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Online therapy 'gave me a way to cope'


NewsHubOne type of support that is on offer for people with mental health issues is internet-based therapy, which involves chatting to someone and getting advice online.
Graham Satchell has been to meet Nick Martin, who has benefited from this way of treating depression.

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© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38528160
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SUV narrowly misses patrons in diner crash


NewsHub(CNN) An elderly woman and her Jeep became unexpected guests of a restaurant in Fowlerville, Michigan. Kicking her daughter’s SUV into the wrong gear, the woman plowed through the Fowlerville Farms Family Restaurant earlier this week, missing patrons by mere inches.

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A traditional end to an unconventional presidential election


NewsHubThe end of the 2016 presidential election is at hand.
A joint session of Congress is set to count the Electoral College votes on Friday, a traditional ending to a most unconventional presidential election.
Barring something bizarre happening, Republican Donald Trump will be declared the winner and will be sworn in at his inauguration on Jan. 20. Vice President Joe Biden will preside over the vote count in his role as president of the Senate.
All 538 electors met in their respective state capitals in December to cast their votes. Trump finished with 304 votes and Democrat Hillary Clinton with 227, according to a tally by The Associated Press. It takes 270 Electoral College votes to win the presidency.
Trump won even though Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes. His election has generated much angst among Democrats and others who oppose the billionaire businessman. But they have been powerless to change the outcome.
Despite rumblings of a revolt, only two Republican electors — both from Texas — cast protest votes for someone other than Trump. Clinton lost four Democratic electors in Washington state and one in Hawaii.
The secretary of state’s office in Washington said the four “faithless” electors would be fined $1,000 apiece.
Friday’s vote count marks the last chance for Democrats and other anti-Trump forces to disrupt Trump’s election. But even if they are successful, the most Democrats could do is slow the process. They don’t have the votes to overturn the outcome.
Under federal law, if at least one senator and one House member object to the vote from any state, the House and Senate would meet separately to decide the merits of the objection.
Several House Democrats have talked about filing an objection, but no senator has publicly backed the idea. Regardless, with Republicans controlling both chambers, any objection would have little chance of affecting the outcome.
Rep. Ed Perlmutter, D-Colo., considered objecting but said, “This is not about trying to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. ”
Perlmutter said he wants to register his objection to Russia after U. S. intelligence community findings that Moscow engaged in computer hacking to sway the election in favor of Trump. America’s top intelligence official told Congress on Thursday that Russia undoubtedly interfered in the 2016 presidential election.
“We cannot allow a foreign nation to ever influence our elections because it harms our liberty, freedom and independence,” Perlmutter said in a statement. “This is bigger than just one election, and for the sake of our democracy, we must remain vigilant. ”
Trump has not fully embraced the findings of the intelligence community. In fact, he has repeatedly mocked America’s intelligence officials.
This week, Trump went on Twitter to question why an intelligence briefing he is to receive was delayed. However, intelligence officials said there had been no delay. Still, Trump wrote: “The ‘Intelligence’ briefing on so-called ‘Russian hacking’ was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange! “

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© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article124901704.html
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Channeling Bernie Sanders, Upstart Gains Support in South Korea


NewsHubSEONGNAM, South Korea—Even before a court decides on whether to oust South Korea’s impeached president, the race to succeed her is pitting a former head of the United Nations against an upstart claiming the insurgent mantle of Bernie Sanders.
The looming political upheaval is set to reshape this U. S. ally’s trade relationships and its strategy to deal with volatile neighbor North Korea.
South Korea’s Constitutional Court is…

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© Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/channeling-bernie-sanders-upstart-gains-support-in-south-korea-1483698603?mod=fox_australian
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Japan ”temporarily” recalled its ambassador in South Korea


NewsHubA statue of a girl representing the Korean women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military was unveiled in front of the Japanese Consulate in Busan, South Korea, last week. Japan recalled its envoy to South Korea on Friday to protest the statue. “The Japanese government finds this situation extremely regrettable,” Yoshihide Suga, chief cabinet secretary to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, said during a news conference in Tokyo.
Japan also said it would suspend negotiations over a currency swap meant to help South Korea stabilize its currency, the won, in times of financial crisis. A spokesman for the South Korea Foreign Ministry called Japan’s announcement “regrettable.” The issue of the “comfort women,” as the former sex slaves were euphemistically called in Japan and South Korea, remains seemingly intractable, despite a 2015 agreement between the countries that was meant to put the dispute behind them. Surviving former sex slaves and their advocates installed the first in a series of comfort woman statues, in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul in 2011. It is still there, with Korean activists guarding it around the clock to ensure that it is not removed. Other dozens similar statues were installed since than in different locations.

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Sentiment rank: -2

© Source: http://www.roundnews.com/world/international/5558-japan-temporarily-recalled-its-ambassador-in-south-korea.html
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N. Korea holds mass rally to push Kim's New Year message


NewsHubThousands of North Koreans have rallied in Pyongyang, chanting communist slogans and vowing support for leader Kim Jong-Un, who in his New Year’s message announced plans to test-fire a ballistic missile capable of reaching the US mainland.
Clad in thick winter coats and pumping their fists in the air, those assembled in Kim Il-Sung square chanted “long live comrade Kim Jong-Un” and held banners proclaiming “let us accelerate the victorious advance of socialism! ”
Kim marked the New Year with a 30-minute televised speech that largely focused on the country’s rise as a nuclear power, announcing that it was in the “final stages” of developing an intercontinental ballistic missile of the kind that could threaten US soil.
“The people should regard Kim Jong-Un’s New Year address as a motto of life and struggle,” state media KCNA quoted a party official at the rally as saying.
Kim’s New Year address drew swift response from US president-elect Donald Trump, who took to Twitter vowing to halt Pyongyang in its tracks.
In 2016, North Korea conducted two nuclear tests and numerous missile launches in its quest to develop a nuclear weapons system capable of hitting the US mainland, prompting Washington to reinforce its antimissile defenses in the region.
But analysts are divided over how close Pyongyang is to realising its full nuclear ambitions, especially since it has never successfully test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile.
Kim also admitted to his “shortcomings” as a leader in his New Year’s speech and pledged “devoted efforts” to make North Korea prosperous again.
Thae Yong-Ho, North Korea’s former deputy ambassador to Britain who defected to the South in August, has referred to growing public discontent about the leadership, saying ordinary North Koreans have had to learn ways to survive on their own rather than relying on the party.

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© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/n-korea-holds-mass-rally-to-push-kim-s-new-year-message/article/483063
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Apple is setting up shop in Samsung territory


NewsHubThe U. S. tech giant announced plans on Friday to open its first retail outlet in South Korea. The store will be located in Seoul, which is also Samsung’s headquarters.
“We’re excited about opening our first Apple Store in Korea, one of the world’s economic centers and a leader in telecommunication and technology, with a vibrant K-culture,” Apple said in a statement.
Apple’s job website currently lists 14 Korea-based retail positions. Roles include “Store Leader,” “Senior Manager” and a gig working at the Apple Store’s famous Genius Bar.
“We’re now hiring the team that will offer our customers in Seoul the service, education and entertainment that is loved by Apple customers around the world,” the statement added.
Apple ( AAPL , Tech30 ) did not provide a timetable for when the store will open, or its precise location in Seoul.
Samsung ( SSNLF ) and Apple primarily do battle in the smartphone market. The Korean firm currently dominates with 21% of global market share compared to 12.5% for Apple, according to research firm IDC.
Apple has been trying to expand its presence in Asia — especially China and India — with mixed success.
Making inroads in South Korea is likely to be tougher, even if Samsung is still enduring fallout from its exploding Note 7 smartphones .
Samsung is one of the country’s vitally important conglomerates, or “chaebols,” selling everything from washing machines to heavy equipment and life insurance.
— Sol Han contributed reporting

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Senior North Korean leader to attend Nicaragua inauguration


NewsHubA senior North Korean delegation left Pyongyang on Friday to attend the inauguration of Nicaragua’s newly elected President Daniel Ortega.
Choe Ryong Hae, a close aide to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, is heading the delegation as a special envoy.
Choe has become something of the foreign face of the North Korean government with his relatively frequent trips lately. He is vice chairman of the State Affairs Commission, one of North Korea’s most powerful institutions, and is vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Worker’s Party of Korea, along with being a member of its politburo.
Kim Jong Un has yet to make an official trip abroad although he has been in power for more than five years.
In the meantime, Choe has served as Kim’s special envoy on missions to Moscow and Beijing in past years and more recently headed Pyongyang’s delegation to Cuba for Fidel Castro’s funeral. Before that, he led the North’s participation at the Rio Olympics.
Choe’s trip to Nicaragua comes as North Korea is facing increased international pressure after two nuclear tests and a satellite test launch in 2016.
The United Nations imposed a new round of sanctions at the end of November last year that included measures to limit North Korea’s diplomatic activities around the world.
Choe, sent off by an honor guard, departed Pyongyang on Friday morning’s scheduled Air Koryo flight to Vladivostok. He was expected to travel via Moscow and Cuba before arriving in Nicaragua.
North Korea and Nicaragua opened diplomatic relations in 1979.

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© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/world/article124896219.html
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Toyota gives you a car that's less robotic and more human


NewsHubA fast emerging trend from this year’s tech extravaganza is the use by carmakers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a way of accelerating the development of autonomous vehicles. If a car can learn from its errors and from its owner, it will be able to navigate spaces and terrains without mapping and will be able to make the right decision if a familiar route suddenly changes.
Toyota’s Concept-i car can conceivably do all of those things, but it will do so in a way that still makes the driver feel like they’re in complete control.
“At Toyota, we recognize that the important question isn’t whether future vehicles will be equipped with automated or connected technologies,” said Bob Carter, senior vice president of automotive operations for Toyota. “It is the experience of the people who engage with those vehicles. Thanks to Concept-i and the power of artificial intelligence, we think the future is a vehicle that can engage with people in return. “
For Toyota’s developers at CALTY Design Research and at its Innovation Hub (both based in California) this sense of ease and of welcoming means giving the technology human characteristics in the form of a character they’ve dubbed “Yui. ” It can converse with the driver and passengers and can even appear as a projection on the car’s exterior panels to greet its owner or to speak to pedestrians.
“Yui learns from us, grows with us, and builds a relationship that is meaningful and emotional,” said Carter. “What does that mean? Yui learns our preferences and our lifestyle; remembers where we like to go; pays attention to when we’re happy or sad. “
And while the whole thing sounds extremely sci-fi, the idea behind the concept is routed in the immediate future and in simplifying the handover from a person to a computer driving a car.
It’s also why this is one of the very few concept cars to debut at CES that is devoid of touch screens and widescreen displays. Instead information is communicated via changes in lighting, voice alerts, a head-up display and projectors hidden behind the seats.
“With all the talk about advances in automobile technology, it’s easy to lose sight of why we make cars in the first place. They’re for people,” said Carter.

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© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/motoring/2017/01/06/Toyota-gives-you-a-car-thats-less-robotic-and-more-human
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Trump's rebukes of American automakers Ford and GM might be too tough, Cramer says


NewsHubPresident-elect Donald Trump ‘s disapproval of Ford Motor and General Motors may be too harsh, considering the sizable presence of foreign automakers in Mexico, CNBC’s Jim Cramer said on Friday.
Trump stepped up his criticism of the American auto industry recently, attacking GM in a tweet. The president-elect claimed the auto giant was making a Chevy Cruze model in Mexico and then sending them to U. S. dealers tax free.
Trump has also previously called Ford “horrible” for its plans to move all small car production to Mexico within three years. But, the automaker announced on Tuesday it will cancel production of a $1.6 billion plant in Mexico , and will instead invest $700 million in Flat Rock, Michigan.
Cramer noted, however, that during his time in Mexico, it wasn’t the U. S. automakers he saw.
“If you go to the state that I spend my time in Mexico in, it is BMW, it is Lexus, it is Benz. That’s who makes them there,” Cramer said on “Squawk on the Street. ”
Cramer’s comments come after Trump threatened Toyota Motor with a large border tax if it builds a new plant outside of the U. S. On Thursday, Japanese officials defended Toyota, saying in part the company is an important corporate citizen of the U. S.

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© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/06/trumps-rebukes-of-american-automakers-ford-and-gm-might-be-too-tough-cramer-says.html
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