Home United States USA — Financial Legal experts gearing up for feared military takeover by Donald Trump

Legal experts gearing up for feared military takeover by Donald Trump


A  » loose-knit network » of experts and institutions are reportedly developing plans to counter Trump should he win reelection.
Legal experts are said to be planning to push back against Donald Trump’s potential efforts at a broad military takeover in the event that he is reelected in November, according to a new report.
The former president is among the field of candidates seeking the 2024 GOP presidential nomination as part of his bid to retake the White House. National polling averages have consistently suggested that he leads the pack by a wide margin, regularly giving him around or above 50 percent support from likely Republican voters.
In a report published on Sunday, NBC News found that « a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, » amid recent comments and moves from Trump indicating his intention to pursue his political agenda if reelected this year.
Meanwhile, during a town hall event hosted by Fox News host Sean Hannity last month, Hannity pressed Trump to pledge that he would never « abuse power as retribution against anybody, » as had been suggested in recent reports, if he’s reelected.

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