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Odwołanie szefa BOR-u


NewsHubPremier powiedziała, że gen. Pawlikowski poprosił o zwolnienie z służby i przechodzi na emeryturę ze względu na stan zdrowia. «W piątek jego prośba została przeze mnie spełniona, został odwołany» — dodała. Pytana, czy powodem odejścia Pawlikowskiego był tylko jego stan zdrowia, premier powiedziała: «Gen. Pawlikowski zrobił bardzo dużo dobrego w Biurze Ochrony Rządu i jego roczna praca jest przeze mnie oceniana bardzo dobrze». Jak mówiła, chce podziękować za pracę gen. Pawlikowskiemu. «Pamiętam Światowe Dni Młodzieży i bardzo duże zaangażowanie pana generała w to, ażeby ta wspaniała impreza przebiegła spokojnie i bezpiecznie» — zaznaczyła. «Tak to się często zdarza, że są powody, kiedy trzeba zrezygnować ze służby i pan generał Pawlikowski poprosił właśnie o taką możliwość» — wyjaśniła szefowa rządu. Jak dodała, obowiązki gen. Pawlikowskiego pełni obecnie zastępca szefa BOR płk Tomasz Kędzierski. «Ponieważ odejście gen. (Pawlikowskiego) nie było planowane wcześniej, więc w tej chwili będziemy po konsultacjach i przeprowadzeniu postępowania, będziemy wskazywać następcę pana generała» — zapowiedziała premier. Gen. Pawlikowski stał na czele Biura od grudnia 2015 roku. Pawlikowski z BOR związany był od 1995 r. W latach 1997-2001 był szefem ochrony bezpośredniej Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych, a w latach 2004-2005 pełnił funkcję szefa Wydziału Organizacji i Współpracy Międzynarodowej BOR. Był też m.in. stałym członkiem Międzyresortowego Zespołu ds. Zwalczania Terroryzmu. W październiku 2006 r. został szefem BOR i funkcję tę pełnił do listopada 2007 r. Następnie — w latach 2009-2010 — był szefem pionu szkolenia w Centralnym Biurze Antykorupcyjnym; a od września 2015 r. doradcą społecznym prezydenta Andrzeja Dudy.

Similarity rank: 7.8
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://gosc.pl/doc/3673773.Odwolanie-szefa-BORu
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China sees in Year of the Rooster with prayers and fireworks


NewsHubPeople are heading to temples and fairs across China to wish for good fortune at the start of the Lunar New Year.
Thousands have gathered at Beijing’s major temples on Saturday, the first day of the Year of the Rooster.
Wearing heavy winter coats, they lit incense sticks and bowed as they prayed for good fortune and health. As many as 80,000 people were expected at the Lama Temple in central Beijing.
The capital’s sprawling spring festival temple fair opened at Ditan Park, where empty tree branches were festooned with red lanterns and traditional goods and foods were for sale.
Other New Year traditions include the eating of dumplings in northern China and the lighting of fireworks. Beijing’s government called on Communist Party cadres and government staff not to set off firecrackers due to environmental concerns, but local media reported air pollution levels in Beijing and several other cities shot up Friday night and early Saturday morning.
Ethnic Chinese and others around the world have also marked the holiday with celebrations and visits to temples.
Large crowds gathered in Hong Kong and Malaysia on Friday night as the holiday began.
In Rio de Janeiro, crowds watched a dragon dance and a performance of tai chi in front of a picture of Rio’s famous Christ the Redeemer statue. New York brought in the holiday with fireworks over the Hudson River.

Similarity rank: 2.3
Sentiment rank: 3.5

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/china-sees-in-year-of-the-rooster-with-prayers-and-fireworks-35405173.html
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Скончался британский актер Джон Херт — СМИ


NewsHubОбладатель премии BAFTA британский актер Джон Херт умер в возрасте 77 лет, сообщает агентство Associated Press со ссылкой на агента актера.
Херт сыграл роли в фильмах «Человек-слон» и «Полуночный экспресс».
Также, актер известен зрителям по роли мистера Олливандера в экранизациях знаменитой книги «Гарри Поттер». Он появлялся в частях «Гарри Поттер и философский камень» (2001) и «Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти» (2010).
Также Херт снимался в фильмах «Индиана Джонс и Королевство хрустального черепа», «Чужой», в знаменитой экранизации антиутопии «1984» исполнил главную роль Уинстона Смита. Актер дважды был номинирован на премию Оскар.
Сообщается, что в 2015 году у актера диагностировали рак поджелудочной железы, он проходил лечение.
Ранее НВ сообщало о смерти американской актрисы Мэри Тайлер Мур , которая прославилась своими ролями в американских ситкомах.

Similarity rank: 5.4

© Source: http://nv.ua/world/countries/skonchalsja-britanskij-akter-dzhon-hert-smi-551082.html
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Skills certification coming for Node.js developers


NewsHubThe IT industry has long used professional certifications to verify proficiency in technologies from companies like Microsoft and Novell. Now, Node.js developers can have their skills certified with a program being set up by the Node.js Foundation.
With the Node.js Certified Developer program, the Foundation is attempting to establish a baseline competency certification for the popular server-side JavaScript platform. Developers and other interested people will be able take a 32-question online exam starting in the second quarter of this year, said Tracy Hinds, education community manager for the Foundation.
Given the growth in Node usage, many companies and individual developers have been asking for such a certification to help them gauge competency. «There are a lot of people wanting to verify their knowledge of Node,» Hinds said. The test would certify an applicant as an early intermediate Node developer, which means that «they’re not going to know everything, but they can hit the ground running,» according to Hinds.
Domains covered on the exam include buffers and streams, child processes, control flow, diagnostics, error-handling, events, style system, HTTPS, JavaScript and module systems, dealing with npm and Yarn, Node CLI, package.json, process and operating systems, unit testing, and security. «Essentially, the entire exam is in some way testing your skills in JavaScript,» Hinds said.
The exam, which features coding, is slated to be given for an as-yet-undetermined fee, although the foundation does plan for the exam to be low-cost. The Foundation is just offering the exam, not courses pertaining to Node, although there are already online courses available. Candidates would take the self-paced test online while being observed by a proctor via their computer’s camera.
More about Microsoft Novell

© Source: http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/613357/skills-certification-coming-node-js-developers/?utm_medium=rss&utm_source=sectionfeed
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China population crisis: New two-child policy fails to yield major gains


NewsHubDespite having the largest population of any country in the world, China isn’t having enough babies.
That’s the unspoken conclusion of a government plan, published Wednesday, which revealed that the relaxation of China’s one-child-only policy has so far failed to boost the country’s birth rate enough to avoid significant demographic challenges in the coming decades.
The easing of the one-child policy , which was amended in early 2016 to allow all Chinese families to have two children, helped push the number of births in the country to 17.86 million in 2016, an increase of 7.9 percent over 2015, according to state media reports citing China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission. The figure was the highest since 2000.
Other data released by China’s National Bureau of Statistics recorded a slightly higher figure of 18.46 million births in 2016.
Despite the increase, China’s fertility rate remains below replacement level — at which a population naturally replenishes itself from one generation to the next — where it has languished for years, according to the National Population Development Plan 2016 — 2030, issued by China’s State Council, the country’s cabinet.
Despite state media trumpeting the increase as evidence of the two-child policy’s success, the increase in births is lower than the figure of 20 million for which authorities had hoped — and even that figure would not have allowed the country to sidestep the demographic train rolling toward it.
The report released Wednesday warns that China faces a turning point over the next 15 years, particularly between 2021 and 2030. The aging of the population will accelerate, increasing pressure on social security and public services. At the same time, the working-age population will shrink, damaging economic growth and reducing the tax income required to support the elderly.
The report predicted that a quarter of China’s population will be over 60 in 2030, compared with about 16 percent in 2015.
Conversely, the working-age population — those aged between 15-59 — will be 80 million fewer in 2030 than in 2015, according to a statement Wednesday from China’s National Development and Reform Commission, cited by the Wall Street Journal.
The report predicts China’s population will peak in 2030 at 1.45 billion. It stood at around 1.37 billion in 2015.
Experts suggest that China’s demographic crisis is in part a legacy of its attempt at population control through the one-child policy.
«In traditional Chinese culture, more children meant more prosperity, so the traditional household would hope for more children, but the one-child policy has played a role in affecting that,» said Jieyu Liu, deputy director of the China Institute at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.
«This recent change to the one-child policy is mostly affecting urban populations,» she said. «Since the 1980s, rural households were allowed to have a second child if their first was not a son. I think that after 36 years under the one-child policy, a lot of urban couples have already adapted into this one-child culture. »
People with whom NBC News spoke this week on the streets of the Chinese capital expressed concern about the challenges facing parents in China.
Liu Wei, a 27-year-old Beijing resident and mother of a 14-month-old girl, said she was hesitating over having another baby.
«Raising a child is very expensive,» she said. «My daughter just had an ordinary cold and we have already spent about $1400 for several days of treatment. »
«If the couple are both working, no one would be there to take care of the baby at home,» said Wu Fan, 31.
The shop-owner added: «Another reason is expensive housing, especially in Beijing. I plan to have our baby this year, but whether I will want to have a second child I am not sure yet. »
All those with whom NBC News spoke on the streets of Beijing this week cited finances as a major obstacle to either having either a first or a second child. Concerns about China’s notorious air pollution were also raised.
Experts also told NBC News that low levels of parental leave — four months for women and two weeks to nothing at all for men — along with a lack of affordable child care have diminished parents’ desire for a second child.
So, can China’s ruling Communist Party fix the problem? Experts suggested the government will struggle to effect meaningful change.
«The bottom line is that this is a very hard area to have any impact on. It’s mostly about public attitudes,» Professor Kerry Brown, director of the Lau China Institute at London’s King’s College, told NBC News.
«Trying to have campaigns encouraging people to have bigger families, it’s very limited what you can do,» he said. «The economic constraints on people in China are very great. It’ll probably have a very limited impact, whatever the government does. It’s about creating the right mood music as it were. »
Despite China’s baby deficit, the country has resisted calls from some activists to abandon restrictions on the number of children families can have.
The government’s population plan says the environmental carrying capacity, food and water supplies, energy production and the ability of medical and public services to cope would be stretched by too great an increase in population.
For the time being, however, such concerns remain hypothetical.,
«The problem,» Russell said, «is that many families are just not having many children — period. «

Sentiment rank: -0.7

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/28/china-population-crisis-new-two-child-policy-fails-to-yield-major-gains.html
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James Harden scores 51 in Houston Rockets' win vs. Philadelphia 76ers


NewsHubPHILADELPHIA — After a rare off night on Wednesday, Houston Rockets guard James Harden felt the need for more practice.
The fruits of his labors were on full display Friday night, when he collected 51 points, 13 assists and 13 rebounds in the Rockets’ 123-118 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers.
Afterward he said he «just tried to be aggressive» and be in «attack mode. »
He also felt the need to pick things up after going 6-of-18 from the floor, and 2-of-11 from 3-point range, while nonetheless scoring 30 points in the Rockets’ loss in Boston on Wednesday night.
«I had to get back in the gym yesterday and put extra shots up and get my confidence up a little bit,» he said.
He went 16-of-28 from the floor, 6-of-11 from the arc and 13-of-14 from the foul line against the Sixers.
«He played about as good as you can play,» coach Mike D’Antoni said. «Obviously, he pulled us out tonight. »
Harden has had more than his share of big nights this season. On Dec. 31, he matched Wilt Chamberlain for the most points in a triple-double when he scored a career-high 53 against the New York Knicks , adding 17 assists and 16 rebounds.
On Friday night, he recorded his 14th triple-double of the season. It was also the 18th time he has accumulated over 30 points and 10 assists. The latter is the highest single-season total since such numbers were first tracked in 1983-84, according to basketball-reference.com.
«You saw an NBA All-Star,» Sixers coach Brett Brown said. «You saw a gold medalist. You saw a legitimate candidate for MVP. »
Brown said the Sixers were hesitant to double-team Harden and leave the Rockets’ many 3-point shooters open.
«You have to pick your poison,» he said. «You say, ‘What sword are we going to die on?’ And you saw it. »
Nene added a season-high 21 points and Clint Capella had 17 for the Rockets, who snapped a two-game losing streak.
Philadelphia rookie center Joel Embiid topped the Sixers with 32 points, one shy of his career high.
Embiid missed the three previous games with an injury that was described by the team as a left-knee contusion. He offered more clarity after the game.
«The doctor told me it’s a bone bruise,» he said. «It’s supposed to take at least two or three weeks to heal. I only missed a week. »
Embiid said the knee felt «a little bit sore» after making 11 of 20 shots, grabbing seven rebounds, handing out four assists and blocking two shots.
«You see signs of brilliance,» Brown said of his young center. «You see signs he’s young and still learning to play NBA basketball. In the end, you walk away saying he could be whatever he wants to be. »
T. J. McConnell and Gerald Henderson added 13 points each for the Sixers, who saw a two-game winning streak and a six-game home winning streak come to an end.
Harden notched 17 of his points in the final 8:19, after Embiid crammed 11 points into the opening minutes of the fourth quarter, helping the Sixers shave a 12-point deficit to five.
Harden also scored 19 points in the third quarter.
Embiid opened the night’s scoring with a driving left-handed dunk — «a jaw-dropping play,» in Brown’s estimation, because it involved a 7-2 center driving to the basket and finishing with his off hand.
Nene answered with a layup and dunk of his own over the next few minutes, setting the tone for a
fast-paced, back-and-forth night.
The Rockets had 17 of their 25 turnovers and the Sixers 13 of their 22 in the first half, but both teams also shot over 60 percent from the floor.
Houston led by 11 at one point, but Philadelphia ran off eight straight points to go up 61-56 lead late in the second quarter. Harden answered by nailing a short jumper, then a 3-pointer with two seconds remaining in the period to forge a 61-all tie at the break.
Harden and Nene both had 15 points in the half, and Harden added seven assists and six rebounds. Sixers reserve guard Timothe Luwawu-Cabarrot also scored all 12 of his points before the break, matching his career high.
Embiid added 11 for Philadelphia.
Harden then piled up 12 points in the first 3:22 of the second half as Houston’s advantage swelled to 77-64.
Harden capped his 19-point quarter with a fadeaway jumper from the left corner at the buzzer, after which he tumbled into the front row of the stands.
— Sixers coach Brett Brown called C Joel Embiid’s failure to make the All-Star team «a little blip on his radar» and added that there is «no doubt» he belongs. «His time will come, in multiples,» Brown said.
— Rockets coach Mike D’Antoni spent part of last season as a Sixers assistant and said it could have been «a little dicey there,» given that he had previously served as head coach in Phoenix under Sixers advisor Jerry Colangelo and his son Bryan, now the team’s general manager. But D’Antoni said Brown «really welcomed» him and that the two of them are «great friends. »
— Houston G Eric Gordon missed his second straight game with lower back tightness.
— Sixers C Jahlil Okafor was in uniform after missing the two previous games with a sore right knee. He did not play, however.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 2.4

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Sports_News/NBA/2017/01/28/James-Harden-scores-51-in-Houston-Rockets-win-vs-Philadelphia-76ers/4701485606487/
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Ex-Mozilla Engineer: Don't use third-party antivirus software


NewsHubA former engineer at Mozilla has criticized third-party antivirus vendors in a blog post, and claimed that the software can «poison the software ecosystem». He asked users not to buy AV, or uninstall it if they have it already installed, and just use Microsoft’s solution, Windows Defender.
He blames AV vendors for not following «standard security practices», unlike Microsoft whom he called «generally competent». He explained:
He also said that AV can cause breakage to other products such as browsers, which can lead people to believe that it’s the latter’s inefficiency. They can also block updates which could be important for users. He added:
AV vendors have come under increasing scrutiny over the last few years including Symantec for zero-day flaws discovered in over twenty of its products. AVG also found itself in hot water over its privacy policy which gave the company the ability to sell the browser and search history of its users to third parties. Microsoft, however, has been actively working on making Windows 10 the most secure version of the 30-year-old platform, including the introduction of Windows Defender Security Center in the Creators Update and increasing its annual investment on cybersecurity research.
An exchange between Chrome security engineer Justin Schuh and information security expert Dr. Vesselin is what drove O’Callahan to write the post:
For Windows 7 and below, which Microsoft asserts are not as secure as their contemporary , O’Callahan noted that «third party AV software might make you slightly less doomed. » He also added that employees talking about these issues can create a PR nightmare for both the company and the employee, perhaps contributing to the rarity of public discourse on this topic.
Source: Robert O’Callahan via ZDNet

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Baylor Graduate Alleges 52 Rapes By Football Players


NewsHubA Baylor University graduate, who was allegedly raped by two Baylor football players in 2013, claims in a new lawsuit filed Friday that 31 players committed 52 acts of rape over a four-year span.
The woman, who filed the suit under the name Elizabeth Doe, is suing the university for Title IX violations and negligence, The Dallas Morning News reports .
An initial investigation facilitated by Baylor officials found that 17 women reported sexual or domestic assaults involving 19 football players, including four gang rapes, since 2011.
A more recent investigation by lawyers found that at least 52 “acts of rape,” including five gang rapes, by 31 football players occurred between the years of 2011 to 2014.
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
In the suit, Doe claims she was “brutally gang raped” by two former Baylor football players after a party on April 18, 2013. Both of the named players “were previously named as suspects in a police report about a rape on that date, but were never charged,” according to The Dallas Morning News.
One of the woman’s alleged attackers, Shamycheal Chatman, was accused of rape once before, but the university made arrangements to cover it up.
A student athletic trainer, who previously reported that Chatman raped her at his off-campus apartment, was reportedly moved to a female sports team by the university, who agreed to pay her tuition in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement, Dallas News reports.
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
The new lawsuit exposes a “culture of sexual violence within Baylor’s athletics,” in which the program used a “show ’em a good time” mentality that “used sex to sell” Baylor football to recruits.
According to the suit, former assistant coach Kendal Briles allegedly told a student athlete, “Do you like white women? Because we have a lot of them at Baylor and they love football players.”
While she was a student at Baylor, Doe became a member of the Baylor Bruins, a group that hosts prospective student athletes during their visits to the university, according to Dallas News.
On the night of Doe’s alleged rape, she became intoxicated and ended up at home with two football players, one of them being Chatman. When her roommate’s boyfriend came to the same place later that night he heard “what sounded like wrestling and a fist hitting someone,” in Doe’s room.
(Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)
When the football players emerged, the boyfriend saw Doe partially unclothed on the floor with a bruise on her cheek and a bite mark on her neck, according to the suit.
Before police arrived on the scene, a fellow Baylor Bruin of Doe’s, who was somehow already aware of what had happened, told her to tell police the sex was consensual to protect the athletes.
The suit cites a Title IX investigation into the incident with Doe. It revealed that Chatman called the Bruin to come help with the situation before police arrived on the scene.

Similarity rank: 9.7
Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/27/baylor-graduate-alleges-52-rapes-by-football-players-in-new-lawsuit/
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Eurovision: X Factor singer Lucie Jones to represent UK


NewsHubFormer X Factor contestant Lucie Jones has been named as this year’s Eurovision song contest entry.
Jones will sing Never Give Up On You when she represents the UK at the competition in Kiev, Ukraine in May.
The song was co-written by Emmelie de Forest, the Danish singer-songwriter who won the song contest in 2013.
Jones won a live voting programme on BBC Two on Friday night, where she competed against five other former X Factor contestants.
Jones, who came eighth on X Factor in 2009, was in tears as host Mel Giedroyc revealed the result.
«I can’t believe you picked me — thank you so much», she said.
The Welsh singer later tweeted : «Completely overwhelmed and so surprised. Tonight’s been one of the best nights of my life. »
Singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Strictly Come Dancing’s Bruno Tonioli were judging the performances on Eurovision: You Decide, broadcast from London’s Hammersmith Apollo.
Jones fended off competition from fellow X Factor stars including Danyl Johnson, who featured alongside Jones in the 2009 series, as well as Salena Mastroianni, Nate Simpson, Holly Brewer, and Olivia Garcia.

Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38779667
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Ohio man and son guilty of shackling, raping girl who escaped house


NewsHubTimothy Ciboro and his son, Esten Ciboro, 28, were found guilty on charges of rape, kidnapping and child endangering.
Anna, a comfort dog, sat in a Toledo court Jan. 24, 2017 alongside a girl testifying in the trial of her alleged abusers
Both men had denied abusing the fourteen-year-old girl, Timothy Ciboro’s stepdaughter, and a 9-year-old girl in their care who also testified that she had been sexually abused by the father and son.
Both girls took the stand as a comfort dog stood by after prosecutors argued it would be traumatic for them to face questioning by their alleged abusers, who were acting as their own attorneys.
Esten Ciboro told jurors during his closing argument Friday that they needed to do the right thing and “reunite this family and end their suffering.”
Timothy Ciboro was sentenced to five life sentences plus 41 years with no eligibility for parole, reports CBS affiliate WTOL. Esten Ciboro was sentenced to three life sentences plus 38 years in prison with eligibility for parole.
Before reading the sentences, Judge Linda Jennings called the Ciboros “depraved” and “evil” and their actions “disgusting, perverted and reprehensible.”
The older girl testified earlier this week that she was forced to stay in the basement for varying lengths of time as punishment or when the men left the house and that she was allowed out to shower or use the restroom.
Officers found leg irons in the basement along with a bucket the girl said she used as a toilet, according to a police report. Prosecutors said the girl suffered both physical and mental abuse before she used the spare key to escape last summer when she was 13 years old.
The girl, whose mother was living in Las Vegas at the time, said she was left to live in the house with the men at age 7 when her mother moved away.
The Toledo, Ohio home where a teen girl claims she was shackled in the basement by her stepfather and stepbrother.
She said she was treated more harshly than the younger girl and a boy who lived in the house, and that her punishment for wetting the bed worsened from being spanked, to being locked in a bathroom to being chained in the basement.
Police arrested the men last May after the older girl escaped and was found outside a downtown office building more than a mile away.
The two men questioned the older girl after she described the abuse and being shackled by the ankle to a support beam in the darkened room.
At one point during her testimony on Tuesday, she told Timothy Ciboro to stop referring to himself as her dad.
“You didn’t treat me like a dad,” she said to Ciboro, who is not her biological father.
“You think I like punishing you?” Ciboro responded.
“I would say the sexual touching you enjoyed,” answered the girl.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -0.6

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/timothy-ciboro-esten-ciboro-toledo-ohio-man-son-guilty-of-shackling-raping-girl-who-escaped-house/
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