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Strike against automakers could slow US economy, trigger job losses


Auto strike could bring lost wages, lower spending and higher prices, experts said.
A potential strike at the Big 3 U.General Motors, Ford and Stellantis – would threaten the livelihood of up to 143,000 workers and the bottom line at some of the nation’s top companies.
The economic fallout, however, could extend far beyond the immediate players involved. Businesses may lose out on spending from striking autoworkers. Car component suppliers could grind to a halt. Consumers may decide to balk at higher prices.
A six-week strike would cost the U.S. two-tenths of a percentage point of economic growth over a period of three months ending in December, Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics, .
„This is a small impact, but meaningful,“ Zandi added, noting that a potential strike would weaken the U.S. economy as it faces other threats, such as high oil prices, a federal government shutdown and the end of a moratorium on student loan payments.
As the weeks pass and automakers sell through inventory already diminished by a pandemic-era supply bottleneck, car prices could spike, threatening the Federal Reserve’s effort to bring down inflation, Zandi said.
A shorter strike against all three automakers, lasting 10 days, would still cost the U.S. economy $5.6 billion in losses, according to a report released last month by the Anderson Economic Group.
The losses include about $860 million in direct wages foregone by autoworkers as well as nearly $1 billion in missed production – both of which would be exacerbated by the resulting lost economic activity, the report said. Consumers and dealers, the report added, will suffer another $2 billion in losses as car owners delay repairs and sellers lose inventory.
The most significant economic impact would result from the lost wages that potentially tens of thousands of members of the United Autoworkers, or UAW, are set to endure, economists .
„Lost wages directly and immediately affect every household of a UAW worker on strike and their spending power in the economy,“ Tyler Theile, vice president and director of public policy for Anderson Economic Group, .
„Whatever their spending power is today, it would be significantly different tomorrow,“ Theile added. „That’s where the economic impact starts to hit and ripple through the economy.“
Employees participating in the work stoppage are set to receive strike pay of $500 per week, which for many workers would amount to less than half of their previous income. Such workers would be less likely to eat out at a restaurant or go to a movie theater, cutting revenue for those businesses, Gabriel Ehrlich, an economic forecaster at the University of Michigan, .
„Those things add up,“ Ehrlich said.
If the strike stretches for several weeks, workers at companies down the supply chain could suffer from the same dynamic, since lost production would lead to furloughs and diminished income, Erik Gordon, a business professor at the University of Michigan, .
Initially, suppliers of car components like dashboards and sound systems may retain workers in the hope that a quick resolution of the strike would require a surge of activity as the automakers build up lost inventory, Gordon said. Over time, a backup in the supply of such components would trigger a slowdown in production.
„Those suppliers are going to first shut down shifts and then maybe shut down manufacturing all together,“ Gordon said.
A four-week strike against all three automakers would result in 161,000 lost jobs in Michigan alone, according to a report authored by Ehrlich. A long-term strike would cause more than 300,000 job losses in the state, Ehrlich found.
In addition to workers and related businesses, consumers could suffer as dwindling inventory at the automakers leads to higher prices.
Due to the lingering effects of pandemic-era supply chain disruption, the Big 3 automakers hold one-fifth of the inventory that they did in 2019, when a 40-day strike against General Motors rendered little impact, said Theile.
Gordon said supply shortages caused by the strike could lead to a higher sticker prices.
„For consumers, it’s a terrible time to go out and buy a car,“ he said. „If you have to buy a car, one thing is for sure: you’re not going to get any big bargains.“
On Thursday evening, the White House confirmed President Joe Biden had spoken with Shawn Fain, President of UAW, and leaders of the major auto companies to discuss the status of ongoing negotiations.
Biden made the calls as the clock continues to tick down to a possible strike.

"Letzte Generation": Unternehmer spendet Klimaklebern hohe Summe – und sie steigt weiter


Die „Letzte Generation“ blockiert immer wieder Straßen in Berlin. Auch im September möchten die Aktivisten weitermachen. Alle Entwicklungen im Newsblog.
Die „Letzte Generation“ blockiert immer wieder Straßen in Berlin. Auch im September möchten die Aktivisten weitermachen. Alle Entwicklungen im Newsblog.
Mitte September will die „Letzte Generation“ wieder dauerhaft in Berlin blockieren, mit mehr Aktivisten als je zuvor. Was genau hat die Gruppe vor?
Als Startdatum für die Aktionen in Berlin hat die „Letzte Generation“ den 13. September angekündigt. Die großangelegten Blockaden sollen an diesem Tag aber noch nicht losgehen. Am 15. September werde man am globalen Klimastreik von Fridays for Future teilnehmen. Drei Tage später soll es dann aber ernst werden.
Dabei will die Gruppe auf altbewährte Protestformen zurückgreifen. Man werde Straßen blockieren und Protestmärsche veranstalten. Aber auch andere Protestformen seien geplant, etwa im Regierungsviertel. Alles Wichtige lesen Sie im t-online-Newsblog.
Donnerstag, 14. September
In nicht einmal 24 Stunden hat die „Letzte Generation“ mit einer Spendenkampagne mehr als 200.000 Euro eingenommen. Diese Summe will der Unternehmer Peter Denk nach eigenen Angaben noch verdoppeln. Auf der Seite der Spendenkampagne gibt die „Letzte Generation“ an, dass die Spenden bis zu einer Summe von 300.000 Euro verdoppelt werden. Die Kampagne läuft noch bis Freitag um 14 Uhr.
Mittwoch, 13. September
Zum Start der nach Angaben der Aktivisten „unbefristeten Proteste“ in Berlin bekommt die „Letzte Generation“ finanzkräftige Unterstützung. Der Unternehmer Peter Denk hat sich nach Angaben der Gruppe bereiterklärt, alle Spenden an die „Letzte Generation“ zu verdoppeln, die innerhalb von 48 Stunden getätigt werden.
Dafür haben die Aktivisten eine eigene Spendenkampagne auf der Plattform „gofundme“ gestartet. Am Mittwoch sind dabei bereits über 100.000 Euro zusammengekommen (Stand: 19.15 Uhr). Das Spendenziel beträgt 100.000 Euro.
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In einer Pressemitteilung zitiert die „Letzte Generation“ den Unternehmer Denk, der aus Freiburg kommt. Eigentlich finde er das Festkleben auf Straßen nicht gut. „Allerdings wurde bisher jede andere Form von Dialog und Protest von unserer Regierung ignoriert“, sagte Denk demnach. Der Klimawandel habe das Potenzial, „die Zukunft unserer Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu zerstören“.
Ehe die „Letzte Generation“ am kommenden Montag ihre große Protestwoche in Berlin startet, gingen mehrere Hundert Klimaaktivisten der Organisation bereits am Mittwoch in der Hauptstadt auf die Straße. Mit vor Ort ist auch Carla Hinrichs, die Sprecherin der „Letzten Generation“.
Die Demonstration, die sich bewusst sehr langsam bewegte, um den Verkehr aufzuhalten, startete am Mittag im Stadtteil Moabit und zog nahe dem Regierungsviertel durch die Innenstadt. Die Polizei sprach von rund 200 Teilnehmern. Die Polizei sprach von etwa 200 Teilnehmern. Am späten Nachmittag kam es am Hauptbahnhof im Bereich des Europaplatzes zu Straßenblockaden.
Nach drei erfolglosen Aufforderungen, den Platz zu verlassen, griffen schließlich Polizisten ein und trugen die Klimaaktivisten fort. Rund 120 Polizistinnen und Polizisten waren nach Angaben eines Sprechers vor Ort.
Am Ende des Protestmarsches hatten sich Teilnehmer als Scholz verkleidet und fiktiven Mitglieder eines Expertenrats für Klima von der Bühne geschubst. Dies solle unterstreichen, wie „unfassbar respektlos“ der Kanzler mit Wissenschaftlern umgehe, hieß es von der Gruppe.
Die Klimaaktivisten haben einen offenen Brief an Olaf Scholz verfasst, in dem sie den Bundeskanzler dazu auffordern, mit „ehrlicher“ Klimapolitik zu beginnen. „Sie trauen sich nicht, die Wende einzuleiten. […] Weil Sie sich nicht trauen, Dinge zu sagen und zu tun, die im ersten Moment noch unpopulär sind. […] Wir fordern, dass Sie sich nicht länger vor Ihrer Verantwortung wegducken“, heißt es in dem Brief. Scholz alleine könne die Proteste beenden, so die „Letzte Generation“.
Dienstag, 12. September
Genervte Autofahrer treten und schlagen Klimaaktivisten: Immer wieder machen Videos solcher Gewaltausbrüche die Runde. Kommt die Gewalt auch nach Berlin? Und wenn ja – welche Strafen drohen? t-online hat mit dem Strafverteidiger Benjamin Grunst über die rechtlichen Folgen gesprochen.
Montag, 11. September
Ist die „Letzte Generation“ eine kriminelle Vereinigung? Diese Frage hatte Justizsenatorin Felor Badenberg (parteilos) ihre Verwaltung im Mai prüfen lassen. Nach der Prüfung blieb es zunächst dabei, dass die Klimakleber nicht als kriminelle Vereinigung eingestuft wurden. Das dazugehörige Gutachten wurde indes nicht veröffentlicht. Eine Partei fordert nun Aufklärung. Mehr dazu lesen Sie hier.
Samstag, 9. September
Die Klimaaktivisten der „Letzten Generation“ haben bei einer Pressekonferenz vor dem Bundeskanzleramt ihre Protestpläne für Berlin vorgestellt. Ab Mitte September will die Gruppe „dauerhaft und unbegrenzt“ in der Hauptstadt Straßen blockieren. Dabei will sie kurioses Material einsetzen. Außerdem mahnte ein Professor mit eindringlichen Worten.
Freitag, 8. September
Bald steht Berlin wieder im Fokus der „Letzten Generation“. Viele Klimaaktivisten reisen in den kommenden Tagen in die Hauptstadt – und brauchen Schlafplätze. Die Gruppe hat bereits öffentlich darum gebeten und zudem Kirchengemeinden in der Hauptstadt angeschrieben. Hilfe könnte es von der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde am Weinberg in Berlin-Mitte geben. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

ВСУ поразили два российских патрульных корабля в Черном море


ВСУ поразили два российских корабля Василий Быков, есть повреждения. Подробнее об атаке на российские корабли Василий Быков 13 сентября 2023 года — в материале Фактов ICTV
Утром 14 сентября Силы обороны Украины нанесли удар по двум российским патрульным кораблям типа Василий Быков.
Об этом в Telegram сообщил СтратКом ВСУ.
Отмечается, что вражеские корабли получили повреждения.
Силы обороны нанесли удар по двум патрульным кораблям проекта 22160 типа Василий Быков оккупационного флота России в юго-западной части Черного моря. Есть определенные повреждения, — говорится в сообщении.
Напомним, ночью 13 сентября во временно оккупированном Севастополе ВСУ поразили российский большой десантный корабль Минск и подводную лодку Ростов-на-Дону.
Полномасштабная война в Украине продолжается уже 568-е сутки.
За ситуацией в городах можно следить на интерактивной карте боевых действий в Украине.
Больше информации о войне в Украине – новости онлайн читайте в материале Фактов ICTV.

北朝鮮、核・ミサイル開発加速か ロ朝首脳会談、韓国の元大使に聞く


ロシアのプーチン大統領と北朝鮮の金正恩(キムジョンウン)総書記が 、ロシア極東の宇宙基地で会談しました。軍事的関係を深める姿勢が強く打ち出された今回の会談をどうみるか。韓国の外交官として長く北朝鮮の核問題などに関わり、駐ロシア大使も務めた魏聖洛(ウィソンラク)氏に聞きました。

The 2023 Starter Kit for Magic: The Gathering is now available


Magic: The Gathering Starter Kit, Wizards of the Coast’s annual update to the CCG, is now available from your local game store and online retailers.
The best way to learn Magic: The Gathering has just received its annual reissue. The 2023 Magic: The Gathering Starter Kit is currently available to purchase from Amazon, Target, Miniature Market, and in-person from your local game store.
The handy $19.99 box set includes a pair of themed, 60-card decks featuring reprints from prior MTG sets. This year, Wizards of the Coast has packaged its MTG starter kit with a blue-red deck anchored by the Tyrant of Kher Ridges, alongside a green-white deck featuring the Boon-Bringer Valkyrie.
While the contents of every 2023 Starter Kit are technically identical, out of the 14 rare cards you’ll find two randomly picked traditional foil cards. Wizards of the Coast has also provided the decklists for the 2023 Starter Kit, and a quick breakdown of what you can expect to find in the box.
4 Mythic rare cards (two per deck)
14 Rare cards (seven per deck)
In each deck, one rare is a traditional foil
18 Uncommon cards
38 Common cards
48 Land cards
2 MTG Arena code cards (available only in select regions)
2 deck boxes
4 double-faced tokens
2 reference cards

All the biggest announcements from PlayStation’s new State of Play


Sony revealed more details about Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and Resident Evil 4 DLC at September 2023’s State of Play livestream.
PlayStation’s latest State of Play livestream promised to give viewers a look at the latest for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation VR 2 games, ranging from indies to “major upcoming titles” from PlayStation’s third-party partners. If you couldn’t watch September’s big State of Play showcase live, here’s a recap of all the game announcements, release dates, and other highlights from Sony’s event.Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth release date
Square Enix’s second chapter in the Final Fantasy 7 remake project is coming next year — on two discs! At State of Play, developers showed off what’s next for Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barrett, Cait Sith, and crew, and even revealed a release date for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Feb. 29, 2024.Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Webhead-heads got new look at the expanded New York City — which now stretches out to Brooklyn and Queens — and a whole bunch of Spidey suits in a new preview of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 from developer Insomniac Games.Resident Evil 4 remake DLC revealed
Capcom’s remake of Resident Evil 4 will get the original game’s Separate Ways add-on on Sept. 21, alongside an update to Mercenaries mode with playable Ada Wong and Albert Wesker. The promised PlayStation VR2 support is coming sometime this winter.Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn
Bandai Namco’s most recent Tales game is getting an expansion, Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn, on Nov. 9.Helldivers 2
Developer Arrowhead Game Studio showed off more from Helldivers 2, including a takedown of a beast known as the Bile Titan. Gross! No thank you! But if that’s your bag, Helldivers 2 will be released Feb. 8, 2024 on PS5 and Steam.Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment’s video game set on the world of Pandora will cast you as a Na’vi raised by the RDA. In Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, players will explore the Western Frontier — a never-before-seen continent in the Avatar universe — as you reconnect with your lost heritage. Frontiers of Pandora is set between the first and second Avatar movies, and will arrive sometime in 2024.Baby Steps
The silly walking simulator from the QWOP and Ape Out creators got a new showcase at State of Play, revealing grappling hook support. Of course, the star of Baby Steps can barely walk, so those grappling points seem pretty useless. Baby Steps is coming from Devolver Digital in 2024.Honkai Star Rail release date on PS5
Hoyoverse’s stylish role-playing game is saying “All aboard!” and departing for PlayStation 5 on Oct. 11. Honkai Star Rail is currently available for Android, iOS, and Windows PC.Foamstars open beta
Square Enix’s bubbly take on Splatoon-style shooting, Foamstars, is getting a playable open beta that runs from Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 for PlayStation 5 players in North America. New PlayStation 5 and DualSense colors
Sony’s Deep Earth Collection of DualSense controllers and PS5 shells will come in three new colors: Volcanic Red, Cobalt Blue, and Sterling Silver.

With Hunter charged, maybe America can start regaining trust in the rule of law


Hunter Biden walks to a waiting SUV after arriving at Fort McNair in Washington, DC.
Only time can tell just where the indictments of Hunter Biden on felony gun charges will lead.
The only thing certain so far is that special counsel David Weiss clearly realized he couldn’t let the statute of limitations pass without indicting Hunter again.
Not when an avalanche of whistleblowers and more-reluctant witnesses have testified to how badly Weiss (and/or Attorney General Merrick Garland) botched the serious tax-felony investigation until it was too late to charge.
But how Weiss proceeds to prosecute this case, when in his day job as Delaware district attorney he still ultimately works for the defendant’s father, is a huge mystery.
Hunter’s lawyers, understandably, still want to revive the plea deal that would let him walk.
But the judge already vetoed that “unprecedented” bargain.
The evidence makes it an open-and-shut case: Hunter’s own autobiography shows he was near-constantly drugged-up at the time in question, and if necessary a long parade of witnesses can testify to that.  
Yet he can’t credibly deny signing the federal form claiming he was clean, or telling the gun dealer the same.
And among the many ironies here is that the Secret Service wound up recovering the weapon after Hunter’s then-girlfriend (his late brother’s widow) in a panic tossed it in a dumpster.
Another irony: President Joe Biden routinely crusades on the need for tough gun laws like the ones that could now send his son away for a decade or more.
What does he say in court if Hunter’s lawyers demand that he testify, as they’re now threatening?
Hunter’s case for mercy revolves around claiming that he’s turned his life completely around since: He’s clean, and selling his art for big bucks.
But how stable is he, really?
He’s actually making ends meet with the assistance of a Democratic mega-donor who’s already ponied up hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay off Hunter’s back taxes.
(And the First Son still faces many more potential charges, both for other tax violations and unregistered lobbying for foreign interests.)
This has all added to Joe’s darkening electoral nightmare.
It threatens to all play out in court just as he stumps for re-election while facing mounting calls for him to step aside because of his age and senility. 
A majority of Americans now believe he was involved in his son’s business dealings and 55% say he has acted inappropriately over the investigations into Hunter.
All this after he and his lickspittles strained the tools of the government to cover up for his son, grievously undermining trust in those tools. 
Perhaps finally, this country can begin to regain trust in the rule of law as the Biden chickens come home to roost and Joe learns — years too late — that the cover-up is always worse than the crime.

Las Vegas casinos target of cyberattack; Horseshoe Casino in Hammond affected


Caesars Entertainment has joined MGM Resorts International in reporting that it was hit by a cyberattack this week.
Casino company Caesars Entertainment on Thursday joined Las Vegas gambling rival MGM Resorts International in reporting that it was hit by a cyberattack, but added in a report to federal regulators that its casino and online operations were not disrupted.
The Reno-based publicly traded company told the federal Securities and Exchange Commission that it could not guarantee that personal information about tens of millions of customers was secure following a data breach Sept. 7 that may have exposed driver’s license and Social Security numbers of loyalty rewards members.
“We have taken steps to ensure that the stolen data is deleted by the unauthorized actor,” the company said, “although we cannot guarantee this result.”
The Times of Northwest Indiana reported Thursday that Horseshoe Casino in Hammond alerted federal regulators “that the personal information of a ‘significant number’ of Caesars Rewards loyalty club members was copied and stolen in a cyberattack.” Caesars is the parent company of Horseshoe.
Brett Callow, threat analyst for the New Zealand-based cybersecurity firm Emsisoft, said it was not clear if a ransom was paid or who was responsible for the intrusion — and for the attack reported Monday by MGM Resorts.
“Unofficially, we saw a group called Scattered Spider claimed responsibility,” Callow said. “They appear to be native English speakers under the umbrella of a Russia-based operation called ALPHV or BlackCat.”
Caesars is the largest casino owner in the world, with more than 65 million Caesars Rewards members and properties in 18 states and Canada under the Caesars, Harrah’s, Horseshoe and Eldorado brands. It also has mobile and online operations and sports betting. Company officials did not respond to emailed questions from The Associated Press.
The company told the SEC that loyalty program customers were being offered credit monitoring and identity theft protection.
There was no evidence the intruder obtained member passwords or bank account and payment card information, the company reported, adding that operations at casinos and online “have not been impacted by this incident and continue without disruption.”
The disclosure by Caesars came after MGM Resorts International, the largest casino company in Las Vegas, reported publicly on Monday that a cyberattack that it detected Sunday led it to shut down computer systems at its properties across the U.S. to protect data.
MGM Resorts said reservations and casino floors in Las Vegas and other states were affected. Customers shared stories on social media about not being able to make credit card transactions, obtain money from cash machines or enter hotel rooms. Some video slot machines were dark.
MGM Resorts has has about 40 million loyalty rewards members and tens of thousands of hotel rooms in Las Vegas at properties including the MGM Grand, Bellagio, Aria and Mandalay Bay. It also operates properties in China and Macau.
A company report on Tuesday to the SEC pointed to its Monday news release. The FBI said an investigation was ongoing but offered no additional information.
Some MGM Resorts computer systems were still down Thursday, including hotel reservations and payroll. But company spokesman Brian Ahern said its 75,000 employees in the U.S. and abroad were expected to be paid on time.
Callow, speaking by telephone from British Columbia, Canada, called most media accounts of the incidents speculative because information appeared to be coming from the same entities that claim to have carried out the attacks. He said recovery from cyberattacks can take months.
Callow pointed to reports that he called “plausible” that Caesars Entertainment was asked to pay $30 million for a promise to secure its data and may have paid $15 million. He also noted that the company did not describe in the SEC report the steps taken to ensure that the stolen data was secure.
The highest ransom believed to have been paid to cyber-attackers was $40 million by insurance giant CNA Financial, Callow said, following a data breach in March 2021.
“In these cases, organizations basically pay to get a ‘pinky promise,’” he said. “There is no way to actually know that (hackers) do delete (stolen data) or that it won’t be used elsewhere.”

Intel Core i9-14900KF 6GHz Raptor Lake Refresh CPU Impresses In Early Benchmarks


Newly found Intel Core i9-14900KF Geekbench 5 benchmarks reveal strong multi-threaded gains over the Core i9-13900K/KS.
Newly found benchmarks of Intel’s upcoming Core i9-14900KF flagship desktop processor have surfaced on the Geekbench browser. The results show the Raptor Lake Refresh chip noticeably outperforming Intel’s current Core i9-13900KS CPU in the multi-threaded benchmark specifically. This wasn’t the case in previous results that have leaked, in which the 14900KF actually loses to the 13900KS in Geekbench 5’s multi-threaded test.
The Core i9-14900KF is part of Intel’s upcoming next-generation CPU lineup, often referred to as Raptor Lake Refresh. As the name implies, the new lineup will feature a refreshed version of Intel’s Raptor Lake CPU architecture, with rumors suggesting additional e-cores and higher clock speeds on some models. The Core i9-14900KF in particular is rumored to have a maximum Thermal Velocity Boost of 6GHz, which is 200MHz faster than the i9-13900K, matching the $730 i9-13900KS.
The new results include three separate Geekbench 5 listings, with single-core scores ranging between 2,412 and 3,346 points, and multi-core scores ranging between 22,895 and 26,972. If we average the scores together, the Core i9-14900KF’s single-core results come out to 3,072 points, and 24,306 points for the multi-core test.
If we look at the average score taken between the three separate listings specifically, the upcoming Core i9-14900KF actually ends up 0.5% slower than the Core i9-13900KS in the Geekbench 5 single-core benchmark. However, in the multi-core benchmark the 14900KF comes out top by about 11%. If we were to compare the 14900KF to the lower clocked 13900K, the gap widens even further.
The new scores don’t show complete domination of the 14900KF over its predecessors, however, its scores are definitely better than previous reports that have leaked recently. That said, with only a rumored 200MHz improvement over the 13900K, and a near identical clock speed behavior to the 13900KS, it should be expected that the i9-14900K/KF won’t be that much quicker than its predecessor.
We won’t have to wait long for official benchmarks to come out, Raptor Lake Refresh is reportedly arriving next month on October 17th. By then we’ll know how fast the i9-14900K/KF really is.

ЗСУ наступають на двох напрямках і досягли успіхів в районі Кліщіївки та Андріївки — Генштаб


Сили оборони України продовжують ведення наступальної операції на Мелітопольському та Бахмутському напрямках
Сили оборони України продовжують ведення наступальної операції на Мелітопольському та Бахмутському напрямках. В результаті штурмових дій ЗСУ мають частковий успіх в районах Кліщіївки та Андріївки Донецької області.
Про це йдеться у вечірньому зведенні Генштабу ЗСУ за четвер, 14 вересня.
Головне зі зведення Генштабу:
Протягом доби відбулось понад 20 бойових зіткнень. Також, сьогодні РФ завдала чергового масованого авіаційного удару іранськими ударними БпЛА «Shahed-136/131» у напрямку Миколаївської, Запорізької, Дніпропетровської та Сумської областей. В результаті успішної бойової роботи силами та засобами Повітряних Сил у взаємодії із ППО інших складових Сил оборони знищено 17 із 22 ворожих «шахедів».
Загалом ворог завдав 1 ракетного та 44 авіаційних ударів, здійснив 37 обстрілів з реактивних систем залпового вогню по позиціях наших військ та населених пунктах. Внаслідок російських терористичних атак, на жаль, є загиблі та поранені серед цивільного населення. Руйнувань та пошкоджень зазнали приватні житлові будинки та інша цивільна інфраструктура.
Оперативна обстановка на сході та півдні України залишається складною.
На Волинському та Поліському напрямках оперативна обстановка без суттєвих змін. Ознак формування наступальних угруповань не виявлено.
На Сіверському та Слобожанському напрямках противник зберігає військову присутність у прикордонних районах, продовжує диверсійно-розвідувальну діяльність, здійснює обстріли населених пунктів з території Росії, безуспішно намагається здійснювати збройні провокації з порушенням державного кордону України. Ворог завдав авіаційних ударів в районах Стрілечої, Плетенівки Харківської області. Артилерійських та мінометних обстрілів зазнали понад 15 населених пунктів.
На Куп’янському напрямку противник завдав авіаційних ударів та артилерійських та мінометних обстрілів.
На Лиманському напрямку від артилерійських та мінометних обстрілів противника постраждали населені пункти.
На Бахмутському напрямку противник завдав авіаційного удару в районі населеного пункту Кліщіївка Донецької області. Під артилерійським та мінометним вогнем опинилися понад 10 населених пунктів.
На Авдіївському напрямку наші захисники мужньо тримають оборону та успішно відбили низку ворожих атак в районах Ласточкиного та Авдіївки Донецької області.
На Мар’їнському напрямку протягом доби наші захисники успішно відбили близько 10 атак ворога в районі Мар’їнки. Противник завдав авіаційного удару в районі Красногорівки Донецької області. Артилерійських та мінометних обстрілів зазнали близько 10 населених пунктів.
На Шахтарському напрямку ворожих авіаційних ударів зазнали Водяне, Пречистівка, Новомайорське та Старомайорське Донецької області. Ворог обстріляв з артилерії та мінометів близько 10 населених пунктів.
На Запорізькому напрямку противник завдав авіаційного удару біля Роботиного Запорізької області. Артилерійських та мінометних обстрілів зазнали понад 15 населених пунктів.
На Херсонському напрямку артилерійських та мінометних обстрілів противника зазнали понад 10 населених пунктів.
Водночас, Сили оборони України продовжують ведення наступальної операції на Мелітопольському напрямку, наступальні (штурмові) дії на Бахмутському напрямку, знищують ворога та крок за кроком звільняють окуповані території. В результаті штурмових дій Сили оборони мають частковий успіх в районах Кліщіївки та Андріївки Донецької області, витісняють противника із займаних позицій та закріплюються на досягнутих рубежах.
Протягом доби авіація Сил оборони завдала 10 ударів по районах зосередження особового складу озброєння та військової техніки противника.
Підрозділами ракетних військ нанесено ураження по 1 пункту управління, 2 зенітно-ракетних комплексах, 5 артилерійських засобах та 1 складу боєприпасів противника.
За даними Генштабу ЗСУ, в Україні за минулу добу ліквідували 620 російських окупантів. Загалом втрати РФ від початку повномасштабного вторгнення склали 270 970 військових.

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