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"Student Politechniki skonstruował bombę atomową". Osiem lat więzienia za głupi żart?


NewsHubData dodania: 2017-02-01 12:03:00
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2017-02-01 12:37:50
Marcin Rybak
(© Tomasz Gola)
Rozpowszechnianie niniejszego artykułu możliwe jest tylko i wyłącznie
zgodnie z postanowieniami „Regulaminu korzystania z artykułów prasowych” i po wcześniejszym uiszczeniu należności, zgodnie z cennikiem.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -3.2

© Source: http://www.polskatimes.pl/fakty/kraj/a/student-politechniki-skonstruowal-bombe-atomowa-osiem-lat-wiezienia-za-glupi-zart,11749886/
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Zero-Shot Translation with Google Neural Machine Translation System


NewsHubGoogle announced late last year that it had applied machine learning to its Google translate service, resulting in a neural network capable of « zero-shot » translation.
Zero-shot is translating phrases for language pairs where no explicit training or mapping exists. The trained neural network surprised researchers when it evidence of an interlingua emerged as a path for translating previously unpaired languages and phrase. Researchers indicated that data visualizations of the new system in action provided early evidence of shared semantic representations or interlingua between languages. This is presented as evidence of the neural network generating it’s own procedures for more efficient translation all by itself.
Google Translate trajectory over the past 10 years is from a few languages to 103 supported languages, translating over 140 billion languages per day. Motivations for implementing neural network to improve accuracy and efficiency are the many successes of neural network application in other fields.
A key question presented in the findings is whether or not one can translate between a language pair that hadn’t been paired before, but might have some secondary path connecting them, for example English to Korean, Korean to Japanese, and then inferencing English to Japanese.
The team claimed they could implement the model without changing the core Translate model, which includes encoder, decoder and attention. Some details of GNMT indicate using a bidirectional recurrent neural network to encode words passed to a decoder tp predict target language words, but it’s not immediately clear what the similarities or disimilarities are between this model and the zero-shot translation model, detailed in a recent research publication. Google claimed the GNMT reduces translation errors by an average of 60% compared to Google’s phrase-based production system… [and] on the WMT’14 English-to-French and English-to-German benchmarks, GNMT achieves competitive results to state-of-the-art. Using a human side-by-side evaluation on a set of isolated simple sentences, it reduces translation errors by an average of 60% compared to Google’s phrase-based production system.
Input words are tagged with a target language, but not a source language. Google noted that, Not specifying the source language has the potential disadvantage that words with the same spelling but different meaning from different source languages can be ambiguous to translate, but the advantage is that it is simpler and we can handle input with code-switching. We find that in almost all cases context provides enough language evidence to produce the correct translation.
The zero-shot network consists of a deep LSTM network with 8 encoder and 8 decoder layers using attention and residual connections … [and] learn(s) to perform implicit bridging between language pairs never seen explicitly during training, showing that transfer learning and zero-shot translation is possible for neural translation.
While immediate improvement in translation quality was evident, scalability presents itself as a focus of continued efforts to have the solution support all 103 languages. The publically available, production version of the GNMT system serves 10 of 16 recent language additions.

© Source: http://www.infoq.com/news/2017/01/zero-shot-translation?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=news
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Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn Reteam for Thriller 'Dragged Across Concrete' (Exclusive)


NewsHub11:00 AM PST 2/1/2017
Borys Kit
After first teaming up on the Oscar-nominated war movie Hacksaw Ridge , Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn are pairing up again for Dragged Across Concrete , a gritty crime thriller from Bone Tomahawk filmmaker S. Craig Zahler.
Bloom will introduce the project to buyers at the European Film Market in Berlin, with WME repping U. S. rights.
Keith Kjarval of Unified Pictures is producing along with Zahler’s frequent collaborators, Dallas Sonnier of Cinestate and Assemble Media’s Jack Heller. Kjarval’s Unified Film Fund I is financing.
The script centers on two policemen, one an old-timer (Gibson), the other his volatile younger partner (Vaughn), who find themselves suspended when a video of their strong-arm tactics become the media’s cause du jour. Low on cash and with no other options, these two embittered soldiers descend into the criminal underworld to gain their just due, but instead find far more than they wanted awaiting them in the shadows.
Vaughn is coming off of chewy, scene-stealing work in Hacksaw Ridge , which Gibson directed. The movie has fought it way to six Oscar nominations, including ones for best director and best picture. The movie also swept the 2017 Australian Film Academy’s prizes and earned three Golden Globe and two SAG nominations.
Concrete will also mark a reteaming of Vaughn with Zahler. The actor last year wrapped production on Zahler’s Brawl in Cell Block 99 , a prison drama that also counts Jennifer Carpenter and Don Johnson in its cast.
Gibson is repped by CAA and Hansen Jacobson, Vaughn by WME and Jackoway Tyerman. Zahler is repped by UTA, Cinestate and Ziffren Brittenham

Sentiment rank: -2.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/thr/news/~3/twG2XT2risk/mel-gibson-vince-vaughn-reteam-thriller-dragged-concrete-970989
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Trump White House Puts Iran ‘On Notice’ After Missile Launch


NewsHubWASHINGTON—The White House sharply condemned a recent Iranian ballistic missile test launch and warned of consequences including the possibility of new U. S. sanctions, in a more confrontational approach to Tehran that lays the groundwork for a potential early clash between the two countries.
Calling Iran a “destabilizing influence” in the Middle East, National Security Adviser Mike Flynn declared Wednesday: “As of today, we are…

Similarity rank: 24
Sentiment rank: -1.7

© Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-white-house-puts-iran-on-notice-after-missile-launch-1485979767?mod=fox_australian
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The 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors Of 2017


NewsHubIt’s been seven years since CRN introduced the first 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors list, a comprehensive guide designed to help solution providers navigate the then-new world of cloud technology.
In the rapidly evolving technology ecosystem, seven years can seem like a lifetime. The aim of the project hasn’t changed in 2017 and, in fact, one could argue that its insight is actually more valuable than ever.
Cloud is no longer an industry buzzword whose meaning is only understood by the high-tech savvy. It’s no longer a space occupied by Amazon, Google and a variety of other vendors taking aim at various niche spaces.
Cloud is now thrown around in everyday conversation, providing us with a means to access our favorite music on-the-go and being referenced as fodder in high-profile celebrity mishaps.
With seemingly every major tech vendor touting a cloud offering, cloud in the enterprise is now an overwhelming market, where identifying the companies and technologies that set up the most lucrative recurring revenue plays can be invaluable for today’s solution providers.
So here we present The 100 Coolest Cloud Computing Vendors Of 2017, once again broken up into five categories.
In the cloud storage arena, we examine the vendors providing everything from backup destinations to disaster recovery services, gateways to a wide-range of online storage offerings for business data.
In the platform space, we look at the Platform-as-a-Service solutions powering today’s digital transformations.
In the cloud infrastructure services industry, we look at not only the four major companies — Amazon, Microsoft, Google and IBM — but also the upstarts taking advantage of the market’s massive growth.
Across the cloud security spectrum, we look at the security companies that are stepping up to the plate with new offerings to protect public, private,and hybrid cloud environments.
And lastly, we explore the CRM and accounting applications, the business analytics tools, and the content management offerings from today’s software companies that are truly helping businesses and their employees get work done.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Storage Vendors Of The 2017 Cloud 100
These cloud storage vendors are generating buzz in a variety of facets that together make up one of the most interesting parts of the IT business.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Platform And Development Vendors Of The 2017 Cloud 100
Cloud-based development platforms allow enterprises to focus on designing applications that serve the needs of their employees, customers and partners.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Infrastructure Vendors Of The 2017 Cloud 100
The cloud infrastructure market continues to be dominated by major legacy vendors, with four companies control more than half the world’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service revenue.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Security Vendors Of The 2017 Cloud 100
Cloud security companies are more important than ever as they look to solve a wide range of challenges, including data protection, traffic visibility, segmentation, application security and more.
The 20 Coolest Cloud Software Vendors Of The 2017 Cloud 100
Cloud software is the fuel that powers businesses and their employees to get work done. Here are 20 cloud software vendors that caught our attention for 2017.

© Source: http://www.crn.com/news/cloud/300083609/the-100-coolest-cloud-computing-vendors-of-2017.htm
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West Bank settlement evacuation started by Israeli forces


NewsHubIsraeli forces have started an operation to evacuate settlers from a West Bank outpost whose slated destruction could rupture Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s narrow coalition.
Unarmed police in blue sweatshirts and black baseball caps made their way up the hill at Amona at about midday on Wednesday.
On the hilltop, youngsters erected makeshift barricades from smashed tiles, rusty metal bars and large rocks to slow their advance to the settlement which houses 250 people.
Some protesters threw rocks at security forces while others set fire to rubbish piles.
Activists gathered in homes, praying, singing religious songs and dancing.
Residents have said they plan to resist their evacuation peacefully. Some chained themselves to heavy objects and locked their doors.
A few residents left their homes with young children in the arms.
Shortly after noon, bulldozers began making their way up the hill, one of them clearing a path.
Several activists crawled under a house and chained themselves to its foundations while ot hers pleaded with officers to refuse their orders.
Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said that as part of « the dialogue » with residents ahead of the evacuation, one of the families handed over a bag of stun grenades.
Amona is the largest of about 100 unauthorised outposts erected in the West Bank without permission but generally tolerated by the Israeli government.
Israel’s Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that Amona was built on private Palestinian land and must be demolished. It has set February 8 as the final date for it to be destroyed.
The outpost, built in the 1990s, stretches out over a rugged, grassy hilltop and looks out across the valley onto Palestinian villages.
In 2006, also on February 1, Israeli police demolished nine homes at Amona, setting off violent clashes pitting settlers and their supporters against police and soldiers.
The fate of Amona has threatened to destabilise Mr Netanyahu’s narrow coalition that includes the pro-settler party Jewish Home and other hardliners.
However, it is unlikely that Amona’s demise would be sufficient to topple the government as the nationalist parties have too much to lose by leaving Mr Netanyahu’s government at this stage.
Speaking at Israel’s parliament as the evacuation was in process, education minister Naftali Bennett – leader of the Jewish Home Party – called the Amona settlers « heroes » and vowed to « build a new settlement.  »

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: -3.1

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/west-bank-settlement-evacuation-started-by-israeli-forces-35414950.html
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Taliban kills Afghan woman accused of adultery


NewsHubA woman accused of adultery has been shot to death by insurgents in north-eastern Afghanistan, according to provincial officials.
Ahmad Naweed Frotan, a spokesman for the Badakhshan provincial governor, said that Amir Begum was killed by Taliban insurgents late on Tuesday night in Yumgan district.
He added that the insurgents accused the woman of having sexual relations with a man and killed her.
Meanwhile, one civilian was reportedly killed by a rocket fired by the insurgents in southern Helmand province.
Ghulam Nabi Charkhi, head of the provincial counter-terrorism department, said three others, including a small child, were injured in the attack in Lashkar Gah, the provincial capital.
The Lashkar Gah attack took place as Afghanistan’s chief executive Abdullah was about to leave the city with other officials after a visit to assess security in the province. None of the officials were harmed.
Meanwhile, in the eastern Khost province five police and three small children were injured when a police vehicle hit a remotely-detonated roadside bomb, said Ghani-ul Rahman, the deputy provincial police chief.
The Taliban have stepped up attacks across Afghanistan since the US and Nato formally concluded their combat mission at the end of 2014, leaving a smaller contingent of troops behind to focus on training and counter-terrorism.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -97.1

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/taliban-kills-afghan-woman-accused-of-adultery-35414866.html
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Embrace unfamiliar flavours at this authentic Korean eatery in Joburg


NewsHubSet to become an  »it » foodie trend, Korean cuisine is a complex, unfamiliar, often very healthy, and super-social way to eat.
Tucked at the back of Early Dawn Mall in Rivonia’s  »Chinatown », Dae Jang Kum is an authentic Korean restaurant catering mainly to expats. The menu is cryptic, very little English is spoken, and the rhythm of a Korean meal is quite difficult to work out, so a little bit of study before dinner can be useful.
All the food served is meant to be shared, so order as a group. At the start of a meal a collection of small plates, like Asian tapas, called banchan will arrive. These free sides can be eaten at any stage and with any of the main dishes.
The most famous is kimchi, a delicious red mess of fermented cabbage, radish, and chilli peppers, which has become international shorthand for Korean food. Many other banchan are hard to identify, of unusual colour and/or texture, but are all delicious.
For your mains, order a range of different dishes. Try cold noodle soup like naengmyun (you may not like it but that’s no reason not to expand your culinary horizon). What you will like, however, are the hot soups. Their pungent spiciness comes from the red gochujang chilli sauce that you’ll come to crave. Order a vegetarian soup (kimchi jjigae) and a hearty seafood hotpot (haemul jeongol).
Definitely include an order of bibimbap, a rice dish with meat and egg which is scrambled at the table. And give your braai-master skills a go with a Korean barbecue (galbi) of ribs, bacon or pork belly, cooked on a grill at your table.
The tastes and originality of a Korean dinner will make sweet and sour pork seem like a kiddie’s meal in comparison.
WHEN TO GO For a long, relaxed Friday dinner.
WHO TO TAKE A group of adventurous eaters and/or friends who taught English in Korea.
WHAT NOT TO DO Don’t be intimidated. Do a little research, know what to order and what to expect.
WHAT TO DRINK Iced tea, Korean beer or rice wine.
WHO YOU’LL SEE Solitary Chinese and Japanese businessmen, Korean families with surly teenagers, and almost never any other South Africans.
HOW MUCH YOU NEED R300 per head.
ADDRESS Dae Jang Kum, No 20 9th Ave, Rivonia, Sandton, Shop 22-24, Early Dawn Mall, 011-234-7292.

Sentiment rank: -1

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/sundaytimes/food/2017/02/01/Embrace-unfamiliar-flavours-at-this-authentic-Korean-eatery-in-Joburg
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Tim Cook: Apple may take legal action over immigration restrictions


NewsHubAfter sending an email to employees expressing Apple’s opposition to the Trump administration’s new immigration restrictions, Apple CEO Tim Cook is now making a forceful stand.
“More than any country in the world, this country is strong because of our immigrant background and our capacity and ability as people to welcome people from all kinds of backgrounds,” Cook told the Wall Street Journal . “That’s what makes us special. We ought to pause and really think deeply through that.”
The executive order has directly affected Apple employees, who have reached out to Cook to share their stories and make sure Apple leadership is aware of the immigration ban’s real-world impact.
Other tech companies are also considering legal action or have already acted. Amazon is backing a lawsuit against the Trump administration brought by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, announced on Monday.
“This executive order is one we do not support,” Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos wrote in a letter to employees. “Our public policy team in D. C. has reached out to senior administration officials to make our opposition clear. We’ve also reached out to congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle to explore legislative options. Our legal team has prepared a declaration of support for the Washington State Attorney General who will be filing suit against the order. We are working other legal options as well.”

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.itnews.com/article/3163470/leadership-management/tim-cook-apple-may-take-legal-action-over-immigration-restrictions.html
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Samsung sends out invites for Feb 26 event, Galaxy Tab S3 announcement likely


NewsHubWhile we now know that Samsung will not be revealing a new flagship at this year’s Mobile World Conference (MWC) in Barcelona taking place at the end of February, the company will be there and they will be unveiling at least one new product, now thought to be the Galaxy Tab S3.
The image up above doesn’t give us much to go on, but a new Tab is a good bet, considering the Tab S2 variants are now coming up on two years since launch .
Not much is known about the Tab S3, but there are plenty of rumors that it could have a Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM, a 12-megapixel rear camera (plus a 5-megapixel selfie cam), and a 9.6-inch screen with a 2048×1536 pixel resolution. Some rumors also claim the device will come in two sizes, just like its predecessor.
Neowin will be there at MWC in Barcelona, and we’ll bring you the news as it happens.
Source & Image: Mashable

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/BhjQ4XsZcZc/samsung-sends-out-invites-for-feb-26-event-galaxy-tab-s3-announcement-likely
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