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World's Leading Runners Meet in Advance of 2017 C&D Xiamen International Marathon


NewsHubXIAMEN, China , Jan. 3, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — At the invitation of the organizing committee of the 2017 C&D Xiamen International Marathon, some of the world’s top marathon runners attended a meeting held in the first-floor international hall of Xiamen International Seaside Hotel at 3 pm on January 1 .
Lemi Berhanu from Ethiopia , whose previous best performance clocked him in at 2 hour, 4 minutes and 33 seconds, attended the meeting as the representative for male runners, while female runners were represented by Meseret Mengistu Biru , also from Ethiopia , whose previous best run stands at 2 hours, 23 minutes and 26 seconds. They are the leading competitors among the athletes invited to this year’s marathon. Representing China at the meeting was Olympic race walking champion Chen Ding , whose role also included that of the event’s health ambassador.
Guests included Road Running Manager at IAAF Alessio Punzi, deputy director general of the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Sports Li Lina, vice general manger of Xiamen Culture Media Group and chairman of Xiamen SMG Sports Limited Qi Bing as well as representatives from the Cross-Strait Invitational Marathon Tournament. This was Alessio Punzi’s first visit to China.
At the meeting, Li Lina gave a presentation on the preparatory work for the 2017 C&D Xiamen International Marathon:
I. Competition Registration. This year’s competition has been upgraded to a full marathon for the first time and the final list of participants was decided based on a random selection following receipt of all registrations. A roster of 30,000 runners from 31 countries and regions have been qualified to participate in the competition, including 24,885 male and 5,115 female athletes. Among the marathon runners, 5,433 are from the immediate Xiamen area while the remaining 24,567 are from elsewhere, including 17,543 from outside of Fujian province, 669 from Hong Kong , Macau and Taiwan and 164 from abroad.
II. Guest Athletes. As per the IAAF Road Race Labels Regulations concerning the designation of labels (Gold, Silver, Bronze), athletes who had garnered higher-level labels in previous races were invited. This year’s event invited 27 outstanding athletes from six countries including Kenya , Ethiopia , Ukraine , Belarus , Eritrea and Algeria.
III. Event Promotions.
(I) Promotional campaigns for the 15th anniversary of the Xiamen International Marathon : The organizing committee for the event put together a series of promotional campaigns for the 15th anniversary of the Xiamen International Marathon: 1. „In Celebration of the 15th Anniversary“, featuring ongoing reporting of the event on the Marathon’s official Wechat account; 2. „The 15th year of the Xiamen International Marathon“, a series that relays the background story of some of the runners joining the event, produced in association with Sina Xiamen; 3. Saluting the 15th Anniversary of the Xiamen International Marathon produced in association with Tracker , China’s leading publisher of books featuring stories about runners and running, with „In Celebration of the 15th Anniversary, Looking into the Mind of a Novice Runner“ as the main theme; 4. Special reports on the event in concert with the Chinese Athletic Association’s official magazine Front Runner. In addition, an award ceremony will be held in February 2017 , to thank the organizations and individuals who have made a contribution to the Xiamen International Marathon over the past 15 years.
(II) Live Broadcasting of the Event : This year’s event was broadcast live by CCTV and Xiamen TV from helicopters that hovered overhead and were able to provide an aerial view of what was taking place on the ground. The event was simultaneously webcast on new media platforms including Sina, Tencent , Netease,,, and the Look at Xiamen app.
IV. Traffic Organization Programs. The Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Sports, the Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau including the traffic police department, the Xiamen Transportation Bureau, the Xiamen Public Transport Group, Xiamen Media Group and the Xiamen Institute of City Transport Planning met and undertook site investigations multiple times, and, based on those meetings, put together a plan for the handling of traffic and transportation at the main venue and in the surrounding areas. The Xiamen Transportation Bureau led the development and implementation of a plan for public transportation and traffic control before, during and after the event. In order to make it as convenient as possible for athletes, residents and holidaymakers to take public transport during the event, the Xiamen Public Transport Group offered free passage on BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) buses arriving to and departing from the venue, assuring timely arrival and departure to and from the event. In addition, 12 temporary bus routes with free passage were put in place just for the event, including 7 pre-race routes and 5 post-race routes. These special routes are serviced by 355 buses, including 125 for the pre-race routes and 230 for the post-race routes.
V. Medical Care. Xiamen Health and Family Planning Commission has developed a medical care scheme based on the traditional care system supplemented by 46 doctors on bicycles working in pairs (23 groups), 75 first aid runners, 350 volunteer doctors-in-residence at medical schools and six physiotherapy stations for rapid application of therapeutic ointments, as well as a team of 75 runners with medical training, to ensure timely medical services for runners in need.
VI. Event Service Support. The Organizing Committee has improved the quality of the service provided at the event, by increasing the amount and variety of supplies of foods and beverages and other supplies available at the feeding stations as well as making the feeding stations larger, in a move to avoid congestion. The committee pioneered a „runners servicing runners“ system and recruited 1,615 volunteers from 23 running clubs to man the 15 feeding stations, facilitating the interaction and improve communications between service staff and participating runners. In addition, a streamlined „rapid post-race recovery“ service has been specially set up for runners, with an ice pool, a spa-like passive relaxation area and an area sectioned off where the runner can rest and recover once the race is completed. Services on offer include an ice pool for aching limbs, ice compress, passive stretching, active traction, sports nutrition foods as well as diagnosis and treatment of acute sports injuries, traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy and availability of accessories for muscle fatigue relief, among other available services. In addition, 450 physiology experts, stretching staff and traditional Chinese medicine massage physicians are available in the passive relaxation area to offer services to runners.
The two athletes who were specially invited to the meeting, Lemi Berhanu and Meseret Mengistu Biru , said in an interview with reporters that they felt honored to have been invited to Xiamen to participate in the 2017 C&D Xiamen International Marathon. They explained that Xiamen is more beautiful than they had imagined and that they were impressed by the warmth and friendliness of the people whom they had met. „We hope to show the best performance in the event tomorrow and challenge ourselves to achieve better results“, they added.
After several months of preparation, the 2017 C&D Xiamen International Marathon, operated by Xiamen SMG Sports Limited kicked off at 8 am on January 2. Thirty thousand runners ran along some of the world’s most beautiful courses, creating another event that is expected to go down in marathon and running history.
SOURCE Xiamen SMG Sports Limited

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Sentiment rank: 4.2

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Procrastination? I'll get back to you…


NewsHubIn these first days of the new year, millions of us will have embarked on a resolution for 2017.
And maybe a good percentage will already have given up and decided that maybe the following year will be the time to finally write that bestselling novel.
But why do we keep putting things off? Why is procrastination such a common problem?
It’s claimed as a particular difficulty for students and academics.
Professor Tim Pychyl, a psychologist at Carleton University in Canada, is part of the Procrastination Research Group and calls it „the biggest problem in education today“.
A lecture in which he gives advice to students on how to stop procrastinating recently passed 170,000 views on YouTube.
Procrastination, it’s claimed, can affect student grades, drop-out rates and mental and physical health.
Lecturers suffer from procrastination too, with academic Twitter feeds talking about „writing guilt“ and the battle between marking papers and watching Netflix.
With more people studying online, procrastination is a greater problem than ever before.
At only the click of a button, an essay can be replaced by a video of a sneezing kitten, or a Facebook photo album of your ex and her new boyfriend on holiday.
Prof Pychyl says procrastination is making the choice to avoid doing something, even though we know this will cost us in the long run.
More stories from the BBC’s Global education series looking at education from an international perspective, and how to get in touch .
You can join the debate at the BBC’s Family & Education News Facebook page .
He says it is different from intentionally delaying doing something, and it is not a problem of time management, but a failure to control our emotions.
„When we procrastinate, we are trying to improve our mood by avoiding doing something that feels unpleasant to us,“ he says.
„A bit like getting drunk or comfort eating, it is a coping strategy to feel better by distracting ourselves with short-term pleasure and forgetting about a problem. “
Procrastination is more common among people who are impulsive, prone to perfectionism, burdened by other people’s expectations of them, and scared of failure.
It affects younger people in particular, because we get better at controlling our emotions as our brain develops.
But there is hope for procrastinators.
Based on his research with Dr Fuchsia Sirois of the University of Sheffield, Prof Pychyl insists that anyone can reduce procrastination with the following steps:
1) Practice techniques of mindfulness and meditation to gain control over negative thoughts.
„Using mindfulness techniques, we can acknowledge that we do not feel like doing something without making a judgement on this feeling, then remind ourselves why the task is important, and commit to making a start,“ says Prof Pychyl.
„And when we make progress on a task, we feel better about ourselves and this makes it much easier to carry on. “
Sir Anthony Seldon, vice chancellor of the University of Buckingham, has introduced mindfulness sessions for staff and students.
2) Break down a task into clear and manageable steps.
One reason for procrastination is that the targets we set are often too big and vague, which makes them seem more intimidating and unpleasant.
So you should scale down your new year’s resolutions from „get in shape“ or „write a novel“ to „put on your running gear“ or „find a name for your main character“.
As soon as Paul Roberts sets his students a task at the University of Warwick’s International Manufacturing Centre, he runs a mind-mapping workshop for them to identify what steps they will need to complete the project.
He says procrastination among students has fallen as a result.
3) Don’t punish yourself for procrastinating.
Prof Pychyl’s research shows that students who forgive themselves for procrastinating are less likely to delay in the same way on their next assignment.
So the more guilt and anger you feel about depriving the world of your groundbreaking novel this year, the less chance you have of writing it next year.
4) Build on the good habits you already have.
Prof Pychyl says he finally managed to obey his dentist’s instruction to floss by combining it with his existing habit of brushing his teeth.
He committed himself to placing the floss on the counter in front of him every time he brushed his teeth, and flossing soon became second nature to him.
5) Get in touch with your „future self“.
When people were shown a digitally-aged picture of themselves and then asked to allocate money, they were more likely to save for retirement because they felt a stronger association with their future selves.
Putting a digitally-aged self-portrait by your desk might prompt your colleagues to look at you strangely or even accuse you of time travel.
But if your deadline is 9am, then simply imagining yourself desperately writing the essay at 2am might persuade you to start earlier.
6) Work out why you care about what you are doing.
Prof Pychyl says procrastination can often reflect a deeper existential problem of lacking an identity or a direction in life.
We procrastinate on tasks that we see as boring or less meaningful. So remind yourself why you are doing something and how it fits in with your ambitions.
Perhaps writing a good essay will help you get a good degree, which will help you pursue your dream of being a doctor.
By thinking in this way, the long-term benefit of doing your work can overpower the short-term pleasure of distractions.
If these research-backed steps are so effective, should they be taught in every school, university and workplace?
Many universities, such as UEA, Goldsmiths and Bradford, produce guides on procrastination for students.
But Prof Pychyl says much advice still focuses on time management skills, rather than tackling the root causes.
„Professors should address how students are feeling throughout the term and help them to understand why they procrastinate,“ he says.
„If they can learn to manage their emotions, it will help them in every area of their lives. „

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Humaneyes Technologies Simplifies VR Content Creation Through Partnerships With VisiSonics And WakingApp


NewsHubLAS VEGAS , Jan. 3, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Humaneyes Technologies, a pioneer in the development of 3D modeling and virtual reality (VR) solutions, announces March 7, 2017 , as the first commercial availability of its much-awaited Vuze camera and its purpose built VR Studio software. At CES, the company is also announcing two new partnerships with VisiSonics, a leading 3D audio provider to add advanced 3D audio capabilities to the Humaneyes VR Studio software and with WakingApp and its ENTiTi AR/VR creator that provides easy to use virtual & augmented reality editing capabilities for non-programmers. The combination of technologies provides an end-to-end ecosystem for the creation and sharing of accurate, true-to-life 3D VR content.
At launch, the Humaneyes VR Studio software will include the advanced 3D audio capabilities of VisiSonics ‚ new software suite RealSpace™ 360 Cinema. For the first time in a consumer product, the solution allows virtual placement of sound anywhere in 3D space with pinpoint accuracy, creating the perception of real source direction, distance, depth, and movement relative to the listener. In addition, it will use VisiSonics‘ software to convert recordings from the VUZE’s microphones into ambisonics. The overall 3D audio capabilities recreate the auditory ambiance of the environment, creating a completely immersive audio-visual experience.
„The influx of user generated VR content, made possible by the Vuze camera, will stimulate adoption of VR headsets across the industry,“ said Jim Malcolm , General Manager of Humaneyes Technologies. „These new owners of VR headsets can now create immersive 3D-360 VR experiences, complete with advanced 3D audio and AR integration, without having to learn complicated computer programming languages. “
Changing the VR landscape
When watching 360-degree video in a VR headset, a flat, two-dimensional experience simply isn’t enough. True VR requires 3D-360, which is made possible through the Humaneyes ecosystem, marking a paradigm shift in the industry.
An honoree in the 2017 CES Innovation Awards and winner of the prestigious Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award, the Vuze Camera is the first prosumer VR camera complete with a consumer ready price tag. Advanced 3D-360 capture technology incorporates 8 Full HD cameras and an easy-to-use ’set and shoot‘ form-factor generating 4K per eye resolution in an open industry MPEG 4 3D-360° VR video format.
The Humaneyes VR Studio software uses powerful algorithms that automatically engage sophisticated processing and editing functions such as camera calibration, vignette correction, fisheye and perspective control, white balance and exposure adjustment as well as the stereo alignment for consistent parallax. Working in harmony between the hardware and software the Humaneyes VR Studio, at a touch-of-a-button, assembles a true VR experience in real-time (one minute of processing for one minute of footage).
Providing even more utility and creative interaction with VR content, the Humaneyes VR studio will also incorporate ENTiTi, WakingApp’s DIY Virtual & Augmented reality creation tools, which provides the ability to create rich, multilayer and interactive VR content that can be integrated with 3D 360 footage shot with the Vuze camera. The ENTiTi Creator utilizes an innovative drag-and-drop interface and cloud-based system for non-programmers to add 3D objects, video, sound and pictures into the Humaneyes VR studio and publish it instantly, anywhere.
„The partnership and new capabilities we have announced at CES are just the beginning of an ever expanding VR ecosystem. Throughout 2017, we will announce new capabilities and services designed to democratize the creation and sharing of 3D-360 VR content, putting true VR creation within reach of prosumers and consumers alike,“ added Malcolm.
The Vuze camera is a game changer in the following ways:
Full technical specs of the Vuze camera and Humaneyes VR Studio software studio can be seen here. Examples of content created by the Vuze camera can be viewed here. If you watch online, without a headset, you will see the 2D quality; a VR headset is required to experience movies in true 3D.
About Humaneyes Technology
The Vuze camera was created by Humaneyes Technologies, an early pioneer of 3D modeling and VR technologies. Founded in 2000, it currently holds over 70 patents in various fields of 3D associated technologies. Vuze camera was created after more than two years of research and development at its headquarters within the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
The company’s leadership includes industry visionaries such as Prof. Shmuel Peleg , a world expert in computer vision and image processing and Benny Landa , known as the father of digital printing and former founder and CEO Indigo Digital Printing acquired by HP in 2002.
Humaneyes Technologies Media Contacts:
Ian Twinn / Tandem Marketing Communications | (917) 306-7270
SOURCE Humaneyes Technology

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Sentiment rank: 2.2

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How does the U. S. Congress really feel about God?


NewsHubThe United States Congress is mostly made up of Christians, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center.
In fact, there are about as many Christians in Congress today — the 115th Congress — as there were back in the early 1960s, despite fear that the number was declining.
According to Pew, 94.9 percent of U. S. Congress members identified as Christian in 1961, while 90.7 percent say the same today.
Most Republicans identify as Christian. Of the 293 Republicans who serve in today’s Congress, only two believe in something other than Christianity (Lee Zeldin of New York and David Kustoff of Tennessee are both Jewish).
Congressional Democrats maintain more religious diversity, though, with just 80 percent identifying as Christian. Democrats in Congress include 28 Jewish believers, three Buddhists, a trio of Hindus, two Muslims and one Unitarian Universalist.
Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., is the only member of Congress to describe herself as religiously unaffiliated.
Though Christianity is the basic faith of most Congress members, not all follow the same sect. For example, 55.9 percent identify as Protestant and 31.4 are Catholic.
But it also breaks down from there. About 72 people identify as Baptists (a division of Protestantism) and 44 see themselves as Methodists, according to Pew.
Pew conducted the survey by gathering information from phone calls and questionnaires of the politicians. Ten members of Congress, all Democrats, decided not to answer the survey for Pew.
You can see the full breakdown in the chart below.
Congressional beliefs on religion are different from the rest of the nation, however. Previous research from Pew showed that about 70.6 percent of Americans identify as Christian, with almost 1 in 5 calling themselves unaffiliated.

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Search for Ohio plane that vanished will last until recovery


NewsHubCleveland officials say the search for a plane carrying six people that disappeared last week over Lake Erie will continue until the aircraft is found.
Officials said more debris that possibly came from the plane was found Tuesday on the shoreline. They have said many of more than 120 pieces of debris found are consistent with that type of aircraft and a bag from the plane was found.
Tuesday was the third consecutive day that weather conditions allowed searchers to look for the Columbus-bound Cessna 525 Citation that vanished shortly after takeoff Thursday night from Burke Lakefront Airport.
Officials say the search area covers about 12 square miles.
A business executive was piloting the plane carrying his wife, two sons and two neighbors, including a University of Wisconsin-Madison student.

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Sentiment rank: 3.4

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Dairy Blends Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2016 – 2024


NewsHub19:58 ET
Preview: Drugs of Abuse Testing Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2016 – 2024
19:56 ET
Preview: Medical Devices: Technologies and Global Markets

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 4

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Groups participating in Donald Trump inaugural parade


NewsHubWASHINGTON (WUSA9)- – The names of forty organizations that will be participating in the inaugural parade were released today by parade organizers from the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC). More participants may be announced at a later date says PIC.
According to PIC, „There will be more than 8,000 parade participants representing forty organizations including high school and university marching bands, equestrian corps, first responders, and veterans groups. “
Here is the initial list of forty released today, several of them from Virginia and as is customary, each branch of the United States military will also be represented.
(© 2017 WUSA)

Similarity rank: 6.7
Sentiment rank: 7.7

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В сети появилось видео масштабного пожара на львовском заводе


NewsHubВ сети появилось видео масштабного пожара в помещении львовского завода „Электрон“.
Его опубликовал пользователь соцсети ВКонтакте Юра Децик.
Также видео тушения пожара опубликовала пресс-служба ГСЧС.
Напомним, пожар произошел во вторник , 3 января, на 2 этаже здания во Львове по ул. А. Стороженко, 32. На место происшествия немедленно по повышенному номеру вызова № 3 было отправлено пожарно-спасательные подразделения № 2, 4, 3, 30, 29, 31, 1 и части специальной пожарной техники отряда технической службы г. Львова.
Отмечается, что пожар ликвидировали 62 спасателя и 12 единиц основной техники. Угрозы распространения огня нет.
Как сообщал „Обозреватель“, утром в понедельник, 2 января, в Днепровском районе Киева произошел пожар в здании поликлиники.

Similarity rank: 5.4

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Ефремов и адвокаты получили обвинительный акт


NewsHubВо вторник, 3 января, экс-главе фракции Партии регионов Александру Ефремову вручили обвинительный акт.
Об этом проинформировал его адвокат Александр Мельников, передает Интерфакс-Украина.
По словам правозащитника, Ефремову инкриминируется посягательство на территориальную целостность и неприкосновенность Украины, а также ряд других преступлений.
Стоит отметить, что обвинительное заключение было вручено подозреваемому и двум его адвокатам. Таким образом, теперь дело бывшего регионала может быть передано в суд.
Как сообщал, генеральный прокурор Украины Юрий Луценко заявил, что рассматривать дело Ефремова будет суд в Луганской области.
Ранее сообщалось, что Генеральная прокуратура завершила расследование в отношении бывшего парламентария Александра Ефремова. При этом в ГПУ подчеркнули, что теперь сторона защиты может ознакомиться с материалами дела.
Напомним, Александра Ефремова задержали в июле текущего года в аэропорту „Борисполь“ при попытке покинуть пределы Украины.

Similarity rank: 6.7

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Трамп подтвердил проведение своей первой пресс-конференции


NewsHubНовоизбранный президент США Дональд Трамп подтвердил, что проведет свою первую пресс-конференцию 11 января. Об этом Трамп написал в своем Twitter.
„Я проведу общую пресс-конференцию в Нью-Йорке 11 января. Спасибо вам“, – написал Трамп.
Так, избранный президент проводит первую встречу с журналистами через пару дней после выборов в США. Трамп во время предвыборной кампании неоднократно критиковал эту традицию за необъективность и стремление подыграть его сопернице – экс-госсекретарю Хиллари Клинтон. Для личного общения с американцами и СМИ республиканец пользуется сервисом Twitter и выступлениями перед аудиторией в различных штатах.
I will be having a general news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N. Y. C. Thank you.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2017
Напомним, ранее Трамп намеревался провести пресс-конференцию в середине декабря, однако отложил ее.

Similarity rank: 7.8

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