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Wiretap: Terror strikes again in London as van plows into crowd outside Finsbury Park mosque


Terror hits London again, this time outside a North London mosque. At least one person is dead and eight injured as a van drove onto a sidewalk and into a crowd of pedestrians who had just left the…
Terror hits London again, this time outside a North London mosque. At least one person is dead and eight injured as a van drove onto a sidewalk and into a crowd of pedestrians who had just left the Finsbury Park mosque. The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack a “violent manifestation of Islamophobia.” Via the BBC.
The nationally hyped, special election House race in Georgia Tuesday in a heavily Republican district is one that Republicans must win. Or you could put it this way: The nationally hyped, special election House race in Georgia comes at a time when Donald Trump’s poll numbers are plummeting, meaning it’s a race Democrats must win. Via The New York Times.
On the day after Trump tweets that he is under investigation for obstruction of justice, Trump’s lawyer says he’s not under investigation for anything. Unless, of course, he is. Via The Washington Post.
Frank Bruni: Whether or not you think ugly rhetoric leads to violence, it’s clear that this is what the political divide looks like today — I’ m OK, you’ re pure evil. Via The New York Times. On the other hand, if you look at the just-completed Virginia primaries, it looks as if political moderation made a big comeback on both the Democratic and Republican sides. Via The National Journal.
Neil Irwin: Trump missed one critical lesson in how to be a populist leader. You can’ t really make it work unless you do things that are actually popular. Via The New York Times.
Two years ago, Trump supporters couldn’ t look away. Now, if you trust the polls, it looks as if at least some of them are beginning to tune out. Via The Washington Post.
If you’ re a rookie Republican congressman deep in Trump Country, the question, says Molly Ball in The Atlantic, is how you can stay true to both your principles and to the people who sent you to Washington.
The meaning of the mistrial in the Bill Cosby case may be both less and more than you think. Via The New Yorker.
Michael J. Socolow: Megyn Kelly’s interview with a stammering, sweating, ridiculous-looking Alex Jones made no news and clearly wasn’ t worth the time or effort. Via The Boston Globe.
From The National Review: David French writes that if you believe in the 2nd Amendment and gun rights, you have to believe that the Philando Castile verdict was a miscarriage of justice.
Democrats have a plan in combating the Senate Republicans in their bid to repeal Obamacare. And it’s one, unsurprisingly, that Trump basically wrote for them. They’ ll ask why did Trump smilingly celebrate the victory of the House bill in the White House Rose Garden when he would later call the same bill “mean” and say that Senate must make it more generous. Via Politico.
If Republicans do away with Obamacare, they may be taking us somewhere they’ ve never wanted to go. The next big movement in healthcare reform would almost certainly be Medicare for all. Via Vox.
Photo of Finsbury Park mosque by Matt Buck, via Flickr: Creative Commons
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