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Hull-Profi erleidet Schädelbruch in Kopfballduell


NewsHubDer ehemalige englische Teamspieler Ryan Mason von Hull City ist nach seiner schweren, im Premier-League-Spiel bei Chelsea erlittenen Kopfverletzung operiert worden. Der 25-Jährige hatte am Sonntag in der Partie beim Tabellenführer einen Schädelbruch erlitten, als er mit Chelsea-Verteidiger Gary Cahill zusammengeprallt war.
Nach acht Minuten Behandlung wurde Mason vom Platz getragen und in eine Klinik gebracht. «Ryan ist in einem stabilen Zustand und wird voraussichtlich in den kommenden Tagen im Krankenhaus bleiben», teilte Hull City am Sonntagabend mit. Der Mittelfeldspieler war vor der Saison von Tottenham Hotspur nach Hull gewechselt. Sein bisher einziges Länderspiel bestritt Mason im März 2015 in einer Testpartie gegen Italien.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/sport/fussball/international/5158568/HullProfi-erleidet-Schaedelbruch-in-Kopfballduell?from=rss
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Syria peace talks off to rocky start


NewsHubThe talks had been billed as the first time armed rebel groups were due to negotiate with President Bashar al-Assad’s regime since the conflict erupted in 2011.
But rebel spokesman Yehya al-Aridi told AFP the opposition backed out of the first round of direct talks because of the regime’s continued bombardment and attacks on a flashpoint area near Damascus.
«The first negotiation session will not be face-to-face because the government hasn’t committed until now to what it signed in the December 30 agreement,» Aridi said, referring to the fragile ceasefire deal brokered by Turkey and Russia.
It remained unclear whether the two sides would negotiate directly later.
Several rounds of failed talks in Geneva saw political opposition figures take the lead in negotiating with the Damascus regime.
But in Astana, the 14-member opposition delegation is composed solely of rebels leading the armed uprising, with members of the political opposition serving as advisors.
The two delegations entered a luxurious meeting room for opening statements by the Kazakh foreign minister, before the closed-door talks began.
The negotiators have been welcomed by all parties in the war, but the two sides arrived with apparently divergent ideas on their aim.
Rebel groups say the talks will focus on bolstering the ceasefire, but Assad has insisted rebels lay down their arms in exchange for an amnesty deal.
Damascus has also called for a «comprehensive» political solution to a conflict that has killed more than 310,000 and displaced more than half of Syria’s population.
«The government delegation took part in the Astana meeting on the basis that the agenda would include reinforcing the ceasefire and discussing the principles of a political solution,» a source close to the government delegation told AFP.
The source said the Turks, Russians, and Iranians — joint organisers of the talks — were rushing to put together a final statement that the rebels and regime were expected to sign Tuesday.
The talks come a month after the regime recaptured rebel areas of Aleppo, scoring its biggest victory since the war began.
«This is not a replacement for the Geneva process,» rebel negotiator Fares Buyush told AFP, referring to the UN-hosted political negotiations set to resume in the Swiss city next month.
Delegation spokesman Osama Abu Zeid said the rebels were concerned with «more than just a ceasefire».
«The issue is putting monitoring, investigation, and accountability mechanisms in place,» he told AFP. «We want these mechanisms so that this doesn’t play out over and over. «
Previous pushes for a long-term ceasefire have faltered, with both sides trading accusations over violations.
Syrian state media reported the regime had met the Iranian delegation as well as UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura ahead of Monday’s talks to discuss their positions.
The regime’s objectives include reaching «common ground» with other participants, Syrian state news agency SANA quoted lead negotiator Bashar al-Jaafari, Syria’s UN ambassador, as saying.
The regime will also seek to «consolidate the cessation of hostilities» and separate the rebels from the Islamic State group and former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh al-Sham Front, he said.
As the sides headed to Astana, three regime air strikes killed nine civilians in rebel-held areas in the central Syrian province of Homs, a monitoring group said.
Although Russia and Turkey have backed opposing sides in Syria, they have worked hand-in-hand in recent weeks to try to secure an end to the brutal war.
The Astana talks will be a major test of this new partnership.
The rapprochement, which saw Russia and Turkey conduct their first joint air strikes against IS targets in Syria last week, has come to fill the vacuum left by Washington’s disengagement from the conflict in recent months.
US President Donald Trump’s administration was invited to participate in the talks but did not send a delegation.
Washington will instead be represented by its ambassador to Kazakhstan, the State Department said, while a European diplomatic source said France and Britain would also be represented at the ambassador level.
Experts say a breakthrough could see some of the armed opposition join next month’s Geneva talks.
«Nearly six years of war demonstrates there is no shortcut to ending it,» a Western diplomat told AFP.
«A genuine transition in Syria first means building confidence on the ground. That is what the opposition have demanded and it’s not so much to ask. «

Similarity rank: 4.4
Sentiment rank: 2

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/2017/01/23/Syria-peace-talks-off-to-rocky-start
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Formel-1-Chef Bernie Ecclestone angeblich vor Rücktritt


NewsHubLondon – Formel-1-Geschäftsführer Bernie Ecclestone will nach Angaben von britischen Medien noch in dieser Woche zurücktreten. Der Schritt steht laut „Times“, BBC und Sky Sport im Zusammenhang mit der Übernahme der Rennserie durch den US-Konzern Liberty Media. Demnach wird es zahlreiche personelle Veränderungen in der Geschäftsführung der Formel 1 geben.
Der 86-jährige Ecclestone bestimmt seit 40 Jahren die Geschicke in der Königsklasse des Motorsports und machte die Serie zu einem Milliarden-Geschäft. In der vergangenen Woche hatten die Aktionäre von Liberty Media dem Kauf der Mehrheitsanteile an der Rennserie zugestimmt. Anschließend erteilte auch der Weltverband FIA Grünes Licht für die Übernahme. Nur die EU-Wettbewerbshüter könnten das Geschäft noch stoppen.
Insgesamt 4,4 Milliarden Dollar (4,14 Mrd. Euro) soll Liberty Media für die Mehrheit an der Königsklasse des Motorsports zahlen. Zudem sollten Schulden von 4,1 Milliarden Dollar (3,86 Mrd. Euro) übernommen werden. Der Liberty-Anteil soll auf 35,3 Prozent wachsen, das Stimmrecht vollständig bei dem US-Konzern liegen. Bisheriger Hauptgesellschafter war seit 2005 das Finanzunternehmen CVC, das Ecclestone als Geschäftsführer eingesetzt hatte. (APA/dpa)

Similarity rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.tt.com/sport/sportreport/12527231-91/formel-1-chef-bernie-ecclestone-angeblich-vor-r%C3%BCcktritt.csp
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Strzelanina w Płońsku. Sprawca zabił 33-latka i uciekł. Policja ostrzega: może być uzbrojony


NewsHubOkoło godziny 9 rano doszło dziś do strzelaniny w Płońsku — poinformował portal RMF24.pl. Powodem były prawdopodobnie porachunki między mężczyznami. Jeden z nich otworzył ogień do swojego znajomego. Jedna z kul zatrzymała się w okolicach serca 33-letniego Dariusza T. Mężczyzna trafił do szpitala, ale nie udało się go uratować. Okazało się, że był wcześniej notowany.
Policja do tej pory nie zatrzymała sprawcy. 39-latka, który zastrzelił swojego znajomego, funkcjonariusze znali z wcześniejszej działalności. Sprawca widniał w policyjnej bazie za kradzieże i włamania.
Funkcjonariusze szukają mężczyzny. Jednocześnie ostrzegają, że może być uzbrojony i niebezpieczny. Na swojej stronie internetowej policja opublikowała dane i wizerunek poszukiwanego mężczyzny. To Mariusz Paweł Dąbrowski pseudonim „Lipek”, ur.31.12.1978r.
A TERAZ ZOBACZ: Pomyśl, zanim zaczniesz wyprzedzać. Ginie coraz więcej pieszych
Około godziny 9 rano doszło dziś do strzelaniny w Płońsku — poinformował portal. Powodem były prawdopodobnie porachunki między mężczyznami. Jeden z nich otworzył ogień do swojego znajomego. Jedna z kul zatrzymała się w okolicach 33-letniego Dariusza T. Mężczyzna trafił do szpitala, ale nie udało się go uratować. Okazało się, że był wcześniej notowany. do tej pory nie zatrzymała sprawcy. 39-latka, który zastrzelił swojego znajomego, funkcjonariusze znali z wcześniejszej działalności. Sprawca widniał w policyjnej bazie za kradzieże i włamania. Funkcjonariusze szukają mężczyzny. Jednocześnie ostrzegają, że może być uzbrojony i niebezpieczny. Na swojej stronie internetowej opublikowała dane i wizerunek poszukiwanego mężczyzny. To Mariusz Paweł Dąbrowski pseudonim „Lipek”, ur.31.12.1978r.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: -7.9

© Source: http://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/7,114871,21280717,strzelanina-w-plonsku-sprawca-zabil-33-latka-i-uciekl-policja.html?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=10199882
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Stoch goni Prevca i Ammanna


NewsHubW tym sezonie Polak poprawił swój dorobek już o pięć triumfów i zbliżył się do wyprzedzających go bezpośrednio Słoweńca Petera Prevca — 21 i Niemca Severina Freunda — 22. 23 zwycięstwa to osiągnięcie Szwajcara Simoma Ammanna i Austriaka Thomasa Morgensterna, jedynego w tym gronie zawodnika, który zakończył już karierę.
Na czele rankingu znajduje się Gregor Schlierenzauer. Austriak, który niedawno wrócił do rywalizacji po ponadrocznej przerwie, może pochwalić się 53 wygranymi zawodami, ale rezultatu tego nie poprawił od 6 grudnia 2014. Drugi jest Fin Matti Nykaenen — 46 triumfów, a trzeci Adam Małysz — 39. Obaj już nie skaczą.
Czwartą lokatę z 36 zajmuje Fin Janne Ahonen, który kontynuuje karierę, ale jest cieniem zawodnika sprzed lat.
Najbliższy konkurs indywidualny odbędzie się w niemieckim Willingen w niedzielę. Na sobotę zaplanowano rywalizację drużynową.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 3.5

© Source: http://www.polsatsport.pl/wiadomosc/2017-01-23/kamil-stoch-goni-prevca-i-ammanna/
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| Smart home security cameras: monitor your home from your phone, and save video evidence


NewsHubEveryone likes to know that their home is secure and that everything and everyone is safe while we’re gone. In years past, that meant using a CCTV system to record, but few had remote access or alerts. Now you can buy a Wi-Fi connected camera which you can view from your phone.
Also see: Best Camera Deals
Latest entry: Smanos UFO
Unlike the so-called IP cameras of old, which required a computer science degree to install and configure for access over the internet, modern home security cameras are very easy to set up. Some use cloud storage, so any evidence is save online and is safe from thieves who might steal your camera.
To help you choose the best security camera, we’ll explain the key features to consider.
Whether you’re looking for an easy way to check on your children and pets, or a motion detection system for intruders, you’ll find the right camera for your needs.
Most home security cameras perform the same basic functions – they detect an event, record the event and send you an alert – but they don’t all do it in the same way.
Certain cameras go beyond those basics and some can be mounted outdoors. Don’t forget to read our reviews to find out how each camera works in practice and whether its day and night video quality is good or not: don’t rely on a manufacturers specifications or claims.
Alerts: You should get notifications on your smartphone when your camera detect events. Without watching the live feed constantly, this is the only way to keep tabs on your home in relative real time. Depending on the camera, it may send text alerts when it detects motion, sound, a face (known or unrecognised), or all three. Some can send alerts to multiple people, usually anyone else in the household using that product’s app; others will send emails in addition to text messages as a fail-safe in the event you can’t access your mobile device.
Cloud recording: Many manufacturers now offer cloud storage plans with their camera. They record video to a server in the cloud and store it for 24 hours to a couple of weeks. Sometimes offered free, these cloud plans typically require a monthly subscription, but may be worth it both for their convenience and if you want constant 24/7 recording. Some subscription services record video only when motion is detected and they’re not infallible and may miss an event. With 24/7 recording, like CCTV systems, you can rewind and watch any point in time (back the limit of your subscription). Bear in mind that some cameras — Nest in particular — only allows recording if you subscribe. If you don’t you can’t record anything and you’ll get only alerts.
Facial recognition: Netatmo is the only manufacturer we know which offers facial recognition. It does work, but not as well as you might hope. It can also take a long while before the camera can accurately identify people. It’s used to alert you when specific people are home — useful for keeping tabs on kids — and also avoiding unnecessary alerts as it can warn you only when an unknown person is seen.
Local storage: Some cameras include memory card slots so you can store video on the device. We like this option as it can eliminate the cost of monthly storage fees. The downside (if there isn’t any cloud storage option) is that if a thief steals your camera, he takes the video evidence with it.
Apps: All the lat est cameras can be accessed (some even set up) via a smartphone or tablet app. In addition to offering a way to view the camera’s live feed, apps often let you adjust settings and turn on and off recording, motion detection and more. Often you’ll only be able to customise notifications, adjust motion and sound detection sensitivity, and set detection areas via the web portal, but it’s great if you can do this in the app.
Motion detection: Motion detection is one of the most desirable features in a security camera. Built-in sensors pick up movement within the camera’s field of view and trigger video recording. Because these sensors are sensitive to any movement – event a shift in lighting or leaves blowing outside a window – it’s important the system also offers the ability to narrow the range of detection, adjust the sensor’s sensitivity or otherwise customise this feature to cut down on false alerts. Some don’t offer this and, generally, should be avoided.
Night vision: Most burglaries happen after dark, so this feature is nearly as important as motion detection. Technically, most home security cameras support infrared LED illumination, versus true night vision based on image intensification or thermal vision. Some camera’s will switch to night vision automatically in low-light conditions, while others allow you to customise when and how it should be activated. This won’t work through windows, as you’ll just see a reflection of the infrared LEDs.
Pan Tilt Swivel : Most security cameras – including all those reviewed here – can be manually tilted and swivelled to focus on a certain viewing area, but this is a purely set?it-and-forget it feature. A true pan/tilt camera is equipped with a motor so that you can move its lens – or even follow a moving object if you’re watching a live feed – using its app or browser-based app.
Resolution: No amount of security video will help you if it’s blurry, jittery or otherwise distorted. Look for a camera that offers the highest possible resolution. Most currently offer 720p (often referred to as ‘high definition’ or HD), but some newer cameras are coming out with 1080p (often referred to as ‘full HD’). Keep in mind higher resolution cameras use more internet and Wi-Fi bandwidth and battery life. Many cameras also offer a software zoom feature (which is not the same thing as having a physical zoom lens).
Scheduling: Scheduling features allow you to tell the camera to turn on and off, detect motion, and/or send alerts at specified times. This is useful when you, for example, only want to be notified when your children get home from school or just want to monitor your home when you’re away. It also reduces the amount of false alerts.
Two-way audio: While the idea of a security camera implies eyes-on monitoring, the ability to also hear what’s going on gives you a more complete picture of what’s happening on the home front when you’re away. It can also alert you to something occurring out of the camera’s field of vision. This feature can also allow you to speak through the camera, a great tool for remotely commanding an unruly pet or startling an intruder in the act, but be aware that you might need to plug in a powered speaker for this feature to work.
Viewing angle: The camera’s field of view determines how much it can see. As you’re probably monitoring a single room, you want a wide viewing angle. Most current cameras fall in the 130-degree range. These wide angles can sometimes cause image distortion at the edges in the form of a fish-eye effect, particularly when used in smaller rooms, but it’s not like you’re going to use a security to capture snapshots for your photo album.
Web client: Many cameras can be accessed through a web browser as well. This is handy when you don’t have access to your phone or a wireless connection. The web app should closely mirror its mobile counterpart, so you don’t need to learn a whole new set of controls. It may even offer extra features, such as the ability to download video clips.
There are some great apps which let you re-purpose that old iPhone or Android phone which would otherwise just sit in a drawer unused.
One of the best is Manything, which is free for iOS and Android (it’s in beta on Android — only a small number of devices are supported). We tested out Manything over a couple of weeks using an iPhone 5 and it ran flawlessly. The setup process is amazingly quick and simple: install the app and create a free account with an email address and password. Then, install the app on your main phone and you’ll be able to log in and view a live video feed using your old phone’s camera. Manything offers a lot of the features described above, including the ability to select an area to monitor for motion, and it will send you an alert when motion is detected so you can check the feed to see what’s going on.
Clips of the motion are automatically recorded and saved to the cloud and you can download these on your phone for safekeeping. There’s a free subscription option which lets you use one phone and keeps motion recordings for four hours. But if you pay a small monthly fee, you can get a longer video history (including continuous recording) and use more phones to get extra video feeds.
The app is brilliantly designed — the companies below could learn a thing or two about making a decent security camera app from Manything.
There are two disadvantages, though. First, your phone isn’t going to have infrared LEDs for night vision, so the system is only useful during the day or if you leave a light on at night. Second, video is recorded at only 480×360 pixels so while it’s enough to see what’s happening, it may not be enough to recognise an intruder or make out text on the side of a van or its registration plate.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/test-centre/digital-home/best-home-security-cameras-of-2017-uk-smart-home-security-cameras-3631664/
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Melbourne vigil for shopping mall dead as suspect charged


NewsHubThe 26-year-old man, charged with five counts of murder, sustained gunshot wounds when police arrested him after the incident on Friday.
Mourners gathered at Melbourne’s Federation Square for a minute’s silence to remember those killed in the tragedy.
Henry Dow, who witnessed the carnage, made a stirring speech, recalling a taxi driver who went to the aid of those struck by the vehicle.
«Many images and sounds will stay with me much longer than I might like, but I’m glad I’ve seen, and hope I never forget just how brave and loving strangers can be. I love this city,» Dow said.
Other witnesses had earlier described «bodies flying through the air» as the vehicle sped through the shopping strip, leaving a trail of injured and a pram upturned on the sidewalk.
A man in his 30s, a man and woman both in their 20s, a ten-year-old girl, along with the baby thrown from the pram were all killed.
Fifteen people remain in hospital, with two still in a critical condition.
«It’s been a tragic time… but the people of Melbourne have pulled together and the spirit of the city was very evident there just as it was on the day of that shocking attack,» Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Australian radio.
The accused killer — who had been pursued by police earlier on Friday for allegedly stabbing his brother — has a history of family violence, mental illness and drug abuse.
He failed to appear in court on Monday because he was unwell, his lawyer told Fairfax media.
A police statement said he was remanded to appear in court in August.
Footage circulating on social media showed the man half-hanging out of the side of the vehicle and driving erratically at one of Melbourne’s busiest intersections moments before the tragedy.
«A very, very large percentage of the cases police deal with, on the streets, involve people who have that combination of mental illness exacerbated — made worse — by drugs and alcohol,» Turnbull said, adding «this is a big and growing problem».
Victoria state premier Daniel Andrews announced a review of the state’s bail system, after police said the suspect had been bailed on unspecified but serious charges just days before the rampage.
«Each of the families and those victims are owed nothing less than the hard work required and our singular focus to make the (bail) change necessary to make Victoria safer,» Andrews told reporters.
Additional magistrates will be made available after hours to determine bail conditions, rather than the lesser qualified bail justices often used today, he said.

Similarity rank: 5.5
Sentiment rank: -17.6

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/2017/01/23/Melbourne-vigil-for-shopping-mall-dead-as-suspect-charged
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„O tej tragedii polska armia nigdy nie zapomni”


NewsHubW dziewiątą rocznicę katastrofy w Mirosławcu przed pomnikiem poświęconym ofiarom wypadku odbyły się uroczystości. Wziął w nich udział minister obrony narodowej Antoni Macierewicz. – O tej tragedii polska armia nigdy nie zapomni. Ona wraca do nas skala tej tragedii i waszym bólem – powiedział szef MON.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -2.2

© Source: http://www.tvp.info/28747665/o-tej-tragedii-polska-armia-nigdy-nie-zapomni
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Waterproofing options for smartphones in 2017


NewsHubFollowing the release of flagship devices such as the iPhone 7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 in 2016, water resistant handsets are now the fastest growing segment in the smartphone industry. But, what does this mean for handset design in 2017?
Let’s take a look at recent research from IDC and explain how hydrophobic nano-coating technology can support OEMs when looking to incorporate this increasingly sought after feature.
Consumer Expectations Are Invariably Changing
In 2016, we saw mobile handset design change dramatically. Two of the leading manufacturers, Samsung and Apple, finally incorporated liquid ingress protection into the design of their flagship models and consumer expectations have never been clearer. YouGov also discovered that, when choosing a device, after battery life and shatterproof screens, water resistance was the most important feature influencing consumers decisions.
IDC discovered that liquid damage is now the second most common cause of handset damage, after shattered screens — accounting for a third of repairs (35 percent). This is not a surprising figure; for the normal every day user, accidental splashes and spills can happen easily, so it is easy to see why water resistance has very quickly become an expected feature on smartphones.
Only One in 13 Manufacturers Protect Against Liquid Damage Despite Demand
Astonishingly, IDC also estimates that over 900,000 smartphones are damaged by liquids every day. For a number so high, why do only 27 out of the 360 manufacturers tracked in the report offer some type of liquid resistance? Improving smartphone resistance to spills, sprinkles and perspiration is clearly one of the key solutions to customer satisfaction.
Consequently, the number of manufacturers offering this resistance needs to rise in-line with consumer demand, and I fully believe 2017 will be the year this happens. To ensure customer satisfaction, loyalty and in turn revenue growth, some level of water resistance needs to be more than just a feature on high-end devices.
Shipments of smartphones that offer some level of protection against water or other liquids rose in the first 6 months of 2016, increasing by 45 percent, while shipments of devices without such resistance declined by 17 percent in the same period. This only confirms what 2017, 2018 and maybe 2019 could have in store for manufacturers who do not incorporate this technology.
Two of the pioneering handset manufacturers that have been offering water resistance as standard have been Motorola and Sony. Now that Samsung and Apple have followed suit on their latest high end devices, the percentage of liquid resistant devices on the market is growing in share year over year, and the next twelve months will be no exception.
The iPhone 7 announcement has had a particularly big impact on the market and we have seen the level of interest and enquiries from other manufacturers looking for water resistant solutions sky-rocket at P2i, as manufacturers recognize that the status quo in the industry has shifted.
What Is the Solution?
Manufacturers need to be weighing up their options sooner rather than later, for how they will approach the future of handset design. Commonly, there are two main categories they can consider to add protection from liquid smartphones today. Most manufacturers are turning to mechanical solutions such as gaskets and seals to offer complete protection. But, issues such as heat retention and the fact that they increase the cost and complexity of handset design mean that mechanical sealing is not necessarily the silver bullet when it comes to liquid protection.
Physical seals and gaskets are great for brand new devices; covers and ports can provide a high level of protection against liquid damage. However, any drop or bend can compromise the seal and thus their ability to maintain the advertised levels of water protection that is delivered. Any covers also need to be intact and closed at all times to prevent liquids or dust getting into the device, so there is no room for forgetfulness.
How About Hydrophobic?
Surface-coating is another option that more and more manufacturers are beginning to take advantage of. When the wetting angle in a test environment is more than 90 degrees, the surface-coating is defined as hydrophobic. Liquids simply roll off the hydrophobic coating, due to the low surface energy a coated device will generate. The coating is basically invisible and it can be applied to any type of device without impacting the electrical circuitry or components such as the speaker or microphone.
Offering hydrophobic nano-coating creates a repellent surface and maintains higher levels of protection when compared to standard coatings. Nano-coating is a more financially viable option compared to physical mechanical seals, enabling mass-scale application and integration with the production cycle, perfect for manufacturers who do not have the resources or the time to deliver a fully tested physical liquid barrier.
This option also keeps costs down for consumers when they buy their new mobile phone, by not significantly increasing the cost of manufacturing a handset. For the trials and tribulations of everyday life, it can withstand the day-to-day accidents that most people experience, caused by rain, condensation, sweat and running water.
Those looking for a much higher level of protection for use in harsher environments and terrains, a ruggedized device is still probably the most sensible option, putting aesthetics and design on the back-burner.
To me, IDC’s research demonstrates the huge market opportunity for this type of technology. Motorola handsets already offer a level of water resistance on every device now available in their product line, showing that it can be achieved in a way that is cost effective to both manufacturers and consumers alike.
A relatively inexpensive solution that provides a strong return on investment, with use cases at multiple product price points, hydrophobic nano-coating is the mass market answer to making large segments of the smartphone market water resistant very quickly. From a purely aesthetical point of view, there is now little to differentiate any number of smartphone devices from one another, so features and functionality will increasingly come into focus and water resistance will be an essential part of a smartphone’s DNA in 2017.
Ady Moores is Group CEO of liquid repellent nano-coating developer P2i. Having previously served as CFO, Ady supported P2i’s fast growth from start-up to substantive, profitable business.
Published under license from ITProPortal.com, a Future plc Publication. All rights reserved.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/DraguwMKDGE/
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: The Micro SD-enabled UFO offers smart home security on a budget with no monthly storage fees


Lewis Painter | 25 mins ago
See full specs
Price comparision from , and manufacturers
Following an explosion of smart home technology a couple of years ago, there are now a myriad of smart home security cameras that offer everything from 24/7 recording to a built-in siren to deter intruders, and everything in between. The unique design and claims of 360-degree coverage set the Smanos UFO apart from its counterparts when it was announced at the end of 2016, so how does it perform? Here’s our Smanos UFO smart security camera review. Read next: Best smart security cameras for use in the home
So, how much is the Smanos UFO in the UK, and where can you get your hands on it? First off, the Smanos UFO will set consumers back £149 in the UK, a rather standard price for a 1080p night vision-enabled smart home security camera without all the bells and whistles of high-end alternatives (built-in siren, etc). It’s similar in price to the likes of the Logi Circle , Netgear Arlo Q and the Canary smart camera.
In terms of availability, despite being announced back in October 2016 and having an official UK price tag, the Smanos UFO is yet to reach stores in the UK. We’ll update this section once the Smanos UFO becomes available to buy in the UK.
So, what makes the Smanos UFO stand out in terms of its design and build? Just by looking at the camera, you can easily tell that it offers something unique compared to other smart security cameras on the market. While most smart security cameras boast a similar design, the Smanos UFO, as the name suggests, looks somewhat like a stereotypical UFO you see conspiracy theorists shouting about (but don’t worry, it won’t abduct your livestock).
The Smanos UFO is circular and relatively flat as it was designed not to sit on a shelf or table, but to be attached directly to walls and ceilings whilst providing a low profile. The last thing you need is a bulky camera hanging from your living room ceiling, right? It’s small and inconspicuous measuring in at 106 x 106 x 36mm, meaning you can install it and forget that it’s there until it’s needed.
The benefit of attaching the UFO to the ceiling is that it can provide a 360-degree view of the room below, although this isn’t 360-degree viewing in the sense that it’ll record both the front- and rear of the camera. It’s something we’ll go into a little more detail below. However, the ceiling mount also makes the UFO less likely to be spotted by intruders, as it’s not at eye-level like many others are.
One noticeable feature is the inclusion of LEDs around the outer rim of the UFO. Why? The main purpose of the LEDs is to provide status updates to the user as the camera has no display. It features varying patterns, letting you know when the camera loses connection to Wi-Fi, whenever somebody is watching the live stream, etc. But if that sounds too annoying for you, don’t worry, as there’s an option to disable the use of LEDs from within the Smanos Home app for iOS and Android.
The Smanos UFO features a full HD (1080p) camera with a fisheye lens that Smanos claims is “surveillance-grade” although that sounds more like a marketing term rather than a sign of quality. Although with that being said, the image quality produced by the UFO is fairly impressive and we see no distortion due to the use of a lens (with a tell-tale sign being chromatic aberration around the edges of the image) and the included night vision provides relatively clear images, even in a dark environment.
You can view the camera stream via the Smanos Home app available for iOS and Android, although, rather strangely, there’s no web portal for those that don’t have access to iOS or Android. With it being a fairly standard feature amongst smart security cameras, we’re somewhat surprised that it isn’t offered with the UFO.
Within the app, users are presented with three views to choose from – birds-eye, panoramic and quad-view. Birds-eye provides users with the standard fish-eye lens view and is ideal for when the UFO is attached to a ceiling as it leaves no blind spot, while panorama provides users with a rather standard view for home security cameras and is best used when the camera is stood upright. The quad-view allows you to focus the camera on four parts of the room in one single view, more like a traditional security setup (albeit from one single camera). The one drawback of the quad-view mode is that the individual views cannot be tweaked on a per-user basis, with Smanos implementing a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Users can also set up motion detection from within the Smanos Home app, and specify times when it’s active – you don’t want to be notified about movement when you’re at home with your family, do you? You can also specify the sensitivity of the motion detection, with the option to choose between three distance settings – medium, near and far. Then, if you are notified of motion, you can use the two-way talk system to speak to whoever is in the room, from family members to your pet dog.
So, let’s talk about the 360-degree coverage because it isn’t like 360-degree cameras available for VR enthusiasts and doesn’t feature both front- and rear-facing cameras. In standard terms, it offers a 180-degree field of view as you can’t see behind or above it for true 360-degree coverage. It works well in ceiling mode because the camera offers something close to 360-degree coverage as you don’t need to see behind it, just in front of it. Get it? While it’s technically 360-degrees, it’s also not at the same time. Confusing stuff.
The Smanos UFO is one of very few smart security cameras on the market that offer local storage via MicroSD card. This means that unlike with most smart security cameras, you don’t need to pay a monthly fee for the cloud-based storage which, depending on the manufacturer, can be over £20 a month on top of the upfront fee for the camera. Cloud storage does have benefits, like footage being secure if the camera is broken or destroyed by an intruder, but consumers don’t like to pay monthly fees for a service that many believe should be included in the upfront cost of the camera. The Smanos UFO supports MicroSD cards up to 32GB, with the camera automatically rewriting old footage as it goes along.
Smanos claims it’ll also offer a paid cloud-based storage solution, although details of which are yet to be announced.
However, there is one rather fatal issue with the Smanos UFO that could undo all the hard work by the company – connectivity issues. During our time testing the Smanos UFO, there were occasions where we simply could not connect to the live stream despite the app claiming it was connected to the camera. We’d tap play to enable the live stream and it’d just sit there loading until the app crashed around a minute later. We’ve tried force-quitting the app, restarting our iPhones and toggling the camera on and off remotely, all without success. In fact, we can’t quite work out what the issue is as most of the time, it comes back online by itself.
We got into contact with Smanos about the connectivity issues, and the company reassured us that the issues were temporary and should be fixed within the next couple of weeks via a firmware upgrade. We’ll keep testing the camera over the next couple of weeks and keep you updated on our experience.
The Smanos UFO may not be the sleekest smart security camera on the market, but it’s perfect for wall and ceiling attachments with its low-profile design. While there may be other cameras on the market that offer slicker app interfaces for a similar price, the ability to host your storage locally via microSD along with optional paid cloud backup (coming soon) is unique to a small handful of smart security cameras on the market. If you don’t want to pay out for monthly storage fees and want 24/7 recording capabilities on a budget, the Smanos UFO is a decent option.
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© Source: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/review/security-cameras/smanos-ufo-smart-security-camera-review-3653329/
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