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На Грушевского произошла потасовка между правыми и полицией: фото


NewsHubВ годовщину начала столкновений на улице Грушевского между представителями ОУН, Правого сектор, Белого молота и полицией возникла потасовка. Об этом сообщают очевидцы происшествия в соцсетях.
Причина потасовки – попытка участников митинга поджечь шины на дороге. Правоохранители сразу пресекли эту попытку.
Фото: twitter.com/spacelordrock
“Представители ОУН, Правого сектора и Белого молота начали посреди дороги на Грушевского, поливать бензином принесенные ими шины”, – сообщила в Twitter пользователь с ником Виктория Правды.
Фото: twitter.com/pravda_1
Пользователь Twitter Алексей Down так описал происходящее : “Шины, камни и петарды: в Киеве на Грушевского произошла потасовка между националистами и силовиками”.
Шини, каміння і петарди: у Києві на Грушевського сталася сутичка між націоналістами і силовиками #инфа
– Алексей DOWN (@garlimis) 19 января 2017 г.
Фото: facebook.com/Виктория Резниченко
Пользователь Facebook Виталий Грузинов разместил соответствующее видео.
После непродолжительной потасовки стороны разошлись и участники митинга вернулись на Майдан.
Фото: facebook.com/Вита Ченкова
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Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://news.liga.net/news/politics/14674742-na_grushevskogo_proizoshla_potasovka_mezhdu_pravymi_i_politsiey_foto.htm
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NHL roundup: Another tough loss doesn’t help Julien’s case


NewsHubDETROIT — Rumors are swirling that a coaching change could be coming for the Boston Bruins, and Wednesday’s outcome hardly helped Claude Julien’s cause.
“It’s unacceptable what happened these last two games,” said star center Patrice Bergeron.
WHO: Blackhawks at Bruins
WHEN: 7 p.m. Friday
In Detroit on Wednesday, the Bruins opened with a dominant 20 minutes – playing most of the first period in the Detroit end and claiming a 4-1 lead on two goals by Frank Vatrano, and one each by Brandon Carlo and Bergeron.
Then it all fell apart, as the Red Wings answered with three goals in the second period and went on to prevail 6-5 in a shootout, handing the Bruins their second straight devastating defeat.
How could the Boston coach explain his team’s being so good in one period, and then the opposite?
“We collapsed. It’s pretty obvious,” said Julien. “It was just one of those games, we didn’t get the save when we needed it, and we made some mistakes which gave them some chances. A lot of things went wrong after we took that lead.”
Goalie Tuukka Rask blamed himself for the loss, saying he should have stopped at least one or two of the shots that went in.
“I let in five goals in regulation and that’s obviously too much,” he said. “I’ve got to make a couple more saves. I wouldn’t say they were really weak goals, any of them. But I could have done something differently and stopped one or two of them.”
Yeah, but it wasn’t his fault the guys took their big lead and then shut down.
“I think maybe we got a little complacent,” Marchand said. “You knew they were going to get ripped after the first and they were going to come out hard.
“They did and we just weren’t ready for it. It seemed like every time we had a breakdown, they were scoring.”
Boston now faces a Friday date at home against the powerful Chicago Blackhawks. They’ll either find their game or fall out of the playoff picture, and perhaps find themselves with a new coach.
“You’ve got to play for 60 minutes,” Bergeron said. “You can’t take your foot off the gas pedal because teams are too good and they’re going to make you pay. That’s what they did. They took advantage of the chances we gave them in our zone.”
The Bruins know what they need to do to win. But not being able to do it for three periods is their flaw. Maybe their fatal flaw.
Tavares has seven goals in four games after scoring twice and then having an empty-net shot just deflected wide.
Jay Beagle, Brett Connolly, Marcus Johansson and Justin Williams also scored to help Washington earn at least a point for a 12th straight game.
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Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -4.3

© Source: http://www.pressherald.com/2017/01/19/nhl-roundup-another-tough-loss-doesnt-help-juliens-case/
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Koncert inaugurujący prezydenturę Donalda Trumpa


NewsHubDługimi owacjami tysiące Amerykanów powitało Donalda Trumpa na koncercie inaugurującym jego prezydenturę. Pod pomnikiem Lincolna w centrum Waszyngtonu występują artyści country, piosenkarze soul, chóry i orkiestry wojskowe.
Donald Trump z żoną /PAP/EPA
Gwiazdami koncertu inauguracyjnego Donalda Trumpa zatytułowanego “Przywrócić wspaniałość Ameryce” są piosenkarze muzyki country Toby Keitch i Lee Greenwood.
Na scenie pojawił się też jeden z największych zwolenników nowego prezydenta, aktor John Voight. – Będziemy częścią historii. Prezydent Lincoln, który siedzi tu z nami, na pewno się uśmiecha wiedząc, że Ameryka zostanie uratowana przez uczciwego i dobrego człowieka – mówił Voight.
Przed koncertem w centrum Waszyngtonu Donald Trump wraz z przyszłym wiceprezydentem Mikiem Pence’em złożył wieniec na grobie nieznanego żołnierza na cmentarzu Arlington. Ceremonia zaprzysiężenia 45. prezydenta USA odbędzie się jutro.

Similarity rank: 7.6
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://fakty.interia.pl/news-koncert-inaugurujacy-prezydenture-donalda-trumpa,nId,2339979
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POCZEKALNIA Mniej Więcej Listy


NewsHubMniej Więcej Lista to lista Twoich ulubionych piosenek emitowanych na antenie Radia Zachód. Możesz jej słuchać w sobotę między godz. 15.00 a 17.00.
Codziennie na naszej stronie www i profilu RZ na FB i Twitterze polecamy nowe propozycje do Listy, a w wydaniu weekendowym podsumowanie głosowania esemesowego… i super gwiazdy, którą co tydzień przepytuje i do mikrofonu zaprasza Jacek Grodzki .
Wszystko to i więcej prezentuje każdego dnia Kasia Jankowska .
Jak głosować? Jeżeli podobają Ci się utwory prezentowane na naszej antenie, przez 24 godziny na dobę możesz na nie głosować, wysyłając SMS w trakcie ich trwania. W treści wiadomości wpisujesz RZ i wysyłasz swój głos pod nr 7148. Koszt to tylko 1,23 zł z VAT.
Jeśli głosujesz na inną piosenkę od prezentowanej, wysyłasz w dowolnym, wygodnym dla siebie momencie SMS, wpisujesz w treści prefiks RZ , a następnie tytuł nagrania i jego wykonawcę. Nowe propozycje możesz nam przesłać tą samą drogą, rozpoczynając wiadomość prefiksem RZ, bądź zgłaszać drogą tradycyjną, wysyłając kartkę pocztową: RADIO ZACHÓD, ul. Kukułcza 1, 65-472 Zielona Góra z dopiskiem Mniej Więcej Lista.
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„Jestem dumna z tych piosenek i zadowolona z płyty. Jest na niej wiele niesamowitych momentów i naprawdę myślę, że znalazło się tu kilka moich najlepszych utworów. Jestem podekscytowana, że nareszcie mogę się tym podzielić z fanami” – przyznaje Amy Macdonald.
Artystka ogłosiła też swoją przyszłoroczną trasę koncertową, w ramach której wystąpi również w Polsce!

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.zachod.pl/radio-zachod/audycje/mwl/poczekalnia-mniej-wiecej-listy-13/
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Нардеп Найем попал в ДТП


NewsHubНардеп Мустафа Найем попал в ДТП у здания телеканала 112 Украина. Об этом сообщает сам телеканал.
Сообщатся, что депутат выезжал с парковки и ударился в машину, стоявшую на противоположной стороне улицы.
“ДТП с участием народного депутата Мустафы Найема. Выезжая с парковки у нашего канала, народный депутат повредил припаркованную машину. На месте ДТП работает патрульная полиция. Пострадавших нет”, – сообщили в эфире телеканала.
Кроме того, в 2015 году нардеп Игорь Мосийчук попал в ДТП.

Similarity rank: 6.4

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/ukraine/3803292-nardep-naiem-popal-v-dtp
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Hastert to assault victim: Pay back $1.7M in hush money


NewsHubImprisoned former House speaker Dennis Hastert wants one of his sexual abuse victims to return the $1.7 million in hush money the Illinois Republican paid him over several years, according to a court filing this week in an ongoing civil case.
The document is a counter claim to the victim’s breach-of-contract lawsuit that he filed last year, arguing that Hastert owed him $1.8 million — what he said was the unpaid balance of an unwritten $3.5 million hush-money deal.
Hastert, 75, is serving a 15-month sentence in a federal prison for violating banking laws as he withdrew thousands of dollars, starting in 2010, to pay the victim, abruptly halting the payments after the FBI interviewed Hastert in late 2014.
Documents in Hastert’s federal criminal case say he abused the victim — referred to in filings only as “Individual A” — when he was 14 in the late 1970s when Hastert coached wrestling at suburban Chicago’s Yorkville High School.
The Wednesday filing on Hastert’s behalf in Kendall County Circuit Court asserts the victim was obliged to keep quiet about their deal “for the remainder of his life. ”
“Since Plaintiff breached his obligations… any nonperformance on the part of Defendant (Hastert) is excused,” the filing said. It adds: “Plaintiff’s retention of the $1.7 million is unjust. ”
At Hastert’s April sentencing, a federal judge dubbed him “a serial child molester”, saying he sexually abused at least four former students at Yorkville from 1965 to 1981.
A Thursday statement from the victim’s attorney, Kristi Browne, criticized Hastert’s filing.
“Mr. Hastert has decided that rather than live up to his promise to compensate his victim for his molestation and resulting injury, he will ask his victim to pay him,” Browne said.
Federal prosecutors have said Individual A did not threaten to expose Hastert if he didn’t pay, adding they don’t regard the payments as part of an extortion. It was Hastert, they said, who refused Individual A’s request to bring in lawyers and put the deal in writing.
Prosecutors have also said they would have charged Hastert with sexual abuse if they could have. But the statute of limitations expired decades ago, so the only option for offering those abused some semblance of justice, prosecutors said, was to charge him with comparatively mundane banking violations.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -2.2

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article127544999.html
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Japan’s Emperor Akihito to Visit Vietnam, Thailand


NewsHubTOKYO—Emperor Akihito will visit Vietnam in late February, Japan said Friday, a trip aimed at cementing ties with a nation that Tokyo sees as part of a regional bulwark against China’s territorial ambitions.
The 83-year-old emperor’s visit to Vietnam, scheduled to take place from Feb. 28 to March 5, follows on the heels of a stop in Hanoi on Monday by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The visit to Vietnam will be the first…

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 2.9

© Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/japans-emperor-akihito-to-visit-vietnam-thailand-1484884615?mod=fox_australian
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Senegalesische Truppen marschieren in Gambia ein


NewsHubDer Machtkampf in Gambia droht zu eskalieren. Nachdem sich der abgewählte Präsident Jammeh weigert, die Macht abzugeben, marschierten Truppen aus dem Nachbarland Senegal ein. Die UN forderten Gambias Militär zu Zurückhaltung auf.
Im westafrikanischen Gambia sind senegalesische Truppen einmarschiert, um den abgewählten Präsidenten des Landes, Yahya Jammeh, zum Amtsverzicht zu bewegen. Jammeh weigert sich, das Ergebnis der Wahl vom Dezember anzuerkennen, aus der Kandidat der Opposition, Adama Barrow, als Sieger hervorgegangen war. Barrow wurde heute in der gambischen Botschaft im Nachbarland Senegal als neuer Präsident vereidigt. Gestern um Mitternacht war die Amtszeit Jammehs abgelaufen.
Der UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York beschloss am Abend eine Resolution, in der Barrow volle Unterstützung zugesichert und Jammeh zum Rückzug aufgefordert wird. Dabei werde eine friedliche Lösung angestrebt, hieß es. Statt des ursprünglich vom Nachbarland Senegal vorgeschlagenen Satzes, das mächtigste UN-Gremium unterstütze die Westafrikanischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (Ecowas) alle notwendigen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, heißt es nun: Man unterstütze sie darin, zuerst einmal mit politischen Mitteln eine Anerkennung des Wählerwillens zu erreichen. Mehrere Regionalmächte hatten sich zuvor auf ein Eingreifen in Gambia vorbereitet.
Nach dem Einmarsch der senegalesischen Truppen ist unklar, wie die gambische Armee reagieren wird. Die Vereinten Nationen mahnten zu Zurückhaltung. Zuvor hatte sich Gambias Militärchef gegen Gefechte ausgesprochen. Er werde das Leben seiner Männer nicht für einen politischen Streit opfern, sagte er dem britischen Rundfunksender BBC zufolge. Barrow forderte alle Streitkräfte auf, in ihren Kasernen zu bleiben. Diejenigen, die ohne seine Anordnung mit Waffen aufgegriffen würden, “werden als Rebellen betrachte
Die USA zeigten sich besorgt über die Eskalation der Lage. Es sei wichtig, die Situation im Land wieder zu stabilisieren, mahnte das Außenministerium in Washington und rief alle US-Bürger dazu auf, das Land zu verlassen.
In der gambischen Hauptstadt Banjul herrschte den ganzen Tag über gespenstische Ruhe. Menschen verschanzten sich in ihren Häusern. Es waren kaum Autos auf der Straße. Läden, Märkte und öffentliche Einrichtungen waren geschlossen. Jammeh hatte am Dienstag den Ausnahmezustand verhängt. Das Auswärtige Amt hat eine Reisewarnung ausgesprochen und hält Ausschreitungen und Unruhen für möglich.
Jammeh hatte seine Niederlage bei der Präsidentschaftswahl Anfang Dezember zunächst eingestanden. Überraschend hatte der Oppositionskandidat Barrow 50.000 Stimmen mehr bekommen. Eine Woche später verlangte Jammeh aber plötzlich eine Wiederholung und reichte beim Obersten Gericht eine Klage gegen das Ergebnis ein. Seitdem weigert er sich, seinen Posten zu räumen.
Hinter seiner Weigerung soll auch die Befürchtung stehen, er könnte wegen Verstößen gegen Menschenrechte während seiner mehr als 22 Jahre langen Herrschaft vor Gericht gestellt werden.

Similarity rank: 5.2

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/gambia-143.html
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Thursday’s college roundup: Maine loses again in men’s basketball


NewsHubBANGOR — Iba Camara scored a career-high 21 points and pulled down 11 rebounds, and New Hampshire defeated Maine 74-63 on Thursday night.
The Wildcats (12-7, 3-2 America East) shot 55 percent in winning for the third time in four games and matching their best record through 19 games since the 1994-95 season.
Wes Myers scored 25 points, Vincent Eze 13 and Jaquan McKennon 10 for the Black Bears (5-16, 1-5), who have lost three straight and 10 of 11.
UNH scored first and led the rest of the way, leading by six at halftime. A basket by Camara gave the Wildcats a 10-point lead with 17:40 left in the game and UNH remained ahead by double figures, going up by 20 on another Camara basket with just under eight minutes left.
Emily Benway had game highs with 15 points and nine rebounds for St. Joseph’s, reserve Brianne Maloney tossed in 13 points, and Kelsi McNamara added 12 points and five assists.
Kayla Guest led the Blue Jays with 10 points. Carlee Putnam and Diamond Wallen each chipped in with nine.
Tate Sproxton made 33 saves for the Nor’easters against the Leopards.
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Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -3.2

© Source: http://www.pressherald.com/2017/01/19/thursdays-college-roundup-maine-loses-again-in-mens-basketball/
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IDPH reports six cases of viral illness linked to rats


NewsHubSix cases of Seoul virus in people who were directly exposed to rats were reported by the Illinois Department of Public Health on Thursday.
People were contracted the virus at two different Illinois facilities where rats are bred, according to a statement from IDPH. Two Wisconsin residents tested positive for the virus after a rattery in Wisconsin purchased rats from two Illinois ratteries.
Seoul virus is not transmitted from person to person and cannot infect other animals, IDPH said. Diseases that are carried by rodents can only be transferred from direct contact with rat urine or feces. It is a type of hantavirus carried by brown or Norway rats. Only a few cases of the virus have been reported in the U. S.
Symptoms of those infected may include fever, severe headache, back and abdominal pain, chills, blurred vision, redness of the eyes or rash, according to IDPH. Although, not all people infected show any signs of illness. Five of the six cases in Illinois did not experience symptoms.
“The general public is at an extremely low risk. Out of an abundance of caution, we want to let the public know in the event they have recently purchased rats from an affected facility and become ill,” IDPH Director Nirav D. Shah, M. D., J. D. said.
The rats at each facility were tested and those results were pending, IDPH said. Authorities are working to identify others who might be exposed and locate the source of the virus.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 0.7

© Source: http://chicago.suntimes.com/news/idph-reports-six-cases-of-viral-illness-linked-to-rats/
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