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トランプ大統領:新たな大統領令を検討 控訴裁決定で


【ワシントン西田進一郎】 トランプ米大統領は10日、 連邦控訴裁判所が中東・ アフリカ7カ国からの 入国を制限する大統領令の 即時停止を命じた連邦地方裁判所の 仮処分を支持する決定を出した件に関し、 「新たな大統領令を出すことを含め、 他の 選択肢もたくさんある」 と話し、 これまでの 司法判断を踏まえた新たな大統領令を検討していることを明らかにした。 安倍晋三首相と首都ワシントンから南部フロリダ州へ移動する大統領専用機内で記者団の 質問に答えた。

Similarity rank: 2.1

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FDM Everywoman in Tech: 2017 winners announced


Women’s network Everywoman announces the winners of its 2017 Everywoman in technology awards, sponsored by FDM.
Everywoman has announced the winners of the 2017 FDM Everywoman in Technology awards, which showcases the great women working in the technology industry.
Sponsored by FDM, Everywoman runs the awards every year to celebrate the achievements of women in the science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) industries.
Everywoman co-founder Maxine Benson claimed the awards help to remind the country and the tech industry that women play a “vital role” in the growth and success of both the UK and its tech sector.
“With research telling us that gender-balanced teams provide better outcomes, there has never been a better time to applaud women’s success and demonstrate their impact, thereby encouraging younger generations to embrace the opportunities offered by a Stem career,” s he said.
Many claim a lack of role models in the industry is the reason girls do not choose Stem careers, as they are unaware of the jobs available in the industry and cannot see anyone like themselves in these roles to encourage them to work towards these careers.
Everywoman uses its women in technology awards to make great women in the technology industry more visible and accessible as role models for others looking to join the industry.
Sheila Flavell, chief operating officer from event sponsor FDM Group , said it was increasingly important that role models showcased in the awards are seen by younger women.
“This year’s FDM Everywoman in Technology Awards showcase the outstanding women who work in technology today,” she said. “They are role models for all of us, demonstrating that IT is a great career option for young women today. It’s particularly important that we get this message across to young women to create a gender-balanced workforce and build the pipeline for future talent.”
Research has found that 74% of young girls are interested in Stem subjects at school, but just 18% choose these subjects in higher education.
With the skills gap in the UK meaning there is not enough technology talent to fill vacant roles, Julian David, CEO of TechUK, which supported the event, claimed the industry cannot afford to miss the opportunity to attract so many more young people into the industry.
“The digital skills gap is one of the most urgent policy challenges facing the UK – without enough talented workers, the UK will fall short of its potential in supercharging its already successful digital industry,” he said. “In particular, we need to encourage women to enter and thrive in the tech industry at all levels. That way, we become more robust, more competitive and more innovative. Through targeted action, techUK is committed to facilitate the attraction and retention of talent from as broad a demographic as possible to increase diversity in the tech sector.”

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Ordinary citizens with no terror links caught by US surveillance, court hears.


Ordinary citizens with no connection to terrorism are caught up in surveillance by the US, but have little right to redress, Dublin’s Commercial Court heard on Friday 10th February. US attorney, Ashley Gorski, who specialises in US surveillance for the American Civil Liberties Union …
Ordinary citizens with no connection to terrorism are caught up in surveillance by the US, but have little right to redress, Dublin’s Commercial Court heard on Friday 10 th February.
US attorney, Ashley Gorski, who specialises in US surveillance for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), told the court that US surveillance law allows “extraordinary access” to the private data of non-US citizens.
Gorski was speaking on the 4 th day of a three week hearing into the legality of data transfers between the EU and the US brought by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, following an original complaint by Austrian lawyer, Max Schrems against Facebook.
The case, which will test the legality of legal agreements – known as Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) – which allow data transfers between the EU and the US, has potentially huge implications for US-EU privacy rights.
Gorski, told the court that the American government claims “broad authority” to acquire communications and data of non-US people located abroad.
The vast majority of those subject to US surveillance have “no viable avenue” to get “meaningful “ redress for violation of their rights resulting from such surveillance, she said.
The US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1978 (FISA) and presidential Executive Order 12333, allows the US government “extraordinary access” to the private communications and data of US and non-US persons around the world, Gorski said.
The case stems from a complaint by in June 2013 by Schrems to the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC), following the Snowden disclosures on US warrantless surveillance programmes including Prism .
Shcrems alleged that Facebook Ireland’s transfer of his personal data to the US was unlawful.
Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon , has formed a “provisional” view that there are “deficiencies” over the rights of EU citizens to access remedies under US law for any breach of their data protection rights.
The court has been asked to decide whether to make a referral to the European Court of Justice (CJEU) to decide whether SCCs are legally valid and provide adequate protection for the rights of EU citizens.
The huge potential implications of the case for EU-US trade and privacy rights are underlined by the US government’s involvement in litigation in the Irish courts.
It will argue “significantly enhanced” protections have been put in place in recent years to ensure privacy rights of EU citizens are not at risk from transatlantic data flows.
The US government claims that any finding by the Irish or European courts that the safeguards are inadequate could have “sweeping” commercial ramifications for data flows and risk undermining international co-operation to confront “common threats.”
The Irish High Court ruled in favour Schrems in June 2014, in a judgement which included a determination that the US was engaged in “mass and indiscriminate surveillance.”
The case caused shockwaves when the European Court of Justice ruled that the legal agreement used to govern data transfers between the EU and the US, Safe Harbour, was invalid in October 2015.
Facebook Ireland switched from the Safe Harbour to Standard Contractual Clauses following the ruling, prompting Schrems to file a revised complaint over the legality of SCCs.
The Irish Data Protection Commissioner, brought the current case after both the Irish High Court and the European Court of Justice, ordered her investigate Schrems‘ complaint.
She decided she could not complete her investigation without a ruling from the CJEU on the validity of three European Commission decisions of 2001, 2004 and 2010 approving the SCCs.
The case continues.

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MWC 2017: 4G still has plenty of mileage, say mobile analysts


5G is likely to be a hot topic at this year’s Mobile World Congress, which kicks off at the end of February, but operators should be paying more attention to getting more out of their 4G networks.
Ahead of Mobile World Congress (MWC), which begins in Barcelona on 27 February 2017, attention is turning to 5G networking , but according to analysts at CCS Insight, enhancements to 4G mobile networks still hold a lot of promise.
The first 5G networks are expected to be deployed in 2020, and widespread testing is likely to take place in Russia, South Korea and even the UK as early as next year.
At a pre-MWC event in London, CCS’s Ben Wood said most mobile network operators (MNOs) would struggle to find a solid business case to support 5G deployment before 2020, and suggested that gigabit long-term evolution (LTE) was arguably the headline story when it came to mobile network development.
In the UK, mobile market leader EE has well-advanced plans to test gigabit LTE on its LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) network, which went live in 2014 .
EE’s LTE-A network uses carrier aggregation technology – a bonded mix of high and low frequency spectrum – to increase 4G download speeds to up to 150Mbps in ideal conditions, with a theoretical maximum of 300Mbps – more than double regular 4G speeds. Gigabit LTE is likely to more than treble this maximum speed.
At the end of January 2017, mobile chipset specialist Qualcomm Technologies, alongside network suppliers Ericsson and Netgear and Australian MNO Telstra, showed off the potential of gigabit LTE services at a demonstration event in Sydney .
At the event, a Netgear Nighthawk M1 mobile router incorporating Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X16 LTE modem and 802.11ac Wi-Fi achieved download speeds of 930Mbps and upload speeds of 127Mbps on Telstra’s live 4G network.
According to Qualcomm, smartphones incorporating X16 gigabit LTE-capable modems are expected to come to market later this year.
“Gigabit LTE is incredibly disruptive,” said Wood. “I recently used the first commercial deployment of this technology on Telstra’s network in Australia, so I’ve had first-hand experience of what a dramatic change it offers consumers.
“Network operators see gigabit LTE as an opportunity to extend the return on their investments in 4G networks, and this is going to be one of the hottest tech topics in 2017 as leading operators around the world upgrade their networks.”

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ЗМІ: Росія хоче зробити подарунок Трампу і вислати Сноудена


Росія розглядає можливість видачі США колишнього співробітника американських спецслужб Едварда Сноудена якості так…
Росія розглядає можливість видачі США колишнього співробітника американських спецслужб Едварда Сноудена якості так званого „подарунка“ президенту Дональду Трампу, повідомляє телеканал NBC з посиланням на джерела.
За словами високопоставленого чиновника, передача Сноудена розглядається як один із способів „заслужити повагу“ Трампа. Джерело в розвідці підтвердило інформацію про плани Москви, уточнивши, що він спирається на дані, зібрані після інавгурації республіканця.
Адвокат Сноудена Бен Уізнер заявив, що йому нічого не відомо про подібні плани. Сам Сноуден в мікроблозі у Twitter написав, що розглядає інформацію NBC як „незаперечне свідчення“ того, що він не співпрацював з російською розвідкою.
Влада Сполучених Штатів звинувачує Сноудена в шпигунстві, у разі повернення додому йому загрожує до 30 років в’язниці. Трамп неодноразово називав Сноудена „зрадником“ і підкреслював, що як тільки екс-співробітник АНБ повернеться в країну, його варто стратити.
Нагадаємо, ще в жовтні минулого року колишній співробітник Агентства національної безпеки (АНБ) США Едвард Сноуден, який передав у ЗМІ інформацію про глобальне розвідспостереження американських спецслужб, після чого втік у Росію, заявив, що готовий сісти у в’язницю в США заради того, щоб повернутися на батьківщину .
13 вересня Сноуден попросив американського президента Барака Обаму про помилування .
14 вересня правозахисні організації Amnesty і Human Rights Watch звернулися до Обами з проханням про помилування агента Сноудена .

Similarity rank: 5.7

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Hong Kong subway arson attack by man with mental and family troubles leaves three in critical condition


A Taiwanese tourist was among three people in critical condition Saturday after a rush-hour arson attack on a Hong Kong subway train Friday night, official
HONG KONG – A Taiwanese tourist was among three people in critical condition Saturday after a rush-hour arson attack on a Hong Kong subway train Friday night, officials said. A man with a history of mental illness was arrested for arson.
A total of 18 people were injured in the incident at 7:15 p.m. Friday. Police seized suspected liquid accelerants from the scene.
Police have ruled out the possibility of a terrorist attack and said the man acted alone. Police said the 60-year-old was surnamed Cheung.
Reports said the suspect was not on good terms with his family and had previously been arrested for minor crimes such as gambling.
Cable Television reported the man had said loudly some people had harmed his son and he needed to take revenge, and that he had doused his pants with thinner liquid.
Local media said the suspect was among those in critical condition, but police would not confirm the reports.
“We visited a female tourist from Taiwan. Her condition is still considered critical,” said the city’s No. 2 official, Matthew Cheung. “To our knowledge, she has a friend in Hong Kong, and that friend has notified her family.”
Health Secretary Ko Wing-man said the three in critical condition were on breathing apparatuses.
Ko added that the suspect had a history of mental illness. “In the long term, his condition was stable, but recently he was supposed to receive treatment but he missed it,” Ko told reporters.
Video footage showed chaos on the platform of the packed Tsim Sha Tsui station, with a train car on fire and one man lying on the floor with his clothes ablaze as bystanders tried to help him.
Images broadcast on Cable Television news also showed multiple people with burn injuries as emergency personnel carried out rescue operations.
Cable also reported that a 15-year-old high school girl received burn injuries to her legs.
“I heard loud cries, and the smell of the fumes didn’t smell like a normal fire — it had a chemical smell,” an eyewitness identified as Mr. Chow told reporters at the scene. “Once I inhaled it, it burned the throat,” Chow said.
The Tsim Sha Tsui station, which services a popular shopping and nightlife district, was evacuated following the incident with trains skipping the station on Friday night. It was re-opened Saturday morning.
It was a rare incident in the Asian finance hub, where the transport network is known for its safety and efficiency.
In 2004, 14 people were injured on the subway when a man started a fire in another busy station during the morning rush hour.

Similarity rank: 4

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Могерини заявила о единой позиции США и ЕС относительно санкций против РФ


Санкции против РФ будут действовать до тех пор, пока минские договоренности не будут выполнены в полном объеме
Администрация президента США Дональда Трампа и европейские чиновники согласны с необходимостью сохранить санкции против России до тех пор, пока минские договоренности не будут выполнены в полном объеме. Об этом заявила в пятницу, 10 февраля, глава европейской дипломатии Федерика Могерини, передает The Wall Street Journal.
Ранее днем Могерини провела встречу с госсекретарем США Рексом Тиллерсоном и другими высокопоставленными чиновниками администрации президента США.
„Мы договорились, что минские соглашения должны быть выполнены в полном объеме, и о том, что санкции увязаны с полной реализацией этих соглашений“, – сказала она.
Как пишет издание, Госдепартамент США отказался раскрыть детали встречи Могерини и Тиллерсона. Однако ранее чиновники администрации президента говорили, что санкции против России, введенные из-за ситуации в Украине, останутся в силе, в то время как санкции, введенные из-за кибератак, могут быть пересмотрены.
Напомним, министр иностранных дел Литвы Линас Линкявичус убежден, что Европейский Союз не снимет санкции против России .

Similarity rank: 7.5

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Trump erwägt "brandneuen" Einreisestopp


Ein neues Einreiseverbot für Menschen aus den sieben betroffenen Ländern könnte bereits Anfang nächster Woche erlassen werden.
US-Präsident Donald Trump überlegt, einen neuen Einreisestopp zu erlassen. Solle er sich dafür entscheiden, könnte dieser schon am Montag oder am Dienstag in Kraft treten, erklärte Trump am Freitag an Bord der Präsidentenmaschine auf dem Weg nach Florida.
Am Donnerstag hatte das Bundesberufungsgericht in San Francisco abgelehnt, den gerichtlichen Stopp seines Einreiseverbots für Menschen aus sieben vorwiegend muslimischen Ländern aufzuheben. Die US-Regierung könnte den Fall nun vor den Supreme Court bringen.
Eine „brandneue“ Anordnung könnte überarbeitete „Sicherheitsmaßnahmen“ enthalten, so Trump. Darüber hinaus würde sich das Dekret offenbar nur in Formulierungen vom gekippten Einreisebann unterscheiden. Während einer Pressekonferenz mit dem japanischen Ministerpräsidenten Shinzo Abe hatte Trump erklärt: „Wir werden sehr schnell handeln, es geht um zusätzliche Sicherheit für unser Land. “
Unklar ist, ob die Trump-Regierung überhaupt noch mit einer Bestätigung der bisherigen Anordnung rechnet, die als juristisch unsauber ausgearbeitet gilt. Das Urteil der drei Richter in San Francisco war am Donnerstag einstimmig gefallen. Sie hielten damit die Entscheidung eines Richters in Seattle aus der vorangegangenen Woche aufrecht. Seither können Bürger aus den sieben mehrheitlich muslimischen Ländern Syrien, Libyen, Sudan, Irak, Iran, Jemen und Somalia sowie Flüchtlinge mit gültigen Dokumenten weiterhin in die USA einreisen.
Trump hatte auf beide Gerichtsurteile wütend und mit Unverständnis reagiert. Am Donnerstag twitterte er in Großbuchstaben: „Wir sehen uns vor Gericht, die Sicherheit unserer Nation steht auf dem Spiel! “ Am Freitag zeigte sich der Präsident zunächst fest davon überzeugt, „die juristische Schlacht zu gewinnen“. Stabschef Reince Priebus sagte wenig später, das Weiße Haus „überprüft alle unsere Optionen vor Gericht“, inklusive eines möglichen Ganges vor den Supreme Court. Allerdings muss das Oberste Gericht den Fall nicht unbedingt annehmen.
Sollte das umstrittene Dekret tatsächlich vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof landen, erwarten viele Beobachter eine Aufspaltung nach ideologischer Linie der Richter. Weil das Gericht wegen des seit einem Jahr leeren Richterstuhls unterbesetzt ist, würde sich eine Patt-Situation ergeben. Damit würde das Urteil der Vorinstanz bestehen bleiben. Einige Rechtsexperten glauben sogar, dass es am Obersten Gerichtshof eine Mehrheit gegen das Dekret geben würde.
Weitere juristische Optionen des Weißen Hauses wären, das Urteil vor dem Berufungsgericht in San Francisco anzufechten oder erneut vor das Bundesgericht in Seattle zu ziehen, das den Einreisebann gekippt hatte.
In der Verhandlung von San Francisco hatten Anwälte des Justizministeriums bereits mögliche Zugeständnisse angeboten, wie die Washington Post berichtet. Sie hätten vorgeschlagen, das Gericht könne für „früher zugelassene Ausländer, die vorübergehend im Ausland sind oder die reisen und in die Vereinigten Staaten zurückkehren wollen“, die Einreise erlauben.
Nur für Ausländer, die noch kein Visum hätten, solle das Dekret gelten, so die Idee. Doch die Richter wiesen diesen Vorschlag zurück. Diese Lösung würde US-Bürger benachteiligen, die Besuch von Verwandten aus ihrem Heimatland erhalten wollen.
Auch Kommentatoren in republikanischen Kreisen glauben inzwischen, dass das bisherige Dekret keine Zukunft hat. So twitterte etwa Edward Whelan, ein konservativer Anwalt und Autor des Magazins National Review , dass sich das Weiße Haus auf einen neuen Erlass konzentrieren solle. Der derzeitige juristische Konflkt sei „nicht der richtge Kampf“.
Mit Material von AP und Reuters.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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Geparkter PKW beschädigt, Verursacher flüchtig


Mörlenbach (ots) – Am Donnerstag, dem 09.02.2017, zwischen 08:45 Uhr bis 14 Uhr, ereignete sich auf einem Parkplatz im Hallgartenweg ein Verkehrsunfall. Ein an
Mörlenbach (ots) – Am Donnerstag, dem 09.02.2017, zwischen 08:45 Uhr bis 14 Uhr, ereignete sich auf einem Parkplatz im Hallgartenweg ein Verkehrsunfall. Ein an dem dortigen Ärztehaus geparkter silberner PKW Kombi wurde beim Ein- oder Ausparken von einem anderen Fahrzeug an der Fahrerseite beschädigt. Aufgrund des vorhandenen Farbabriebs müsste es sich bei dem verursachenden Fahrzeug um ein rotes Fahrzeug gehandelt haben. Der Verursacher entfernte sich unerlaubt von der Unfallstelle.
Zeugen, die sachdienliche Hinweise zu dem Vorfall geben können, werden gebeten, sich mit der Polizeistation Heppenheim unter der Telefonnummer 06252-7060 in Verbindung zu setzen.

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「同盟と経済関係を強化」 共同声明を発表


【ワシントン影山哲也】 安倍晋三首相は10日午後(日本時間11日未明)、 トランプ米大統領とワシントンの ホワイトハウスで会談した。 首相は、 両国の 経済関係を一層深化させるため、 麻生太郎副総理兼財務相とペンス副大統領の もとで分野横断的に協議することを提案し、 トランプ氏も同意した。 両首脳は、 沖縄県・ 尖閣諸島が米国による対日防衛義務を定めた日米安全保障条約第5条の 適用対象だと確認した。

Similarity rank: 4.4
Sentiment rank: 2.2

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