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The Dish: Celebrate New Year's with chef José Andrés


NewsHubJosé Andrés, a former sailor in the Spanish navy and an eternal optimist, oversees an empire of 27 restaurants, including 10 in Washington, D. C. He invited “CBS This Morning: Saturday” co-host Alex Wagner to Jaleo — where he began his takeover of the Washington dining scene 24 years ago.
On the menu for Andrés’ New Year’s celebration? Traditional tapas: lobster salad in a gazpacho-style dressing, a Norwegian shellfish cigala, beloved in his home country of Spain, and ibérico ham with something extra extraordinary.
“So we get egg yolks and we drop the egg yolks into the semi under boiling syrup, water and sugar. And at the end, you get these threads like hair,” Andrés said.
“Candied egg yolk?” Wagner asked.
“It’s candied egg yolk.” Andrés said. “Me, I love this. It’s such a crazy mix.”
Chef José Andrés shows “CBS This Morning: Saturday” co-host Alex Wagner describes how he candied egg yolks to create thread-like texture.
Like this meal, Andrés’ cuisine is steeped in tradition, but he’s become famous for his experimentation. His formative years were spent working for the revolutionary chef Ferran Adrià at elBulli in northeastern Spain. Andrés immigrated to America in 1991, eventually settling in the nation’s capital.
“You have a restaurant on that corner, a restaurant right there, a restaurant right here. Restaurants can define a neighborhood. What was this place like before you got here?” Wagner asked.
“This entire area was — almost nothing happening. Four p.m., we go dark. No cars. No people in the streets,” Andrés said.
Over nearly two and a half decades, Andrés helped turn the District into a dining capital. Whether it’s at his two-Michelin-star restaurant Minibar, his veggie-focused fast casual chain Beefsteak or at kitchens for the less fortunate, his passion for food and life is unmistakable.
Chef José Andrés has opened a series of fast-casual restaurants called Beefsteak, where the main focus is on vegetables. In this web-exclusive cl…
“Restaurants can become agents of change, and I love that as chefs and restaurant people, we do that part in America to keep moving America forward,” Andrés said.
But in a city where everything is political, even restauranteurs can get caught in the crossfire. Andrés, who became an American citizen three years ago, made headlines when he backed out of opening a restaurant in Washington’s new Trump International Hotel over candidate Donald Trump’s remarks about Mexican immigrants.
“There’s not much I can say about that because it’s still going, but what I can tell you is that I always dream about opening a restaurant there,” Andrés said.
The two men are currently in a legal standoff.
“We always need to be celebrating the success of others. Unfortunately for me, it was not the right environment to open a restaurant, for personal reasons. But at the end, I always wish everybody the best because when others do well, you do well, the community does well,” Andrés said.
Andrés still thinks food can bring all parties to the table.
“I’ve seen Democrats. I’ve seen Republicans. I’ve been able to feed all of them. I’ve been able to feed different administrations. But as a restauranteur, I’m going to keep doing what I do. Restaurants are a meeting place, a meeting place of people with different ideologies, different backgrounds, different social status,” Andrés said. “It’s a place that wants you sharing a plate of food. Even if you’re not in the same table, but being in the same place, it’s an amazing, unique way of bringing people together.”
In that spirit, Andrés introduced us to the unique way Spaniards toast the new year: with cava, their sparkling wine, and a dozen grapes.
“People of America, happy new year! People of America, happy new year!” Andrés said.

Similarity rank: 15
Sentiment rank: 2.8

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-dish-chef-jose-andres-new-years-eve-celebration-trump-hotel/
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The Latest: New Year’s revelers begin to pack Times Square


NewsHubNEW YORK (AP) — The Latest on New York’s New Year’s Eve celebrations in Times Square. (all times local):
4 p.m.
Revelers have begun to pack into Times Square to secure coveted spots hours before the annual New Year’s Eve ball drop.
Onlookers donning oversized 2017 eyeglasses and green Statue of Liberty hats were screened by police Saturday afternoon ahead of the midnight bash.
Street vendors hawked scarves, plastic glasses, paper horns and other New Year’s Eve merchandise.
If celebrants leave the Crossroads of the World once they’re in one of 35 metal pens, they aren’t allowed to re-enter.
But that didn’t faze Stefania Moran, of Puebla, Mexico, who described celebrating New Year’s Eve in New York as a must-do “before you die.”
Officials believe as many a million people will descend upon Times Square to bring in the New Year.
1 a.m.
Maybe a million revelers are expected to navigate through high security in the blocks around New York City’s Times Square to cheer on the new year with entertainers including Mariah Carey.
The annual minute-long midnight descent of the famed glittering crystal ball is the highlight of a celebration watched around the world.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (bahn kee-moon) will launch the ball with a press of a button.
Security has gradually been tightened for the event over the last two decades.
Recent deadly truck attacks in Germany and France brought about another security upgrade this year. Dozens of 20-ton sanitation trucks weighted with an extra 15 tons of sand will block off streets leading to the celebration zone.
About 7,000 police officers will be there, too.
Need a break? Play a quick game of solitaire or Sudoku. Or take one of our fun quizzes!
The Associated Press has photographers around the world. Here are some of the best photos they took in 2016.

Similarity rank: 15
Sentiment rank: 2.1

© Source: http://wtop.com/lifestyle/2016/12/the-latest-new-years-revelers-begin-to-pack-times-square/
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AP Photos: People around the world ring in 2017


NewsHubRevelers around the world have been welcoming 2017 with crackling fireworks displays and loud cheering, saying goodbye to a year filled with political surprises, prolonged conflicts and the deaths of several beloved performers.
The people of Sydney were treated to a glittering display over their famed harbor and bridge that honored the singer David Bowie and actor Gene Wilder, who both passed away in 2016.
The tone was more somber elsewhere, though, including Berlin, where some expressed worry about the political mood in Germany. It was also relatively quiet in China’s two largest cities, Beijing and Shanghai.
In New York City, meanwhile, people packed into Times Square hours before midnight to secure coveted spots to watch the annual ball drop.

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: -2.4

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article123988889.html
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Russia seeks UN backing for Syria truce


NewsHubFollowing are key dates in the battle for Syria’s Aleppo where fierce fighting resumed on Wednesday in a blow to hopes for the peaceful evacuation of the last rebel-held areas.
A Syrian child evacuated from Aleppo during the ceasefire arrives at a refugee camp in Rashidin. (AP Photo)
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Beirut — A ceasefire held across most of Syria for the second day on Saturday despite sporadic clashes near Damascus as Russia pushed for a UN resolution on the truce it brokered.
Moscow says it wants the United Nations to be involved in peace talks between Damascus and rebels in Kazakhstan in January, although the UN is negotiating separately for an to end the war.
Rebel supporter Turkey and key regime ally Russia, which brokered the ceasefire, say the talks in the Kazakh capital Astana aim to supplement UN-backed peace efforts, rather than replace them.
They want to involve regional players like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan.
Russia’s UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin voiced hope the Security Council would vote Saturday on the draft resolution — which also endorses the planned talks in Kazakhstan — «and adopt it unanimously».
Diplomats, however, said they did not see how a quick UN weekend vote could occur as the resolution needed to be «seriously studied» and hinted Russia might be hard-pressed to muster the nine votes needed for it to pass.
Washington is conspicuously absent from the new process, but Moscow has said it hoped to bring US president-elect Donald Trump’s administration on board once he takes office in January.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based monitor of the war, said that most of the country remained calm on Saturday.
But limited clashes continued in some areas including Wadi Barada near Damascus, which was also hit by 10 regime air strikes, and the southern city of Daraa where one opposition fighter was killed.
The fighting in Wadi Barada has led to water shortages that have affected four million people in the capital, with the two sides trading blame.
Five rebel fighters and two civilians were killed in Wadi Barada and the rebel bastion of Eastern Ghouta near Damascus since the truce started on Friday, said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.
The Observatory said a total of 60 000 people were killed in violence across Syria in 2016, more than 13 000 of them civilians.
The forces in Wadi Barada include former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh al-Sham Front, previously known as Al-Nusra Front, which Syria’s government says is excluded from the ceasefire.
‘Real opportunity’
The Syrian government said the ceasefire deal is a «real opportunity» to find a political solution to the war.
More than 310 000 people have been killed and millions have been forced to flee since Syria’s conflict began in March 2011 with protests against the regime of President Bashar Assad.
Despite being left out of the process, Washington described the truce as «positive».
Analysts were cautious, but said the involvement of Russia, Iran and Turkey could be important.
Sam Heller, fellow at The Century Foundation, said there was «real interest and urgency» from Moscow and Ankara, but expressed doubts about whether Syria and its ally Iran, which also welcomed the truce, were on board.
«All indications are that Iran and the regime want to continue towards a military conclusion,» he said.
Talks in Astana
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he would reduce Moscow’s military contingent in Syria, which has been fighting to bolster the government since last year.
But he added Russia would continue to fight «terrorism» and maintain its support for Assad’s government.
Despite backing opposite sides in the conflict, Turkey and Russia have worked increasingly closely on Syria, brokering a deal this month to allow the evacuation of tens of thousands of civilians and rebel fighters from Aleppo.
Their ceasefire deal calls for negotiations over a political solution to end the conflict.
UN peace envoy Staffan de Mistura has said he hoped the agreement would «pave the way for productive talks», but also reiterated he wants negotiations mediated by his office to continue next year.
In an interview published on Saturday, De Mistura said a UN resolution that foresees a political transition in Syria was still on the table, although the focus had shifted following territorial gains by the regime.
«We now have before us another scenario: a negotiation between the Assad regime and the rebels,» he told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.
The Security Council held closed-door consultations on the Russian-proposed resolution early on Friday and Moscow later amended the draft at the request of several member states.
The latest version of the resolution, a copy of which was seen by AFP, includes a reference to the talks being led by de Mistura.
24.com encourages commentary submitted via MyNews24. Contributions of 200 words or more will be considered for publication.

Similarity rank: 8.5
Sentiment rank: 2.4

© Source: http://www.news24.com/World/News/russia-seeks-un-backing-for-syria-truce-20161231
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New Year Honours 2017: Andy Murray 'honoured' by knighthood


NewsHubTennis star Sir Andy Murray said he still feels «like Andy» after being given a knighthood in the New Year Honours list.
He ended 2016 with a win over Milos Raonic at the Mubadala World Tennis Championship.

Similarity rank: 7
Sentiment rank: 3.6

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38481089
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(CNN) 地下100メートルにある平壌地下鉄は、世界で最も深い地下鉄の1つであり、世界で最も謎めいた地下鉄の1つでもある。
リー氏は北朝鮮滞在中、学校やレストランのほか、都市の象徴的な建造物なども訪れたが、同氏が最も親近感を覚えたのは地下鉄での出来事だった。リー氏はCNN Styleのインタビューで、その時の体験を語った。 CNN:平壌地下鉄の第一印象はいかがでしたか。

Similarity rank: 0.1
Sentiment rank: 1

© Source: http://www.cnn.co.jp/travel/35093993.html?ref=rss
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よく読まれた記事は… PC編


NewsHub2016年、産経ニュース・PC版でよく読まれた記事ランキングです。 「先端技術を集めた兵器は美しい」 1位: 【「日本版ステルス機」お披露目】「平成の零戦」雄姿現わす 米軍「第5世代」を上回る「心神」! 「軍事情勢」野口裕之記者特別レポート最新版 (2016年1月29日掲載) 「こんな一面もあるんだ、と感じてもらえたら」 2位: 【写真集チラ見せ】セクシーすぎる女子アナがほろ酔い気分で下着を…「出し惜しみはしません」 塩地美澄の初写真集『みすみ』 (2016年5月3日掲載) 3位: 妊娠中の高3女子生徒に体育の授業を要求 京都の高校、休学勧める (2016年6月15日掲載) 4位: USJの人気ジェットコースター緊急停止、32人取り残される 男子高校生が携帯持ち込みで退園処分 (2016年11月11日掲載) 2019年の開業に懸念も 5位: 「中国は日本案をまねた」とインドネシア政府筋 日本が負けたジャワ島鉄道建設に遅れ 中国受注、19年開業に懸念 (2016年7月21日掲載) 6位: 同級生に殴られ小4意識不明 きっかけは雑巾投げ…いじめか 足立区の小学校 (2016年4月14日掲載) 7位: 中森明菜さんが勝訴 女性セブン隠し撮り写真掲載で 「芸能活動再開に影響も」と指摘 (2016年7月27日掲載) 「日本のソフトパワーを示したかった」と安倍首相 8位: 【リオ五輪閉会式】サプライズは安倍晋三首相だった?! マリオ姿で登場 小池百合子知事は着物姿でびしょ濡れ… (2016年8月22日掲載) 9位: 【動画付き】アルゼンチン沿岸警備隊が中国漁船を撃沈 違法操業で「警告無視」 (2016年3月16日掲載) 10位: 【東京都知事選】「私は売国ではない」 週刊新潮の記事「それ以上の話はやめて」 鳥越俊太郎氏囲み取材詳報(27日) (2016年7月28日掲載)

Similarity rank: 0.1
Sentiment rank: -4.5

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/premium/news/170101/prm1701010005-n1.html
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「SMAP、中日友好に貢献」 中国大使館報道官 :日本経済新聞



Similarity rank: 0.1
Sentiment rank: 0.7

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASGM27H62_Z21C16A2FF1000/
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石井ふく子さんらに毎日芸術賞 千田是也賞は藤井ごうさん


NewsHub第58回毎日芸術賞(毎日新聞社主催)は31日までに、テレビプロデューサーで演出家の石井ふく子さんら5人に決まった。贈呈式は1月26日、東京都文京区のホテル椿山荘で。 ほかの受賞者は、現代美術家の河口龍夫さん、映画監督の黒沢清さん、作家の筒井康隆さん、チェリスト堤剛さん。特別賞が歌手、坂本冬美さんに贈られる。 第19回千田是也賞(同社主催)には、演出家で劇作家の藤井ごうさんが選ばれた。

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 1.7

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017010101000807.html
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Neun Tipps für ein sicheres Feuerwerk


NewsHubHannover. Schon Stunden vor dem Jahreswechsel haben sich mehrere Menschen mit Feuerwerkskörpern schwer verletzt. In Berlin zum Beispiel büßte ein 28-Jähriger büßte ein 28-Jähriger zwei Finger ein. Er hatte am geöffneten Schlafzimmerfenster einen Böller gezündet – es handelte sich aber um einen nicht zugelassenen Feuerwerkskörper, und dieser sei sofort explodiert, erklärte die Polizei.
1. Verwenden Sie nur Feuerwerk, das von der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung (BAM) oder einer anderen offiziellen europäischen Stelle geprüft und zugelassen sind und über das CE-Siegel verfügen.
2. „Stellen Sie Wasser bereit!“, empfiehlt die Feuerwehr. Zum Beispiel in einem Eimer oder einer Gießkanne. „Achten Sie darauf, dass dieses im Brandfall schnell erreichbar ist.“ Blindgänger nicht wieder anzünden, sondern entsorgen, rät die Polizei . „Funktioniert das Feuerwerk nicht, mindestens 15 Minuten warten und sich in dieser Zeit nicht nähern. Danach kann das Feuerwerk zum Beispiel in einen mit Wasser gefüllten Eimer gelegt und anschließend im Hausmüll entsorgt werden.“
3. Schließen Sie in der Silvesternacht vorsichtshalber alle Fenster und Lüftungsklappen Ihrer Wohnung. „Für Betriebsräume, Lager, Schuppen und Garagen gilt das gleiche“, erklärt die Feuerwehr. Räumen Sie vorsichtshalber auch Möbel oder alte Tannenbäume vom Balkon oder der Terrasse.
4. Die meisten Feuerwerkskörper dürfen nur im Freien angezündet werden. Die Feuerwehr warnt: „Das Anzünden von Raketen und Böllern in Wohnräumen, Treppenräumen, an geöffneten Fenstern oder auf Balkonen ist eine häufige Brandursache.“
5. Feuerwerkskörper wie Kanonenschläge, Donnerschläge oder Böller sollten Sie nie in der Hand halten, sondern auf den Boden legen und mit einem „langem Arm“ anzünden, empfiehlt die Feuerwehr. Danach sollten Sie einen Abstand von drei bis fünf Meter einhalten.
6. „Starten Sie Raketen nie aus der Hand“, warnt die Feuerwehr. Stattdessen sollen Sie für den Abschuss einer Rakete eine „auf dem Boden stehende, standfeste Abschussrampen“ nehmen. „Auch leere Flaschen sollten gesichert werden“, rät die Feuerwehr. „Die Rakete muss so aufgestellt werden, dass sie nach dem Abschuss ungehindert aufsteigen kann.“
7. Bewahren Sie ausreichend Sicherheitsabstand zu Anlagen oder Gebäuden, die besonders brandempfindlich sind – zum Beispiel Strohdachhäuser. Beachten Sie auch die Windrichtung. Für Raketen empfiehlt die Feuerwehr einen Abstand von 200 Metern, für andere Feuerwerkskörper 50 Meter.
8. „Basteln Sie niemals Feuerwerkskörper selbst“, warnt die Feuerwehr. „Verändern Sie die im Handel erhältlichen Artikel nicht.“
9. „Sollte es zu einem Brand kommen, unternehmen Sie nur Löschversuche, bei denen Sie sich selbst nicht gefährden“. rät die Feuerwehr. „Schließen Sie, wenn möglich, Türen zum Brandraum und verlassen Sie so schnell wie möglich mit allen Personen die Wohnung.“ Alarmieren Sie die Feuerwehr oder den Rettungsdienst – Sie erreichen sie über den Notruf 112.
Von RND/wer

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Wissen/Uebersicht/Neun-Tipps-fuer-ein-sicheres-Feuerwerk
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