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З'явилося відео вибуху в турецькому місті Ізмір (ВІДЕО)


NewsHubУ мережі з’явилося відео в моментом вибуху, який прогримів 5 січня біля будівлі суду в турецькому місті Ізмір.
За останніми даними, в результаті теракту постраждали 11 осіб, новину передає “Преса України”.
Бойовики підірвали автомобіль, який під’їхав до будівлі міського суду у місті Ізмір. Місцева поліція вступила в перестрілку з бойовиками, які організували теракт. Пізніше правоохоронці повідомили, що двоє з трьох нападників були ліквідовані, третій учасник угруповання в даний час розшукується.
Місцеві ЗМІ повідомляють, що в результаті теракту від отриманих поранень померли працівник суду і поліцейський.
Губернатор Ізміра Ерол Айилдиз прокоментував теракт.
“Співробітники поліції спробували зупинити замінований автомобіль біля будівлі суду в районі Байраклі. Терористи вийшли з машини і спробували втекти, після чого стався вибух”, – сказав він.
Нагадаємо, раніше повідомлялося , що в турецькому місті Ізмір невідомі терористи підірвали автомобіль біля будівлі суду.
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Similarity rank: 7

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Телеканалу 1+1 раніше терміну видали бланк ліцензії і чекають кроків у відповідь – Нацрада


NewsHubНаціональна рада з питань телебачення і радіомовлення видала телеканалу 1+1 бланк ліцензії на аналогове мовлення і очікує від телеканалу документів про його кінцевих бенефіціарів.
Про це повідомив 5 січня голова Нацради Юрій Артеменко в ході брифінгу, передає Інтерфакс-Україна .
За словами заступника голови Нацради Уляни Фещук, бланк ліцензії виданий раніше строку для того, щоб зняти напругу в суспільстві і журналістському колективі.
Нагадаємо, Нацрада звернулася до каналу з листом про підтвердження того, що кінцевий бенефіціарний власник каналу не змінився.
В ніч на 29 грудня 1+1 оприлюднив на своєму сайті звернення керівництва і співробітників телеканалу до президента, спікера парламенту та прем’єр-міністру України, в якому заявив, що Адміністрація президента намагається вплинути на Нацраду для скасування рішення про продовження ліцензії 1+1.
В Адміністрації президента заявили, що не втручаються в роботу Нацради.
У свою чергу 15 грудня всі члени Національної ради на голосування продовжили ліцензію каналу 1+1 на 7 років.
Наразі телеканал не надав Нацраді документ про кінцевих бенефіціарів.

Similarity rank: 12

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/telekanalu-1-1-ranishe-terminu-vidali-blank-litsenziji-natsrada-423382.html
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How to become a data-driven 'algorithmic enterprise'


NewsHubThe next big thing for IT leaders today is to become a data-driven ‘algorithmic enterprise’.
That’s the opinion of Mike Mason, technology activist and adviser to the CTO at ThoughtWorks. Speaking to…

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/2476415/how-to-become-a-data-driven-algorithmic-enterprise
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Honda’s Safe Swarm concept has cars mimicking fish for safer driving


NewsHubHonda is looking to nature to improve the safety of driving, using bio-mimicry of the behavior of a school of fish to inform a new technical concept it’s unveiling at CES called Safe Swarm. Safe Swarm uses vehicle-to-vehicle communication based on the dedicated short range communication standard to provide assistance to a human driver.
Safe Swarm essentially means that cues picked up by one vehicle equipped with connective communication tech can pass along information to others in proximity, far before a driver would be aware of anything. Cars can shuttle their collected knowledge down the line, propagating info about a pile-up potentially miles ahead in near real-time to help make it easier for human drivers to take action to avoid problems before they happen.
Other car companies are working on similar tech; Mobileye’s REM system works on a very similar basis, connecting vehicles equipped with Mobileye sensor tech so that they can share real-time traffic and road condition info to inform ADAS and other autonomous driving features. It’s a bit like a fully-automated Waze that doesn’t require driver input.
This is another example of tech that’s not imminently bound for production, but it’s a concept that shows how growing connectivity between cars, including what looks like it could be an industry-wide requirement for vehicle-to-vehicle capabilities according to a recent Department of Transportation recommendation. Autonomous cars would benefit greatly from something like Safe Swarm, of course, but it also has the potential to save a lot of lines before we reach true self-driving at the consumer level.

Similarity rank: 0.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/AjZKe71UdL8/
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Samsung shows off Notebook Odyssey gaming laptop


NewsHubYesterday, pre-orders opened for Samsung’s new Notebook 9 series , which the company referred to last month as the “lightest notebook on the market”. Samsung is also preparing to launch a new gaming laptop which it showed off this week amid the excitement of the CES 2017 industry expo.
Microsoft describes Samsung’s new Notebook Odyssey as delivering “power in a beautiful design with premium features to offer a premium gaming experience”.
The Odyssey includes a ‘HexaFlow Vent’, described as “an advanced cooling and ventilation system that helps the device remain cool at all times”. Located on the bottom of the device, the vent can also be opened to allow users to upgrade the machine’s storage and RAM.
Both the 17.3- and 15.6-inch models have wide-angle displays with Full HD (1920x1080px) resolution and an anti-glare finish, promising “an immersive and dynamic cinema-quality HDR video experience”.
You can view the key specs for the two Odyssey models in the table below:
Full details of pricing and availability have not yet been revealed, and it seems Samsung is still finalizing the specs, as the graphics card for the 17.3-inch model is currently listed as “TBD” (to be determined) on its specs sheet. Microsoft says that further information on the Odyssey “will be unveiled later this Spring. ”
Source: Windows Blog

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/UMu_8xMGCwo/samsung-shows-off-notebook-odyssey-gaming-laptop
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Behold, the glorious madness of Project Valerie, Razer's gaming laptop with three 4K screens


NewsHubYou might well have thought that Acer’s Predator 21 X – an $8,999 gaming notebook with a curved 21-inch display – was taking things a bit too far in the laptop space. If you did, then this might just blow your mind.
Today, Razer unveiled what it refers to as “the world’s first automated triple display laptop”.
Project Valerie features three 17.3-inch displays, each with 4K resolution. The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 GPU powers all those pixels, with a total resolution of 11,520 x 2,160px across the expansive triple display setup.
There’s no need to carry the additional displays separately and spend time setting everything up. As Razer explains, “Project Valerie is engineered with an automated deployment system utilizing highly durable aluminum hinges. This allows the two side displays to quickly deploy and lock into place ensuring the perfect alignment in a matter of seconds. ”
While Razer aims most of its products primarily at gamers, it says that Valerie is the ideal choice for mobile productivity too, offering you “the expansive workspace and flexibility to tackle any task”.
Incredibly, Razer says that Valerie weighs less than 12 pounds (around 5.5kg), and insists that the size of its monstrous notebook isn’t as beastly as you might expect:
Details of pricing and availability have not yet been announced, but you can be sure that this thing won’t come cheap. For now, you can sign up for updates on the device via Razer’s website.
You can also get a further overview of Project Valerie in the video below:
Source: Razer

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/Mmszg6PUKSM/behold-the-glorious-madness-of-project-valerie-razer039s-gaming-laptop-with-three-4k-screens
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Apple Pulls 'The New York Times' From Its App Store In China


NewsHubCiting local regulations, Apple has removed The New York Times news app from its app store in China. The incident is the latest in the long history of media restrictions in the country, but also in the ongoing pattern of tech companies getting involved in the efforts.
The New York Times reports that Apple removed both its English-language and Chinese-language apps from the app store in China on Dec. 23, though other prominent publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times as well as the Times’ crossword puzzle and virtual-reality apps remain available.
Along with other websites, the Times has faced restrictions for years. The site has been subject of blocks since 2012 , when the newspaper reported on the wealth amassed by the family of the then-prime minister.
Apple did not explain Thursday what distinguished the Times from other outlets. Spokesman Fred Sainz shared a statement:
“For some time now the New York Times app has not been permitted to display content to most users in China and we have been informed that the app is in violation of local regulations. As a result, the app must be taken down off the China App Store. When this situation changes, the App Store will once again offer the New York Times app for download in China. ”
Sainz did not elaborate on what legal standard was applied to warrant the removal of the news apps, but the Times suggested it was under 2016 regulations issued for mobile apps:
“The regulations say apps cannot ‘engage in activities prohibited by laws and regulations such as endangering national security, disrupting social order and violating the legitimate rights and interests of others.’ The cyberspace administration says on its website that apps also cannot publish ‘prohibited information. ”
Over the years, numerous publications have faced blackouts in China, including Bloomberg , Time and The Economist. Users in China sometimes use software to circumvent the government’s firewall to surf the web and access blocked sites.
For tech companies, China is a massive, lucrative market and a major manufacturing hub, but operations there are tricky. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google have been restricted. Apple’s own iBooks and iTunes Movies were blocked , as well, not long after they were introduced.
For Apple, China is a key production location and sales market. But iPhone sales have slumped there in recent years. In May, Apple invested $1 billion in Chinese ride-hailing app Didi Chuxing.
The company has, in the past, removed other media apps from its App Store, but none as prominent as The Times , according to the newspaper. And it’s far from the first time when a tech company cooperated with the Chinese government to suppress content, as the industry generally complies with local regulations around the world.
In 2016, The New York Times reported that Facebook quietly developed software that could prevent posts from appearing in people’s news feeds in specific parts of China, going further than the typical practice by U. S. Internet companies to blocking certain content after it’s posted.
The newspaper also reported , just last month, on “a hidden bounty of perks, tax breaks and subsidies in China that supports the world’s biggest iPhone factory” — billions of dollars’ worth of incentives at the heart of Apple’s phone production.
In 2014, the radio program Marketplace reported on LinkedIn censoring posts from its members that were deemed sensitive by China’s government. In 2010, Google altered how users in China could access the site as it faced possible loss of license to operate in the country.
Perhaps the most notorious case dates back to early 2000s, when Chinese authorities arrested and imprisoned dissidents, including a Chinese journalist, based on evidence provided by Yahoo.
Yahoo settled a lawsuit by the dissidents’ families in 2007. In 2005, Yahoo bought what later became its most valuable asset: a stake in a Chinese e-commerce site Alibaba.

Similarity rank: 11

© Source: http://kuer.org/post/apple-pulls-new-york-times-its-app-store-china
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China, US should maintain proper direction of relations: Minister


NewsHubChina’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, told U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday that the two countries should develop ties in the proper direction, amid unease in Beijing over U. S. President-elect Donald Trump’s comments on Taiwan and trade.
Trump, due to take office on Jan. 20, has angered China by speaking by telephone to Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, casting doubt on the incoming administration’s commitment to only recognizing the Beijing government, and not Taiwan, under a “one China” policy.
Trump has left open the possibility of meeting Tsai if she visits the United States after he is sworn in. He also has rattled Beijing by appointing people in his administration who are critical of China’s trade practices.
Wang told Kerry ties were at an “important stage” and that cooperative achievements were “not easy to come by. ”
“Both sides should take great care to jointly safeguard and ensure the proper direction of development in bilateral relations,” Wang said in a telephone call with Kerry, according to a statement on his ministry’s website.
The ministry cited Kerry as saying maintaining the “one China” policy was the position of both of the main U. S. parties, the Democrats and Trump’s Republicans.
China is deeply suspicious of Tsai, and thinks she wants to push for the formal independence of Taiwan, a self-governing island that Beijing regards as a renegade province ineligible for state-to-state relations.
The United States, which switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China in 1979, has acknowledged the Chinese position that there is only “one China” and that Taiwan is part of it.
China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since 1949, when Mao Zedong’s Communist forces won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists fled to the island.
Tsai will transit through Houston and San Francisco during a visit this month to allies in Latin America, a stopover China has called on the United States to block.
Chinese policymakers are also wary of Trump’s protectionist stance on trade, and he has promised a hard line on China, threatening to raise tariffs on its exports to the United States.
The Xinhua state news agency, which usually reflects government thinking, this week chided Trump for his proclivity for criticizing China on Twitter, saying the social media platform “should not become a foreign policy tool. ”
“There will be fresh flowers outside the door to China’s Commerce Ministry, but a big stick hidden behind it,” the paper said.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/05/china-us-should-maintain-proper-direction-of-relations-minister.html
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Will China Become The New Boogeyman Under a Trump Administration?


NewsHubBy Vin Armani
James Corbett appears on The Vin Armani Show to discuss open source intelligence, the neo-neocon push for Cold War 2.0, and how a false dialectic is pushing us toward more centralized regional governments. Corbett point out that Trump’s appointments so far seem to indicate that China will replace Russia as the next fabricated boogeyman.
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Hang out with Vin in person Feb 25-28th at Anarchapulco
Vin Armani is the host of The Vin Armani Show on Activist Post , TV Star of Gigolos on Showtime, Author, DJ, and Agorist Entrepreneur. Follow Vin on Twitter and subscribe on YouTube. Get the weekly podcast on  iTunes or Stitcher.
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Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ActivistPost/~3/w8K-529wP5g/will-china-become-new-boogeyman-trump-administration.html
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What's the real world fallout from Trump's tweets?


NewsHubWASHINGTON — Just this week, President-elect Donald Trump has tackled not only Russian hacking but House ethics, Guantanamo, Obamacare, crime and the auto industry through tweets.
On Monday, he had this this message about North Korea for China:
China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U. S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice!
That prompted a response from China’s state news agency: “Twitter shouldn’t become an instrument of foreign policy. Foreign policy isn’t child’s play,” it said.
But Twitter has proven to be an important tool for Trump; A modern way of talking directly to the people.
Trump says his social media power key to victory
Like Franklin Roosevelt did through radio and John F. Kennedy with television, in today’s social media era, Trump’s tweets can dominate a news cycle.
Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes” asked him after the election if he would keep it up as president.
“I’m not saying I love it, but it does get the word out. When you give me a bad story or when you give me an inaccurate story or when somebody other than you and another network, or whatever, because of course, CBS would never do a thing like that right? I have a method of fighting back,” he said.
As part of the transition, incoming Chief of Staff Reince Priebus met last month with the men who have done the job for other presidents, includi…
Two former presidential chiefs of staff, Democrat Bill Daley and Republican Andy Card, told “CBS This Morning” they don’t expect him to walk away from the medium he’s made his own.
“I think the tweet world is going to be our world for a long time,” Card said.
“Think before you tweet or speak. Before, it was before you speak. Now it is before you tweet,” Daley added.
Beyond foreign capitals, Trump’s tweets also are rattling corporate boardrooms. They  have even affected the stock price of specific companies. 
As a result, some corporations are making plans for how to respond if Trump tweets about them.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://feeds.cbsnews.com/~r/CBSNewsMain/~3/VMwEsZ_nJcc/
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