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Japan court rules state liable for negligence over Fukushima


A court in Japan has ruled for the first time that the state is jointly liable for negligence over the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.
A court in Japan has ruled for the first time that the state is jointly liable for negligence over the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.
The district court north of Tokyo found that the government and the plant’s operator Tepco were responsible.
At the time the then prime minister Naoto Kan was accused of being slow to acknowledge the severity of the tragedy.
He was forced out of office six months later.
More recently he has blamed Tepco, saying he couldn’t get accurate information out of the operator at a crucial moment.
Tepco said in a statement it would review the contents of the ruling before responding. It has long been criticised for ignoring the threat posed by natural disasters to Fukushima.
The ruling came on behalf of 137 evacuees seeking damages for the emotional distress of fleeing their homes as radiation spread from the nuclear plant.
Some 15,000 people were killed and 200,000 displaced six years ago after the earthquake and tsunami, which swamped the Fukushima Daiichi plant, causing meltdowns at three reactors.

Similarity rank: 8

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/euronews/en/news/~3/DXASodksxbs/japan-court-rules-state-liable-for-negligence-over-fukushima
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+++ Live-Ticker: Merkel trifft Trump +++


Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) ist im Weißen Haus zu ihrem ersten Besuch bei US-Präsident Donald Trump eingetroffen. Sie will Vertrauen aufbauen – trotz…
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) ist im Weißen Haus zu ihrem ersten Besuch bei US-Präsident Donald Trump eingetroffen. Sie will Vertrauen aufbauen – trotz aller Differenzen. Lesen Sie unseren Live-Ticker.

Similarity rank: 6.2

© Source: http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Politik/Deutschland-Welt/Merkel-trifft-Trump
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В МИД Украины осудили поездку сербских парламентариев в Крым


Спикер Министерства иностранных дел Украины Марьяна Беца назвала визит сербских парламентариев в Крым пренебрежением…
Министерство иностранных дел Украины осудило поездку сербских парламентариев в Крым вопреки многочисленным предупреждениям с украинской стороны. Об этом заявила спикер украинского МИД Марьяна Беца на брифинге, передает «Украинская правда».
По словам Бецы, сербские политики демонстративно нарушили законодательство Украины и международное право, открыто призывая к признанию Крыма российской территорией и тем самым идя вопреки официальной позиции Белграда, которая основывается на поддержке суверенитета и территориальной целостности Украины.
«Рассматриваем действия этих политиков как проявление сознательного пренебрежения к ключевым принципам международного права, прежде всего суверенитета и территориальной целостности независимых государств, и одобрение ими преступной политики России, направленной на системные и масштабные нарушения прав человека на оккупированном полуострове», – заявила спикер украинского МИД.
В украинском внешнеполитическом ведомстве ожидают осуждения этого визита со стороны сербских властей, а также отмечают, что нарушители будут наказаны в соответствии с украинским законодательством.
16 марта глава пророссийской «Сербской народной партии» Ненад Попович посетил аннексированный Россией Крым. Он заявил, что «вопрос Крыма решен и что его возвращение к прежнему состоянию уже невозможно».

Similarity rank: 13

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/crimea/mid-ukrainy-osudilo-vizit-serbskih-politikov-v-krym-178848.html
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Ägyptischer Sensationsfund: Kolossalstatue zeigt doch nicht Ramses II.


Nicht Ramses II., sondern den Jahrhunderte nach ihm regierenden Psammetich I. soll die in Kairo entdeckte Kolossalstatue zeigen. Darauf verweisen Hieroglyphen auf ihrer Rückseite.
Die Kolossalstatue, die vor zehn Tagen in Kairo aus dem Schlamm einer Baugrube aufgetaucht ist, zeigt allem Anschein nach doch nicht Ramses II., der in der 19. Dynastie von 1279 bis 1213 v. Chr. regierte. Auf dem Rücken des Torsos eingravierte Hieroglyphen legten vielmehr nahe, dass die Statue Psammetich I. darstellt, Pharao von 664 bis 610 v. Chr. und Begründer der 26. Dynastie.
Das teilte der ägyptische Antikenminister Khaled El-Enany am Donnerstagabend bei einer Pressekonferenz vor dem Ägyptischen Museum mit. Dorthin war die von einem deutsch-ägyptischen Archäologen-Team im nördlichen Stadtteil Matariya entdeckte Statue zuvor transportiert worden.
Zweifel daran, dass es sich bei dem Fund um ein Denkmal Ramses’ II. handelt, waren bereits in den vergangenen Tagen geäußert worden. Für Ramses II. sprach indes, dass die Kolossalstatue auf dem Areal des ersten von ihm errichteten Tempels der „Sonnenstadt“ Heliopolis gefunden wurde, dem religiösen Zentrum des alten Ägypten, erklärte deutsche Ausgräber, Dietrich Raue, am Freitag. Doch jetzt, nach einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung stehe die Zuordnung zu Psammetich I. fest.
„Wir haben auf der Rückseite der Statue vier Zeichen entdeckt“, sagte Raue einer Pressemitteilung der Universität Leipzig zufolge. „Sie bedeuten ,Herr des Armes’. Das ist der Inbegriff von Tatkraft und der Name, der ausschließlich für Psammetich I. verwendet wurde.“ Raue ist Kustos des Ägyptischen Museums von Leipzig, das zur Universität gehört.
Antikenminister El-Enany äußerte sich vorsichtiger. Weitere Untersuchungen seien notwendig, um die Identität des Kunstwerks zweifelsfrei zu bestimmen, sagte er laut dem Nachrichten-Portal „Al Arabiya“ bei der Pressekonferenz. So sei es denkbar, dass Psammetich I. eine frühere Statue recycelt habe.
Zweifellos aber darf die Statue weiterhin als Sensationsfund gelten – schon wegen ihrer Größe und der laut Raue exquisiten künstlerischen Gestaltung in hellbraun gemasertem, glitzerndem Quarzit. Es handle sich um die „größte bisher gefundene Statue des Pharao Psammetich I., von dem es bisher nur lebensgroße Plasiken gibt“, erklärte Raue. Außer dem Torso war auch der Kopf der Plastik gefunden worden. Wie Ramses II., der einst Frieden mit den Hethitern schloss, gilt auch Psammetich I. als besonders bedeutend. Er war der Pharao, der Ägypten von den Assyrern befreite.

Similarity rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/aegyptischer-sensationsfund-kolossalstatue-zeigt-doch-nicht-ramses-ii-/19533184.html
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| New film trailers and release dates: Meet Transformers 5's newest character


We’ve rounded up the best new films coming out in 2017 with their trailers and release dates, including Beauty and the Beast, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Wonder Woman and more.
We’ve rounded up some of the best new films coming out in 2017 with their trailers and release dates, including Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Wonder Woman and more.
Also see: Best films to watch on Netflix | Best films to watch on Amazon Prime | Best films to watch on Sky
And if you want to grab tickets for any of these, check out our guide to buying cheap cinema tickets in the UK .
Last updated with the latest trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight .
Starring: Scarlett Johansson, Michael Pitt, Juliette Binoche
What we know: Scarlett Johansson stars as a cyborg cop in this remake of the iconic Japanese manga and anime that directly inspired The Matrix way back when. So far, the film has been best known for the whitewashing controversy that erupted over Johansson’s casting, but the trailers so far have shown off some very slick visuals, great action, and hints at the big mind-bending plot.
Starring: Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Charlize Theron, Jason Statham
What we know: OK, so they can’t seem to decide whether it’s called Fast & Furious 8 or the far more ridiculous The Fate of the Furious, but at least it looks pretty great. After years of speeches about the importance of family (between all the cars and explosions) Vin Diesel’s Dom looks to be abandoning his to run off for a life of crime with Charlize Theron. Or is there more to it than that? Well, there almost certainly is, but you’ll have to wait until April to find out.
Starring: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Brandon Cooper, Vin Diesel
What we know: Marvel’s funniest film is getting its (frankly inevitable) sequel, and we don’t know anyone who isn’t excited about it. Expect underrated ’70s hits, an excessively violent raccoon, and the new, improved Baby Groot, who is clearly about to steal everyone’s hearts. Plus, Kurt Russell is turning up to play a character called ‘Ego, the Living Planet’, and you know you want to see what that involves.
After proving his big-budget mettle on the two Sherlock Holmes films, director Guy Ritchie (still best known for the likes of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) is delving a bit deeper into England’s (fictional) history for the first in a planned series of King Arthur films. Sons of Anarchy’s Charlie Hunnam is the man with the magic sword, while Jude Law is the preening king he’ll have to overthrow. Unsurprisingly, Ritchie’s version of Arthur looks a bit more rough-and-tumble than the legends usually go, but if this goes well, expect more round tables and wizards in the sequels.
Starring: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Noomi Rapace, Danny McBride
What we know: After the less-than-warm reaction granted to Alien prequel Prometheus, expect Ridley Scott’s follow-up to skew a bit closer to his own 1979 original — one of the best sci fi movies of all time. That probably means more terrifying space murder and less philosophical musing — though going by the title, Scott probably isn’t done with his religious allegory just yet. At least this time around we know for sure that a certain familiar creature is making a welcome return to the screen. Oh, and below the trailer we’ve include Last Supper, a five-minute prologue clip (not from the film itself) that introduces the crew of the Covenant and pays homage to an infamous bit of Alien lore.
Starring: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, Javier Bardem, Kaya Scodelario
What we know: Did you want a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film? Do you know anyone who did? Well, tough luck, because that’s what we’re getting. Steadily declining review scores weren’t enough to put Disney off this fifth outing (known as Dead Men Tell No Tales in the US), and they’ve even lured Orlando Bloom back after he skipped On Stranger Tides. Naturally, Johnny Depp is back too, this time up against Javier Bardem’s ghostly Captain Salazar and Australian agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce.
Starring: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright
What we know: The best bit of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is back in her own solo outing, set a century before she found herself dealing with the squabble between a moody alien and a billionaire dressed as a bat. This time she’s from her isolated island home and into the middle of World War One, where she’ll have to prove a) that DC can compete with Marvel after a run of critical disappointments, and b) that a female superhero can stand up and show the men how it’s done. No pressure then.
Starring: Tom Cruise, Sofia Boutella, Russell Crowe
What we know: Tom Cruise is pitted up against an angry Egyptian mummy in the first film in Universal’s new attempt to kick off a shared monster universe (think: Dracula, the Wolfman etc.). We’re still not entirely convinced we actually want or need a shared universe for the classic horror baddies, but The Mummy does at least look like it could be fun.
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Josh Duhamel, John Goodman
What we know: Come on, you know the drill by now. They’re robots, but they’re also cars, and stuff is going to explode. Optimus Prime has a sword now, and for some reason Anthony Hopkins is in it, but otherwise this is probably business as usual. You already know if you care or not, and nothing we say is going to change your mind, so just go ahead and watch the trailer.
Starring: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Russell Brand, Steve Coogan
What we know: Steve Carell’s lovable supervillain Gru is up against his greatest threat yet: the ’80s personified, in the form of obnoxious former-child-star-turned-evil-mastermind Balthazar Bratt. More importantly, the return of Despicable Me means another summer dominated by the ubiquitous minions, which is either the best news you’ve had all year or the final confirmation that 2017 is as doomed as 2016 was.
Starring: Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, Michael Keaton
What we know: Apparently stealing the show in last year’s Captain America: Civil War wasn’t enough for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, who’s coming back in his own solo outing this summer. Not that he’s entirely solo, of course — we already know a certain armoured Avenger is making an appearance — but stopping Michael Keaton’s Vulture is still going to fall squarely on the teenage webslinger’s shoulders. Is this enough to overcome audiences’ Spidey fatigue, or are the disappointing Amazing Spider-Man films still too fresh in our minds?
Starring: Owen Wilson, Armie Hammer
What we know: Pixar’s most lucrative franchise (seriously, Cars toys sell like crazy) is back for a third outing (fourth if you count spin-off Planes), no doubt sparking a fresh round of criticism that Pixar is selling out to sequelitis. Still, the animation powerhouse hasn’t actually made a bad film yet, so we’re finding it difficult to worry too much — not least because we’ve still got the Dia de los Muertos-inspired Coco to come later in the year.
Starring: Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson, Judy Greer
What we know: The planet of the apes has risen and dawned, and now it’s apparently time for war. Andy Serkis is back doing what he does best in motion capture, as the apes and humans devolve into all-out bloodshed. Of course, we all know roughly how things are going to end up, but it should be fun to see how it gets there.
Starring: Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh
What we know: After a few years of playing around with Batman, dreams, and spaceships, Christopher Nolan is back in more grounded territory with his next film: World War Two drama Dunkirk. It will focus on the Dunkirk evacuation, an operation in which almost 340,000 Allied soldiers were rescued from a French beach, thanks in part to a flotilla of hundreds of civilian ships recruited for the emergency operation. The trailers look suitably gruelling so far, and Nolan is usually reliable, but fair warning: this features the acting debut of One Direction’s Harry Styles, so please do bear that in mind.
Starring: Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey, Jackie Earle Haley, Abbey Lee
What we know: Idris Elba is the gunslinger Roland Deschain in this adaptation of the first of Stephen King’s epic seven-part sci-fi/fantasy/western book series. The books are arguably King’s most ambitious ever, delving into multiple dimensions and even breaking the fourth wall, and we have no idea how the films are going to cope as they go on — but we can’t wait to find out.
Starring: Cara Delevingne, Dane DeHaan, Ethan Hawke, Rihanna
What we know: Director Luc Besson returns with what looks to be a spiritual sequel to his most controversial film: The Fifth Element. Based on a French comic, Valerian is a visually extraordinary sci-fi spectacle, teeming with alien races and trippy effects. If you’re bored of grim and serious sci-fi fare, this should be a colourful alternative, though don’t expect it to take itself too seriously.
Starring: Ansel Elgort, Jamie Foxx, Jon Hamm, Kevin Spacey, Lily James
What we know: There’s a brand-new Edgar Wright movie on the way this summer, but we’re afraid that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are nowhere to be seen. Instead, this original film follows Ansel Elgort (of The Fault in Our Stars fame) as ‘Baby’, getaway driver extraordinaire, who somehow gets dragged in for one… last… heist. It looks a lot like Drive stripped of the neon and injected with a lot of humour, but that’s no bad thing.
Starring: Bill Skarsgård
What we know: The second big Stephen King adaptation this year is one of his biggest (and scariest) books: It. Bill Skarsgård is stepping into the oversized shoes of Pennywise the clown, ready to inspire a whole new generation of coulrophobics, as he hunts a group of kids in a sleepy Maine town, only to return 30 years later to face them as adults.
Starring: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Jared Leto
What we know: Filming a sequel to sci-fi classic Blade Runner 35 years after the fact can’t be an easy task, but at least with Harrison Ford returning as Deckard and original director Ridley Scott back as a producer, Blade Runner 2049 can claim a certain amount of legitimacy. Arrival’s Denis Villeneuve is calling the shots this time, with Ryan Gosling co-starring alongside Ford, and the first trailer builds on that considerable star power together with some pretty stunning visuals. We don’t know if we need a sequel to Blade Runner, but we can’t imagine one ever looking much better than this does.
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Cate Blanchett, Tom Hiddleston
What we know: Marvel’s God of Thunder is back in his third (and potentially final) solo film, and this time he’s up against the Norse apocalypse. First though, he’ll have to survive a gladiatorial arena that pits him against former teammate The Hulk. Thor: The Dark World was a bit of a disappointment, but new director Taika Waititi brings some very strong comedic chops with him, and the early pitch of a Thor/Hulk buddy movie is easily enough to get us excited. We’re still waiting for a first trailer, but in the meantime you can watch this clip of his return in Team Thor: Pt. 2, which you can watch in full on the Doctor Strange Blu-ray .
Starring: Ben Whishaw, Peter Capaldi, Hugh Grant, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins
What we know: The first Paddington was an absolute delight from start to finish (we rated it one of the best family films ever ), and we can only hope the sequel offers more of the same. This time around, everyone’s favourite bear from deepest, darkest Peru is entering the working world to save up for a present for his Aunt Lucy, and no doubt everything will go charmingly wrong.
Starring: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher
What we know: Newcomers Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg join together with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman to tackle a new apocalyptic threat in DC’s Avengers alternative. While the company’s superhero epics have been box office hits, they haven’t yet wowed critics — or fans — and Justice League will have to pull out all the stops to impress. Fortunately, director Zack Snyder has promised a lighter tone than his grimdark Batman v Superman — we may even get a whole joke this time.
Starring: Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Anthony Gonzalez
What we know: Pixar’s latest entirely original film takes its inspiration from D ía de los Muertos (aka the Day of the Dead), and promises to have an entirely Mexican cast. It boasts one of Pixar’s best directors, so we’re expecting stunning animation, a lot of laughs, and to be left in floods and floods of tears by the end, while the first trailer sets up some strong musical themes and the adorably manic pup Dante.
Starring: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher
What we know: After last year’s excellent standalone film Rogue One , Star Wars is going back to more familiar territory this December with a follow-up to The Force Awakens. Director Rian Johnson has promised it will pick up immediately where that film left off — meaning we might finally actually hear Luke Skywalker say something — while Adam Driver will be back as the wonderfully impetuous Kylo Ren. Still, none of that can make up for the fact that this will be our last ever film with Carrie Fisher as Princess (now General) Leia. You’ll find us bawling in the back row.
Starring: Eddie Redmayne, Tom Hiddleston, Maisie Williams, Timothy Spall
What we know: The latest film from Wallace & Gromit and Chicken Run creator Nick Park is taking us back to the Stone Age as Eddie Redmayne’s Dug has to lead his tribe to victory against some local Bronze Age upstarts. It’s an Aardman animation, so expect over-sized teeth, wacky animals, and oodles of slapstick humour — something the teaser trailer delivers in spades:
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin
What we know: Ryan Reynolds is back as the Merc with a Mouth in the sequel to 2016’s surprise R-rated hit. We barely know anything about the film, and there’s no trailer yet, but what we do have is a short teaser released alongside Logan, the latest Wolverine movie. It’s a look at Deadpool’s own take on a superhero staple, which goes predictably awry.

© Source: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/new-product/entertainment/best-new-movies-2017-best-new-films-coming-soon-trailers-release-dates-3644969/
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В Лондоне арестовали экс-главу "Укрспецэкспорта"


Генпрокуратура вооружила британских партнеров убедительными аргументами для обеспечения выдачи
15 марта в рамках экстрадиционного процесса в Лондоне был взят под стражу экс-руководитель «Укрспецэкспорта» Сергей Бондарчук.
Об этом на своей странице в Facebook написал генеральный прокурор Украины Юрий Луценко.
«Лондон перестает быть «тихой гаванью» для высокопоставленных беглецов. В результате слаженного взаимодействия Генпрокуратуры с британскими коллегами 15 марта в рамках экстрадиционного процесса в Лондоне был заключен под арест еще один «герой» Украины — экс-руководитель «Укрспецэкспорта» Сергей Бондарчук», — написал Луценко.
Он также отметил, что окончательную точку в деле выдачи Бондарчука уже в ближайшее время должен поставить Королевский суд.
«Дата судебного заседания должна быть определена уже 24 марта. Генпрокуратура вооружила британских партнеров убедительными аргументами для обеспечения выдачи. Мой визит в Лондон в ноябре 2016 не был бесполезным», — добавил генпрокурор.
Напомним, что Сергей Бондарчук был с 2005 по 2010 генеральным директором государственной компании по импорту и экспорту продукции и услуг военного назначения «Укрспецэкспорт».
Как ранее сообщал «Обозреватель», в феврале 2015 МВД Украины объявил в розыск Сергея Бондарчука .
А в июне 2016 года Бондарчук был объявлен Интерполом в международный розыск.

Similarity rank: 14

© Source: https://www.obozrevatel.com/crime/25694-v-londone-arestovali-eks-glavu-ukrspetseksporta.htm
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News in Graphics: Xamarin Kimono, Google Guetzli and Draco


Xamarin has open source a tool for editing SkiaSharp objects, while Google has reduced the size taken by 2D JPEG and 3D graphics.
Xamarin has open source a tool for editing SkiaSharp objects, while Google has reduced the size taken by 2D JPEG and 3D graphics.
Xamarin , a Microsoft subsidiary, has open sourced Kimono Designer , a tool for graphically editing SkiaSharp objects that can be converted later to code for the targeted platforms. SkiaSharp is a 2D API for. NET based on the Skia graphics library, a project started by Google and used as a cross-platform graphics engine by Chrome, Firefox and Android, among others. The problem with Skia and SkiaSharp is that developers need to use a low level API to create 2D graphics similar to Java 2D. An example of what it takes to draw a Bezier curve can be seen on Skia Fiddle page. The Kimono Designer enables developers to create 2D images with a graphical tool, making the task easier.
Kimono comes with a number of features, including Color Palettes, Visual Gradient Editor, Named Styles. Linked Properties, a Scripting language and others. The tool can generate code for Windows (WinForms, UWP, WPF), Android, iOS, MacOS, tvOS or cross-platform. For now, Kimono runs only on MacOS, but Xamarin plans to provide versions for UWP and Android and iOS tablets.
On a different note, Google has open sourced Guetzli [guɛtsli], a new JPEG compression algorithm and encoder that is meant to provide better compression rates while maintaining the quality of images. With Guetzli images are 20-30% smaller compared to their JPEG equivalents generated with libjpeg, according to Google. The size can be reduced by 35% according to this post. This is done without changing the existing browsers or applications using JPEG. Guetzli achieves smaller file sizes by eliminating elements of the image without affecting its quality. The team developing Guetzli explains :
The visual quality of JPEG images is directly correlated to its multi-stage compression process: color space transform , discrete cosine transform , and quantization. Guetzli specifically targets the quantization stage in which the more visual quality loss is introduced, the smaller the resulting file. Guetzli strikes a balance between minimal loss and file size by employing a search algorithm that tries to overcome the difference between the psychovisual modeling of JPEG’s format, and Guetzli’s psychovisual model , which approximates color perception and visual masking in a more thorough and detailed way than what is achievable by simpler color transforms and the discrete cosine transform. However, while Guetzli creates smaller image file sizes, the tradeoff is that these search algorithms take significantly longer to create compressed images than currently available methods.
Earlier this year, Google has taken another step in reducing data transferred over the internet, this time addressing 3D graphics. Draco is a compression library for 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. The library supports “compressing points, connectivity information, texture coordinates, color information, normals, and any other generic attributes associated with geometry.” The end result is that 3D graphics can be dozens of times smaller in size, according to this post comparing mesh file compression. Draco comes with a C++ encoder and a C++ plus a JavaScript decoder, the later targeting web applications.

© Source: http://www.infoq.com/news/2017/03/kimono-guetzli-draco?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=news
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List szefa koncernu Ringier Axel Springer wywołał polityczną burzę. Posłanka Pawłowicz nawołuje do bojkotu


W najbliższym tygodniu zostanie zwołane nadzwyczajne posiedzenie sejmowej komisji kultury w związku ze «skandaliczną ingerencją zagranicznego wydawcy w polską politykę» — oświadczył szef klubu PiS Ryszard Terlecki. Chodzi o list szefa koncernu medialnego Ringier Axel Springer. Pismo to wywołało szereg komentarzy politycznych. Bardzo emocjonalnie…
Telewizyjne «Wiadomości podały w czwartek», że szefostwo koncernu medialnego Ringier Axel Springer oczekuje od swoich dziennikarzy publikowania krytycznych ocen braku poparcia polskiego rządu dla Donalda Tuska w wyborze na szefa Rady Europejskiej.
Szef Ringier Axel Springer Media AG, Mark Dekan napisał do pracowników koncernu m.in: «Ideologie i prymitywne ideologie przegrały z wartościami i rozsądkiem. Wyłącznym zwycięzcą nie jest jednak Donald Tusk , tak jak Kaczyński nie jest jedynym przegranym. Razem z Tuskiem wygrali Polacy — wszyscy ci, którzy są dumni z przynależności do Unii Europejskiej (…). Co do przegranych w tym starciu, to obok Jarosława Kaczyńskiego znalazła się dobra reputacja Polski jako rzetelnego partnera».
List Marka Dekana zacytowały «Wiadomości» TVP.
O sprawę była pytana w programie «Gość Wiadomości» rzeczniczka PiS Beata Mazurek. Ta sytuacja jest skandaliczna, ona nie powinna mieć miejsca i ona świadczy tylko i wyłącznie o tym, że państwo niemieckie próbuje ingerować w wewnętrzne sprawy Polski, na co absolutnie nie może być zgody. Nie może być zgody absolutnie na to, że my jako Polacy będziemy akceptować to, by nasz naród był karmiony kłamliwą informacją przez media, które są inspirowane przez zagranicznych właścicieli — powiedziała Mazurek.
Korespondencja szefa koncernu wywołał też ostrą reakcję Krystyny Pawłowicz. W emocjonalnym wpisie na jednym z portali społecznościowych posłanka PiS zwróciła się do «POLSKICH dziennikarzy» w sprawie «gebelsowskiego, brunatnego mentalnie szefa ich niemieckiej firmy» (pisownia oryginalna):
Później zaapelowała również o bojkot prasy wydawanej przez polski oddział niemieckiego wydawnictwa oraz należącego do Ringier Axel Springer Polska portalu onet.pl:
Głos w tej oburzającej polityków partii rządzącej sprawie postanowiło zabrać także stowarzyszenie Towarzystwo Dziennikarskie , w którego władzach zasiadają Seweryn Blumsztajn , Krzysztof Bobiński i Jan Ordyński. W liście nadesłanym przez Jana Ordyńskiego do redakcji dziennik.pl członkowie TD zwracają się do «dziennikarzy i opinii publicznej Niemiec», stwierdzając, że «budowane od lat partnerstwo i przyjaźń polsko-niemiecka są dziś zagrożone przez falę kłamliwej i agresywnej propagandy antyniemieckiej, zainicjowanej przez polskie władze i przywodzącej na myśl komunistyczną propagandę lat 60. » :
Jak podkreślają członkowie Towarzystwa Dziennikarskiego , podziwiają «społeczeństwo i państwo niemieckie za respektowanie
standardów demokratycznych i moralnych i za solidarność z
prześladowanymi» i mają nadzieję, że «większość polskiej opinii publicznej okaże się odporna na szerzoną w złej wierze antyniemiecką propagandę i że będzie to tylko bolesny i wstydliwy epizod w historii przyjaznych stosunków polsko-niemieckich».

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© Source: http://rss.dziennik.pl/~r/Dziennik-PL/~3/Q4_8ltmYrpA/545203,list-szefa-koncernu-instrukcje-niemieckie-media-ringier-axel-springer-krystyna-pawlowicz-bojkot-sejm-posiedzenie.html
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米閣僚、東芝の経営懸念 WH破産申請に影響の可能性も


訪米中の 世耕弘成経済産業相は16日、 トランプ新政権の 関係3閣僚と相次いで会談した。 会談では、 ロス商務長官とペリー・ エネルギー省長官から、 米原発子会社ウェスチングハウス(WH)で巨額損失を出した東芝の …

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© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK3K35KMK3KULFA009.html
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Fukushima to Host Olympic Baseball, Softball at Tokyo 2020 Games


Three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant suffered a meltdown after an earthquake and tsunami struck the region in March 2011.
Fukushima will host Olympic baseball and softball in 2020, less than a decade after the Japanese city was devastated by a tsunami and ensuing nuclear plant meltdown.
The International Olympic Committee announced Friday that it had approved at Azuma Stadium as an additional baseball and softball venue during the Summer Games.
The move was the initiative of IOC President Thomas Bach, who sought to ensure that some Olympic events would be held in the region affected by the disaster, the organization said in a statement .
«This is a great opportunity to bring the spirit of the Olympic Games to this region, which was affected by the tsunami in 2011,» Bach told a press conference in Pyeongchang, South Korea. «It is also an expression of solidarity of the Olympic movement with the people in this region who are suffering from the consequences of this disaster. »
Tokyo 2020 will be the first time that baseball and softball have been featured at the Olympics since 2008. A stadium in the city of Yokohama will host other baseball and softball games.
«Fukushima will have a great platform to show the world the extent of its recovery in the 10 years since the disaster,» Tokyo 2020 president and former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori said in a statement Friday.
Mori added: «It will also be a wonderful chance for us to show our gratitude towards those who assisted in the region’s reconstruction. And I’m sure the people of Fukushima are also looking forward very much to seeing Olympics events hosted there. »
Three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant suffered a meltdown after an earthquake and tsunami struck the region in March 2011. The meltdown was the most serious nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
Up to 150,000 people fled radiation-affected areas around the plant. As of February, 123,000 remained displaced, according to The Associated Press.
The Japanese government has spent 26 trillion yen ($220 billion) in recovery and rebuilding from 2011-2015, but is due to slash that to only 6.5 trillion yen in 2016-2020.
Parts of the region are still uninhabitable, but the Japanese government announced this year that it would lift evacuation orders still in place for much of the area. It is also ending housing subsidies for people who resided in non-mandatory evacuation areas who chose to leave the area.
Some activists believe that parts of the area present health risks. A report from the environmental group Greenpeace published this month said that the health of vulnerable people, including children and pregnant women, could be at risk if they returned to live full-time in the area.
Earlier this month, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which monitors the cleanup, said that it noted the plan to return residents, «encourages Japan to continue its monitoring of radiation exposure doses of the residents and the continued provision of practical measures of radiation protection for people returning to previously evacuated areas. «

Similarity rank: 6

© Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/fukushima-host-olympic-baseball-softball-tokyo-2020-games-n734796?cid=public-rss_20170317
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