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Democrats pounce on Comey testimony, Republicans shrug


Sen. Ron Wyden said there was “almost a Watergate-level effort“ to block an investigation
WASHINGTON — James Comey confirmed reporting Wednesday that in several private conversations, President Trump had told the former FBI director he expected his loyalty and asked him to drop the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
While the allegations were explosive, Republicans in Congress and some members of the Senate Intelligence Committee — who will be tasked with questioning Comey on Thursday — stayed quiet. Meanwhile, Democrats jumped on the news, and Sen. John McCain R-Ariz., publicly fretted about the unfolding story.
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee and will be at Thursday’s hearing. Wyden said on CNN that Comey’s confirmation that Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn reflected “almost a Watergate-level effort to interfere with an ongoing investigation.”
McCain was rueful at the Capitol on Wednesday, telling reporters, „I think there’s going to be many shoes to drop before this one is over.”
But the Republican National Committee posted a tweet suggesting there was no real substance to Comey’s statement, and Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., said Comey’s statement confirmed Trump had not asked him to shut down the Russia probe.
Reality check: Comey testimony – he told @POTUS Trump he was not being investigated; POTUS did not ask him to stop Russia investigation.
But Democrats were piling on.
“We swear an oath to the Constitution, not a person or a President, ” tweeted Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. Harris is also on the Intelligence Committee.
We swear an oath to the Constitution, not a person or a President. https: //
Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., said that Trump “appears to have obstructed justice.”
California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House intelligence Committee, which like its Senate counterpart is investigating Russian interference in the election, said the testimony “confirms a host of troubling allegations.”
Schiff accused Trump of an “improper effort to coerce the intelligence agencies to do public relations for the White House and to undermine the independence and integrity of the intelligence community.”
Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, who is also on the House Intelligence Committee, said the behavior was „highly suspect“ and called for Comey’s memos of the interactions to be released. He also said Comey should testify before the committee.
Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer, who is the Democratic whip, used the testimony to call for an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. While there has been a special counsel appointed at the Justice Department to investigate possible Trump campaign interactions with Russia, Democrats have not given up efforts to get a separate panel.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican and close ally of Trump’s, said on MSNBC that the president’s comments to Comey would have been considered „normal New York City conversations, “ and Trump would not know to avoid them because he wasn’t used to being in government.
„What people don’ t understand is they elected an outsider president. They elected someone who’s never been inside government and quite frankly didn’ t spent a lot of time interacting with government officials except at the local level. And so the idea of the way, the tradition of these agencies, is not something that he’s ever been steeped in, “ Christie said.
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Russia's boost in trade with North Korea worries U. S.


U. S. lawmakers are concerned about Russia increasing trade with North Korea.
The Trump administration and U. S. lawmakers expressed concern that Russia is increasing trade with North Korea as the United States demands the North roll back its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.
The State Department and several U. S. officials responded after USA TODAY reported Monday that Russia boosted its trade with North Korea by 73% in the first two months of this year. Russia stepped in as China curbed its trade to the isolated nation after President Trump called for pressure on the North. China is North Korea’s chief political and economic benefactor.
“We have seen reports about Russia apparently making up for China sanctions on North Korea, ” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said. “We are asking Russia to join us in showing North Korea that the only path to a secure, economically prosperous future is to abandon its unlawful programs that endanger international peace and security.”
Nauert added that it is unclear whether the Russian activity constitutes a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions that imposed sanctions on North Korea, which Russia supported. “This is some new information that’s just coming out, so we’ re continuing to take a look at that. We’ re just starting, “ Nauert said.
A spokesman for the U. S. mission to the U. N. said that by expanding trade with North Korea, Russia is exploiting one of several loopholes in the Security Council sanctions, and that it should stop immediately. The spokesman declined to be named because he was not authorized to speak publicly.
The sanctions allow certain cross-border trade and fuel shipments that do not benefit North Korea’s illegal weapons programs. Countries that defy U. N. Security Council resolutions are defying international law, the spokesman said.
Republican and Democratic lawmakers urged Russia to join Trump and China in isolating North Korea to impact its weapons program.
“Moscow has admitted that (North Korea leader) Kim Jong Un’s nuclear program poses ‘a direct threat to Russia,’ and now it needs to help press the North Korean regime to stop its dangerous behavior, not aid and abet, ” said House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif.
Rep. Eliot Engel of New York, the top Democrat on the committee, said: “We need to watch this very closely and act if Russian entities violate U. S. or U. N. sanctions.”
The two committee members co-sponsored legislation passed by the House of Representatives that would impose the toughest U. S. sanctions yet on North Korea and on companies that facilitate its nuclear weapons and missile programs. The measure has not passed the Senate.
Engel said North Korea is good at evading sanctions. “This development with Russia only underscores that the United States cannot outsource the North Korea problem to Beijing, ” he said.

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Meet NASA's newest Astronaut recruits


Many children dream of one day strapping on an astronaut suit, buckling in and counting down until the spacecraft launches into the sky.
Kayla Barron, 29, Zena Cardman, 29, Raja Chari, 39, Matthew Dominick, 35, Bob Hines, 42, Warren „Woody“ Hoburg, 31, Dr. Jonny Kim, 33, Robb Kulin, 33, Jasmin Moghbeli, 33, Loral O’Hara, 34, Dr. Francisco „Frank“ Rubio, 41 and Jessica Watkins, 29.
„These are 12 men and women whose personal excellence and whose personal courage will carry our nation to even greater heights of discovery, “ said Pence. „And who I know will inspire our children and our grandchildren every bit as much as your forebears have done so in this storied American program.“
The 12 recruits rose to the top of the record-breaking 18,300 applications NASA received this year. They won’t be launching into space anytime soon, but instead starting their two years of training at Johnson Space Center in August.
Once trained they could be assigned a variety of missions, including: deep space missions, researching at the International Space Station and launching into space on spacecrafts built by commercial companies.
„Children all across the United States right now dream of being in their shoes someday, “ said astronaut and Johnson Space Center Director Ellen Ochoa. „We here at NASA are excited to welcome them to the team and look forward to working with them to inspire the next generation of explorers.“

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作業員4人が内部被ばく、茨城 肺2万2千ベクレル、前例なし


日本原子力研究開発機構「大洗研究開発センター」 (茨城県大洗町)の 燃料研究棟での 被ばく事故で、 機構は7日、 放射性物質の 付着があった作業員5人の うち4人が内部被ばくしていたと明らかにした。 50代の 男性職員の 肺から2万2千ベクレルの 放射性物質プルトニウム239、 他の 3…
日本原子力研究開発機構「大洗研究開発センター」(茨城県大洗町)の燃料研究棟での被ばく事故で、機構は7日、放射性物質の付着があった作業員5人のうち4人が内部被ばくしていたと明らかにした。50代の男性職員の肺から2万2千ベクレルの放射性物質プルトニウム239、他の3人の肺からも最大で1万4千〜5600ベクレルが測定され、残る1人も内部被ばくの疑いが濃厚としている。機構によると、国内で前例のない高レベルの内部被ばく事故で、専門家は「発がんリスクが上がる」と述べた。 5人には特段の症状は出ていないが、放射性物質の体外排出を促す薬剤を投与した。

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Conservative Pundits: Comey Vindicates Trump on Russia


Conservative pundits came at former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared congressional testimony from many angles Wednesday, with many saying that they confirmed that President Donald Trump was not under investigation for any alleged Russia ties. Here are some of their
Conservative pundits came at former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared congressional testimony from many angles Wednesday, with many saying that they confirmed that President Donald Trump was not under investigation for any alleged Russia ties.
Here are some of their Twitter posts:
Bill Kristol, editor-at-large for The Weekly Standard:
Not described by Comey in his written statement:
Four of the phone calls with Trump; any interactions with WH staff; interactions with AG.
Joe Scarborough, co-host of „Morning Joe“ on MSNBC:
„I need loyalty. I expect loyalty.“
~Donald Trump, Godfather 4 @MillerHawkins
Radio host Mark Levin:
The media & Democrats hated Comey a few months ago, now they love him; they are building Comey up to tear down Trump https: //
Columnist Ben Shapiro:
If Dems hadn’t wildly overplayed the notion that Trump colluded with Russia in 2016, Comey testimony would hurt him. They did. So it won’t.
Rich Lowry, editor of The National Review:
So it turns out Comey really did tell Trump he wasn’t under investigation
Blogger and radio host Erick Erickson:
For all the Dems amazed like me to see so many Republicans suddenly embracing Russia, I’m amazed at your embrace of Iran b/c of Obama.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton:
Comey’s testimony confirms @RealDonaldTrump was accurate and did nothing wrong. And that Comey deserved to be fired. https: //
Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice:
#JamesComey is not a credible witness, so how can we trust that he’ll tell the truth at tomorrow’s #Senate hearing? #JayLive

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Trump's Russia scandal is looking a lot more like Watergate


It is possible, after fresh developments Wednesday, to compare some of the evidence in the Russia case with what drove Nixon from office
Watergate made Richard Nixon the only U. S. president forced to resign. Today, ex-intelligence chief James Clapper said that scandal „pales“ in comparison to the one involving Russian interference in the 2016 election.
It’s impossible to know whether today’s scandal will force President Donald Trump from office prematurely. But it is possible, after fresh testimony from key government figures, to compare some of today’s evidence with what drove Nixon from office.
The 1972 Watergate break-in triggered two years of investigations by the media, Congress and a special prosecutor. For most of that time, Nixon retained support among fellow Republicans.
But that changed after the Supreme Court rejected Nixon’s claim of executive privilege and ordered him to surrender tape-recordings of Oval Office conversations on June 23,1972. On Aug. 5,1974, the White House released them.
The tapes showed Nixon directing his chief of staff to halt the FBI investigation of the Watergate break-in. They agreed to do so through CIA officials, who would tell the FBI chief the probe could harm national security.
„They should call the FBI in and say…’Don’t go any further in this case, ‚ period, “ Nixon said. That tape, documenting his personal involvement in a coverup, destroyed his Republican support. He announced his resignation three days later.
There are no known tapes of Trump’s conversations, although the president has hinted at the possibility. But fired FBI Director James Comey, in prepared testimony for the Senate Intelligence Committee tomorrow, quotes from his contemporaneous notes about them.
Comey detailed encounters in which the president expressed concern about the FBI probe of Trump campaign associates and Russian interference in the election. At a „strange“ White House dinner on Jan. 27, Comey wrote, the president asked if he wanted to remain at the FBI even though he had twice earlier told Trump he did.
„My instincts told me that the one-on-one setting, and the pretense of that this was our first discussion of my position, meant the dinner was, at least in part, an effort to have me ask for my job and create some sort of patronage relationship, “ Comey wrote.
After Comey invoked the importance of FBI independence, he recalled, the president said, „I need loyalty.“
On Feb. 14, Comey said, the president instructed other officials to leave an Oval Office meeting so they could be alone.
„I want to talk about Mike Flynn, “ Comey quoted Trump as saying about FBI’s interest in his former national security adviser’s dealings with Russian officials. „I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.“
Comey wrote that didn’t tell FBI investigators of the request so as „not to infect“ their work, and later asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions „to prevent any future direct communication between the president and me.“
On March 30, he said the president requested that Comey „lift the cloud“ over his administration and disclose publicly that Trump was not under investigation. On April 11, he said Trump called to follow up, noting: „I’ve been very loyal to you.“
In May, Trump fired him.
Comey’s testimony calls the president’s conduct „inappropriate.“ And he describes a more direct request to curb an FBI investigation than ever emerged about Nixon.
He does not, however, assert that any of this represents criminal obstruction of justice – a legal question turning on Trump’s intent, among other factors. The president has publicly denied attempting to stop the investigation.
But political reaction turns on how disclosures appear to the public and their representatives. Even as he released those damning recordings, Nixon maintained he „insisted on a full investigation“ once he had „all the facts.“ It didn’t help; Republican leaders refused to keep defending him against an impeachment drive led by Democrats.
Trump’s Republican support has remained strong. But Senate testimony today from two other senior national security officials added new strains.
Before the same committee Comey will face on Thursday, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and Director of the National Security Agency Mike Rogers offered carefully worded responses to news reports that Trump sought their help in tamping down the investigation.
Coats said he hadn’t been „pressured“; Rogers said he hadn’t been „directed.“ Neither would say whether Trump had asked them for help, saying the White House might yet assert executive privilege over their conversations.
In one sign of Republican impatience, Sen. John McCain called their refusal to answer „Orwellian.“ In another, Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr said he expected answers in a closed session, if not publicly.
Public opinion will shape how Congress reacts to the evidence. In a Quinnipiac Poll today, just 34 percent of Americans approved of Trump’s job performance; 60 percent, including one in five Republicans, said the president had acted illegally or unethically involving Russia.
Asked whether they think Trump will serve his entire four-year term, 54 percent responded yes, 40 percent no.

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CNN: If only US president cared about ‘climate’ as much as North Korea’s dictator


CNN: If only US president cared about ‘climate’ as much as North Korea’s dictator
**Written by Doug Powers
Ya know, that makes me almost want to move there! Just for good measure, CNN implies that millions of deaths in NK might have more to do with your SUV and barbecue grill instead of iron-fisted dictatorship:
Coming up next on CNN: “What the U. S. could learn about physical fitness from NK’s labor camps.”
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe

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大阪万博誘致のロゴ決定 にっこり笑う顔文字モチーフ


2025年の 国際博覧会(万博)の 大阪開催を目指す万博誘致委員会は7日、 誘致活動に使うロゴマークを発表した。 顔文字をモチーフに笑顔の 人々が世界から集まるイメージで、 デザイナー大川幸秀さん=東京都=が制…
ロゴマークは、大川さんがデザインしたシンボルマークと「OSAKA-KANSAI/JAPAN EXPO2025」の文字からなり、文字の位置が違う2種類がある。今後、誘致のためのパンフレットやグッズに使われる。

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James Comey testimony: Trump asked Comey to say he wasn't being investigated


The Senate Intelligence Committee has released the opening statement Comey is expected to deliver publicly on Thursday morning
Former FBI Director James Comey will say in public testimony Thursday that President Trump asked him to „lift the cloud“ over him and the federal investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U. S. election.
Comey’s seven-page opening statement, released Wednesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee on the eve of his hearing, reveals key details about his interactions — a total of nine in-person meetings and phone calls — with Mr. Trump since early January. Comey wrote memos about each of those interactions, a step he did not take with Mr. Trump’s predecessor for the two conversations he had with former President Obama.
The former FBI director will confirm earlier reports that Mr. Trump asked that Comey drop the FBI’s investigation into former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn, a day after his resignation, and Comey will also confirm that the president requested a pledge of loyalty.
The former FBI director met one-on-one on Jan. 6 with then-President-elect Trump after briefing him with other intelligence agency leaders on Russian meddling in the election at Trump Tower. Comey will say in his opening statement that he had previously discussed with the FBI’s leadership team whether to be prepared to assure Mr. Trump that the FBI wasn’t investigating him.
„That was true; we did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him. We agreed I should do so if circumstances warranted. During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower, based on President Elect Trump’s reaction to the briefing and without him directly asking the question, I offered that assurance, “ Comey will say Thursday.
During a phone call between Comey and Mr. Trump on March 30, Mr. Trump asked why he testified at a congressional hearing on the Russia probe the previous week.
„I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump, “ Comey will say Thursday.
Mr. Trump has referred to the fact that Comey has told him that he is not under investigation — mentioning it in his letter firing Comey in May and in an interview.
During a one-on-one dinner at the White House on Jan. 27, Comey said that the president began by asking whether he wanted to remain as FBI director. Comey said that Mr. Trump’s behavior during their sit-down suggested the president was trying to create a „patronage relationship, “ which Comey said, „concerned me greatly.“
„A few moments later, the President said, „I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.“ I didn’t move, speak, or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. We simply looked at each other in silence. The conversation then moved on, but he returned to the subject near the end of our dinner, “ Comey will say Thursday.
At the end of the dinner, Comey said that Mr. Trump repeated, „I need loyalty.“
„I replied, „You will always get honesty from me.“ He paused and then said, „That’s what I want, honest loyalty.“ I paused, and then said, „You will get that from me, “ Comey will say Thursday.
Following a counter-terrorism briefing at the White House, a day after Flynn resigned from his post, Comey met privately with Mr. Trump in the Oval Office in which the president said he wanted to discuss Flynn.
„The President began by saying Flynn hadn’t done anything wrong in speaking with the Russians, but he had to let him go because he had misled the Vice President. He added that he had other concerns about Flynn, which he did not then specify, “ Comey will say.
„He then said, „I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.“ I replied only that „he is a good guy, “ Comey will continue saying in his opening statement.
Comey said he „immediately prepared“ an „unclassified memo“ of the conversation about Flynn and discussed it with FBI senior leadership. He said he didn’t think the president was referrign to the „broader investigation into Russia or possible links to his campaign“ but admits, „I could be wrong.“
„Regardless, it was very concerning, given the FBI’s role as an independent investigative agency, “ Comey will say.
Afterward, Comey asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prevent any future direct communication between him and the president.
Comey will say Thursday that Mr. Trump called him by phone on March 30.
„He described the Russia investigation as „a cloud“ that was impairing his ability to act on behalf of the country, “ Comey will say. „He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia. He asked what we could do to „lift the cloud.“
Comey told the president that the FBI was investigating the matter as quickly as possible.
The last time Comey said he spoke with Mr. Trump was by phone on April 11 when the president called him and „asked what I had done about his request that I „get out“ that he is not personally under investigation“ and again repeated that the „cloud“ was interfering with his job. Comey said that the president told him the White House would reach out to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Comey explained how it should be done through the traditional channels.
„He said he would do that and added, „Because I have been very loyal to you, very loyal; we had that thing you know.“ I did not reply or ask him what he meant by „that thing, “ Comey will say Thursday.

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North Korea fires what appeared to be land-to-ship missiles — South Korea


North Korea fired what appeared to be multiple land-to-ship missiles off its east coast on Thursday, South Korea' s military said, the latest in a fast-paced series of missile tests defying world pressure and threats of more sanctions. Current top breaking…
SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea fired what appeared to be multiple land-to-ship missiles off its east coast on Thursday, South Korea’s military said, the latest in a fast-paced series of missile tests defying world pressure and threats of more sanctions. The launches comes less than a week after the United Nations Security Council passed fresh sanctions on the reclusive state, which said it would continued to pursue its nuclear and weapons programme without delay. The projectiles were launched Thursday morning from the North Korean coastal city of Wonsan, South Korea’s Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. South Korean President Moon-Jae-in has been briefed on the latest launch, the military said, declining to give further details. Thursday’s launch is the fourth missile test by the North since Moon took office on May 10 pledging to engage in dialogue with Pyongyang. Under third-generation leader Kim Jong Un, North Korea has been conducting such tests at an unprecedented pace in an effort to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of hitting the mainland United States. — Reuters

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