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"ДНР" забороняє ввозити понад 50 кг продуктів з української сторони, – ОБСЄ


NewsHubПро це йдеться у звіті Спеціальної моніторингової місії ОБСЄ, оприлюдненому на офіційному сайті.
Зазначається, що в листопаді 2016 року максимально допустима вага продуктів, дозволена для ввезення на окуповані території, становила 75 кг на одну людину.
Тим часом нещодавно представники ОБСЄ перебували на одному з блокпостів “ДНР”, де зафіксували кілька автомобілів у черзі на в’їзд і виїзд.
“Озброєний представник “ДНР” розповів місії, що кожен громадянин не може провезти більше 50 кг продуктів до підконтрольних “ДНР” районів”, – наголосили у відомстві.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/01/07/quotdnrquot_zaboronyaye_vvozyty_ponad_50_kg_produktiv_z_ukrayinskoyi_storony_obsye
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Суд дозволив затримати Януковича і Захарченка


NewsHubПечерський районний суд Києва дав дозвіл на затримання екс-президента України Віктора Януковича і колишнього міністра внутрішніх справ Віталія Захарченка у так званій “церковній справі”. Про це сказано у відповідних постановах рішень суду.
Так, 3 січня суд за клопотанням слідчого Генеральної прокуратури дозволив затримати Януковича, прийняв аналогічне рішення щодо Захарченка, а також дав дозвіл на затримання Валерія Коряка – колишнього начальника київської міліції.

Similarity rank: 5.6

© Source: http://ua.korrespondent.net/ukraine/3797802-sud-dozvolyv-zatrymaty-yanukovycha-i-zakharchenka
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Panasonic looks to Android OS for new car navigation, enterainment system


NewsHubThis Android-based Panasonic head unit runs Google navigation, of course.
The software behind a car’s navigation head unit may be a mystery to most people, but with Panasonic ‘s concept system, shown here at CES , its Android OS looks pretty obvious. The interface uses Android’s tiled theme on its home page, and shows Google satellite maps for navigation.
Panasonic put the system on display during CES 2017, and highlighted its partnership with Google for the Android Nougat OS. Behind the scenes, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 automotive-grade chip powers the system.
The home screen on this concept infotainment system reflects that of Android Auto.
Navigation head units in cars have become commonplace, but automakers and equipment suppliers are always looking at how to keep these systems up to speed with consumer electronics, which experience much faster product cycles than cars. One way of maintaining parity would be to install powerful processors in the dashboard, with software systems that could be updated through a data connection, much as smartphones get continual updates.
Panasonic’s use of Android and Qualcomm’s chip allows for continual updates, so that an existing car could give its owner new features. However, updates both to apps and the core system would be tightly controlled by the automaker.
The demonstration at CES showed a system that worked with smartphone speed, and allowed quick pinching and zooming of the map screen. Audio sources included local and online streaming sources, just as Android-based phones do.
And the system need not look like Android, as an automaker could use a skin for the interface. iPhone users won’t be left out, either, as the system supports Apple CarPlay.
A Panasonic spokesperson said this system will be production-ready in 2019, but would not specify any car models where it might appear.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/panasonic-looks-to-android-os-for-new-car-navigation-enterainment-system-ces-2017/
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Audi gives details about driver automation features in upcoming A8


NewsHubAudi demonstrated its work toward driverless car technology with an autonomous trip between San Francisco and Las Vegas two years ago, and during this year’s CES the company offered concrete details of how the technology will come to market. Audi will use the new generation of its A8 luxury sedan to introduce features such as automated highway and traffic jam driving.
During CES, Audi and Nvidia showed off how this self-driving car technology is currently working in a modified Q7 research vehicle.
Unlike many current implementations of driver assistance systems, which take a piecemeal approach by using different systems for adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist and collision prevention, Audi and Nvidia developed a central computer to process sensor input and make driving decisions. For production implementation, Audi can enable useful features but keep the car from full self-driving capability, until legislation and technical development catches up.
Automakers, automotive equipment suppliers and big tech companies are all working on self-driving technology, which could minimize the tens of thousands of fatalities from accidents that occur on US roads every year. The technology also has the potential to reduce traffic, decreasing pollution, saving fuel and give drivers more time.
Audi gave this Q7 prototype technology it will use for limited self-driving in the upcoming A8 model.
At CES 2017, Audi Vice President of Automated Driving Alejandro Vukotich said that the upcoming A8 model will feature a self-driving computer called zFAS, which combines chips from Nvidia and computer vision company Mobileye. Audi has showed off zFAS before in its development stage, and the A8 represents the first time the computer finds its way into a production vehicle. The A8 will also be fitted with camera, radar and lidar sensors to give it 360-degree awareness.
This hardware enables two driver assist features on the A8: the ability to self-drive on the highway and in traffic jams. Vukotich said the A8 will not be able to make lane changes by itself, but where traffic regulations permit, drivers will be able to take their hands off the wheel and not touch the pedals during highway driving. Likewise, in stop-and-go traffic a driver will be able to let the car do the work.
Vukotich said that the car will give the driver a series of increasingly noticeable warnings in situations where it needs manual control. The car will begin with visible and audible alerts, followed by minor braking to get the driver’s attention. If the driver still does not take over, the car will come to a stop. A system like that could save lives if a driver faints or has a heart attack and cannot take back control.
For the demonstration drive at CES, Audi and Nvidia showed how, using just a forward-facing camera, its Q7 could drive itself around a curving course, negotiating a dirt section of the path with no lane lines, and an unexpected obstacle, a highway construction sign on the path it previously took.
The car operated well, and at reasonable speeds. Even with just the forward-facing camera, it took a tight, traffic cone-lined curve without knocking any of the cones over. Vukotich said the zFAS computer in this development vehicle was programmed to be aware of the car’s geometry and size, so could guide the front while being aware of how the bulk of the Q7 would follow.
Nvidia demonstrated similar driving capability in a Lincoln MKS sedan, which the company calls BB8, showing how its technology can be used by other automakers.
Vukotich said the self-driving technology going into the new A8 will find its way throughout the Audi lineup. The 2018 Audi A8 will become available this year.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/audi-gives-details-about-driver-automation-features-in-upcoming-a8-ces-2017/
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How Shopping Around While Dating Someone Can Sabotage Your Relationship


NewsHubIt’s natural to be jealous of other people’s situations from time to time. As this video points out, though, if you’re mentally weighing your options while you’re trying to maintain a relationship, you might end up sabotaging it.
The video above, based on a presentation from Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University Dan Ariely , explains how we can misinterpret relationships when we see them from the outside. We see all the details and flaws of our existing relationship, but we only see the best moments from someone else’s.
A little jealousy is fine—it can even be useful —but when you start actively considering leaving, you’re less likely to make investments in your relationship. Ariely uses the analogy of renting an apartment on a day-to-day lease. If you think there’s a possibility that you’ll have to move out tomorrow, would you hang paintings or paint the walls? Of course not, because those are long-term investments.
There’s nothing wrong with pursuing the relationship you want. However, if you perpetually have one foot out the door, you might be sabotaging the relationship you have making it look worse than it is. Putting in effort into your current relationship or leaving will probably yield better results than shopping around while idling in a relationship you’re not invested in.
Dan Ariely: On Dating & Relationships | White Animation

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/zQuvXTAugq8/how-shopping-around-while-dating-someone-can-sabotage-y-1790932167
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Add a Windows-Style Start Menu to Your Mac's Dock


NewsHubIf you’ve recently switched over to macOS from Windows or you just miss the old Start menu, How-To Geek shows you how to add a similar feature to the Mac Dock.
The approach here depends on what exactly it is about the Start menu you like. If you just want quick access to applications, you pretty much just need to drag the Applications folder to your Dock. If you want something closer to a Start menu, with different sections for different types of apps, access to specific files, or whatever else, then you’ll need to create a series of aliases inside a single folder. This way, you can stuff all your games into one alias folder, current files into another, and more. It’s a pretty clever little method to bring something of a Start menu to a Mac. Head over to How-To Geek for a closer look at how to do it.
How to Add Your Own Custom “Start menu to the macOS Dock | How-To Geek

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© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/bJF9Y4mEiLE/add-a-windows-style-start-menu-to-your-macs-dock-1790722719
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The Easiest Way to Break Down the Fearsome Dragon Fruit


NewsHubThe dragon fruit may be a bit intimidating, with all its spines and whatnot, but the flesh inside is sweet and tart, with a flavor somewhere between a kiwi and a pear. To get at the good stuff, you just need a spoon and a knife.
The video above from Lucky Peach can give you the visual, but all you need to do is slice the thing in half (vertically) and, run a kitchen spoon around the edge of the fruit, where the flesh meats the skin. Slice into cubes and enjoy.
How to Deal – Dragon Fruit | Lucky Peach
Photo by Scott Dexter .

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/bxVTsR8aw8c/the-easiest-way-to-break-down-the-fearsome-dragon-fruit-1790905225
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This Tutorial Teaches You to Blow Dry Your Long Hair for a Professionally Styled Look


NewsHubYou know how your hair always looks absolutely fabulous after you step out of a salon, but as soon as you get home any chance of replicating it feels hopeless? Me, too. So here’s a way to blow dry your long, wet hair and look like you just had it professionally done.
You need a round brush along with your blow dryer to style your hair as it dries, some hair clips, and products to protect your hair from the heat, if you want. Use a towel to dry your hair and untangle it as best as you can. You don’t want the round brush getting caught. Another mistake I’ve been making all this time was not separating my hair into smaller, manageable sections for my round brush. Then my brush ends up grabbing way too much hair, making the blow drying less effective.
This seems like a ton of work at first, but once you get the hang of it it’s not so bad. Check the full video for more tips.
How to: Easy Blowout/Blowdry Routine | Alex Gaboury

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/TTYMBORJzZo/this-tutorial-teaches-you-to-blow-dry-your-long-hair-fo-1790689690
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Mannheim gewinnt Winter Game vor 25.022 Zuschauern


NewsHubDie Adler Mannheim haben das 3. DEL Winter Game klar gewonnen und unter freiem Himmel ein begeisterndes Eishockey-Fest gefeiert. Vor der ungewohnten Kulisse von 25 022 Zuschauern setzte sich der Meister von 2015 am Samstag in der nicht ganz ausverkauften Sinsheimer Fußball-Arena 7:3 (1:1, 3:2, 3:0) gegen die Schwenninger Wild Wings durch. Im spektakulären Mitteldrittel drehten die Adler ein 1:2 in ein zwischenzeitliches 4:2. Mit dem am Ende deutlichen Ergebnis versetzten sie dem baden-württembergischen Rivalen einen Rückschlag im Kampf um die kleine Chance auf einen Playoff-Platz.
Die Wild Wings verharren auf dem vorletzten Rang. Die Adler zogen mit dem Dritten Köln nach Punkten gleich. Der Sieg im Freiluftspiel dürfte ihnen zusätzlichen Auftrieb geben.
«Es ist ein Super-Erlebnis», sagte der Präsident des Deutschen Eishockey-Bundes, Franz Reindl – obwohl nicht wie erhofft 26 500 das Stadion füllten. «Ich denke, dass das Herz jedes Eishockey-Fans höher schlägt, wenn er so etwas erleben darf. Es macht Spaß zuzuschauen.»
Bei Temperaturen um minus vier Grad und leichtem Schneefall waren die Mannheimer als klarer Favorit im Stadion des Bundesligisten 1899 Hoffenheim angetreten. Ein Pass von Nationalspieler Christoph Ullmann auf Brent Raedeke brachte die Führung (6. Minute). Das Team von Coach Sean Simpson fand sich auf der ungewohnten Eisfläche besser zurecht.
Doch dank einer Überzahlsituation glichen die Schwenninger noch im ersten Drittel durch Will Acton aus (17.). Und nur 38 Sekunden nach dem Wiederbeginn war es erneut Acton, der den rechtzeitig genesenen Mannheimer Nationaltorhüter Dennis Endras bezwang. Die Adler-Profis Matthias Plachta (30. Minute), Luke Adam (32.) und Chad Kolarik (34.) sorgten für ein zwischenzeitliches 4:2. Simon Gysbers (35.) machte es mit seinem Tor für die Wild Wings jedoch schnell wieder spannend. Sechseinhalb Minuten vor dem Ende entschied Kolarik mit seinem zweiten Treffer die Partie. Plachta und Marcus Kink legten noch nach (57./59.)
Alle zwei Jahre gönnt sich die Deutsche Eishockey Liga ein solches Spektakel. Bei den beiden ersten Auflagen war alles eine Nummer größer, die Zahlen beeindruckender. Zur Premiere 2013 in Nürnberg kamen 50 000 Zuschauer. 2015 sorgten in Düsseldorf 51 125 Besucher für eine europäische Rekordkulisse für ein Ligaspiel.
In gut zwei Wochen war das Sinsheimer Stadion in eine Eishockey-Arena verwandelt worden. Es sah aus wie an einem See. Ruderboote, Tannenbäume und 5000 Schilfpflanzen dekorierten die aufgebaute Winterlandschaft. Vom Fußballrasen war nichts mehr zu sehen. Das Motto von Adler-Geschäftsführer Daniel Hopp: «Wir bringen Eishockey zurück zu den Wurzeln.» Für das Event mit einem Auftritt der Rockband Guano Apes hatten es die Schwenninger in Kauf genommen, ein Heimspiel rund 200 Kilometer entfernt von der eigenen Spielstätte auszutragen.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/sport/Mannheim-gewinnt-Winter-Game-vor-25-022-Zuschauern-id40146342.html
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SpaceX schickt vier Monate nach Explosion wieder Rakete ins All


NewsHubGut vier Monate nach der Explosion einer »Falcon 9»-Rakete will das private US-Raumfahrtunternehmen SpaceX Anfang kommender Woche wieder eine Trägerrakete in den Weltraum schicken. Die Rakete vom Typ »Falcon 9» werde am Montagabend zehn Kommunikationssatelliten vom Typ Iridium Next in ihre Umlaufbahn bringen, teilte das Unternehmen am Freitag mit. Der Start sei für 18.22 Uhr (19.22 Uhr MEZ) geplant.
Anfang September war auf dem Weltraumbahnhof in Cape Canaveral in Florida eine unbemannte »Falcon 9»-Rakete bei einem Test explodiert. Mit der Rakete sollte ein Kommunikationssatellit ins All befördert werden, den der US-Konzern Facebook dazu nutzen wollte, um im subsaharischen Afrika Internetverbindungen bereitzustellen.
Ursache der Explosion im September waren nach Unternehmensangaben Probleme bei einem Druckgefäß, das im Flüssigsauerstofftank der zweiten Zündstufe verbaut ist. Die Betankung sei deshalb geändert worden, teilte SpaceX kürzlich mit. Künftig würden veränderte Druckgefäße eingesetzt. Der Unfall war der zweite große Rückschlag für das Unternehmen, nachdem im Juni 2015 eine Rakete auf dem Weg zur ISS kurz nach dem Start abgestürzt war.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/wissenschaft/SpaceX-schickt-vier-Monate-nach-Explosion-wieder-Rakete-ins-All-id40144912.html
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