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Mozilla acquires Pocket developer Read It Later for undisclosed sum


Mozilla Corporation has loosened its purse strings and splashed an undisclosed sum of money on buying Read It Later, the company behind web service and browser plugin Pocket. Mozilla Corporation has loosened its purse strings and splashed an undisclosed sum of money on buying Read It Later,…
Mozilla Corporation has loosened its purse strings and splashed an undisclosed sum of money on buying Read It Later, the company behind web service and browser plugin Pocket.
Described as the company’s « first strategic acquisition », Mozilla’s purchase of Pocket is part of a drive to promote the discoverability and accessibility of online content. Read It Later will clearly benefit from Mozilla’s acquisition, and the Firefox producer says that the developer will also help to accelerate its Context Graph initiative.
The acquisition means that Pocket will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Mozilla Corporation and will also become part of the Mozilla open source project. There are no plans to make any changes at the company, or to the software itself, and a shared vision (« protecting the openness of the web and creating a content platform built around trust and privacy ») seems to have played an important role in the two companies coming together.
Mozilla CEO Chris Beard says :
Read It Later is looking forward to taking full advantage of Mozilla’s size and clout while maintaining its independence. Pocket founder Nate Weiner says :
He goes on to say: « How does Mozilla fit into this equation? They’re adding fuel to our rocketship. We have worked closely with Mozilla as we partnered with their Firefox team, and established a deep trust with their team and vision. They have extraordinary resources, global scale, and reach to put Pocket in more places, and help us build an even better product, faster. « 

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/h7_VunwqjWU/
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China contemplates rewards to urge couples to have 2nd child — RT News


The Chinese government may offer birth pay to encourage couples to have a second child, following polls showing that most families choose to have just one child due to financial hardship, according to local media.
The step was announced by the Chinese Deputy Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission Wang Peian on Saturday, Reuters reported citing China Daily newspaper.
2016 was a record-breaking year for the birth rate in China, with 17.86 million children born.
It marked the highest birth rate in over 15 years, and a 1.3-million increase from 2015, coming a year after the Chinese leadership issued new rules allowing families to have two children.
The policy would enable about 17 million additional births by 2020, and add 30 million young workers by 2050, the family planning commission said in late 2015, as cited by Bloomberg.
However, in a survey carried out in 2015, it became clear that 60 percent of Chinese parents didn’t want to have a second child due to financial concerns – and that’s an issue that could be addressed, Wang said, as cited by Reuters.
“That fully met the expectations, but barriers still exist and must be addressed. To have a second child is the right of each family in China but affordability has become a bottleneck that undermines the decision,” the official stated.
Back in 1970s, China imposed its one-child policy to curb exponential birth rate growth, however authorities are now concerned that the country’s active people soon won’t be able to support the ageing population.
READ MORE: China eases notorious one-child policy, abolishes labor camps
China’s authorities said that the policy had prevented 400 million births.
Chen Xingdong, chief China economist at BNP Paribas SA in Beijing, said that nation’s mentality seems to be changing due to the issue.
“The mindset of the entire nation is switching from controlling births to worrying about low births,” Chen said. “But many parents would still be reluctant to have kids even if the government encourages them to.”

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: https://www.rt.com/news/378864-china-second-child-pay/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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We wtorek próba odtworzenia rejestratorów z samochodu premier


– Biegli podejmą próbę odtworzenia zawartości rejestratorów z samochodu, którym podróżowała 10 lutego premier Beata Szydło – powiedział dziennikarzom Włodzimierz Krzywicki z Prokuratury Regionalnej w Krakowie. To ta prokuratura nadzoruje śledztwo dotyczące wypadku limuzyny Biura Ochrony Rządu w Oświęcimiu, w którym ucierpieli m.in. premier Szydło i oficer BOR.
– W dniu dzisiejszym dokonana zostanie z udziałem biegłych próba odtworzenia zawartości rejestratorów, zamontowanych w samochodzie Audi, którym podróżowała premier rządu polskiego – wyjaśnił Krzywicki.
Ma pomóc w rekonstrukcji przebiegu wypadku
Jak dodał, odbędzie się to w Krakowie w miejscu specjalnie wybranym do tego, żeby ta czynność nie została przez nikogo i nic zakłócona.
– Żeby ten dowód, który w ocenie prokuratorów będzie miał kapitalne znaczenie dla ostatecznej rekonstrukcji przebiegu wypadku, został w całości, bez żadnego uszczerbku wydobyty dla potrzeb tego śledztwa, poddany analizie i wykorzystany, zarówno w pracach biegłych, którzy będą dokonywali rekonstrukcji przebiegu wypadku, po części być może w pracach biegłych, którzy mają za zadanie ocenić stan techniczny obu pojazdów, w tym pojazdu marki Audi, oraz dla prokuratorów, którzy przed zakończeniem śledztwa w oparciu o pełen materiał dowodowy podejmą decyzję co do tego, jak to śledztwo zakończyć – powiedział prokurator.
– Oczekujemy danych absolutnie bezstronnych, wolnych od jakichkolwiek ingerencji zewnętrznych, suchych, gołych faktów, które można będzie w oparciu o te rejestratory ustalić, jednoznacznie przeciąć rozmaite spekulacje, które od trzech tygodni (…) przetaczają się przez Polskę – dodał.
Ustalą stan techniczny limuzyny
Poinformował, że jedni biegli mają wydobyć z urządzeń rejestrujących wszelkie parametry, biegli z Instytutu Ekspertyz Sądowych podejmą się rekonstrukcji przebiegu wypadku, a specjaliści z Politechniki Krakowskiej ustalą stan techniczny rządowej limuzyny marki Audi.
– Mamy determinację pozyskania pełnej wiedzy, wszystkich zapisów, które są tam zgromadzone – powiedział Krzywicki, zaznaczając, że chodzi o « urządzenia najnowszej generacji, w związku z czym wiedza o ich zawartości nie jest wiedzą powszechną ». Wyraził przekonanie, że biegli « wydobędą z urządzeń rejestrujących parametry jazdy różnych podzespołów wszystkie dane, które są w nich zawarte ».
– Nie chcielibyśmy, żeby presja, ogrom oczekiwań, oddziałała na pracę biegłych, w związku z czym z całą pewnością nie będziemy naciskali, żeby wyniki dzisiejszych ustaleń zostały udostępnione prokuratorom zaraz, natychmiast, już. Zależy nam na tym, żeby ta czynność, absolutnie węzłowa dla śledztwa, została wykonana w pełnym spokoju, bez żadnej presji czasu – zapewnił.
Rejestrator można « odczytać » tylko raz
Jak podkreślił, czynność odczytania rejestratora można przeprowadzić tylko raz.
– Nie da się powtórzyć tych oględzin zawartości rejestratora. Dlatego z całą stanowczością, z całym namysłem, prokuratorzy zdecydowali się przeprowadzić, zlecić biegłym te czynności dopiero wtedy, kiedy to będzie pod względem technicznym dojrzałe i z przygotowaniem – mówił prokurator.
– Nadeszła ta pora, kiedy mamy wiedzę i możliwości techniczne, pozwalające na to, żeby przeprowadzić te czynności w sposób taki, jaki powinny być przeprowadzone: kompetentny, odpowiedzialny – dodał.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 0.4

© Source: http://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/2017-02-28/we-wtorek-proba-odtworzenia-rejestratorow-z-samochodu-premier/
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Astro Boy returns as your new buildable robot buddy


Those in Japan can build an Astro Boy robot by collecting 70 magazines that come with a different piece of the robotic puzzle.
If you’ve always wanted an Astro Boy of your own, you’re in luck. You can now build your own Astro Boy robot , and all it’ll take is 70 weeks and around $1,600.
To assemble young Astro, you’ll have to be in Japan and buy the weekly craft magazine Shukan Tetsuwan Atom o Tsukuro (which translates to « Let’s Create Astro Boy Weekly »). There’ll be 70 issues of the mag, running from April of this year until September 2018, reports The Mainichi.
The toy may not be powerful enough to fight crime like the real Astro Boy, but it does have some decent tech, provided by Japanese carrier NTT Docomo and Fujisoft. Standing at 44 centimetres (17 inches) tall, he’ll be able to walk and talk, and is equipped with facial recognition tech that lets him distinguish between his owner and other humans.
Following a robot child created by a scientist to replace a son killed in a car crash, the original « Mighty Atom » manga has sold over 100 million copies since launching in 1952. It’s spawned three separate anime series, an American comic and a 2009 film adaptation.
This latest project, unveiled last week, is in celebration of the would-be 90th birthday of Osamu Tezuka, the creator of Astro Boy. Born in 1928, Tezuka passed away in 1989 at age 60 from stomach cancer. 2018, when the project ends, will also mark 50 years since the original « Mighty Atom » Astro Boy manga concluded in 1968.
A robotic Astro Boy won’t be cheap though. Each edition of the magazine will cost 1,990 yen, which converts to around $17. That puts the total cost around $1,250, AU$1,600 and £1,000.
Should that be a little expensive, there’s also a free-to-play mobile game in development for those avid Astro Boy Fans called Astro Boy: Edge of Time , with a free demo available.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/astro-boy-returns-as-your-new-buildable-robot-buddy/
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Samsung de-facto leader formally charged with bribery


Jay Y. Lee, Samsung’s vice chairman, has been indicted in connection with the political scandal in South Korea.
Jay Y. Lee, vice chairman of Samsung, arrives at the Seoul Central District Court on January 18. This week, he was formally charged in connection to the political scandal in the country.
South Korea’s case against Samsung’s de facto leader just got more serious, threatening the company’s succession plan.
Jay Y. Lee, Samsung Group’s 48-year-old vice chairman and the man slated to take over control of the company, was formally charged Tuesday with bribery in connection with the political scandal in South Korea, according to Bloomberg. He had been accused of bribing the suspended South Korean president, Park Geun-hye.
Lee was arrested a couple weeks ago. Along with bribery, Lee had also been accused of embezzlement and perjury.
Samsung Group, the parent company of Samsung Electronics, became ensnared in the « Choi-gate » corruption probe facing Park a few months ago. Its offices have been raided several times on suspicion that the presidential office influenced the decision by South Korea’s state-run pension fund to back Samsung’s merger plan last year.
At issue is whether millions in donations Samsung made to two foundations controlled by President Park’s friend and confidant, Choi Soon-sil , were bribes to get the South Korean pension fund to back a merger between two of Samsung Group’s holding companies. The merger strengthened the Lee family’s control over Samsung.
In this week’s wrap-up, a South Korean court orders the arrest of Samsung’s acting leader. Meanwhile in the US, Verizon jumps back on the unlimited data wagon causing every other wireless carrier to take note.
Samsung Group Chairman Kun-Hee Lee has hospitalized since suffering a heart attack in 2014, and his only son, Jay Y. Lee, has assumed responsibility overseeing the conglomerate that makes up more than a fifth of South Korea’s gross domestic product. The younger Lee was handpicked by his father to one day take control of the company. The move by the South Korean court to indict Lee raises questions about his future at the company.
Samsung has said it made the payments but denied they were made in exchange for political favors. Choi has denied taking any part in the merger, while Lee has testified that he didn’t play a role in Samsung’s decision to make $17 million in donations to Choi.
Samsung last week said it would strengthen its rules on financial donations to increase transparency in the wake of Lee’s arrest. The South Korean company said it would now require financial donations and funding for corporate social responsibility of 1 billion won ($882,460) or more to be approved by the board of directors. Previously, only payments representing 0.5 percent of shareholder equity — 680 billion won or more — required board approval.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/samsung-jay-y-lee-south-korea-bribery-charged-indicted-political-scandal/
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Alibaba wants Chinese government to help curb counterfeiting


It’s been too easy for counterfeiters to get away with it, the company argued in a new appeal.
Alibaba has long been accused of housing counterfeiters, leading to its eBay-like Taobao platform regularly being blacklisted by the US. But the company sees itself as a victim, too, and wants help from the government.
The e-commerce giant made a public appeal at a Monday press conference, later published on its news website , calling for the Chinese government to « impose tougher criminal sanctions » on counterfeiters.
In the appeal, Alibaba said China’s « ambiguous » counterfeiting laws were too lax for any kind of meaningful progress to occur.
Alibaba claims to have identified 4,495 leads tied to counterfeiting last year, each involving a value of goods exceeding the statutory minimum of 50,000 yuan ($7,280) for criminal investigation. However, only 1,184 cases were investigated by authorities, resulting in only 33 convictions.
« Criminals can escape any legal consequence, leaving law enforcement agents and consumers feeling helpless, and society bearing the damage, » read the appeal, urging authorities to enforce stricter laws, and impose punitive penalties to deter counterfeiters.
This is not the first time that Alibaba has declared war on counterfeiters. Last year, it sued two vendors for allegedly selling fake Swarovski watches on Taobao. Alibaba also claimed to have taken down 380 million product listings and shut down 180,000 Taobao stores and 675 operators as part of its anti-counterfeiting movement last year.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/alibaba-wants-the-chinese-government-to-curb-counterfeiting/
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Pansonic's new camera tech can read your heart rate


The Japanese company is working on camera software that can even work on webcams.
The last few years have seen wearables that monitor your heart rate blow up. Panasonic thinks it can do one better, working on camera tech that reads your heart rate just by looking at you.
It’s called Contactless Vital Sensing and its software is capable of reading your heart rate without having to use special camera equipment, reports Nikkei Technology. The software works by monitoring skin reflectance, which lowers as more blood circulates through the skin.
Contactless Vital Sensing was shown at Wonder Japan Solutions earlier this month, according to the publication, where Panasonic demonstrated it on a person’s face. However, as the software only needs to look at a patch of skin, any part of the body will do. It’ll work on almost any camera, including webcams.
The company hopes to take the tech to market next year, primarily for sports TV — seeing player heart rates next to their scores may not be far off. Panasonic is also considering using the same technology to monitor the stress levels of office workers, Nikkei reports.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/pansonics-new-camera-tech-can-read-your-heart-rate/
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Ankabut creates hyper-connected ecosystem for UEA education


United Arab Emirates education network implements cloud-based software to improve students’ access to resources.
The United Arab Emirates’ education network, Ankabut, has linked up multiple education systems in the UAE and abroad through a learning management system (LMS) to enable students to stay connected to resources wherever they are.
With the adoption of Brightspace’s cloud-based LMS, academic institutions joined up by Ankabut have not just been connected to global online learning resources, but have also seen improved student performance, reduced carbon footprint and parents more involved in their children’s education.
Ankabut is the UAE’s Advanced National Research and Education Network (NREN) that offers academic institutions in the Gulf state connectivity to other education networks around the globe. As well as connecting universities and institutions of higher learning, Ankabut also links up schools and public institutions across the UAE.
Launched in 2006, Ankabut has the primary objective of opening up information exchange highways between academic institutions in the UAE and the rest of the world.
Today, it provides connectivity to 33 academic institutions within the UAE, spanning K-20 (primary and secondary), higher education, vocational training centres and research institutes.
Within the UAE, Ankabut provides high-capacity, high-speed broadband connectivity between educational, research and eligible non-profit organisations. Internationally, it liaises with government-approved parties in neighbouring countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to determine collaboration on services.
Ankabut was looking to implement a single, uniform learning management system across its member institutions, which would not only benefit faculty members and 100,000 students, but also make it easier to build bridges between the institutions and learning resources around the world.
As a result, it embarked on a project to unify disparate legacy learning systems across the UAE. This reduced the costs of ownership of systems and infrastructure, while allowing students to remain connected.

© Source: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450413848/Developing-a-hyper-connected-ecosystem-for-UEA-education
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: new micro computer with Wi-Fi costs less than £10


For Raspberry Pi’s fifth birthday there’s another new model. Here’s what you need to know about the Raspberry Pi Zero W
For Raspberry Pi’s fifth birthday there’s a new model. Here’s what you need to know about the Raspberry Pi Zero W, which is essentially the Pi Zero with added Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
See also: 10 great Pi projects for kids
You can buy a Pi Zero W right now. It is in stock at retailers around the world, including ModMyPi in the UK and CanaKit in the US.
It’s more expensive than the Pi Zero (which cost £4 or $5), but is still a snip at $10 (£9.60 in the UK including VAT). That may be twice the price, but it’s still cheaper than buying a Zero and plugging a Wi-Fi dongle into the USB port.
The board has the same basic specs as the Pi Zero, but with the WI-Fi and Bluetooth ch ip as Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Here are the details, with the new features over the Pi Zero in bold:
In order to use a Pi Zero W, you’ll need to add a power supply (your phone charger and a micro USB cable will do), and to use the 40-pin GPIO connector you’ll need to buy the header pins (£1). Plus, the OS will require a microSD card, which slots into the connector on the left-hand side of the board in the picture above.
The official case costs £6 comes with three lids. One is plain with no holes. A second has a hole for the camera module (around £20) and comes with the necessary ribbon cable to connect the module to the Pi Zero W. The third has a cutout for the GPIO connector. It’s also compatible with the original Pi Zero.
With on-board Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, the Pi Zero W is ideal for creating your own Internet of Things device, such as a security camera.
Costs were kept down by putting components on only one side of the PCB, but they had to be shuffled around in order to fit on the new wireless chip.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/new-product/pc-components/raspberry-pi-zero-w-release-date-price-specs-3655335/
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Däne wegen "Vergewaltigung auf Bestellung" vor Gericht


Ein 70-Jähriger soll in 346 Fällen den Missbrauch von Kindern auf den Philippinen bestellt und per Livestream verfolgt haben. Er steht seit Dienstag vor Gericht.
Ein Pensionist aus Dänemark soll hunderte Vergewaltigungen an Kindern über das Internet bestellt haben. Dafür muss sich der 70-Jährige seit Dienstag in Glostrup bei Kopenhagen vor Gericht verantworten. Der Mann habe die Missbrauchstaten, die sich zwischen 2011 und 2016 auf den Philippinen abgespielt haben sollen, über einen Livestream verfolgt, heißt es in der Anklage.
Von seinem Computer in einem Kopenhagener Vorort aus habe er bestimmen können, was den Kindern angetan werden solle. 346 Fälle sind angeklagt. In den Sexshows, die sich der Pensionist ansah, sollen viele Kinder im Alter unter zwölf Jahren zu sehen gewesen sein, darunter auch Sieben- bis Achtjährige. Das stritt der Mann am Dienstag vor Gericht ab: Er habe nie den Missbrauch von Kindern geordert, die jünger als zwölf gewesen seien. Die meisten Bestellungen gab der Angeklagte aber zu.
Ein Tipp des amerikanischen FBI hatte die dänischen Ermittler auf die Spur des Mannes gebracht. Im Februar 2016 war der 70-Jährige wegen der Vergewaltigungen auf Bestellung festgenommen worden. Seitdem sitzt er in Untersuchungshaft. Als Beweismaterial dienen unter anderem mehr als 4700 Seiten Chats, in denen der Beschuldigte Anweisungen gegeben haben soll, was mit den Kindern passieren solle.
Nie zuvor hat es die dänische Polizei nach eigenen Angaben mit einem so umfassenden Fall des sexuellen Missbrauchs über das Internet zu tun gehabt. « Das ist die größte Sache, die uns bisher untergekommen ist », sagte Flemming Kjærside, Ermittler für Computer-Kriminalität, dem dänischen Radio. Für den Prozess sind 41 Verhandlungstage geplant. Ein Urteil soll im Juni fallen.

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/ausland/welt/5176255/Daene-wegen-Vergewaltigung-auf-Bestellung-vor-Gericht?from=rss
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