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首相 大統領専用機でフロリダに到着


安倍総理大臣はトランプ大統領との 初めての 日米首脳会談を終えたあと、 大統領専用機エアフォース・ ワンにトランプ大統領と同乗して移動し、 日本時間の …
安倍総理大臣はトランプ大統領との初めての日米首脳会談を終えたあと、大統領専用機エアフォース・ワンにトランプ大統領と同乗して移動し、日本時間の11日朝、大統領の別荘がある南部フロリダに到着しました。 安倍総理大臣は、ワシントンのホワイトハウスでトランプ大統領と初めての日米首脳会談を行い、両国の経済関係を一層深化させるため、麻生副総理兼財務大臣とペンス副大統領の間で対話を進めることなどで合意しました。 首脳会談を終えた安倍総理大臣は、大統領専用機エアフォース・ワンにトランプ大統領と同乗して移動し、日本時間の午前7時45分ごろ、大統領の別荘がある南部フロリダに到着しました。 安倍総理大臣は、フロリダで大統領夫妻と夕食を取りながら会談するほか、一緒にゴルフをする予定です。 外務省によりますと、日本の総理大臣がアメリカの大統領とゴルフをするのは、安倍総理大臣の祖父で当時の岸信介総理大臣とアイゼンハワー大統領の例があるということです。 安倍総理大臣としては、一連の日程を通じてトランプ大統領と親密な関係を築き、強固な日米同盟を内外に示す機会にもしたい考えです。

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170211/k10010872811000.html
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イラク 入国禁止対象から外すようトランプ大統領に要請


イラクの アバディ首相はトランプ大統領と電話会談し、 アメリカで7か国の 人の 入国を一時的に禁止する大統領令について「見直すことが重要だ」 と訴え、 …
イラクのアバディ首相はトランプ大統領と電話会談し、アメリカで7か国の人の入国を一時的に禁止する大統領令について「見直すことが重要だ」と訴え、イラクを対象国から外すよう要請しました。 イラク政府によりますと、イラクのアバディ首相とアメリカのトランプ大統領が9日、電話会談しました。 この中でアバディ首相はまず、過激派組織IS=イスラミックステートのイラク国内の最大の拠点モスルの奪還作戦について、「最終段階に入っている」などとしたうえで、引き続きアメリカをはじめとする国際社会の支援が必要だと強調しました。 また、アバディ首相は、アメリカで7か国の人の入国を一時的に禁止する大統領令の対象国にイラクが入っていることについて、「見直すことが重要だ」と訴え、イラクを対象国から外すよう要請したということです。 イラク政府によりますと、これに対しトランプ大統領は、できるだけ早い解決に向けた調整を進めるよう国務省に指示する意向を示したということです。 イラクでは、IS掃討作戦でアメリカと軍事的な連携を深めていただけに、入国を一時的に禁止する大統領令の対象国となったことについて、議会では対抗措置が議論されるなど反発が強まっています。

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170211/k10010872681000.html
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Dürre in Ostafrika: Millionen Menschen droht Hungersnot


Extreme Dürre plagt die Menschen in Ostafrika. Etwa zwölf Millionen Bewohnern drohe der Hungertod, warnen Hilforganisationen. Kenias Regierung rief deshalb nun den Katastrophenzustand aus. Viele Menschen dort haben seit Tagen nichts gegessen.
Extreme Dürre plagt die Menschen in Ostafrika. Etwa zwölf Millionen Bewohnern drohe der Hungertod, warnen Hilforganisationen. Kenias Regierung rief deshalb nun den Katastrophenzustand aus. Viele Menschen dort haben seit Tagen nichts gegessen.
Kenias Regierung hat wegen massiver Dürre in großen Teilen des Landes den Katastrophenzustand ausgerufen. Präsident Uhuru Kenyatta habe die internationale Gemeinschaft um Hilfe gebeten, hieß es aus seinem Büro. Kenyatta nahm auch Lebensmittelzulieferer in die Pflicht. Sie sollten die Krise nicht ausnutzen, um sich selbst zu bereichern, mahnte er.
Von der Dürre sind insgesamt 23 von 47 Bezirken in Kenia betroffen. Laut der zuständigen örtlichen Behörde sind 2,7 Millionen Bürger des Landes auf Hilfe angewiesen.
In Nordkenia nahe der Grenze zu Äthiopien sind 70 Prozent der Wasserquellen versiegt, wie Anne Hild vom Hilfswerk Malteser International berichtete. Viele Menschen hätten seit Tagen nichts mehr gegessen und könnten sich kaum noch auf den Beinen halten. Dies treffe vor allem Kinder und alte Menschen.
Die Dürre herrscht in ganz Ostafrika. Das Bündnis «Aktion Deutschland Hilft» warnt vor einer schweren Hungerkrise. Zwölf Millionen Menschen in Kenia, Äthiopien und Somalia seien vom Tod bedroht, wenn sie keine Lebensmittelhilfe erhielten. Es drohe der Ausfall von Ernten und der Tod vieler Herdentiere. In Somalia sind nach Angaben der Hilfsorganisation «Save the Children» Zehntausende Familien auf der Flucht. Sie suchten nach Wasser und Weideflächen für ihr Vieh. In der teilautonomen Region Puntland im Norden des Landes herrsche die schwerste Dürre seit mehr als 60 Jahren.
Mindestens 360.000 Kinder sind laut UN akut mangelernährt, rund 70.000 davon schweben in Lebensgefahr. Mehr als sechs Millionen Menschen werden Schätzungen zufolge bis Juni auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen sein. «Es sind die trockensten Bedingungen seit Jahrzehnten, und die Landschaft ist mit Ziegenkadavern übersät», berichtete der Landesdirektor von «Save the Children» in Somalia, Hassan Noor Saadi. «An manchen Orten sehen wir inzwischen auch tote Kamele — ein düsteres Vorzeichen für den Verlust von Menschenleben. » 2011 habe es ähnliche Anzeichen gegeben, doch die Welt habe nicht schnell genug reagiert. Damals kamen etwa 250.000 Menschen ums Leben.
UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres appellierte bereits an den neuen somalischen Präsidenten Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, zügig die derzeitige Dürre zu bekämpfen und eine Hungersnot zu verhindern.

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/duerre-kenia-101.html
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Ford spending $1 billion on self-driving artificial intelligence


Ford announced an investment in artificial-intelligence company Argo AI to foster development of its self-driving car technology.
Ford has already been testing self-driving car technology.
Ford announced today a $1 billion investment in machine-learning startup Argo AI. Through the agreement, Argo AI will work exclusively for Ford on the software brains to enable self-driving.
Ford previously announced it will offer a self-driving car by 2021 , although it would likely be limited to urban environments and be used by ride-hailing services as a kind of robo-taxi.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based Argo AI is a new company dedicated to developing a software system to guide self-driving cars. CEO Bryan Salesky said of the investment that it would allow Argo AI to recruit the kind of talent needed to develop these systems.
Ford CEO Mark Fields said, «For accounting purposes, Argo AI will be a subsidiary of Ford, but have a lot of independence. Its sole focus over the next five years will be developing self-driving software for Ford vehicles. »
Self-driving, or autonomous, cars use sensors, GPS and onboard computing power to recognize their environments and take passengers to destinations. Almost every major automaker is developing this technology, while the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has been supporting it as a means of reducing the 32,500 fatalities that occur on US roads every year.
Ford Chief Technical Officer Raj Nair pointed out that Ford will concentrate on building the hardware platform, the physical car, and use its expertise to develop toward large-scale manufacturing. Argo AI will focus on the software side.
Fields also said that Argo AI will look into licensing its technology to other automakers at a later date.
Ford and Argo AI announce an investment in self-driving cars. From right to left, Argo AI’s Peter Rander and Bryan Salesky, and Ford’s Mark Fields and Raj Nair.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/ford-spending-1-billion-on-self-driving-artificial-intelligence/
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Steam Greenlight will metamorphose into Steam Direct


The way independently-created games are making their way to Valve’s Steam service is about to undergo a big change. According to a…
The way independently-created games are making their way to Valve’s Steam service is about to undergo a big change. According to a post on its official blog , Valve will be replacing Steam Greenlight with a new and very different service called Steam Direct, starting this spring.
Steam Greenlight debuted in the summer of 2012 and provided a pathway for independent developers to make their way onto the enormous Steam marketplace. The service allowed developers to submit their games for approval by the community. Users vote on the titles they like and in turn help Valve decide which games actually become available on Steam.
Steam Direct kicks the doors wide open on that idea. To put a game on Steam through the Direct initiative, no voting or popularity contests are required. Valve says in its post that developers will fill out a set of digital paperwork «similar to the process of applying for a bank account. » Then they’ll pay a «recoupable application fee» that Valve says hasn’t been set but will be somewhere between $100 and $5,000, depending on the feedback the company gets from active and prospective developers.
Games are being added to Steam at a faster pace than ever. More games have been added to Steam overall in 2016 than in any other single year, accounting for 38% of all games currently on the service. It’s already tough to dig through the piles of junk games to find good ones, even with Greenlight supposedly helping to filter them. If Valve sets the Steam Direct fee too low, it could make the problem even worse. On the other hand, setting the fee too high may push out developers with smaller budgets or in developing countries. Communities have also used Greenlight as an excuse and method to harass developers , and developers in turn have used game keys to bribe their way into pledges from gamers.
Valve is a game company beloved by many gamers, but its reputation for taking care of the services has suffered in recent years—digging around in places like the Steam subreddit reveals countless stories of disappointment by users and developers alike. Steam Direct has the potential to improve on the idea started by Greenlight, but Valve will need to devote time and energy to making it work rather than just putting up a kiosk in their already-cluttered store and hoping everything works out.

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://techreport.com/news/31426/steam-greenlight-will-metamorphose-into-steam-direct
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LG Watch Sport Designed to Take Advantage of Android Wear 2.0


The LG Watch Sport, which features LTE as well as WiFi connectivity, is one of the first smartwatches to support Android Wear 2.0.
On Feb. 8, Google announced the rollout of its long-awaited wearable operating system, Android Wear 2.0. Google also announced it had partnered with LG to develop the first two Android Wear 2.0 devices, the LG Watch Style and the LG Watch Sport. While both devices include a number of useful features, the LG Watch Sport is the more sophisticated option of the pair, offering wireless connectivity over LTE networks. So this slide show will focus on the Sport model. In addition, the LG Watch Sport features a 1.4-inch round display, is certified for water- and dust-resistance and comes with near-field communication technology for mobile payment applications It supports Google’s mobile apps including Google Play and can exchange data with Android and Apple iOS devices. In the following slides, eWEEK will talk about the LG Watch Sport’s features and explain why both Google and LG believe it will be a fine competitor to the market leader Apple Watch. Read on to learn more about LG Watch Sport.

© Source: http://www.eweek.com/mobile/slideshows/lg-watch-sport-designed-to-take-advantage-of-android-wear-2.0.html
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Cisco Cyber-Security Report Finds Server Threats Increased in 2016


Cisco’s 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report reveals a dramatic rise in spam volume as well as an increase in server vulnerabilities.
Security breaches aren’t just a nuisance. They can also have real financial impact on the organizations that are exploited. That’s one of the many high-level findings from the Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report (ACR). The massive 110-page report provides insights from Cisco’s own research efforts as well as a survey that received responses from 3,000 IT executives from around the world. Among the reports’ findings is that spam volumes rose is 2016, accounting for about 65 percent of total email volume that Cisco monitors with its platforms. Just because an email is identified as spam, doesn’t however necessarily mean that it’s malicious. In fact only 8 percent of spam was found to be malicious, according to Cisco. Also of note is the fact that client-side vulnerabilities declined by 8 percent, while server vulnerabilities grew by 34 percent year-over-year as attackers shifted their focus. The survey portion of Cisco’s report reveals a direct correlation between attacks and business impact, with 29 percent of organizations losing revenue as the result of an attack. This slide show takes a look at more findings from the Cisco 2017 Annual Cybersecurity Report (ACR).

© Source: http://www.eweek.com/security/slideshows/cisco-cyber-security-report-finds-server-threats-increased-in-2016.html
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Ordinary citizens with no terror links caught by US surveillance, court hears.


Ordinary citizens with no connection to terrorism are caught up in surveillance by the US, but have little right to redress, Dublin’s Commercial Court heard on Friday 10th February. US attorney, Ashley Gorski, who specialises in US surveillance for the American Civil Liberties Union …
Ordinary citizens with no connection to terrorism are caught up in surveillance by the US, but have little right to redress, Dublin’s Commercial Court heard on Friday 10 th February.
US attorney, Ashley Gorski, who specialises in US surveillance for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), told the court that US surveillance law allows “extraordinary access” to the private data of non-US citizens.
Gorski was speaking on the 4 th day of a three week hearing into the legality of data transfers between the EU and the US brought by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, following an original complaint by Austrian lawyer, Max Schrems against Facebook.
The case, which will test the legality of legal agreements — known as Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) — which allow data transfers between the EU and the US, has potentially huge implications for US-EU privacy rights.
Gorski, told the court that the American government claims “broad authority” to acquire communications and data of non-US people located abroad.
The vast majority of those subject to US surveillance have “no viable avenue” to get “meaningful “ redress for violation of their rights resulting from such surveillance, she said.
The US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1978 (FISA) and presidential Executive Order 12333, allows the US government “extraordinary access” to the private communications and data of US and non-US persons around the world, Gorski said.
The case stems from a complaint by in June 2013 by Schrems to the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC), following the Snowden disclosures on US warrantless surveillance programmes including Prism .
Shcrems alleged that Facebook Ireland’s transfer of his personal data to the US was unlawful.
Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon , has formed a “provisional” view that there are “deficiencies” over the rights of EU citizens to access remedies under US law for any breach of their data protection rights.
The court has been asked to decide whether to make a referral to the European Court of Justice (CJEU) to decide whether SCCs are legally valid and provide adequate protection for the rights of EU citizens.
The huge potential implications of the case for EU-US trade and privacy rights are underlined by the US government’s involvement in litigation in the Irish courts.
It will argue “significantly enhanced” protections have been put in place in recent years to ensure privacy rights of EU citizens are not at risk from transatlantic data flows.
The US government claims that any finding by the Irish or European courts that the safeguards are inadequate could have “sweeping” commercial ramifications for data flows and risk undermining international co-operation to confront “common threats.”
The Irish High Court ruled in favour Schrems in June 2014, in a judgement which included a determination that the US was engaged in “mass and indiscriminate surveillance.”
The case caused shockwaves when the European Court of Justice ruled that the legal agreement used to govern data transfers between the EU and the US, Safe Harbour, was invalid in October 2015.
Facebook Ireland switched from the Safe Harbour to Standard Contractual Clauses following the ruling, prompting Schrems to file a revised complaint over the legality of SCCs.
The Irish Data Protection Commissioner, brought the current case after both the Irish High Court and the European Court of Justice, ordered her investigate Schrems’ complaint.
She decided she could not complete her investigation without a ruling from the CJEU on the validity of three European Commission decisions of 2001, 2004 and 2010 approving the SCCs.
The case continues.

© Source: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450412774/Ordinary-citizens-with-no-terror-links-caught-by-US-surveillance-court-hears
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6 dead after strong quake shakes southern Philippines


Rescuers dug through rubble Saturday to find survivors after a powerful earthquake struck the southern Philippines, killing at least six people and sending thousands fleeing for safety.
Rescuers dug through rubble Saturday to find survivors after a powerful earthquake struck the southern Philippines, killing at least six people and sending thousands fleeing for safety.
Residents of the southern town of Surigao in Mindanao island spent the night huddled in fear as aftershocks rocked the city following the 6.5-magnitude quake which struck late Friday when many people were already in bed.
Provincial disaster management officer Ramon Gotinga said that most of those killed had died due to falling objects.
But he added that one elderly man was buried in his home when the upper floor collapsed, and despite rescue teams digging throughout the night, they were unable to recover him alive.
Another 80-year-old woman died of a heart attack, Gotinga said, adding that at least 126 people were injured, 15 of them in a serious condition.
The quake damaged many buildings, including in the two-storey Gaisano mall — one of the city’s largest structures — and shattered windows, sending sharp shards and heavy rubble into the street.
One bridge collapsed and two others were damaged in the quake, which also cracked the city airport’s runway, forcing flights to be diverted, the civil defence office added.
«I thought it was the end of the world. The cement on the roads was cracking open,» resident Carlos Canseco told ABS-CBN television.
Thousands of terrified residents fled their homes with many running to higher ground, fearing that a tsunami would hit the coastal city of over 152,000 people.
Regional civil defence chief Rosauro Arnel Gonzales said several houses had collapsed and search and rescue teams had been dispatched to make sure no one was inside.
«There are reports of houses that were damaged and they (the rescue teams) have to go around these impacted areas to really ascertain whether there is a need to conduct a rescue,» he told AFP.
The disaster also knocked out both power and water services in Surigao City and surrounding areas.
Authorities said they expected power to be restored by Sunday but that it may take as much as three days to bring back water services.
— Mass hysteria —
Many residents spent the night in parking lots and open fields to avoid falling objects or collapsing buildings.
Hospital staff temporarily brought bed-ridden patients outside until the aftershocks eased.
Local journalist Roel Catoto said when he visited a hospital emergency room after the quake, what he found was «mass hysteria. »
«There were a lot of wounded patients coming in and all the patients who were (already) confined were rushing outside. They were afraid the hospital would collapse,» he told AFP.
Gotinga said residents were still on edge on Saturday.
«They are all still traumatised. At the slightest shaking, they run out in the streets,» he said.
President Rodrigo Duterte’s spokesman Ernesto Abella assured the public that the government was ready to assist them.
«These are trying times and our hearts go out to Surigao,» he told reporters.
The Philippines lies on the so-called Ring of Fire, a vast Pacific Ocean region where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.
The last lethal quake that hit the country measured 7.1-magnitude. It left over 220 people dead and destroyed historic churches when it struck the central islands in October 2013.

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: -70

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/6-dead-after-strong-quake-shakes-southern-philippines/article/485622
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Землетрясение на Филиппинах: погибли три человека


КИЕВ. 11 февраля. УНН. По меньшей мере три человека погибли в результате землетрясения на Филиппинах, еще семь пострадали, сообщает УНН со ссылкой на AFP.
Землетрясение было зафиксировано в 14.03 по времени UTC (17.03 мск). Эпицентр располагался в двух километрах к юго-западу от города Талисай.
Военные сообщили о трех жертвах стихии, однако дальнейшие подробности пока неизвестны. Как сообщается, представитель местной службы гражданской обороны Эйприл Санчез заявила о семи раненых в провинции Суригао.
«Пока нет информации, сколько еще, поскольку произошли сбои в подаче электроэнергии», — сказала Е. Санчез.

Similarity rank: 4.4

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1643424-zemletrus-na-filippinakh-zhertvami-zemletrusu-stali-troye-lyudey
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