Home GRASP/Korea U. S. hasn’t heard back from North Korea on Trump-Kim meeting

U. S. hasn’t heard back from North Korea on Trump-Kim meeting


U. S. officials don’t have direct confirmation yet that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will meet with President Donald Trump in May, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Monday, although the White House said the meeting would be held as planned.
U. S. officials don’t have direct confirmation yet that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will meet with President Donald Trump in May, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Monday, although the White House said the meeting would be held as planned.
Tillerson said the officials from the two countries have to enter direct consultations ahead of the expected meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un.
“We’ve not heard anything directly back from North Korea, although we expect to hear something directly from them,” he said, adding that the sides haven’t decided on a location for the meeting.

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