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3 major costs of withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement


The American president came into office after promising to „cancel“ the deal and after months of reconsidering has now told aides he plans to do just that. Here’s a look at three major costs of withdrawal.
The American president came into office after promising to „cancel“ the deal and after months of reconsidering has now told aides he plans to do just that. Here’s a look at three major costs of withdrawal.

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Dieselskandal bei Audi: Dobrindt: Betrugssoftware in zwei Oberklassemodellen


Grüne sprechen von systematischer Täuschung. Laut Bundesverkehrsminister Dobrindt sind 24.000 Fahrzeuge betroffen.
Die VW -Tochter Audi hat nach Worten von Bundesverkehrsminister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) unzulässige Abgas-Software verwendet. Die Software habe bewirkt, dass erkannt wurde, wenn das Auto auf einem Prüfstand war – dann wurden die Abgas-Reinigungssysteme angeschaltet. 24.000 Fahrzeuge müssten zurückgerufen werden, sagte Dobrindt am Donnerstag in Berlin.
Oliver Krischer fühlt sich bestätigt. Nachdem Dobrindt zwei neue Audi-Oberklassemodelle als Schummeldiesel enttarnt hat, ist der Fraktionsvize der Grünen sicher, dass Tricksen und Täuschen in der Autoindustrie System haben. „Vor wenigen Tagen Hausdurchsuchungen bei Daimler, nun illegale Abgaseinrichtungen bei Audi und jeder fragt sich, was als nächstes kommt“, sagte der Grünen-Verkehrspolitiker am Abend. Nur den Verkehrsminister scheine dies wenig zu interessieren.
Allerdings war es Dobrindt, der zuvor an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen war. Die Auffälligkeiten bei den Audi A8 und A7 mit V6- und V8-Dieselmotoren waren dem Minister am Mittwoch bekannt geworden, am Donnerstag habe er dann mit VW-Konzernchef Matthias Müller gesprochen. Müller ist zugleich Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender bei Audi. Ein VW-Sprecher bestätigte am Abend, dass es sich um weitere Modell-Varianten der bereits auffällig gewordenen Audi-Modelle A7 und A8 handele. Bei diesen Diesel-Fahrzeugen sei eine spezielle Getriebesoftware mit „dynamischer Programmierung“ verbaut worden, die – je nach Fahrweise – Einfluss auf die Schaltvorgänge nehme.
Für VW kommen die neuen Enthüllungen zur Unzeit. Am Dienstag hatte der Konzern noch stolz vermeldet, dass gut drei Viertel der betroffenen manipulierten Dieselautos in Deutschland umgerüstet seien. Audi und VW hatten bereits in einem milliardenschweren Vergleich mit dem US-Justizministerium eingeräumt, dass sie in den USA rund 83.000 Autos mit Audi-Dieselmotoren und einer dort illegalen Software verkauft hatten, die niedrigere Abgaswerte angibt. Die Diesel-Verfahren hatten Audi im vergangenen Jahr 1,86 Milliarden Euro gekostet.
Audi-Chef Rupert Stadler hatte bei der Jahrespressekonferenz im März angekündigt, bei Audi alles „auf den Prüfstand“ zu stellen. Die Aufarbeitung sei „noch lange nicht abgeschlossen“. Aber sein Unternehmen tue alles, „dass so etwas wie die Diesel-Affäre bei uns nie wieder passiert“. Während der Jahrespressekonferenz hatten mehr als 100 Polizisten und Staatsanwälte die Zentrale des Autobauers, weitere Standorte und Wohnungen von Mitarbeitern durchsucht. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte „ein Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Unbekannt wegen des Verdachts des Betruges und der strafbaren Werbung“ eingeleitet. Mit den Aktionen soll geklärt werden, wer an der Verwendung der manipulierten Abgas-Software und an Falschangaben beteiligt gewesen sei.
Dobrindt hatte kurz nach Beginn des VW-Abgasskandals im September 2015 die „Untersuchungskommission Volkswagen“ eingesetzt. Bestehend aus Fachleuten des Bundesverkehrsministeriums, des Kraftfahrt-Bundesamtes (KBA) sowie wissenschaftlicher Begleitung durch den Münchner Professor Georg Wachtmeister bewertete sie zum einen die Auswirkungen des VW-Abgasskandals. Zum anderen sollte sie prüfen, ob auch für Diesel-Fahrzeuge anderer Hersteller unzulässige sogenannte Abgas-Abschalteinrichtungen verwendet wurden. mit dpa

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With an eye toward a Mideast peace deal, Trump puts off his promise to move U. S. Embassy to Jerusalem


Trump put off his promise to move the U. S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, hoping to keep discussions going between Israelis and Palestinians toward a peace deal.
With an eye toward a potential Middle East peace deal, President Trump on Thursday issued a wavier that delays moving the U. S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem for at least six months, a decision in keeping with previous administrations.
The move marks a reversal for Trump, who repeatedly vowed during last year’s campaign to swiftly move the embassy from Tel Aviv, where it has always been located, to Jerusalem. Other candidates have made the same promise, but no president has ever followed through.
Israel considers Jerusalem its capital but the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem for their capital in a future state.
The U. S. and most major world powers agree that the status of Jerusalem should be settled in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, and no country keeps its embassy in Jerusalem because of the dispute.
In a statement, the White House said Trump made this decision „to maximize the chances of successfully negotiating a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.“
It added, „But as he has repeatedly stated his intention to move the embassy, the question is not if that move happens, but only when.“
After Trump took office, Jordan’s King Abdullah and other Arab leaders warned the White House that moving the embassy would enrage Arab communities, especially the Palestinians, and severely complicate any peace talks.
Since then, the White House has said Trump is reviewing the matter. During his visit to the Middle East last month, he met with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders and called for a resumption of negotiations toward what he has called “the ultimate deal.”
Moving the embassy is a priority for many Republican evangelicals in Trump’s political base, as well as some of his Jewish supporters.
Presidents of both parties have issued the waiver every six months since Congress passed a law mandating the embassy move in 1995. Trump was facing a Thursday deadline to renew the waiver or see the State Department lose half its funding for its overseas facilities.
Trump’s new ambassador to Israel, his former bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman, has vowed to live in Jerusalem, about 30 miles from Tel Aviv.
Palestinians welcomed the waiver and said they look forward to more consultation with the Trump administration.
„This is in line with the long held U. S. policy and the international consensus, and it gives peace a chance, “ said Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian Authority’s ambassador to the United States.
Israeli officials expressed disappointment, but several said they believed Trump will transfer the embassy before he leaves office.
In a statement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said keeping embassies “outside the capital” only “drives peace further away” because it keeps alive “the Palestinian fantasy that the Jewish people and the Jewish state have no connection to Jerusalem.”
The statement added that the Israeli government appreciated Trump’s “commitment to moving the embassy in the future.”
Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz told a radio interviewer that keeping the U. S. Embassy in Tel Aviv “is a surrender to Arab and Muslim pressure.”
Trump’s decision had been widely expected. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said last month that Trump had to weigh what effect moving the embassy would have on potential peace talks.
“The president has recently expressed his view that he wants to put a lot of effort into seeing if we cannot advance a peace initiative between Israel and Palestine, “ Tillerson told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on May 14. „And so I think in large measure the president is being very careful to understand how such a decision would impact a peace process.“
Still, a handful of White House advisors continued to argue as late as Wednesday that Trump should fulfill his campaign pledge and relocate the embassy, or at least let the existing waiver lapse and promise to move the embassy at a later date.
Military and national security officials, including Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned that moving the embassy now — and the protests it might spark in Arab nations — would put U. S. personnel overseas at risk, according to a person familiar with the deliberations and who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal White House discussions.
In addition, Trump remains determined to help deliver a peace deal and was encouraged by his meetings with Arab leaders in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, last month.
He decided that moving the embassy to Jerusalem might sap support from other Arab states and drive Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas from the negotiating table, officials said.
The White House has made overtures to Abbas, hosting him for a lunch in the West Wing in early May and allowing the Palestinian flag be placed behind Trump while the two leaders made statements about the visit.
During his two-day stop in Israel, Trump visited Abbas in the West Bank at Abbas’s presidential compound in Bethlehem, just outside Israel’s border wall on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
Trump signaled to Abbas that he must show progress in the peace talks and start delivering on several U. S. demands: shutting down terrorist incitement, stopping Palestinian Authority payments to the families of those killed or imprisoned in terrorist attacks against Israelis, and refraining from lobbying the United Nations for additional resolutions against Israel.
Trump made clear to Abbas that payments to families of militants are an “impediment to peace, ” a White House official said.
Twitter: @ByBrianBennett

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Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan werden vorerst eingeschränkt


Nach dem Anschlag in Kabul fährt die Regierung die Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan zurück. Bis zur Neubewertung der Sicherheitslage sollen nur bestimmte Personen…
Nach dem schweren Terroranschlag in Kabul will die Bundesregierung Afghanen vorerst nur in begrenzten Fällen in deren Heimat zurückschicken. Das Auswärtige Amt werde zunächst eine Neubewertung der Sicherheitslage vornehmen, sagte Kanzlerin Angela Merkel am Donnerstag in Berlin nach einem Treffen mit den Ministerpräsidenten der Länder. Bis diese vorliege und die deutsche Botschaft in Kabul wieder voll funktionsfähig sei, solle es Abschiebungen von Afghanen nur in bestimmten Fällen geben. Unklar ist aber, wie eng oder weit dies ausgelegt wird. Der Opposition reicht das nicht: Sie forderte erneut einen kompletten Abschiebestopp.
Zurückgeschickt werden sollen laut Merkel weiter Straftäter und sogenannte Gefährder – also Menschen, denen die Sicherheitsbehörden einen Terrorakt zutrauen. Das Gleiche gelte auch für Menschen, die „hartnäckig ihre Mitarbeit an der Identitätsfeststellung“ verweigerten, sagte die Kanzlerin. Weitere Details nannte sie dazu nicht. Das neue Lagebild solle bis Juli vorliegen.
Die Explosion einer Lastwagenbombe in Kabul am Mittwoch hatte mindestens 90 Menschen getötet. Etwa 460 wurden verletzt, ein Gebäude der deutschen Botschaft schwer beschädigt. Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) hatte daraufhin einen für Mittwoch geplanten Abschiebeflug abgesagt und betont, an der generellen Haltung ändere sich nichts. Der Flug solle bald nachgeholt werden. Auch Merkel hatte am Donnerstagvormittag lediglich eine Neubewertung der Sicherheitslage und eine genaue Prüfung der Einzelfälle in Aussicht gestellt, nicht aber eine Beschränkung der Abschiebungen.
Von vielen Seiten – von Linken, Grünen, Menschenrechtsgruppen, aber auch aus der SPD – kam jedoch die eindringliche Forderung, Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan sofort und komplett zu stoppen. Auch SPD-Kanzlerkandidat Martin Schulz hatte gemahnt: „Ich glaube, dass wir im Lichte der Ereignisse des gestrigen Tages zunächst einmal nicht weiter abschieben sollten.“ Erst auf Basis einer neuen Sicherheitsbewertung sei zu entschieden, ob und wann Abschiebungen wieder aufgenommen werden könnten. Zurzeit seien sie „kein vertretbares Instrument“, bis auf Fälle von „Gefährdern“.
Die Union ging in der Frage nun also auf die SPD zu – möglicherweise, um eine Koalitionskrise wenige Monate vor der Bundestagswahl zu vermeiden. Nach der Entscheidung der Bundesregierung unterbrach der Bundestag seine Plenarsitzung für Sonderfraktionssitzungen.
Aus der Union war zu hören, CDU und CSU hätten eingelenkt, weil in der SPD größere Teile der Fraktion signalisiert hätten, dass sie ansonsten einem Grünen-Antrag für einen Abschiebestopp zugestimmt hätten. Die Union selbst sieht in dem Schritt aber kaum eine Veränderung. De Maizière machte in der Sitzung seiner Fraktion nach Teilnehmerangaben deutlich, dass es mit der Entscheidung de facto beim Vorgehen der vergangenen Zeit bleibe. Schon länger wurden keine Kinder und Frauen nach Afghanistan abgeschoben.
SPD-Fraktionschef Thomas Oppermann sagte nach einer Sondersitzung der Abgeordneten, der grauenvolle Anschlag habe „bei der SPD-Fraktion dazu geführt, dass wir eine neue Lage sehen“.
Die Flüchtlingsorganisation Pro Asyl begrüßte die Beschränkung zwar, beklagte aber, die Unterscheidung zwischen Straffälligen und Nicht- Straffälligen sei fragwürdig. Pro-Asyl-Geschäftsführer Günter Burkhardt sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, nun müssten auch die mehr als 32.000 abgelehnten Asylanträge aus den ersten Monaten des Jahres neu bewertet werden. Sie basierten noch auf einer alten Lagebewertung.

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Trump said to pull US from climate pact: Is China set to lead?


Trump was widely believed to be leaning toward pulling the US out of the Paris agreement – seen as a major achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama
US President Donald Trump will announce he will withdraw his government’s ratification of an international agreement to limit emissions of greenhouse gases, the Associated Press and CNN reported. Trump’s decision reverses a key pillar of former President Barack Obama’s effort to combat an increase in global temperatures, which scientists say has been hastened by the burning of coal, oil and other fossil fuels. The move also cedes global climate action leadership to China and the EU. China’s Premier Li Keqiang and German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently pledged to work together on environmental issues including climate change. The Paris Agreement, a climate action plan drafted as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, enumerates non-binding targets set by each ratifying country for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The accord came into effect in November 2016, after the US and other major greenhouse gas emitters, including China and India, signed the agreement. The US is one of 147 Paris Agreement signatories, and would be the first to back out.

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В штабе рассказали, как боевики соблюдают очередной "режим тишины"


Незаконные вооруженные формирования сегодня, 1 июня, с начала суток по состоянию на18.00 уже 9 раз нарушили режим тишины в зоне проведения…
Незаконные вооруженные формирования сегодня, 1 июня, с начала суток по состоянию на18.00 уже 9 раз нарушили режим тишины в зоне проведения антитеррористической операции, при этом потерь среди украинских военных нет. Об этом сообщили в пресс-центре штаба военной операции на Донбассе.
Согласно сообщению, несмотря на достигнутые ранее договоренности о соблюдении в течение сегодняшнего дня, 1 июня, „режима тишины“, незаконные вооруженные формирования (НВФ) все же не прекратили применять оружие против украинских подразделений.
„С начала суток боевики 9 раз открывали огонь по оборонным укреплениям украинских защитников. В частности, один раз били и с запрещенного Минскими соглашениями вооружения“, – говорится в сообщении пресс-центра на странице в Facebook.
На Приморском (Мариупольском) направлении зафиксировано больше всего нарушений боевиками условий неприменения оружия. Так, около двух часов ночи военных ВСУ в районе Павлополя обстрелял вражеский снайпер.
В течение дня снайперы противника также вели огонь в районе Водяного и Марьинки, а опорные пункты вблизи Чермалыка противник дважды обстрелял из минометов, в том числе из запрещенных Минскими договоренностями, калибром 120 мм. Кроме того, у Широкино НВФ еще до рассвета открывали огонь из станкового противотанкового гранатомета.
На Донецком направлении в течение дня было тихо.
На Луганском направлении боевики трижды обстреливали оборонительные укрепления ВСУ неподалеку от Малинового из гранатометов различных модификаций и стрелкового оружия.
Как сообщалось, на Донбассе в полночь на 1 июня вступил в силу очередной „режим тишины“, который должен продиться до полночи на 2 июня.

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Resorts World Manila Video: Gunmen In Philippines Wore Black Clothes, Masks, Opened Fire On 3rd Floor [Photos]


There has been an outbreak of violence at the Resorts World Manila Hotel, as reported by Reuters. The publication notes that the sound of gunfire and explosions were heard outside of the resort. …
There has been an outbreak of violence at the Resorts World Manila Hotel, as reported by Reuters. The publication notes that the sound of gunfire and explosions were heard outside of the resort. Reports are coming out of the ABS-CBN News verified Twitter account @ABSCBNNews, describing itself as “the Philippines’ most trusted news organization, ” which contains “stories, video, and multimedia for Filipinos worldwide, from ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs.”
Authorities and SWAT team members and fire trucks were in the area of the Resorts World Manila Hotel, and photos are flowing into social media as a result of the melee. The Resorts World Manila location from the Philippines | Airmen Village on Instagram does not at this time have photos of the masked men or melee inside Resorts World Manila.
Update: Photos and videos, which might be graphic and disturbing, have now been published. However, the hashtag #resortsworldmanila, which has more than 40,145 posts on Instagram, proves the popularity of the Resorts World Manila location and shows photos of the traumatic situation coming into social media.
The sounds of gunfire in the following video from CNN can be heard, and photos of emergency personnel at Resorts World Manila can be seen as well. The popular Filipino tourist location turned into a site of violence, as the following photos show some of the injured at the location. It was approximately 1: 30 a.m. local time on Friday when emergency personnel were shown responding to the melee, which began after midnight.
As seen in the following video found under the Resorts World Manila hashtag, the casino and hotel complex near the international airport is purportedly displayed. The gunfire happened around midnight Manila time, and the video shows people running in confusion as others hoist their phones in the air and record videos.
As seen in the following tweet with a screenshot of the Resorts World Manila, prayers are sought and the Resorts World Manilla is currently on lockdown.
According to April Rafales, a journalist with ABS-CBN News, several men wearing black masks and black clothing stormed the Resorts World Manila hotel and casino, with gunfire occuring in what is believed to be the third floor of the hotel. People jumped from their windows on the third floor, which caused some of the injuries in the attack. It is not known if this was a terrorist attack, but the assumption on the onset of the initial reports coming out of Manila is that it could be a planned terrorist attack.
April reported that some of the reporting coming out of the location is being filtered so as not to tip the hand to the attackers and in an effort to keep the authorities and their information close to the vest as they try and contain the breaking situation.
More photos and videos like those above are being uploaded as the situation unfolds. Story developing…
[Featured Image by Phuong D. Nguyen/Shutterstock]

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Vinson and Reagan carrier strike groups mass near North Korea


The Carl Vinson and Ronald Reagan carrier strike groups steamed along side by side Thursday near North Korea in the biggest show of U. S….
The Carl Vinson and Ronald Reagan carrier strike groups steamed along side by side Thursday near North Korea in the biggest show of U. S. naval force since the regime stepped up its missile program.
Photos released by the Navy shows the aircraft carriers with their accompanying destroyers and cruisers alongside Japanese Self Defense Force ships in the Sea of Japan.
The meet-up and joint exercise come just days after North Korea tested yet another ballistic missile and leader Kim Jong Un promised to send a bigger „gift package“ to the U. S.
The North has dramatically stepped up testing and development, raising fears it could soon develop a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting Hawaii or even the continental United States.
The USS Carl Vinson strike group, based in San Diego, was sent to the area by the Trump administration in April as a message to Pyongyang, sparking angry threats of retaliation. It is slated to return to California this summer.
The USS Ronald Reagan, which is homeported at a Navy base near Tokyo, resumed operations May 16 after finishing up a maintenance period.

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Why Netflix is actually aiming for more cancellations


Reed Hastings made a rare television appearance to explain why cancellations are not only healthy for the company but necessary these days.
A week after shuttering Baz Luhrmann’s lavish hip-hop drama The Get Down, Netflix company founder and CEO Reed Hastings made a rare television appearance to explain why cancellations are not only healthy for the company but necessary in its aggressive pursuit of unprecedented success.
During an appearance on CNBC, Hastings was asked about some of the company’s notably expensive investments—a reported $120 million on the first season of The Get Down; a reported $90 million on the first season of Marco Polo, among others—and the methodology behind them, since Netflix famously does not disclose its viewership data to the public.
„What really matters is I hope our hit ratio is way too high right now, “ Hastings told anchor Julia Boorstin, diverting the conversation back to the company’s success rate. „We’ve canceled very few shows.“
„I’m always pushing the content team: ‚We have to take more risk, you have to try more crazy things. Because we should have a higher cancel rate overall, ‚“ Hastings explained.
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Although the business strategy will lead to more cancellations, Hastings said Netflix’s bolder programming bets will also yield surprising successes like 13 Reasons Why, the dark high-school drama which earned rave reviews, inspired cultural debate, and was picked up for a second season earlier this month.
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“ [That strategy will create] some winners that are just unbelievable winners, like 13 Reasons Why, “ Hastings said. „It surprised us. It was a great show, but we didn’t realize just how it would catch on.“
Boorstin pressed Hastings for details about Netflix audience numbers but to no avail. Instead, the Netflix founder offered a clue about how the company deems its programs failures.
„You can tell when we cancel a show, “ Hastings said, adding that the company considers „a mix“ of factors in its decision, including viewership and subscriber growth. „Mostly, it is how many people watch. But those are very connected.“
And what programming gambles does Hastings consider the most promising in the company’s near future?
When asked the big question, Hastings—who previously predicted that The Crown would set audiences afire—teased GLOW, the 10- episode series from Orange Is the New Black creator Jenji Kohan set in the 1980s world of women’s wrestling.
„It is both spoof and funny, “ said Hastings of the series, which stars Alison Brie . „And that will be coming out a few weeks after Orange Is the New Black .“
Inspired by the actual GLOW —the women’s wrestling TV series that ran in the late 80s, and stood for „Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling“—the comedy debuts on June 23.
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Paris Agreement: Is It Good For Coal?


There is shaky evidence that withdrawing from this agreement will give people employed in the mining industry what they want: more jobs.
In May of 2016, Trump stood before a cheering crowd in Charleston, West Virginia, and „I am thinking about the miners all over this country, “ he said at the time. He had just effectively clinched the Republican nomination, and signs of „Trump digs coal“ were peppered throughout the crowd. „We’re going to put the miners back to work. We are going to get those mines open.“
Trump’s message clearly resonated; he won nine of the ten states with the highest coal production in the United States last November, easily sweeping Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky, the top three spots on the list.
His decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change, which he will announce at the White House Rose Garden Thursday, is being billed as a way to turn those words into action.
„This is a step to fulfilling some of the promises that he [President Trump] made, “ said Tyler White, President of the Coal Association in Kentucky, which has lost over 25,000 coal jobs since 2011.
There is shaky evidence, however, that withdrawing from this agreement will give people employed in the mining industry what they want: more jobs.
Trump has already signed an Executive Order on Energy Independence mandating that federal agencies review President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which is designed to reduce carbon emissions 32% by 2030, largely by replacing coal-fired plants with natural gas and renewable energy sources.
The Clean Power Plan was the key policy that allowed President Obama to commit to the world under the Paris Agreement that the U. S. would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 28% by 2025, but the framers of the Paris Agreement and other environmental attorneys say Trump could have simply revised the U. S. emissions reductions targets downward if he eliminates the Clean Power Plan.
Still, for members of the coal industry and lawmakers in states with high coal production who argued against regulations of the Clean Power Plan—over 25 states and the largest coal company in the private sector filed a lawsuit against the plan and West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin said the regulations „damaged the way of life“ in his state—leaving the Paris Agreement is welcome news.
“We urge you to make a clean exit from the Paris Agreement so that your administration can follow through on it’s commitment to rescind the Clean Power plan, ” 22 Republican Senators wrote in a May 25th letter to the President.
All of these Senators represent states Trump won in the 2016 election. Four were from the coal-heavy states Wyoming and Kentucky. A representative for Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi confirmed that he „ce rtainly thinks that rolling back the Paris Agreement will be beneficial to coal workers in Wyoming and America.“
Like these Senators White said the biggest benefit for Kentucky that would come out of this would be the rollback of the CPP. The Kentucky coal community, he said, is still hopeful in the ability to restore confidence in coal, noting that even though jobs were shed in the first quarter of 2017, there was a half point uptick in production.
„We’ re still trying to stop the bleeding, “ White explained. He said he was open to increasing opportunities in the natural gas and renewable energy sectors, which many experts argue is more realistic than revitalizing coal, but he wants to ensure the sustainability of his industry. „We see us moving in the right direction under the administration which is comforting.“
But experts say larger market forces—like the increasing use of natural gas and renewable energy—will prevail.
„It will have zero impact, “ James Van Nostrand, a law professor at West Virginia University and the Director of the school’s Center for Energy and Sustainable Development, said of Trump’s decision. „Environmental regulations have a small impact on economics. You make environmental regulations go away, it doesn’t change anything at all.“
In 2015, coal production dropped 10.3% to its lowest level since 1986, according to the U. S. Energy Information Administration’s annual coal report published last November. That same year, the average number of employees at U. S. mines decreased 12%, the lowest number since the agency began collecting information in 1978.
„It was a con when he made that promise, “ Van Nostrand said of Trump. „The coal jobs aren’t coming back.“

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