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U.S. Defense Leaders Paint Upbeat Picture on Ukraine After Pessimistic Pentagon Leaks


Pentagon leaders at a meeting on Friday with Western allies supporting Ukraine did not address pessimistic assessments contained in leaked Pentagon documents about the war effort and instead tried to paint an upbeat picture of the coming counteroffensive.
They played down the impact of the leaks, which cast doubt on the Ukrainian military’s ability to make gains in the planned upcoming counteroffensive. According to one leaked U.S. intelligence assessment obtained by the , Ukraine’s challenges in massing troops, ammunition, and equipment could cause its military to fall “well short” of Kyiv’s original goals for retaking Russian-occupied areas.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin dismissed the impact of the leaks at the beginning of a press briefing on Friday after meeting with members of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, a U.S.-led coalition of nations providing support to Ukraine:
Let me say just a few words about the reports of unauthorized disclosure of sensitive and classified U.S. material.  I take this matter extremely seriously, and we will continue to work closely and — with our deeply-valued allies and partners in a spirit of abiding respect and friendship.  As I have discussed this issue with our allies and partners, I’ve been struck by their solidarity and their commitment to reject efforts to divide us, so nothing will fracture our unity or reduce our determination.
Related: Milley: It’s ‘Extraordinarily Difficult’ for Ukraine to Achieve Military Objective This Year
And Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley refused to comment on negative assessments, instead saying he was “confident” in the Ukrainian forces’ ability to succeed:
I’m not going to comment on future operations specifically or any of the substance that’s in any of these leaks that are out there. But I will say that our task and our commitment to Ukraine was to provide the — the training and the equipment for up to nine brigades, armored brigades, armored mech brigades to conduct either offensive or defensive operations.  Those brigades are trained, they’re manned and they’re equipped, and they are prepared for combat operations.  So whenever and wherever Ukraine chooses to use them, we will continue that support, and I am very confident in those units’ ability to succeed.
However, both emphasized the group’s focus on providing Ukraine with air defense capability — something the leaks cast in an alarming light. According to one document dated February 28, Ukraine would run out of missiles for the S-300 and Buk air defense systems used to defend against air attacks by May 3 and April 13 respectively. The purported shortages painted a dire picture for Ukraine’s front line troops, or “FLOT,” with a leaked document stating:
[Ukraine’s] ability to provide medium range air defense to protect the FLOT will be completely reduced by May 23. [Ukraine] assessed to withstand 2-3 more wave strikes. As 1st Layer Defense munitions run out, 2nd and 3rd Layer expenditure rates will increase, reducing the ability to defend against Russian aerial attacks from all altitudes.
Other documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, also said the Russian Air Force is largely intact and has been held at bay by Ukrainian air defense, which could change if Ukraine’s air defenses are degraded.
Milley emphasized the importance of air defense in his remarks on Friday:
The Russians are cautious to come into Ukraine because of the effective use of the Ukrainian air defense system. That is the most critical thing right now, is that air defense system, to make sure that it is robust, it’s rigorous, it’s deep, and it’s layered from high altitude to mid altitude to low altitude and from short range, mid range to long range. And the front line forces — the Ukrainian front line forces need to be protected.
“That’s the most important, critical military task right now. That was the theme of this entire day, was air defense, air defense, air defense, to make sure that Ukraine can defend its airspace,” he added.
When questioned, he also reiterated the Biden administration’s reluctance to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets, despite repeated requests from Ukraine.
“There’s a long lead time for — for training of pilots, et cetera, and the Russians have a significant amount of air power. And to take the Ukrainian Air Force from where it is today and to build it up to match the Russian Air Force, that’s a significant level of effort by lots of countries, and those policy choices may or may not be made down the road and we’ll see where that goes,” Milley said.
“But right now, the immediate need is air defense.”

Sims 4 ‘face bug’ makes everyone look… off


An update on Tuesday created a problem with Sim’s faces. Electronic Arts is aware of the issue and is looking for a fix, to be updated and added to the game soon.
The Sims 4 got a small update on Tuesday meant to fix several different bugs — and to add new underpants — but, instead, the update ended up creating some new problems for players. Namely, players are reporting that their Sims’ faces just look… off. Eyes are crossed and sunken in, teeth are misshapen and misaligned. Even dogs and cats have slightly altered faces, making everything just look off. Lots of players report that it’s not just single Sims in a neighbor, it’s everyone.
More than 1,200 players have reported the problem on a The Sims 4 support thread, posting pictures of their Sims’ mysterious new faces.
Thankfully, Electronic Arts has investigated the problem and is working on a fix. There’s no expected release date for the patch, but the company said it’s looking to fix the issue “as soon as possible.” Sims created before the April 18 update will get their faces back when the update is eventually released. Sims created after the update will see “minor adjustments as a result of them being correctly rendered.”
The minor tweaks to Sims’ appearances may not seem like a huge deal, but it’s often messing with hours of work that players put into designing their characters. There are huge communities around creating the perfect looks for Sims, whether using mods or not. Anyone who’s played around with any games’ character creator knows the challenge of creating a passable-looking person. For lots of The Sims 4 players, it’s not only the work inside the game, but finding the right mods, too. The Sims 4 has been around for nearly a decade; some players still play their very first Sims from around the release; it makes sense to become attached to them and how they look.
With that in mind, The Sims 4 players are relieved to hear that their Sims will return to normal when an update is issued. Two new kits were released on Thursday, the Greenhouse Haven Kit and the Basement Treasures Kit — letting players create lush green spaces and grimy gremlin basements. The face bug certainly dims the excitement for those two additions, while some players refuse to update in fear of permanently mangling their Sims through the face glitch.

Prosecutors dismiss Alec Baldwin charge, citing new evidence


SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Prosecutors have formally dismissed an involuntary manslaughter charge against Alec Baldwin in the fatal 2021 shooting of a cinematographer on the set of the Western film “Rust, ” citing new evidence and the need for more time to investigate.
— SANTA FE, N.M. Prosecutors have formally dismissed an involuntary manslaughter charge against Alec Baldwin in the fatal 2021 shooting of a cinematographer on the set of the Western film “Rust, ” citing new evidence and the need for more time to investigate.
In a stunning turnaround for the 65-year-old A-list actor, special prosecutors Kari Morrisey and Jason Lewis filed the notice to dismiss the only charge against Baldwin on Friday in state District Court in Santa Fe. Prosecutors say the investigation is ongoing.
An involuntary manslaughter charge against Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the weapons supervisor on the film, is unchanged.
An online status hearing was scheduled for Friday afternoon in state District Court in the case against Gutierrez-Reed. Baldwin’s involvement in the hearing was called off with no charge pending against him.
Friday’s court filing echoed early statements from prosecutors that new facts had been revealed in the investigation that demand further investigation and forensic analysis, with little time left before evidentiary hearings scheduled to start on May 3.
On Thursday, the special prosecutors said that the “decision does not absolve Mr. Baldwin of criminal culpability and charges may be refiled.” They have declined further comment.
Los Angeles-based entertainment litigator and defense attorney Kate Mangels, who is not involved in the “Rust” case, said opportunities for further charges against Baldwin are narrowing.
“If they don’t have the evidence now, I don’t see what evidence they could obtain or that could develop. … It looks like they already had 30 people on a witness list, a cooperative (codefendant) witness, investigations done by various law enforcement agencies. It seems like this has already been pretty well investigated. I can’t imagine what would arise to bring new charges.”
Lawyers for Baldwin were first to announce that prosecutors were changing course, in a sharp turnaround for the Hollywood luminary who just a few months ago was confronting the possibility of a yearslong prison sentence.
Baldwin was pointing a pistol at cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during a rehearsal when it went off, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza.
Baldwin has said the gun fired accidentally and he did not pull the trigger. An FBI forensic report found the weapon could not have fired unless the trigger was pulled, however.
In March, “Rust” safety coordinator and assistant director David Halls pleaded no contest to a conviction for unsafe handling of a firearm and a suspended sentence of six months of probation. He agreed to cooperate in further inquiries into the fatal shooting.
A defense attorney for Halls said Friday that he is happy for Baldwin and also wishes the best for the Hutchins family.
“Mr. Halls never believed Mr. Baldwin should be charged with a crime. It was a tragic accident that is best resolved out of criminal court,” defense attorney Lisa Torraco said in an email.
When the manslaughter charges were announced in January, Santa Fe District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies said the case was about equal justice under the law and accountability in Hutchins’ death, regardless of the fame or fortune of those involved. She said the Ukrainian-born cinematographer’s death was tragic — and preventable.
A new legal team took over prosecution of Baldwin and Gutierrez-Reed in late March, after the original special prosecutor appointed in the case resigned.
The dismissal of the charge against Baldwin, also a coproducer on “Rust,” abruptly changes the tenor of the investigation, said John Day, a Santa Fe-based criminal defense attorney who is not involved with the case.
“It does give the impression that the people left holding the bag are the lowest people on that chain,” Day said.
When word of the dismissal came, Baldwin was at Yellowstone Film Ranch on the set of a rebooted “Rust” production, a representative for Rust Movie Productions said. Preparations for filming were underway at the film’s new location in Montana, 18 months after the shooting shut it down.
Gutierrez-Reed’s attorneys said they fully expect her to be exonerated in the judicial process.
“The truth about what happened will come out and the questions that we have long sought answers for will be answered,” the lawyers, Jason Bowles and Todd Bullion, said in a statement.
Before Friday’s dismissal, the case against Baldwin had already been diminishing. In February, a weapons enhancement to the manslaughter charge was dropped, reducing the maximum prison sentence from five years to 18 months.
Baldwin’s 40-year career has included the early blockbuster “The Hunt for Red October” and a starring role in the sitcom “30 Rock,” as well as iconic appearances in Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed” and a film adaptation of David Mamet’s “Glengarry Glen Ross.” In recent years he was known for his impression of former President Donald Trump on “Saturday Night Live.“
Baldwin has worked little as an actor since the shooting, but hardly went into hiding. He stayed active on social media, making Instagram videos, posting podcast interviews and pictures of his wife and seven children.
Plans to resume filming were outlined last year by the cinematographer’s widower, Matthew Hutchins, in a proposed settlement to a wrongful death lawsuit that would make him an executive producer. Souza has said he will return to directing “Rust” to honor the legacy of Halyna Hutchins.
After a scathing safety review by regulators in New Mexico that detailed ignored complaints and misfires before Hutchins‘ death in October 2021, the production company agreed to pay a $100,000 fine.
Dalton reported from Los Angeles. Associated Press writer Susan Montoya Bryan in Albuquerque, New Mexico, contributed.

Polizei sucht mit Foto nach Fitnessstudio-Angreifer


Seit Dienstagabend sucht die Polizei einen Angreifer, der in einem Duisburger Fitnessstudio offenbar gezielt einen Mann töten wollte. Während das 21-jährige Opfer weiter in Lebensgefahr schwebt, fahnden die Ermittler nun mit Fotos einer Überwachungskamera nach dem Täter.
Seit Dienstagabend sucht die Polizei einen Angreifer, der in einem Duisburger Fitnessstudio offenbar gezielt einen Mann töten wollte. Während das 21-jährige Opfer weiter in Lebensgefahr schwebt, fahnden die Ermittler nun mit Fotos einer Überwachungskamera nach dem Täter.
Nach der Attacke in einem Duisburger Fitnessstudio mit vier Schwerverletzten sucht die Polizei mithilfe einer Öffentlichkeitsfahndung nach dem mutmaßlichen Täter. Die Ermittler veröffentlichten am Nachmittag Fotos einer Überwachungskamera aus dem Umfeld des Studios. Mehrere Zeugen haben laut Polizei den auf den Fotos zu erkennenden Mann unabhängig voneinander als Tatverdächtigen identifiziert.
Zu sehen ist eine Person, die sich zu Fuß weg vom Tatort bewegt. Er soll etwa 25 bis 35 Jahre alt sein. Der Mann trug einen schwarzen Vollbart, eine schwarze Jacke, blaue Jeans und schwarze Schuhe mit weißer Sohle. Auf dem Kopf hatte er eine Baseballkappe und auf dem Rücken einen dunklen Rucksack. Die Polizei warnt davor, den Tatverdächtigen direkt anzusprechen. Zeugen sollen den Notruf 110 wählen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat für Hinweise, die zur Ergreifung des Täters führen, eine Belohnung von 2000 Euro ausgesetzt.
Der Mann hatte bei dem Angriff am Dienstagabend mit einer Hieb- und Stichwaffe vier Menschen schwer verletzt. Der 21-Jährige, gegen den sich die Attacke nach derzeitigem Ermittlungsstand „gezielt“ richtete, ist nach Angaben des Polizeisprechers vom Morgen nach wie vor in Lebensgefahr. Die drei anderen Opfer im Alter von 24, 24 und 32 Jahren, die laut den Ermittlungen nicht direktes Ziel des Angriffes waren, sind außer Lebensgefahr. Einer der Verletzten konnte in der Zwischenzeit das Krankenhaus verlassen.
Der Angreifer ist seit Dienstagabend auf der Flucht. „Wir tun alles dafür, dass das nicht mehr lange so bleibt“, hatte ein Polizeisprecher am Morgen gesagt. Es würden weiter Spuren im Studio gesichert und Gäste vernommen. Die Polizei werte auch Videoaufnahmen aus dem öffentlichen Raum aus – etwa von der Bus- und Straßenbahnhaltestelle Duisburg-Rathaus direkt gegenüber des Fitnessstudios. „Irgendwie muss der Täter ja dahin- und wieder weggekommen sein“, sagte der Sprecher. Ermittelt werde auch weiterhin, ob der Mann die Tat geplant hatte oder sich die Attacke spontan aus einem Streit ergab.




Mississippi OKs more state policing in mostly Black city


Mississippi’s Republican governor signed a bill on Friday to expand the territory of a state-run police department inside the majority-Black capital city of Jackson, and the new law is expected to face a court challenge from the NAACP.
The legislation was passed by a majority-white and Republican-controlled state House and Senate. Jackson is governed by Democrats and about 83% of residents are Black, the largest percentage of any major U.S. city.
NAACP national president Derrick Johnson, who lives in Jackson, said the law would treat Black people as “second-class citizens“ by stomping on rights of local self-government. He said at a community meeting on April 6 in Jackson that the NAACP intends to sue the state.
“They’re only imposing this on the city of Jackson,” Johnson said. “No other jurisdiction in the state of Mississippi will have this type of oversight and taking of local authority. That is a direct violation of equal protection.”
Gov. Tate Reeves said this week that the Jackson Police Department is severely understaffed and he believes the state-run Capitol Police can provide stability. The city has nearly 150,000 residents and has had more than 100 homicides in each of the past three years.
“We have a crippling problem with violent crime in our capital city,” Reeves said in a statement Friday. “We’re working to address it. And when we do, we’re met with overwhelming false cries of racism and mainstream media who falsely call our actions ‘Jim Crow.’”
Capitol Police officers have been patrolling around state government buildings in and near downtown, and the Jackson Police Department patrols the entire city. Critics say Capitol Police are aggressive, and expanding the territory could endanger lives.
Debate in the past four months over a larger state role in Jackson has angered residents who don’t want their voices diminished in local government. It’s the latest example of the long-running tensions between the state government and the capital city.
The law will create a temporary court within a Capitol Complex Improvement District inside a portion of Jackson. The court will have the same power as municipal courts, which handle misdemeanor cases, traffic violations and initial appearances for some criminal charges.
Most municipal judges are appointed by city officials. Jackson has a Black mayor and majority-Black city council. The judge of the new court is not required to live in Jackson and will be appointed by the Mississippi Supreme Court chief justice. The current chief justice is a conservative white man.
“Jacksonians want a safer city more than anyone, but this is not what real public safety looks like,” Jarvis Dortch, executive director of the ACLU of Mississippi, said in a statement Friday.
“If our state lawmakers really wanted to help fight crime,” he said, “they would invest more tax dollars into mental health and anti-poverty programs to better support all of our communities, not finding new ways to oppress and overpower the Black residents of this state.”

Samsung Galaxy Watch6 to be powered by new, better performing chipset


It’s apparently going to be at least 10% faster than its predecessor. Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Watch6 family has already been starring in the rumor mill.
Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Watch6 family has already been starring in the rumor mill for a while now, and earlier today we found out that the Pro model will bring back the rotating bezel that was last found on the Galaxy Watch4 Classic and skipped a generation with the Watch5 Pro.
Now there’s more good news regarding Samsung’s wearables for this year. According to a new rumor, the Galaxy Watch6 series will be powered by a new chipset, called Exynos W980. This is expected to be more than 10% faster than the Exynos W920 that powers both the Galaxy Watch4 and the Galaxy Watch5 families.
An improved SoC is definitely a great thing to have, especially considering that something like this wasn’t part of the list of improvements in the Galaxy Watch5 line last year compared to the Galaxy Watch4 devices from 2021.
Furthermore, the new Exynos W980 apparently could be fabbed on a 5nm process by Samsung itself, and that switch in process could result in improved battery life for the upcoming wearables powered by it.
The Galaxy Watch6 will also feature a bigger and higher-res screen, with thinner bezels, and higher capacity batteries. These are shaping up to be very good updates, especially for those looking to upgrade from the Galaxy Watch4 generation.

The Pixel Tablet surfaces on a table photographed in Milan


Live images of the Pixel Tablet are posted on social media during a Google exhibit during Milan Design Week.
Today we had a huge Pixel Fold leak and now we have some live images of the Pixel Tablet. In Italy, it is Milan Design Week and Google has an exhibit called „Shaped by Water.“ The exhibit happens to include a table of Google products including the Pixel Tablet. One photo of the Pixel Tablet shows the device in coral. Other images show a green version of the tablet with a black bezel that might be called hazel and a beige model with a white bezel called porcelain.
The photos, which came from a video posted on Instagram (via 9to5Google) did not show the privacy switch seen on a render of the Pixel Tablet that we passed along last week.  However, 9to5Google has stated that the privacy switch will indeed be part of the final design of the tablet.

Other items of note on the table include the Pixel Watch Metal Links Band in Brushed Silver which is due this spring along with the Metal Mesh Band. Since it currently is the spring, these bands could be released in the not-too-distant future. Remember, there are two upcoming dates that are important for Pixel fans. According to FPT’s Jon Prosser, Google is supposed to start accepting pre-orders for the Pixel Fold on April 26th in the Google Store and why wouldn’t Google make some other announcements on that date?

The second big date coming up is May 10th which is when Google I/O 2023 will be held. That is the perfect forum, when everyone is streaming the keynote, to make some big-time announcements about upcoming Made by Google products.

The Pixel Tablet, an extension of the burgeoning Pixel ecosystem, will feature a 10.95-inch display with support for a digital stylus. It is expected to be powered by the same Google Tensor 2 chipset that powers the Pixel 7 line and will presumably be found inside the Pixel Fold. The tablet will reportedly be equipped with 8GB of RAM. The latest rumors say that the tablet will be priced at €600 – 650 which is the equivalent of $650-$721.
When attached to its dock, the tablet will function as a smart display similar to the Google Hub Max.

Україна погодила тіснішу співпрацю з НАТО в оборонних закупівлях – Резніков


Олексій Резніков заявив, що Україна досягла безпрецедентного рівня оперативної сумісності з НАТО
Міністр оборони Олексій Резніков повідомив, що Україна отримала зелене світло для тісної співпраці з Агенцією закупівель НАТО.
Про це очільник Міноборони написав на своїй сторінці у Twitter після розмови з генсеком НАТО Єнсом Столтенбергом.
Як повідомив міністр, вони обговорили низку важливих проєктів, зокрема щодо співпраці з Агентством закупівель НАТО. За словами Резнікова, це дозволить отримувати “найкращі в лізі” поради для Міністерства оборони.
Нам потрібні відмінні оборонні закупівлі як для того, щоб виграти війну, так і для того, щоб бути ефективними в майбутньому, – написав він.
Резніков додав, що Україна вже досягла “безпрецедентного” рівня оперативної сумісності з НАТО.
Excellent discussion with NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg
I expressed my gratitude to him for coordinating the Alliance’s assistance to Ukraine.
On the eve of the Vilnius summit, a number of concrete projects were discussed.
I’m happy to have a green light for our close…
— Oleksii Reznikov (@oleksiireznikov) April 21, 2023
За його словами, Україна вже де-факто є частиною простору безпеки Альянсу. Міністр висловив сподівання, що це пришвидшить політичні рішення щодо інтеграції нашої країни в НАТО.
20 квітня стало відомо про візит до Києва генсека НАТО Єнса Столтенберга. Це його перша поїздка в Україну від початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії.
Під час зустрічі із Зеленським генсек сказав, що на саміті у Вільнюсі країни-члени НАТО готуються обговорювати питання членства України та гарантії безпеки для неї.

СБУ сообщила о подозрении военному по делу об обстреле аэродрома Канатово в Кировоградской области


Служба безопасности Украины сообщила о подозрении военнослужащему, бывшему исполняющему обязанности командира одной.
Служба безопасности Украины сообщила о подозрении военнослужащему, бывшему исполняющему обязанности командира одной из частей Сил специальных операции Роману Червинскому. По данным следствия, его самовольные действия привели к ракетным обстрелам врагом аэродрома Канатово в Кировоградской области летом 2022 года, сообщает пресс-служба СБУ 21 апреля в Telegram.
По материалам дела фигурант вместе с другими лицами самовольно решили провести так называемую спецоперацию – завладеть самолетом воздушно-космических сил России. Российский пилот якобы согласился на предложение перейти на сторону Украины.
Эти действия проводились, несмотря на возражение СБУ и без согласия соответствующих государственных органов. В результате россияне получили данные о размещении на аэродроме Канатово личного состава Воздушных сил ВСУ и украинских самолетов, после чего обстреляли аэродром.
„СБУ и ГУР МО сразу выразили свои замечания по этому плану, его не согласовали другие государственные органы. Ведь спецоперация таила в себе много рисков. Но отдельные люди решили действовать по своему усмотрению“, – прокомментировал дело глава СБУ Василий Малюк.
Подозрение объявлено по ч. 5 ст. 426-1 Уголовного кодекса Украины (превышение военным должностным лицом власти или служебных полномочий).

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