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New Zealand whales: Hundreds more stranded


A frustrating development for rescuers only hours after 100 were successfully refloated.
The mass stranding of whales on a remote beach in New Zealand has taken a turn for the worse as 240 more arrived.
Earlier on Saturday, volunteers had refloated some 100 of the more than 400 pilot whales which beached on Thursday.
But a human chain, with volunteers wading neck-deep into the water, failed to prevent a fresh pod making landfall.
The whale stranding, at Farewell Spit at the top of South Island, is one of the worst ever in New Zealand. Dozens of volunteers turned out to help.
More than 300 of the 400 original arrivals died while medics and members of the public tried to keep survivors alive by cooling them with water.
It is hoped that those of the new arrivals that survive can be moved back out to sea during the next high tide in daylight on Sunday.
It is not clear why the whales continue to arrive on the 5km-long (three mile-long) beach next to Golden Bay.
One theory is that they may have been driven on to land by sharks, after bite marks were found on one of the dead whales.
Herb Christophers of New Zealand’s department of conservation told the BBC that the whales were trying to get round the top of South Island, but if their navigation went wrong they ended up on the beach.
In the shallower waters, the animals’ use of echolocation was impaired.
“It’s a very difficult place if you get lost in there and you are a whale,” he said.
Experts say that whales that become beached will send out distress signals attracting other members of their pod, who then also get stranded by a receding tide.
Sometimes the whales are simply old, sick, or injured.
Are whales attempting suicide when they strand themselves?
Andrew Lamason, from New Zealand’s department of conservation, said those refloated had been tagged, whereas the latest arrivals were not, indicating that they were a new group.
He said 20 whales had been humanely killed by conservation workers as they were in a poor condition.
Officials have also been looking into how best to dispose of the whale carcasses.
Mr Lamason said that simply towing them out to sea could be problematic as they may become gaseous and buoyant and float into populated bays.
The latest incident in New Zealand was first reported on Thursday evening, but conditions were too dangerous at the time to launch a rescue operation.
New Zealand has one of the highest stranding rates in the world, with about 300 dolphins and whales ending up on beaches every year, according to Project Jonah.
Many of these incidents happen at Farewell Spit.
In February 2015 about 200 whales beached themselves at the same location, of which at least half died.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 2.4

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-38942763
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Philippines earthquake kills four on Mindanao


More than 100 people were injured as the 6.7-magnitude tremor hit the island of Mindanao.
At least four people have been killed and more than 100 injured after an earthquake hit the southern Philippines on Friday evening, officials say.
The 6.7-magnitude quake near the city of Surigao on Mindanao island damaged buildings and cut power to many areas.
Residents rushed to open areas and spent the night in parks, local reports said.
There was no tsunami threat from the quake, the US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.
The quake took place at a depth of about 10km (6 miles) about 13km east of Surigao, the US Geological Survey said.
The victims died after being hit by falling debris and concrete walls, provincial disaster-response official Gilbert Gonzales said.
A bridge and a hotel collapsed, power and water supplies were cut in some areas and Surigao’s airport was also temporarily closed because of deep cracks on the runway, officials said.
About 90 aftershocks had been recorded and more could follow but they were unlikely to cause significant damage, the Philippines’ seismic agency head Renato Solidum told local radio.
The Philippines is located on the geologically active Pacific “Ring of Fire” and experiences frequent earthquakes.

Similarity rank: 5.2
Sentiment rank: -95.3

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-38942461
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Rekordowa aukcja WOŚP. Zawrotna suma za dzień z Tuskiem


370 tysięcy – właśnie tyle zapłaci zwycięzca aukcji WOŚP za wspólny dzień w Brukseli z szefem Rady Europejskiej Donaldem Tuskiem. Dochód z aukcji zasili konto…
Od wielu lat osoby publiczne, w tym również sportowcy, aktorzy czy politycy, przekazują różnego rodzaju przedmioty na specjalne aukcje WOŚP. Podobnie jak w ubiegłym roku w zbiórkę włączyła się również para prezydencka. Prezydent Andrzej Duda przekazał na licytację spinki do mankietów, natomiast Pierwsza Dama postanowiła zaangażować się w akcję poprzez oddanie na aukcję słynnego zdjęcia, które zostało wykonane przez Jacka Łabędzkiego podczas Światowych Dni Młodzieży. Nabywca zapłacił za fotografię 200 tys. złotych. Zdjęcie trafiło do właściciela prywatnej firmy z Solca Kujawskiego. – To niewyobrażalna suma. Za tyle pieniędzy zdarzało się nam wylicytować dobry motocykl albo auto. Ale nigdy zdjęcie. W życiu się tego nie spodziewaliśmy – mówi Andrzej Gałczyński, który prowadzi aukcje WOŚP.
Okazało się, że nie była to jedyna rekordowa aukcja. Fundacja WOŚP poinformowała na Twitterze o zakończeniu aukcji w ramach której oferowano wspólny dzień w Brukseli z szefem Rady Europejskiej Donaldem Tuskiem. W ramach wizyty planowane jest m.in.
wspólne zwiedzanie siedziby Rady Europejskiej czy wspólny obiad. Ponadto, zwycięzca aukcji otrzyma album o Europie podpisany przez szefów państw i rządów oraz przewodniczących instytucji unijnych uczestniczących w posiedzeniach Rady Europejskiej. Możliwość spędzenia dnia z byłym premierem cieszyła się niezwykłym zainteresowaniem internautów. Wspólny dzień z Donaldem Tuskiem wylicytowano za kwotę 370 tysięcy złotych. Dochód z aukcji zasili konto Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy. Ostateczne wyniki tegorocznej odsłony akcji poznamy 7 marca, ale już 27 stycznia kwota na koncie WOŚP przekroczyła 62 mln 418 tys. zł.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 2.9

© Source: https://www.wprost.pl/kraj/10042422/Rekordowa-aukcja-WOSP-Zawrotna-suma-za-dzien-z-Donaldem-Tuskiem.html
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円卓で親密さアピール フロリダ別荘の夕食会


【パームビーチ(米南部フロリダ州)会川晴之】 トランプ米大統領夫妻と安倍晋三首相夫妻は10日夕、 ワシントンから大統領専用機(エアフォースワン)で米南部フロリダ州に移動し、 パームビーチの トランプ氏の 別荘で夕食会に臨んだ。 トランプ氏はホワイトハウスからワシントン郊外の 空軍基地に向かう大統領専用ヘリコプター(マリン1)の 機中で両首脳がにこやかにほほ笑む画像をツイッターに投稿するなど、 最大限の 「おもてなし」 で、 親密な日米関係をアピールした。

Similarity rank: 5.4
Sentiment rank: 1.5

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170211/k00/00e/010/256000c
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"Spiegel": Personelle Konsequenzen wegen Kasernen-Skandals


Nach dem Skandal um demütigende Ausbildungspraktiken in einer Kaserne in Pfullendorf (Kreis Sigmaringen) zieht das Verteidigungsministerium personelle
Nach dem Skandal um demütigende Ausbildungspraktiken in einer Kaserne in Pfullendorf (Kreis Sigmaringen) zieht das Verteidigungsministerium personelle Konsequenzen. Laut “Spiegel” hat Ministerin Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) einen Referatsleiter abgesetzt. Dem Bericht zufolge war das Referat Beschwerden wegen sexuellen Mobbings und brutaler Ausbildungsinhalte aus Sicht von der Leyens zu zögerlich nachgegangen. Das Verteidigungsministerium wollte sich am Samstag zu Personalmaßnahmen nicht äußern.
Anfang Februar hatte sich der Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr, Volker Wieker, in der Staufer-Kaserne ein Bild der Lage gemacht. Anlass für den “Dienstaufsichtsbesuch” waren Berichte über demütigende Rituale und sexuelle Nötigung in der Truppe. Von der Leyen fordert einen offeneren Umgang mit Missstände bei der Bundeswehr. Die Ereignisse hatte sie als “bestürzende Zeichen für einen Mangel an Führung, Haltung und Kultur” bezeichnet.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_80336102/-spiegel-personelle-konsequenzen-wegen-kasernen-skandals.html
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Anti-Abortion Activists, Counter-Protesters Rally Around US


About 300 pro-choice protesters gathered outside the Planned Parenthood office on Bleecker Street; across the street, there were about 50 pro-lifers.
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — Anti-abortion activists emboldened by the new administration of President Donald Trump are staging rallies around the country calling for the federal government to cut off payments to Planned Parenthood. But in some cities the demonstrations are being dwarfed by counter-protests.
Thousands of Planned Parenthood supporters turned out Saturday morning for a rally in St. Paul, Minnesota. In Detroit, about 300 people turned up outside a Planned Parenthood office, most of them supporting the organization.
About 300 pro-choice protesters gathered outside the Planned Parenthood office on Bleecker Street, chanting “fund Planned Parenthood, one in every neighborhood” and carrying signs that read, “My uterus, my choice.”
Across the street, there were about 50 pro-lifers. Some of them were praying the rosary, 1010 WINS’ Carol D’Auria reported.
Pro-choice protester Rebecca Bigsby proudly said she was for abortion and funding for Planned Parenthood should continue.
“This is for low-income women, this is contraceptives, this is where kids go when they’re 16 years old instead of having babies,” Bigsby said.
“It is a woman’s fundamental right to control what happens to her own body and because of that the right to have an abortion for any reason under any circumstance is pivotal to the freedom of women,” another pro-choice protester said.
Pro-lifer Jesse Espinosa said the government should not be paying for abortions.
“Planned Parenthood should stop getting $500 million from the government when that money could be used in a better way, not abortion,” Espinosa said.
Both groups said they were for women’s rights, D’Auria reported.
Trump last month banned U. S. funding to international groups that perform abortions or even provide information about abortions. His newly confirmed health secretary, Tom Price, has supported cutting off federal money to Planned Parenthood.
Federal dollars don’t pay for abortions, but the organization is reimbursed by Medicaid for other services, including birth control and cancer screening.
(TM and © Copyright 2017 CBS Radio Inc. and its relevant subsidiaries. CBS RADIO and EYE Logo TM and Copyright 2017 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: -1.3

© Source: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2017/02/11/pro-life-pro-choice-rallies/
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China’s Guangzhou has third of live poultry markets contaminated with bird flu, survey finds


Municipal officials have warned residents to avoid contact with live poultry
Guangzhou officials have advised residents to avoid contact with live poultry after one-third of poultry markets in China’s third-largest city were found to be contaminated with H7N9 bird flu. The warning was given on Thursday after the Guangzhou Centre for Disease Control and Prevention found in its latest weekly sample assessment that more than 30 per cent of local live poultry markets were contaminated with the H7N9 avian flu virus. Live poultry markets are a major source of human infection, as previous cases indicate. The result fans fears of a wider spread as the city, which has a population of 17 million people, is a major transportation hub for migrant workers, many of whom are now returning to Guangdong province from their hometowns after the Lunar New Year holiday. Guangzhou announced last month that it would halt live poultry trading in all markets three days a month in the first quarter of the year. The city has had 35 people diagnosed with the virus in the past three years, more than half of whom died, Zhang Zhoubin, the deputy director of the municipal disease control centre, told local media. Winter and spring are usually the peak seasons for humans to contract bird flu, requiring the culling of live poultry and closure of markets to contain its spread. The China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention warned last month that the peak season for bird flu would occur one month earlier this year, and it expected to see a larger number of cases and a wider region of infection than in previous years. The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health in Hong Kong on Friday received notification from its mainland counterpart that 45 new human cases of H7N9 bird flu had been recorded from January 30 to February 5, with four of those in Guangdong province. State-run reported on Saturday that more than 130 cases of bird flu were reported in January, without providing a source, resulting in 24 deaths. No human-to-human transmissions have been confirmed. In a notice released earlier this week, the National Health and Family Planning Commission ordered timely screening and treatment of avian flu patients and published treatment standards online. The Hong Kong government slaughtered more than 1.3 million birds from November to December 1997 after an outbreak of bird flu in the city. Dr Ho Pak-leung, a microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, said: “As far as Hong Kong is concerned, what is most important is for the policy not to import live mainland poultry to remain in place.” Additional reporting from Stuart Lau

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/2070097/chinas-guangzhou-has-third-live-poultry-markets-contaminated-bird-flu
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Prokuratura umorzyła śledztwo w sprawie niepublikowania wyroków TK przez rząd


Prokuratura uznała, że zaniechanie publikacji wyroków dotyczących ustaw PiS o Trybunale Konstytucyjnym było ‘działaniem podyktowanym ochroną interesu publicznego’.
Sprawa dotyczy dwóch wyroków Trybunału Konstytucyjnego – z 9 marca oraz 11 sierpnia 2016 r. TK oceniał w nich konstytucyjność dwóch PiS -owskich ustaw o Trybunale, które przedstawiciele władzy nazywali „naprawczymi”. Obydwa wyroki nie spodobały się władzy, bo były krytyczne wobec podejmowanych przez nią działań…

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1.6

© Source: http://wyborcza.pl/7,75248,21361359,prokuratura-umorzyla-sledztwo-w-sprawie-niepublikowania-wyrokow.html
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米側、「側近中の側近」立ち会う 日米首脳会談に


【ワシントン共同】 安倍晋三首相とトランプ米大統領による初の 本格的な対話となった10日(日本時間11日)の 日米首脳会談には、 トランプ氏が信頼を寄せる「側近中の 側近」 (外交筋)が立ち会った。 日本政府側は「日本重視の 表れだ」 と歓迎し、 首脳間以外でも強力なパイプづくりを…
【ワシントン共同】安倍晋三首相とトランプ米大統領による初の本格的な対話となった10日(日本時間11日)の日米首脳会談には、トランプ氏が信頼を寄せる「側近中の側近」(外交筋)が立ち会った。日本政府側は「日本重視の表れだ」と歓迎し、首脳間以外でも強力なパイプづくりを急ぐ考えだ。 会談にはペンス副大統領やプリーバス大統領首席補佐官が同席。他にもトランプ氏の娘イバンカさんの夫であるクシュナー大統領上級顧問や、一連の大統領令を主導するバノン首席戦略官兼上級顧問、安全保障政策のキーマンと目される軍出身のフリン大統領補佐官(国家安全保障問題担当)が参集した。

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017021101001358.html
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大雪の鳥取、車の立ち往生が頻発 車庫倒壊も


西日本は強い冬型の 気圧配置が続き、 日本海側を中心に11日も大雪になった。 鳥取市の 午後6時現在の 積雪は平年の 約10倍となる86センチ。 日本海側では12日も雪が断続的に降る見込みだ。 気象庁によると、 1…
西日本は強い冬型の気圧配置が続き、日本海側を中心に11日も大雪になった。鳥取市の午後6時現在の積雪は平年の約10倍となる86センチ。日本海側では12日も雪が断続的に降る見込みだ。 気象庁によると、11日午後6時現在の積雪は鳥取県倉吉市60センチ、同県米子市35センチで、いずれも平年の10倍以上。ほかに兵庫県豊岡市75センチ、福井県小浜市71センチ、京都府舞鶴市45センチ、滋賀県米原市36センチ、松江市20センチなどとなっている。 鳥取市内ではJR山陰線で、10日夜から11日夜までの約22時間、20人以上が乗った普通列車が雪で立ち往生。県道ではトラック運転手の男性(44)が、自分の大型トラックのタイヤに巻き込まれて死亡した。チェーンをつけるなどし、スリップするタイヤを動かそうとしていたとみられる。 鳥取県内では車の立ち往生も頻発した。国土交通省倉吉河川国道事務所によると、山陰道で計約100台、国道9号で計約150台を確認。積雪による車庫の倒壊も相次いだ。 12日午後6時までの24時間に予想される降雪量は、多い場所で中国・北陸・近畿・関東甲信が60センチ、東北・東海が50センチ、四国が15センチ。気象庁はなだれや落雪への注意を呼びかけている。

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: -1.9

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK2C5HKTK2CPTIL00L.html
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