Домой United States USA — Sport Trump May Be Considering Nikki Haley as Running Mate

Trump May Be Considering Nikki Haley as Running Mate


Nikki Haley dropped out of the Republican race for the nomination in early March. But in late April in the GOP primary in Pennsylvania, she pulled a surprising 20-25% in the upper Middle-Class suburbs of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
In last Tuesday’s Indiana primary, she received nearly a quarter of the vote.
The Biden team saw that as proof that Haley voters were gettable. Whether that’s a mirage or not, Trump is rethinking Haley as a running mate. He hasn’t reached out to her yet. But Haley will attend a donor meeting next week where the possibility of Haley endorsing Trump will almost certainly be discussed.
The oil and water relationship between the two would seem to preclude an alliance. But politics has seen stranger bedfellows and the bottom line is, that Trump needs Nikki Haley — in more ways than one.
Those upscale suburban, college-educated voters that Haley continues to attract would make a big difference not only in Pennsylvania but in Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin as well. 
Even more importantly, Trump is trailing Joe Biden in fundraising very badly. Given his shaky financial position, he needs those donor dollars from Haley to become competitive with Biden.
But taking Haley as a running mate may not even be necessary.
“A lot of these voters will come home by November, but his future is in his hands,” said former Indiana GOP state Rep.

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