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У Чилі оголошено червоний рівень небезпеки через природну пожежу


NewsHubУ Чилі оголошено червоний рівень небезпеки через природну пожежу в районі портового міста Вальпараїсо, передає ВВС.
Як повідомляє міністерство внутрішніх справ і громадської безпеки країни, вогонь поширився на 50 гектарів в основному лісовою територією.
Стало відомо, що пожежа зруйнувала близько сотні будинків. Особливо вразливими є бідні квартали міста, які розташовані вище по схилах гір, з переважно дерев’яними будинками.
Міністр внутрішніх справ Чилі заявив по місцевому телебаченню, що через пожежі постраждали 19 осіб, 16 з них – через респіраторні проблеми.
Влада присвоїла пожежі вищий “червоний” рівень небезпеки, на гасіння направлені десятки пожежних бригад.
З району пожежі евакуйовано декілька сотень людей, у 48 тисяч жителів немає електрики.
Пожежі спалахнули в лісах через вітряну та суху погоду. Посуха викликала в минулому році рекордну кількість пожеж в Чилі.
Нагадаємо, в японському місті Итоигава (префектура Ніїгата) вранці 22 грудня розігрався пожежа .
За інформацією агентства Kyodo , займання сталося в китайському ресторані. Пізніше вогонь швидко поширився, поглинувши 140 будівель.

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/world/countries/u-chili-ogolosheno-chervonij-riven-nebezpeki-z-za-prirodnogo-pozhezhi-408993.html
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House GOP votes to eviscerate independent ethics office


NewsHub“The amendment builds upon and strengthens the existing Office of Congressional Ethics by maintaining its primary area of focus of accepting and reviewing complaints from the public and referring them, if appropriate, to the Committee on Ethics,” Goodlatte said in a statement.
Democrats, led by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, reacted angrily.
“Republicans claim they want to ‘drain the swamp,’ but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions,” the California lawmaker said in a statement. “Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress.”
Chris Carson, president of the League of Women Voters, said Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., should be ashamed of himself and his leadership team.
“We all know the so-called House Ethics Committee is worthless for anything other than a whitewash – sweeping corruption under the rug. That’s why the independent Office of Congressional Ethics has been so important. The OCE works to stop corruption and that’s why Speaker Ryan is cutting its authority. Speaker Ryan is giving a green light to congressional corruption.”
The OCE was created in March 2008 after the cases of former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham, R-Calif., who served more than seven years in prison on bribery and other charges; as well as cases of former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, who was charged in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal and pleaded guilty to corruption charges and former Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., convicted on corruption in a separate case.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -2.1

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/office-of-congressional-ethics-house-gop-votes-to-eviscerate/
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US church shooter found competent to stand trial again


NewsHubThe decision means the sentencing phase of his trial, now set to begin on Wednesday, can go ahead.
The self-described white supremacist was convicted in December for crimes connected to the racially motivated killing of nine African-American parishioners in the Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston.
He attended a Bible study in the basement of the historic black church known as “Mother Emanuel” on June 17, 2015 before producing a handgun and killing his victims, aged 26 to 87 years old.
Roof, 22, was first declared competent to stand trial by US District Judge Richard Gergel in November following a previous hearing closed to the public. Roof then chose to represent himself during jury selection of his trial, a strategy Gergel deemed “unwise. “
Roof participated passively in jury selection, then reinstated his lawyers as the prosecution sought to establish his guilt during trial.
However, his main defense attorney, the renowned death penalty expert David Bruck, called no witnesses of his own and did not significantly challenge any of the government’s witnesses, who included two survivors, one of them a woman who watched Roof execute her adult son before her eyes.
After being convicted of all 33 charges against him in December, Roof indicated he would again like to represent himself during the sentencing phase of the trial.
He has told the judge he does not plan to introduce any evidence or witnesses on his behalf, including any evidence of his mental health.
In his closing argument, Bruck said Roof had no real friends and is unable to make small talk. He noted that beyond Roof taking many photographs of himself with a gun and Confederate flag before committing his crimes, he also took hundreds of pictures of his cat.
During the sentencing portion of the trial, the jury will possibly hear testimony from dozens of witnesses called by the government, including relatives of the victims.
They may also hear from Roof himself, who has said he will make opening and closing statements during the next portion of the trial.
Other charges against Roof included hate crimes resulting in an attempt to kill; obstruction of exercise of religion resulting in death or an attempt to kill; and assorted firearms charges with the intent to commit murder or a violent crime.
Roof is also facing state murder charges in South Carolina, although that trial is not due to begin until January 17. State prosecutors also are seeking the death penalty.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -3.4

© Source: http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/2017/01/03/US-church-shooter-found-competent-to-stand-trial-again1
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Several dead as severe storms sweep Southeast


NewsHubParts of the South were bracing for more rain Tuesday, a day after severe storms killed at least four people in Alabama and one in Florida Monday.
The line of severe thunderstorms spawned several possible tornadoes, and the threat continued into early Tuesday for southern Alabama, southwest Georgia and the Florida Panhandle.
CBS Dothan, Alabama affiliate WTVY-TV reports , “Four people died Monday night when two trees toppled onto a house in southern Houston County during an apparent tornado. Three others in the home escaped without injury.”
The station quotes Houston County Emergency Management Director Chris Judah as sayhing, “It is a very dangerous scene. One of the trees cut the trailer in half.” He said those killed had huddled in one area of the mobile home while the other three were in another part.
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley said in a statement on social media that the Houston County sheriff had told him about the deaths and he offered “prayers for those impacted.”
In Mossy Head, Florida, a 70-year-old man drowned Monday, apparently accidentally, the Walton County Sheriff’s Office says, adding that deputies found his car partially submerged “and his body floating face-down” near his trailer.
In Georgia, some of the heaviest rains were expected early Tuesday morning, forecasters said.
“There is a slight chance of damaging winds and tornadoes, however the highest probabilities are generally west of Interstate 75,” said Sid King, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Peachtree City, Georgia, near Atlanta.
Parts of south Georgia could see as much as 3 inches of total rainfall from all the storms produced by the system now moving across southern states, King said.
State emergency officials reported no injuries or deaths in Louisiana and Mississippi, but a trip to Walmart was memorable for some shoppers in Marksville, Louisiana, as severe weather blew out skylights in the store, sending water and glass cascading onto shoppers.
Marksville Fire Chief Jerry Bordelon said a fireworks stand in the Walmart parking lot was tossed 30 or 40 yards and mangled. The storm also knocked over 18-wheel truck trailers and punched holes in the Walmart’s roof. The fire department ordered shoppers to leave the store, but some didn’t want to leave even as managers closed it.
“Believe it or not, we had some people in there who were still trying to shop,” Bordelon said.
Walmart spokeswoman Erica Jones said the Arkansas-based company hopes to reopen the store Tuesday, but isn’t sure that will happen, citing needed repairs to a natural gas line.
Storms in central Mississippi near Mendenhall and Mount Olive were preliminarily identified as tornadoes by the National Weather Service, based in part on radar signatures. Both storms damaged farm buildings and homes. Other possible tornadoes will be surveyed later.
In Louisiana, there was also relatively serious damage in the southwestern parishes of Beauregard and Allen, including the town of Reeves. Some wind damage was also reported in Houston and throughout East Texas. Though Arkansas had also been included in warnings, there was only a stray report of hail in Jackson County in the northeast part of the state.
Tens of thousands lost power in Louisiana and Mississippi at the height of the storm, according to utilities.
Freddie Zeigler, a meteorologist in the Weather Service’s New Orleans office, said heavy winds were preceding the squall line, possibly contributing to power outages.
It was the second episode of heavy rain within days for some areas. An area stretching from Biloxi, Mississippi, through Alabama and across Macon and Augusta, Georgia, received more than 4 inches of rain Monday, according to radar estimates. Parts of southern Mississippi and southwest Alabama have received more than 8 inches of rain since Saturday. Though rivers along the Gulf Coast were rising rapidly Monday, only minor flooding was predicted.

Similarity rank: 3.4
Sentiment rank: -94.2

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/several-dead-as-severe-storms-sweep-southeast/
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Missing 6-year-old Colorado boy focus of Amber Alert, reward


NewsHubPolice are searching for a 6-year-old boy who is believed to have wandered away from his home in suburban Denver on New Year’s Eve, authorities said.
The FBI and other law enforcement agencies helped in the hunt for David Puckett on Monday, going door-to-door within 2.5 miles of his home in Aurora. Bloodhounds and a helicopter have also been used.
An Amber Alert was issued and police said a $10,000 reward was offered.
Aurora police appealed for help to find David as quickly as possible partly because of coming cold weather, with lows expected in the upper teens.
“The public can help by physically searching their homes, automobiles, and any structures on their property where a child may be able to hide,” a police statement said.
Authorities have said that foul play isn’t suspected, but they said they have contacted registered sex offenders who live in the area and have searched nearby bodies of water.
Monday evening, police disclosed that someone outside the family had seen the boy the day he went missing, but they didn’t elaborate.
The FBI told the Denver Post that the agency assigned 50 agents to the case, including one who is highly specialized in missing children searches.
His mother on Sunday issued a tearful appeal for people to help find him and said he was only wearing a light jacket.
Police said David has wandered off before.

Similarity rank: 4.4
Sentiment rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article124225819.html
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Facebook censors nude Neptune statue, writer says


NewsHubThe offending statue.
Facebook’s naughty bits police have been active for some years.
They ensure, for example, that human eyes don’t have to witness a doll’s nipples or even works of art .
It seems, though, the company continues to struggle with the difference between real body parts and those that have been created by human hands.
As the Telegraph reports , Italian writer Elisa Barbari decided to use a picture of a local Bologna icon — the statue of Neptune — on her Facebook page.
Facebook, however, seems to have found it a touch too risqué.
Barbari said she received a message from Facebook’s censors that said, in part, her image contained “content that is explicitly sexual and which shows to an excessive degree the body, concentrating unnecessarily on body parts. ”
Tell that to Giambologna , who created the statue in the 1560s. Since then, it doesn’t appear to have offended too many people, although Barbari told the Telegraph it was occasionally covered up in the 1950s for school graduation parades.
The statue merely depicts Neptune holding a trident and looking, well, muscular.
Barbari said Facebook was very explicit about what constitutes explicit. The company’s message to her also read: “The use of images or video of nude bodies or plunging necklines is not allowed, even if the use is for artistic or educational reasons. ”
On Monday, Barbari said the photo had not been reinstated. Facebook said its looking into it.
This is merely the latest brouhaha involving Facebook’s censors. In September, the company removed an iconic image of a naked child during the Vietnam War that had appeared on a Norwegian newspaper’s Facebook page.
It took the intervention of the paper’s editor-in-chief and the country’s prime minister to get the company to back down.
Currently, Barbari’s Facebook page enjoys a picture of the Neptune statue from behind, his muscular buttocks perhaps making a symbolic gesture toward Facebook’s censors. Her page does, however, also enjoy a link to an article about Facebook’s alleged actions, with a full-frontal image of Neptune.
Facebook has been struggling with its own identity for some time. It once insisted it was merely a technology company. Then it admitted it was some sort of media company.
Surely by now, it should be able to distinguish — as many a media would — between art and smut.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/facebook-censor-nude-neptune-statue/
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'Twin Peaks' actress Sherilyn Fenn tweets a cryptic clue


NewsHubFinally, 2017 is here. For “Twin Peaks” fans that means the long-awaited return of the beloved mystery series on Showtime.
We don’t know the exact launch date, but thanks to actress Sherilyn Fenn , who played Audrey Horne in the original ’90s show, we know it’s coming soon.
“It’s happening again…..this year….sooner than you think… ” Fenn tweeted on Monday. The tweet includes a mysterious image of Agent Cooper, played by Kyle MacLachlan, standing inside the Black Lodge , a parallel universe that Cooper finds while dreaming about Laura Palmer’s murder. Here’s hoping the new Showtime series gives fans more insight into this extra-dimensional place.
Not only are Audrey Horne and Agent Cooper returning to the new “Twin Peaks” series, but characters Shelly Johnson (Madchen Amick), Michael Horse (Deputy Hawk), Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook), Deputy Andy Brennan (Harry Goaz), James Hurley (James Marshall), David Duchovny (Denise/Dennis Bryson) and Doctor Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn) are all part of the revival cast .
Plus, some characters who died in the original series — Ray Wise (Leland Palmer) and Walter Olkewicz (Jacques Renault) — are also set to return.
The “Twin Peaks” revival series debuts on Showtime in 2017.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/twin-peaks-actress-sherilyn-fenn-tweets-a-cryptic-clue/
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Dell’s new 27 Ultrathin Monitor claims to be the world’s ultra-thinnest


NewsHubJust ahead of CES 2017 , Dell has unveiled a new 27” Ultrathin Monitor (S2718D) claiming to have the “world’s overall thinnest profile”. Despite this somewhat vague claim and a lack of actual dimensions so far, this beauty sure is slim.
With a flat-backed design, minimal bevel and a simple yet articulated swivelling hinge, the screen housing itself looks to be a sleek and attractive complement to the 27” panel. The base of the unit seems to contain most of the Ultrathin Monitor’s guts, with controls at the front and ports at the rear for some OCD-soothing desktop neatness.
Dell’s yet to reveal the full specs of the S2718D, but the Quad-HD (2560 x 1440) display supports a higher contrast ratio and color range than most consumer-oriented monitors, and it’s stated 178-degree viewing angle indicates that this is probably an IPS panel. It’s also packing Dell’s version of HDR (High Dynamic Range) which “has been designed with the PC user in mind” but won’t quite compete with the HDR offered in 4K TV’s.
The S2718D will be available in the US for $700 from March 23 2017, with worldwide availability and pricing to follow.
We’ll update this story with the unit’s full specs once they’ve been officially released.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/1WhdgASkuRs/dells-new-27-ultrathin-monitor-claims-to-be-the-worlds-ultra-thinnest
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Use a Screwdriver as a Makeshift Funnel


NewsHubIf you can’t find your funnel, you can make pouring oil, gas, and other liquids easier with this screwdriver trick.
In this video, youtuber CrazyRussianHacker shows off some clever ways to use a tool everyone should have around : the screwdriver. For example, if you need to pour some oil, but don’t have a funnel, just pour the oil along the shaft of a screwdriver into the container or reservoir. This trick works better the more viscous the liquid is, but it also works for thinner liquids like water. Give it a try the next time you’re in your workshop.
5 Simple Screwdriver Life Hacks | YouTube

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/CwvCHxi5Thc/use-a-screwdriver-as-a-makeshift-funnel-1790690838
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Delight or Horrify Your Friends By Cramming a DIY Alexa Into a Teddy Ruxpin


NewsHubIt’s easy enough to build your own Amazon Echo with a Raspberry Pi , but if you really want to step things up, Tinkernut shows you how to hook one of those devices up to a Teddy Ruxpin.
The project here uses a Raspberry Pi to power the Alexa service, then uses an Arduino to control the bear’s servos. All things considered, it’s actually pretty straightforward to hack this thing together, though you will need to do some dismantling of the Ruxpin itself. It’s a project that’s as creepy as it is awesome, so proceed at the risk of alienating a few of your friends or family members. You’ll find the full guide over on Tinkernut.
Alexa Ruxpin – Raspberry Pi & Alexa Powered Teddy Bear | Tinkernut

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/lGPPJzuK2lU/delight-or-horrify-your-friends-by-cramming-a-diy-alexa-1790526910
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