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Порошенко поздравил с победой украинских боксеров


Петр Порошенко поздравил с победой украинских боксеров. Об этом глава государства написал на своей странице в Facebook. « Позвонил нашим…
Усик, Гвоздик и Ломаченко успешно выступили в Америке
Петр Порошенко поздравил с победой украинских боксеров. Об этом глава государства написал на своей странице в Facebook.
« Позвонил нашим победителям. Передал приветствие от каждого украинца, который сегодня болел за них в эту чрезвычайно успешную ночь для украинского бокса. Ваши успехи вдохновляют всех нас. Лично болел за каждого. Горд, что украинский гимн сегодня трижды звучал в честь наших побед », – написал президент.
Напомним, украинские боксеры Александр Усик, Александр Гвоздик и Василий Ломаченко победоносно выступили в американском Оксон-Хилле .
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Similarity rank: 9.9

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/ukraine/poroshenko-pozdravil-s-pobedoy-ukrainskih-bokserov-1011309.html
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Dalai Lama Hints At Rebirth As A Woman Outside China's Influence


His reincarnation is overshadowed by political maneuvering.
The Dalai Lama traveled to the Himalayan Indian town of Tawang this week to begin days of important teachings that some observers see as a message to China that he may not be reborn within China’s satellite of influence, diluting its control over the next Dalai Lama.
Under Tibetan beliefs, the spiritual leader of Tibet’s Buddhist religion is always the Dalai Lama, who is reincarnated in the body of child on his death. This Dalai Lama is the 14th in his line.
Tibetans fear that the Chinese will attempt to choose who the next Dalai Lama is so that they can control him through any political and land disputes with Tibet. China has insisted that the Dalai Lama be reborn where China has control and be approved by Chinese leaders.
The trip this weekend by the Dalia Lama, 81, is a “ message on reincarnation ,” China and Tibet expert Jayadeva Ranade told The Wall Street Journal. Tawang is a place that the monk, who resides in exile in India, could be reincarnated, but not a location supported by China.
Aging lamas sometimes travel late in life to locations where they expect or hope to be reincarnated, The New York Times reported.
Traveling to Tawang now “is a way of getting under the skin of the Chinese, of probing them, and reminding them that they have no control over where the next reincarnation occurs,” historian Robert Barnett of Columbia University told the Times.
The place of the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation might not be the only surprise in his rebirth. He may return as a female, he said.
He said in Tawang that he had no indication where his successor might be born. The Associated Press reported that when asked if he could be succeeded by a woman , he responded: “That might also happen.” (He said in 2015 that a female successor would have to be “attractive,” which ignited a firestorm of controversy. It wasn’t entirely clear then, however, if he was being serious that he could be succeeded by a woman.)
He said in Tawang that it’s up to the people to decide whether to preserve the reincarnation tradition for their leader.
But in an interview in March  with comedian John Oliver, he said: “As far as my own rebirth is concerned, the final authority is my say, no one else’s — and obviously not Chinese communists.”
The Dalai Lama could turn to a less traditional method of choosing his successor, and pick a child — or an adult — before his death.
The Dalai Lama and his followers have been living in India in Dharamsala since fleeing Tibet after a failed 1959 uprising against the Chinese.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dalai-lama-china-woman_us_58e9e956e4b05413bfe38559?ir=WorldPost&utm_hp_ref=world
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31 Verletzte bei Zugunglück in Moskau


Moskau (dpa) – Bei einem Zugunglück in Moskau sind mindestens 31 Menschen verletzt worden. Der Fernzug Moskau-Brest fuhr am Abend auf einen
Moskau (dpa) – Bei einem Zugunglück in Moskau sind mindestens 31 Menschen verletzt worden. Der Fernzug Moskau-Brest fuhr am Abend auf einen Pendlerzug auf, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Tass. Vier Wagen des Pendlerzuges entgleisten. Ursache des Unfalls war eine Notbremsung des Vorortzuges. Der Lokführer löste sie aus, weil vor ihm ein Fußgänger die Gleise überqueren wollte. Von den Verletzten wurden zwölf in Krankenhäuser gebracht. Sechs sind in einem ernsten Zustand. In beiden Zügen saßen insgesamt fast 500 Fahrgäste.

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/news/panorama/unfaelle-31-verletzte-bei-zugunglueck-in-moskau-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-170409-99-01262?source=rss
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Indian, Chinese navies rescue ship hijacked by Somali pirates


Boarding parties find pirates had fled, but Captain and Filipino crew were reported safe
The navies of India and China carried out a joint operation on Sunday to rescue a merchant ship hijacked by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden, the Indian defence ministry said. After receiving a distress call on Saturday night, the Indian warships established contact with the captain of the merchant vessel who had locked himself in a strong room along with the rest of the Filipino crew. “An Indian Navy helicopter undertook aerial reconnaissance of the merchant vessel … to sanitise the upper decks of the merchant ship and ascertain the location of pirates, if still on board,” a statement from the defence ministry said. Emboldened by the helicopter cover and on receiving the all-clear signal that no pirates were visible on the upper decks, some crew members gradually emerged from the strong room. They searched the ship and confirmed that the pirates had fled overnight. A boarding party from the nearby Chinese Navy ship then arrived on the merchant ship, while the Indian Naval helicopter provided air cover for the rescue operation. “It has been established that all 19 Filipino crew members are safe,” the statement added. The bulk carrier, OS 35, was travelling from Kelang in Malaysia to the port city of Aden in Yemen when it came under attack from Somali pirates on Saturday night. The Indian warships were in the region as part of an overseas deployment. The joint action comes amid a recent strain in ties following the Dalai Lama’s visit to the Indian border state of Arunachal Pradesh, parts of which China claims as its territory. Somali pirates began staging attacks on ships in 2005, disrupting major international shipping routes and costing the global economy billions of dollars. At the peak of the piracy crisis in January 2011, 736 hostages and 32 boats were held.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2086203/indian-chinese-navies-rescue-ship-hijacked-somali
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GameStop is investigating possible security breach involving payment card data


GameStop is investigating a security breach that may have involved the theft of customer data including payment card information from its website. A spokesperson for GameStop told Krebs on Security that they recently received notification from a third party that…
GameStop is investigating a security breach that may have involved the theft of customer data including payment card information from its website. A spokesperson for GameStop told Krebs on Security that they recently received notification from a third party that payment card data used on GameStop.com was being offered for sale online.
Upon receiving the tip, GameStop said it hired a leading security firm to investigate the claims and said it is working non-stop to address the matter and take measures to eliminate any issue that may be identified.
GameStop would not comment on the timeframe of the breach or the type of customer data that may have been compromised. Two sources in the financial industry, however, told Krebs that the gaming retailer’s website was likely infiltrated between mid-September 2016 and early February of this year.
Compromised data is thought to include payment card numbers, expiration dates, names, addresses and card verification values (CVV2), the three-digit security code on the back of cards. Merchants aren’t supposed to store CVV2 values, Krebs notes, but this data can be skimmed by hackers that install malware on e-commerce sites.
The breach only appears to affect GameStop’s online business as there is no evidence that retail stores were impacted. No word yet on how many cards could have been compromised.
If you shopped at GameStop.com between mid-September and this past February, it’d be wise to keep a close eye on your payment card account and notify your bank or credit provider if you spot any suspicious activity.

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/68865-gamestop-investigating-possible-security-breach-involving-payment-card.html
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Центры "Паспортный сервис" приостановили оформление и выдачу загранпаспортов и ID-карт


Загранпаспорта и ID-карты можно оформить в территориальных подразделениях Государственной миграционной службы,…
9 апреля все центры « Паспортный сервис », где украинцам предоставляются услуги по оформлению заграничных паспортов и ID-карт, временно прекратили оформление и выдачу документов. Об этом говорится в сообщении на сайте сервиса.
« По техническим причинам во всех центрах « Паспортный сервис » оформление и выдача загранпаспортов и ID-карт не производятся », – говорится в сообщении.
« О возобновлении работы будет сообщено на сайте или можете оставить свой e-mail в форме ниже, и мы сообщим вам о возобновлении работы », – добавили в сервисе.
Загранпаспорта и ID-карты можно оформить в территориальных подразделениях Государственной миграционной службы, отметили в « Паспортном сервисе ».
6 апреля все центры « Паспортный сервис » приостанавливали работу по техническим причинам.
7 апреля глава ГМС Максим Соколюк сообщал, что биометрические паспорта с января 2015 года получили более 3 млн украинцев. Владельцам биометрических паспортов будет разрешено въезжать в ЕС без виз после отмены визового режима.

Similarity rank: 15

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/society/centry-pasportnyy-servis-priostanovili-oformlenie-i-vydachu-zagranpasportov-i-id-kart-182437.html
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借金の 返済名目で現金を脅し取ったなどとして、 警視庁組織犯罪対策4課は9日までに、 恐喝などの 容疑で、 指定暴力団山口組弘道会系組長の 椎名数男容疑者(62)=東京都港区麻布十番=ら4人を逮捕した。 同課によると、 椎名容疑者は弘道会幹部で、 東京の 実質的な責任者だという

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017040900289&g=soc&m=rss
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米トランプ政権によるシリアの アサド政権の 空軍基地への ミサイル攻撃などについて安倍晋三首相は9日朝、 トランプ米大統領と電話会談を行った。 首相は終了後、 首相官邸で「(電話会談では)トランプ大統領が同盟国…

Similarity rank: 2.2

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK492QJ9K49UTFK001.html?ref=rss
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安倍晋三首相は9日午前、 トランプ米大統領と約45分間、 電話で協議した。 首相は米国の シリア空軍基地攻撃について「化学兵器の 拡散と使用を抑止するために責任を果たそうとする米国の 決意を支持する。 トランプ氏の 同盟国、 世界の 平和と安全に対する強いコミットメント(関与)を高く評価する」 と述べた。 北朝鮮の 核・ ミサイル問題に対し、 日米韓3カ国の 連携を強化することで一致した。

Similarity rank: 3.3

© Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20170409/k00/00e/010/160000c
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マスターズ:松山28位に後退 通算4オーバー 第3日


【オーガスタ(米ジョージア州)田中義郎】 男子ゴルフの 今季メジャー第1戦、 マスターズ・ トーナメントは8日、 当地の オーガスタ・ ナショナル・ ゴルフクラブ(パー72)で第3ラウンドが行われ、 前日16位から出た松山英樹は1イーグル、 1バーディー、 3ボギー、 1ダブルボギーの 74とスコアを落とし、 通算4オーバーの 28位と後退した。
松山英樹の話 最低でもアンダーパーに持っていきたかったけど、できなかった。(優勝の)チャンスはないけど、いいプレーをして終わりたい。最後(18番)の4パットでやる気がうせているが、しっかり切り替えて頑張る。

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20170409/k00/00e/050/156000c
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