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Рух транспорту обмежено в чотирьох областях України


КИЇВ. 9 лютого. УНН. У зв’язку з погіршенням погодних умов в Україні залишається обмеженим рух транспорту в чотирьох областях. Про це УНН повідомили у …
Так, рух через негоду обмежене в:
Херсонська область
У зв’язку з несприятливими погодними умовами (перемети, ожеледь), з метою недопущення скоєння ДТП та утворення заторів в русі, введено тимчасове обмеження руху для всіх категорій транспорту по а/д загального користування Т-04-03 Мар’янське-Берислав-/Р-47/, на всій протяжності Херсонської області (від км 3+868 – км 98+768)
Волинська область
Через несприятливі погодні умови (снігопад, хуртовини, сильний вітер), з метою недопущення скоєння ДТП та утворення заторів в русі, на а/д Т-18-02 /М-07/-Маюничі-Велика-Осниця-Красноволя-Колки-/Р-14/-Копилля-Рожице-Торчин-Шклинь-/Н-17/, км 110 — км 117 (Торчин-Білостік), рух для закрито для усіх видів транспорту.
Закарпатська область
Станом на 05.02.2017 року у зв’язку з переливом води через дорожнє покриття тимчасово перекрито рух на дорозі місцевого значення О-071207 Ужгород — Демічі , км. 18+000 ділянка дороги 150-200 метрів через річку Латориця. Встановлені дорожні знаки з напрямком об’їзду та заборони руху.
Хмельницька область
В зв’язку з несприятливими погодними умовами (дощ при мінусовій температурі повітря, ожеледь) склалась складна ситуація по забезпечення проїзду автотранспорту по мережі доріг місцевого значення. З метою недопущення скоєння ДТП та утворення заторів в русі, прийнято рішення про введення обмеження для руху великовагового транспорту та автобусів по а/д місцевого значення з 05-00 год. 03.02.2017 р.

Similarity rank: 6.4

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1642746-rukh-transportu-obmezheno-v-chotirokh-oblastyakh-ukrayini
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Два человека погибли в результате обстрела туннеля в секторе Газа


КИЕВ. 9 февраля. УНН. Из-за обстрела туннеля в секторе Газа погибли два человека и пятеро раненых. Об этом сообщает израильский 9 канал, передает УНН.
Так, представители ХАМАСа сообщили о ночном обстреле территории сектора Газа, в результате которого погибли двое местных жителей и еще пятеро получили ранения.
Местные власти уточнили, что удару подвергся подземный тоннель в районе Рафиаха на границе с Египтом, и обвинили в эскалации насилия Израиль.
В командовании Армии обороны Израиля в свою очередь заявили о непричастности к обстрелу, предположив, что удар по инфраструктуре террористов нанесли египетские вооруженные силы.
Накануне израильская территория подверглась ракетному обстрелу со стороны Синайского полуострова. По Эйлату были выпущены четыре снаряда, три из которых сбила система ПРО «Железный купол», еще один разорвался на открытой местности, не причинив вреда.
Позже пришла информация, что обломки одной из ракет упали в бассейн, расположенный в туристической зоне, на берегу Эйлатского залива.
Израиль подвергся накануне также обстрелу из Сирии: выпущенный танком снаряд разорвался в районе Голанских высот. В ответ силы Армии обороны Израиля обстреляли позиции сирийской армии.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1642745-dvoye-lyudey-zaginulo-cherez-obstril-tunelyu-u-sektori-gaza
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Intel: Cannonlake will be more than 15 percent faster than Kaby Lake


Upgrading CPU performance hasn’t been a priority for Intel in many years, but that could be changing.
Upgrading CPU performance hasn’t been a priority for Intel in many years, but that could be changing.
Intel’s upcoming Cannonlake chips will deliver a performance improvement of more than 15 percent compared to its Kaby Lake chips, said Venkata Renduchintala, president of the Intel Client and Internet of Things businesses and Systems Architecture Group.
Intel didn’t provide exact numbers at the company’s annual investor day Thursday, but the projection is based on the SysMark benchmark. Detailed performance improvement numbers will emerge over time.
The performance improvements from Skylake to Kaby Lake topped out at 15 percent. The CPU performance boost for Cannonlake should be at least that, Intel said.
The first Cannonlake chips are scheduled to ship in the second half of this year. The chips — called 8th-generation chips on an Intel slide — could include Core i7 chips.
Intel showed a Cannonlake chip at CES. The chip will be the first made on Intel’s 10-nanometer process, which will deliver a substantial reduction in power consumption, Renduchintala said.
Intel may be trying to catch up with AMD, which is boasting a 40 percent performance improvement for its upcoming Ryzen chips. Ryzen’s numbers are based on IPC (instructions per cycle), an important performance metric.
The benefit of high-performance PC chips isn’t lost on Intel. The gaming market is exploding, especially eSports, and demand for high-performance Core i7 chips skyrocketed last year, Renduchintala said.
As markets like virtual reality heat up, buyers will be motivated to upgrade to Core i7 chips from Core i3 chips. The Core i7 chips today are up to 36 percent faster than Core i3 chips, Renduchintala said.
Chipmakers in past years focused on increasing performance by raising the clock frequency. But that made chips power hungry, and their focus shifted to adding cores, which boosted performance but also added battery life to laptops. Then the focus turned to integrating technologies like graphics and I/O buses inside processors. Gaming and virtual reality have brought a focus back to raw CPU performance.
There’s a limited scope for growth in the PC market, with gaming and VR being the bright spots, and both right now require high-performance CPUs. Unlike in the past, Intel doesn’t want to sell low-margin chips that would ultimately incur a loss.
Intel was «disciplined» with its PC business, and the focus was on high-margin products like Core i7 chips. Intel’s highest priced PC chip is the Core i7-6950X, which is priced at US$1,723, and it generates a high profit margin for Intel.
But Intel will have to contend with AMD, which is coming on strong with Ryzen. Analysts say Ryzen will start off strong in high-end gaming PCs based on the early hype, but then its success will depend on word-of-mouth recommendations. Ryzen’s subsequent success in consumer laptops and desktops will depend on PC makers adopting the chip.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3168332/computer-processors/intel-cannonlake-will-be-more-than-15-percent-faster-than-kaby-lake.html
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Bilanz 2016: Drittes Rekordjahr für deutschen Export


Deutschlands Exportunternehmen haben trotz der Schwäche des Welthandels das dritte Rekordjahr in Folge hingelegt. Waren im Wert von 1,21 Billionen Euro gingen 2016 ins Ausland.
Die deutsche Wirtschaft hat 2016 einen Exportüberschuss in Rekordhöhe erzielt. Die Ausfuhren übertrafen die Einfuhren um 252,9 Milliarden Euro, wie das Statistische Bundesamt am Donnerstag mitteilte. «Damit wurde der bisherige Höchstwert von 244,3 Milliarden Euro aus dem Vorjahr deutlich übertroffen. » Die Zahlen dürften die internationale Kritik am deutschen Wirtschaftsmodell befeuern, zumal es auch dem neuen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump ein Dorn im Auge ist. Dessen Wirtschaftsberater wirft Deutschland vor, sich auf Kosten der USA mit Hilfe eines deutlich unterbewerteten Euro unfaire Handelsvorteile zu erschleichen.
Die Exporte legten im vergangenen Jahr um 1,2 Prozent zu auf den Höchstwert von gut 1,2 Billionen Euro. Dabei wuchs das Geschäft mit den EU-Ländern um 2,2 Prozent, während das mit dem Rest der Welt um 0,2 Prozent schrumpfte. Der Außenhandelsverband BGA rechnet fürs laufende Jahr mit einem Exportplus von bis zu 2,5 Prozent auf rund 1,23 Billionen Euro.
«Das Zahlenwerk zeigt einmal mehr, dass das Jahr 2016 für die deutsche Exportwirtschaft nicht unbedingt das beste war», sagte der Chefvolkswirt der VP Bank, Thomas Gitzel. «Die Krise in den Schwellenländern wog für viele Unternehmen schwer. » Der Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) hält einen Anstieg der Ausfuhren von drei Prozent 2017 für möglich. «Hoffnung besteht für das laufende Jahr dank stabiler Wachstumsraten in Europa und guter Aussichten in Asien», sagte DIHK-Außenwirtschaftschef Volker Treier. Sorge bereite den Unternehmen eine Zunahme protektionistischer Vorhaben wie die Ankündigung der neuen US-Regierung, Importzölle einzuführen. Am Jahresende lief das Geschäft allerdings unerwartet schlecht. Die Ausfuhren fielen im Dezember um 3,3 Prozent zum Vormonat und damit dreimal so stark wie von Ökonomen erwartet. Das war der kräftigste Rückgang seit August 2015. Die Importe blieben am Jahresende dagegen stabil. Im gesamten abgelaufenen Jahr kletterten sie um 0,6 Prozent und erreichten mit 954,6 Milliarden Euro ebenfalls einen Höchstwert.
Der Rekordüberschuss wird den Konflikt mit den USA und innerhalb der EU verstärken», warnte der Präsident des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Marcel Fratzscher. «Dass die deutsche Wirtschaft sehr viel mehr exportiert als importiert, ist Anlass zur Sorge und kein Grund stolz zu sein. » Problematisch seien nicht die vielen Exporte, sondern die schwache Entwicklung der Importe. Diese seien das Ergebnis einer großen Investitionslücke. «Diese verursacht hohe wirtschaftliche Kosten für Deutschland, denn sie reduziert die Produktivität, Einkommen und schadet letztlich dem Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland», sagte Fratzscher. (rtr)

Similarity rank: 5.2

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/wirtschaft/bilanz-2016-drittes-rekordjahr-fuer-deutschen-export/19368078.html
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Want a Ryzen CPU? Then forget about Windows 7


AMD has confirmed it won’t officially support the older OS
AMD has come out and confirmed that its next-gen Ryzen processors, due to emerge at the beginning of next month, will not be officially supported for Windows 7.
Last year, the company had said that Ryzen wouldn’t support the older OS, but as PC World points out, a recent report put the rumour out there that AMD had changed its mind, and would issue drivers for Windows 7 after all.
Perhaps this was more believable because a hell of a lot is riding on Ryzen making an impact and being a success for AMD, so such a turnaround would be another way of getting one over on Intel when it comes to the plentiful number of users still running Windows 7. (Intel, of course, has already turned its back on Windows 7 with Kaby Lake CPUs).
But this was just wishful thinking, and although AMD says it has tested Ryzen on Windows 7, there won’t be any official support or drivers for the new processors.
So if you upgrade a Windows 7 system to a Ryzen CPU, the chip might work okay on the face of it, but there are no guarantees you’ll get the full performance levels or set of features which the processors will offer on Windows 10. And indeed, you might encounter stability issues.
In short, it’ll be a pretty uncertain endeavour to run this software and hardware combination.
Last August, Microsoft confirmed that only Windows 10 would support Intel’s Kaby Lake and AMD’s Zen (Ryzen) processors, and as we mentioned before, at the time, AMD stated that its processor roadmap was «fully aligned with Microsoft’s software strategy». And it remains fully aligned, much to the chagrin of Windows 7 diehards, no doubt.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/8nqG6T267Hk/want-a-ryzen-cpu-then-forget-about-windows-7
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Cleaner robot pulled from Fukushima reactor due to radiation


A remote-controlled cleaning robot sent into a damaged reactor at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant had to be removed Thursday before it completed its work because of camera problems most likely caused by high radiation levels.
TOKYO — A remote-controlled cleaning robot sent into a damaged reactor at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant had to be removed Thursday before it completed its work because of camera problems most likely caused by high radiation levels.
It was the first time a robot has entered the chamber inside the Unit 2 reactor since a March 2011 earthquake and tsunami critically damaged the Fukushima Da-ichi nuclear plant.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it was trying to inspect and clean a passage before another robot does a fuller examination to assess damage to the structure and its fuel. The second robot, known as the “scorpion,” will also measure radiation and temperatures.
Thursday’s problem underscores the challenges in decommissioning the wrecked nuclear plant. Inadequate cleaning, high radiation and structural damage could limit subsequent probes, and may require more radiation-resistant cameras and other equipment, TEPCO spokesman Takahiro Kimoto said.
“We will further study (Thursday’s) outcome before deciding on the deployment of the scorpion,” he said.
TEPCO needs to know the melted fuel’s exact location and condition and other structural damage in each of the three wrecked reactors to figure out the best and safest ways to remove the fuel. It is part of the decommissioning work, which is expected to take decades.
During Thursday’s cleaning mission, the robot went only part way into a space under the core that TEPCO wants to inspect closely. It crawled down the passage while peeling debris with a scraper and using water spray to blow some debris away. The dark brown deposits grew thicker and harder to remove as the robot went further.
After about two hours, the two cameras on the robot suddenly developed a lot of noise and their images quickly darkened — a sign of a problem caused by high radiation. Operators of the robot pulled it out of the chamber before completely losing control of it.
The outcome means the second robot will encounter more obstacles and have less time than expected for examination on its mission, currently planned for later this month, though Thursday’s results may cause a delay.
Both of the robots are designed to withstand up to 1,000 Sieverts of radiation. The cleaner’s two-hour endurance roughly matches an estimated radiation of 650 Sieverts per hour based on noise analysis of the images transmitted by the robot-mounted cameras. That’s less than one-tenth of the radiation levels inside a running reactor, but still would kill a person almost instantly.
Kimoto said the noise-based radiation analysis of the Unit 2’s condition showed a spike in radioactivity along a connecting bridge used to slide control rods in and out, a sign of a nearby source of high radioactivity, while levels were much lower in areas underneath the core, the opposite of what would normally be the case. He said the results are puzzling and require further analysis.
TEPCO officials said that despite the dangerously high figures, radiation is not leaking outside of the reactor.
Images recently captured from inside the chamber showed damage and structures coated with molten material, possibly mixed with melted nuclear fuel, and part of a disc platform hanging below the core that had been melted through.
Follow Mari Yamaguchi on Twitter at twitter.com/mariyamaguchi
Find her work at http://bigstory.ap.org/content/mari-yamaguchi
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/cleaner-robot-pulled-from-fukushima-reactor-due-to-radiation/2017/02/09/6c207718-eec6-11e6-a100-fdaaf400369a_story.html
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Szef MSZ: Polska dyplomacja brała aktywny udział w dyskusjach o przyszłości UE


W ubiegłym roku polska dyplomacja brała aktywny udział w dyskusjach nt. przyszłości UE; wbrew początkowym wątpliwościom polski głos w sprawie kryzysu migracyjnego oraz potrzeby reformy UE został dostrzeżony — powiedział w czwartkowym expose szef MSZ Witold Waszczykowski.
«Polska dyplomacja brała aktywny udział we wszystkich dyskusjach dotyczących nie tylko bezpieczeństwa euro-atlantyckiego, ale i przyszłości Unii Europejskiej. Wbrew początkowym wątpliwościom polski głos w sprawie kryzysu migracyjnego oraz potrzeby reformy UE został dostrzeżony i zyskał uznanie naszych partnerów. W reakcji na zamiar opuszczenia Unii Europejskiej przez Wielką Brytanię podjęliśmy uwieńczone sukcesem działania, mające na celu utrzymanie wzmocnionej współpracy z tym krajem» — powiedział Waszczykowski w Sejmie.
«Niezwykle intensywne były relacje z Niemcami, czego przejawem było pięć spotkań prezydentów, trzy spotkania szefów rządów oraz mój stały kontakt z niemieckim kolegą» — dodał.
«Doprowadziliśmy do ożywienia relacji z naszymi najbliższymi partnerami w regionie – w ramach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej, z państwami bałtyckimi i nordyckimi. Rozpoczęliśmy intensywniejszy dialog z państwami położonymi pomiędzy Morzem Bałtyckim, Morzem Czarnym oraz Morzem Adriatyckim» — powiedział szef MSZ.
Jak dodał, «Polska wniosła ważny wkład w wypracowywanie unijnej polityki migracyjnej, co znalazło wyraz w decyzjach nieformalnego szczytu Unii w Bratysławie, a także w kształtowanie nowej rzeczywistości energetycznej w naszej części Europy».
«Stabilizacja naszego sąsiedztwa i szerzej – sąsiedztwa europejskiego jest dla Polski zadaniem o kluczowym znaczeniu. Stąd między innymi wynika nasza aktywność w relacjach z Ukrainą i Białorusią, ale także w stosunkach z państwami Bliskiego Wschodu oraz decyzje dotyczące zaangażowania wojskowego w tym regionie» — podkreślił Waszczykowski.

Similarity rank: 7.6
Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://rss.gazetaprawna.pl/~r/GazetaPrawna/~3/Zt1VmXH13oI/1018438,waszczykowski-dyplomacja-polityka-zagraniczna.html
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China to Start Collecting Fingerprints From Foreign Visitors


China will start taking fingerprints of all foreign visitors entering the country, a move to step up the country’s security measures, the Ministry of Public Security announced on Thursday.
China will start taking fingerprints of all foreign visitors entering the country, a move to step up the country’s security measures, the Ministry of Public Security announced on Thursday.
The fingerprinting requirement will be rolled out first at Shenzhen Baoan International Airport beginning on Friday. This will eventually be introduced to other entry points across the country.
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All foreigners aged between 14 and 70 years old are required to leave their fingerprints, the ministry said, although it did not mention if other biometric data will be collected. Foreigners with diplomatic passports and visas or those coming from countries that have reciprocal agreements with China are however not required to give their fingerprints, the Washington Post reported.
Chinese authorities said that the country has more than 76 million entries and exits in 2016 from foreigners. Most of them came from countries such as South Korea, Japan, the United States, and Russia.
«Storing biological identification information of people entering and leaving borders is an important border control measure, and many countries have started to implement the regulation,» the statement said.
The latest regulation aims to strengthen immigration control and boost custom clearance efficiency. Other countries had also employed the system. For instance, the US has started the system since 2004 and is now conducting tests of facial recognition software and other biometric screening process. Japan also started fingerprinting in 2007.
Other countries with a similar requirement are Cambodia, France, Taiwan, among others. Meanwhile, China also assured that the new system is efficient and will not cause any delay.

Similarity rank: 6

© Source: http://www.chinatopix.com/articles/111359/20170209/china-fingerprints-foreign-visitors-border-control.htm
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Samsung giving away 256GB microSD with Galaxy S7


The deal is for one week only and is being offered with all Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge purchases.
With the Galaxy S8 rumoured to be dropping at the end of March, it makes sense for Samsung to be trying to sell Galaxy S7 units. After the exploding Galaxy Note 7 debacle , a bit of customer goodwill can’t go astray either.
The 256GB microSD EVO+ memory card offers up to «95MB/s Read and 90MB/s Write speed with Class 10 and U3 compatibility,» and is ideal for 4K video recording and playback, Samsung says.
The offer is only valid for a week to US customers who purchase a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge or Galaxy S7 between February 8 and February 14. Head to the Samsung website for the deal.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/samsung-giving-away-free-256gb-microsd-with-galaxy-s7/
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Stop! It's Hammers time


Get ready for dirt, rocks, silt and did we mention rocks? King of the Hammers is the biggest off-road race in the country.
Are you ready for some seriously crazy off-roading? Then get ready for King of the Hammers!
The week long Burning Man for racers started this weekend with the King of the Motos race, where some seriously insane moto racers had a land rush start… at night. Exactly 107 racers from across the United States, Canada and Mexico endured rocks, silt and sand as they battled through three heats for the coveted first place trophy. In the end, Endurocross and Superenduro champion Colton Haaker won on his handy Husqvarna 350.
Racers make their way through the rocks at the 2017 King of the Motos.
Wednesday marked the UTV side-by-side (think of them as souped-up golf carts) race, where the tiny little Polaris Rzr and Kawasaki Teryx side-by-sides tried their hand at the Hammers. At time of writing, it looks like two-time Ultra4 King Shannon Campbell has unofficially added another trophy to his case, followed closely by his son Wayland. Rounding out the Campbell racing dynasty was daughter Bailey, finishing 15th. X-Games medalist Sara Price, who was doing well in last year’s race until her UTV lost its drivetrain, finished 18th. With 74 teams starting, only half finished and all those who took the checkered flag can be proud of their accomplishment.
Taking place in Johnson Valley every February, King of the Hammers (KOH) brings more than 35,000 spectators, racers and crew support to the desert. A makeshift metropolis called Hammertown springs up on a dry lakebed and an entire week is devoted to racing everything from motorcycles and side-by-sides to regular trucks and unlimited four-wheel drive rigs. Competitors of each race find their way through boulder-strewn sections with names like Clawhammer, Wrecking Ball and my favorite, Chocolate Thunder. Find a good line and you can slowly pick your way up. Make a mistake and you have to winch your way up.
Only the strong survive the boulders of Johnson Valley.
Friday is the big show where the unlimited Ultra4 rigs vie for the title of the 2017 King of the Hammers. The final race is the longest, with over 200 miles of impossibly rocky terrain standing between racers and the finish line. Some drivers finish by sundown, many come in long after dark. With beefy axles, 40-inch tires and plenty of torque, these rigs defy physics as we know it. But to make things even more difficult, racers must also traverse vast sections of open desert at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour.
Usually off-road vehicles are set up to do either slow-speed rock crawling or high-speed whoop bashing, but the custom-built Ultra4 rigs must to do both. Most teams choose to work within the confines of solid front and rear axles, betting that the stronger and more nimble components will give them the edge in the rock crawling. Others opt for an independent front suspension; not as good in the rocks but way better at soaking up whoops in the open desert. Since the race’s inception in 2007, Shannon Campbell has piloted the only independent front suspension rig to a win in 2008. He did it again in 2011, proving that his first IFS win was not just a fluke.
The King of the Hammers is the largest off-road race in North America and the toughest one-day off-road race on the planet. With over 100 teams entered and an attrition rate often as high as 75 percent or more, King of the Hammers is not to be missed.
The differences between an independent front suspension, left, and a solid front axle, right, are clear.
It’s easy to watch in person. Just search for King of the Hammers on Google maps and go to www.ultra4.com for more information about camping and entry fees to Hammertown. If you can’t make it to the California desert, the Ultra4 website offers a great live-stream with multiple views of the course.
See ya in Hammertown!

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/stop-its-hammers-time/
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