have done a little bit better, and then come back and try again. »
It is the first time since 2009 that the Scot has not reached the quarter-finals in Melbourne.
Johanna Konta is now the only Briton left in the singles after Dan Evans’ run was ended by France’s Jo-Wilfried Tsonga on Sunday.
«Mischa plays with a game style that not many players play these days and he played it extremely well,» said Murray.
«In the slams, with the best-of-five format, you have time to turn things around. There’s also time to mess it up as well. »
Zverev’s attacking serve-and-volley style meant that Murray was under pressure throughout.
The Briton grew more frustrated as the match progressed, turning and shouting to his box as he tried to halt Zverev’s progress.
«I was getting myself pumped up and at the end of the set I was trying to get a little more energy, show positive body language,» he added.
«I don’t think I was flat, it just wasn’t to be today. He deserved to win. It’s a tough one to lose. »
A clearly emotional Zverev, who is coached by his parents, paid tribute to his younger brother Alexander after he completed the win over Murray.
Alexander, 19, narrowly missed out on a place in the quarter-finals after a five-set contest with Rafael Nadal on Saturday.
«My brother inspires me all the time because he plays such great tennis and he challenges me to do better in myself,» said Zverev, 29.
The German is the lowest-ranked player to beat Murray at a Grand Slam since Argentina’s Juan Ignacio Chela, then also ranked 50th, beat him at Melbourne in 2006.
He will go on to face either Roger Federer, who he described as his idol, or Kei Nishikori in the last eight.
«I was like in a little coma, just serving and volleying my way through it. There were a few points where I didn’t know how I pulled it off but somehow I made it,» Zverev added.
«It was kind of easy to stay aggressive but it was tough to stay calm. I was expecting to maybe double fault in the last but somehow I made it. »
Leon Smith, Great Britain Davis Cup captain, on BBC Radio 5 live
Andy will obviously be very disappointed but hopefully in a couple of days’ time he can look back and realise what he’s done over the last decade in Slams is absolutely phenomenal.
So as much as this one hurts, he’s got an incredible record and he’s got time now to go and prepare for the next one, the French Open and onwards.
Mischa Zverev played great. It was much talked about beforehand, he plays in a way that other players just aren’t used to playing against — serve and volley all the time on the first serve, a lot of times on the second, hitting and coming in off returns. It just made it more difficult to get into the match because there’s no rhythm.
Jeremy Bates, former British number one
I don’t think this has any reflection whatsoever on how the rest of the year goes — they are here to play 18, 19 tournaments I think Andy plays on average per year — he’s got all the Slams coming up, he’s still world number one and in a very strong position.
One loss is not going to rock the boat too much or blow him off course. If anything it will motivate him to probably work harder — he’s somebody who analyses these things, he likes to look into the reasons, what he could’ve done better, what went wrong and that’s his mind, that’s the way he works, that’s why he’s successful and he will use it along those lines to carry on.
He’ll probably have another great year, he’s in the driving seat.
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Redcar Junior parkrun

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: 0.6

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/38710107
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Prezydent Andrzej Duda otworzył charytatywne zawody narciarskie w Zakopanem


NewsHubPrezydent Andrzej Duda otworzył w niedzielę w Zakopanem charytatywne zawody narciarskie zjeżdżając jako kapitan drużyny, w której skład wchodzi czołówka polskich narciarzy – olimpijczyków. Dochód z imprezy wesprze niepełnosprawnych sportowców.
To już trzecia edycja charytatywnych zawodów w narciarstwie alpejskim „12H Slalom Maraton Zakopane 2017”. To wydarzenie wspierające podopiecznych fundacji Handicap Zakopane, podczas której narciarze ustanawiają rekord Guinnessa w jeździe na nartach non stop przez 12 godzin.
„Serdecznie dziękuję, że jesteście państwo tutaj, że poświęcacie niedzielę, aby wziąć udział w tych zawodach. Mamy do przejechania co najmniej 603 km, bo poprzedni rekord to 602 km. Mam nadzieję, że państwo podołacie” – mówił tuż przed rozpoczęciem maratonu prezydent.
Prezydent podziękował za zorganizowanie tego wydarzenia i za popularyzowanie narciarstwa.
„Aby jak najwięcej ludzi w ten zdrowy, sportowy sposób spędzało czas. Życzę wszystkim powodzenia i abyśmy z uśmiechem zakończyli te zawody, wtedy kiedy rekord zostanie już pobity” – mówił przed pierwszym zjazdem prezydent.
Burmistrz Zakopanego Leszek Dorula podziękował prezydentowi za to, że «na wszystkie prośby władz miasta odpowiada pozytywnie z pełnego serca z otwartością dla nas”. „Robi pan to z serca dla tych, którzy otrzymają konkretną pomoc” – mówił Dorula.
„Chcemy przejechać jak najwięcej kilometrów na nartach, bo mamy w tym wielki cel. Chcemy pozyskać środki na działania fundacji Handicap Zakopane. Im więcej przejedziemy kilometrów tym więcej pieniędzy zostanie przeznaczonych dla niepełnosprawnych sportowców” – wyjaśniła prezes fundacji, olimpijka Małgorzata Tlałka-Długosz.
Sponsor zawodów, grupa PZU przekaże pieniądze za każdy przejechany na nartach kilometr. Na trasie narciarskiej na polanie Szymoszkowej pojawią się utytułowani narciarze, mistrzowie Polski i olimpijczycy. Narciarski maraton potrwa do godziny 20.00 i wówczas okaże się, czy dotychczasowy rekord przejechanych na nartach kilometrów został pobity.(PAP)
szb/ dym/

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 3.4

© Source: http://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,779442,prezydent-andrzej-duda-otworzyl-charytatywne-zawody-narciarskie-w-zakopanem.html
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Evacuation orders for over 2,900 as huge fire breaks out at Japanese petroleum plant (VIDEO) — RT News


NewsHubFootage broadcast by the Japanese media shows firefighters trying to dose the flames as well as thick plum of black smoke rising against the skyline.
According to NHK, 1,281 households were  told to evacuate, which affects at least 2,986 people.
No reports of casualties were immediately available following the disaster.
Oil refining is one of the major industries in the coastal city located in the Wakayama Prefecture on Honshu island.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.rt.com/news/374684-japan-fire-evacuate-petrolium/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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