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Carrie Severino: Biden assault allegations — VP candidates', Dems' response a master class in hypocrisy


What a difference two years makes. When Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court was pending and sexual assault allegations against him surfaced, Democrats rushed…
What a difference two years makes.
When Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court was pending and sexual assault allegations against him surfaced, Democrats rushed to judgment in the blink of an eye.
Just three days after the Washington Post reported on Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Kavanaugh, a group of Senate Democrats — Richard Blumenthal, Mazie Hirono, Kirsten Gillibrand and Patty Murray — held a joint press conference expressing their support for Ford. No matter that little information was known about the alleged assault and that Ford’s account had zero corroboration at the time (in fact, it was never corroborated). Hirono bluntly said that the men in this country needed “to shut up and step up” and “do the right thing for a change.”
Where is Sen. Hirono now? The pressure is mounting for the Left to take Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden seriously in light of the new corroboration of her account, but Senate Democrats seem to have lost their taste for their former calls to “believe all women” now that the alleged assaulter happens to be the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.
Some Democrats seem to have contracted a sudden case of laryngitis and are saying as little as they can about the matter.
Sen. Kamala Harris lamented in 2018 that even a re-opened FBI investigation into the Kavanaugh allegation was not “a search for the truth” but an “abdication of responsibility and duty.” As recently as last year, Harris said that she believed numerous women who accused Biden of unwanted touching.

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