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Глава ЦРУ посоветовал Трампу следить за языком


NewsHubДжон Бреннан назвал публичные заявления избранного президента США не отвечающими национальным интересам
Действующий директор ЦРУ Джон Бреннан призвал избранного президента США Дональда Трампа следить за тем, что он говорит(watch what he says).
Об этом сообщает агентство Reuters, передает телеканал “112 Украина”.
По словам главы ЦРУ, следует убедиться, что Трамп “понимает последствия своих слов и реакции на что-либо для США”.
В частности, Бреннан упрекнул Трампа в сравнении Американской разведки с разведкой нацисткой Германии. Такое высказывание Трамп допустил комментируя “компромат” о его связях с Россией.
Также, Бреннан негативно отозвался о “разговорах и твитах” Трампа, отметив, что “такая спонтанность – не в интересах национальной безопасности”.
Напомним, Китай заявил дипломатический протест в связи с 10-минутным телефонным разговором избранного президента Дональда Трампа с президентом Тайваня Цай Инвэнь. Как сообщалось, разговор на таком уровне произошел впервые с 1979 года, с момента введения Джимми Картером принципа политики “единого Китая”. Согласно ему, Тайвань признается только как часть Китая.
Трамп утверждал, что беседа имела место, поскольку Цай Инвэнь позвонила ему, чтобы поздравить с победой на выборах. При этом спикер Тайваньской администрации отметили, что стороны провели согласование накануне разговора.
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Бреннан считает, что американским лидерам нужно больше доверять разведке, которая может помочь президенту поддерживать безопасность в стране
Бреннан обвинил РФ в попытках пдорвать основы демократии во многих странах

Similarity rank: 5.7

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/glava-cru-posovetoval-trampu-sledit-za-yazykom-788450.html
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Трамп готов отменить антироссийские санкции в обмен на сокращение РФ ядерного арсенала


NewsHubИзбранный президент США сказал, что начнет свою деятельность на посту президента США с того, что будет доверять Путину и Меркель
Избранный президент США Дональд Трамп в интервью британской газете Times заявил, что готов предложить президенту России Владимиру Путину снятие санкций в обмен на сокращение ядерных арсеналов.
Об этом сообщает ” Русская служба BBC “.
“Против России введены санкции – давайте посмотрим, нельзя ли добиться хороших договоренностей с Россией. Для начала, я считаю, что ядерное оружие надо сокращать, и сокращать очень существенно, это могло бы быть составной частью этого процесса. Однако Россия сейчас сильно страдает из-за санкцией, а я думаю, что может произойти нечто такое, от чего много людей выиграют”, – процитировало издание текст интервью.
Трамп сказал, что начнет свою деятельность на посту президента США с того, что будет доверять Путину и канцлеру Германии Ангеле Меркель, но долго это может и не продлиться.
Он заявил, что всего через несколько недель после вступления на свой пост предложит Великобритании “справедливую” сделку, чтобы сделать выход страны из ЕС “великим делом”. Он также пригласил премьер-министра страны Терезу Мэй сразу же после своего вступления в должность посетить Белый дом.
Трамп полагает, что другие страны вслед за Великобританией будут покидать ЕС, так как Евросоюзу большой ущерб нанес миграционный кризис.
Он также обещал укрепить границы США, в том числе путем ограничений на въезд европейцев, а также жесткой проверки всех въезжающих в США выходцев из стран, где распространен исламский терроризм.
Трамп также раскритиковал внешнюю политику США, заявив, что решение о вторжение в Ирак , вероятно, является худшим решением в истории страны, а дела в Афганистане также идут достаточно плохо.
Напомним, избранный вице-президент США Майк Пенс заявил, что Трамп “готов предложить свежий взгляд” на отношения с Россией.
Ранее, The Sunday Times, со ссылкой на информированные источники сообщила, что Трамп планирует встретиться с президентом РФ Владимиром Путиным максимум через неделю после инаугурации в столице Исландии – Рейкьявике. По информации издания, главной темой встречи должно было стать вопрос сокращения ядерного вооружения.
Позже, агентство Reuters со ссылкой на два высокопоставленных источника сообщило, что команда Трампа опровергла встречу с Путиным. Информацию о возможной встрече в столице Исландии – Рекьявике один из собеседников агентство назвал “выдумкой”. Другой также сказал, что изложенные в ней факты не соответствуют действительности.
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Все будет зависеть от будущих отношения Вашингтона и Москвы, отметил будущий президент
Правительство страны вступило “категорически против” решения Белого дома о продлении санкций против РФ
Срок действий введенных еще в 2014 году санкций истекал в марте нынешнего года
Новая глава Фриланд заверила, что поддерживала введение санкций против России, находясь в оппозиции
Как сообщается, Ткачев прибудет в Берлин 22 января и будет гостем министерства иностранных дел Германии
Европейцев не сильно беспокоят антироссийские санкции, от которых экономика России терпит крах

Similarity rank: 8.5

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/tramp-gotov-otmenit-antirossiyskie-sankcii-v-obmen-na-sokrashchenie-rf-yadernogo-arsenala-788462.html
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Acer's Liquid Jade Primo Windows phone disappears from the US Microsoft Store


NewsHubAs they say, another one has bitten the dust. Earlier this week, Microsoft removed the Lumia 650 and 735 from its US online Store , and the next day, it removed the AT&T-locked Lumia 640 XL. Today, Acer’s Liquid Jade Primo has disappeared, which means that there are only nine Windows phones listed on the US Microsoft Store, and only five of those are currently in stock.
If you’re still shopping for a Windows phone, these are your current options from Microsoft:
If you head over to the listing for the Acer Jade Primo , it now says, “This product is currently unavailable”. It’s no surprise though, as the handset was unveiled over 15 months ago at IFA 2015. As with all Windows phones on the website besides the HP Elite x3, it’s aging.
However, it was still a Windows 10 Mobile device, as some of them are not. Both of Blu’s Windows handsets ship with Windows Phone 8.1, and to make matters worse, the Win Jr LTE only has 4GB of storage, making it ineligible for a Windows 10 upgrade.
The phone is still available on the UK Microsoft Store , as it’s one of six. With Microsoft seemingly cleaning out its Store listings for phones, it doesn’t seem likely that it will stay for long. Of course, you can always grab it from any number of third-party retailers.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/K0XTm0r30HU/acers-liquid-jade-primo-windows-phone-disappears-from-the-us-microsoft-store
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First 24: Hands-on with the Honor 6X


NewsHubAlthough Honor has only been producing handsets since 2013, the last couple of years has seen the company’s rapid ascension in the US, thanks to affordable prices on feature-packed handsets. In 2017 they aim to start the year by offering an affordable mid-range handset that improves on last year’s Honor 5X in every single way, the Honor 6X.
After using it for a day, the Honor 6X is a marked improvement when it comes to design and construction over last year’s model. The front offers a subtle design with a crisp 5.5-inch 1080p display with rounded 2.5D glass. The viewing angles of the display are great, but if there is one thing to complain about, it would be that it seems a bit dim when outdoors. During the first day of use in mostly cloudy overcast weather, it was tough to see the display clearly at times, even with the brightness set to maximum.
Although not the slimmest handset, measuring in at 8.2mm, it still feels good, thanks to the curved metallic body that conforms to the hand. The volume rocker and power button feel solid and provide excellent feedback when pushed.
As far as speed of the handset, the Honor 6X feels snappy. The device is powered by a Kirin 655 octa-core processor that offers more than enough power for day-to-day use. Although I didn’t run it through a gamut of tests, it performed without stutter when used for browsing via Chrome, capturing images and video, multitasking, Snapchat and more. This is a huge victory for Honor, considering last year’s Honor 5X did have a bit of an issue when it came to performance.
When it comes to the software, the handset is running EMUI 4.1 on top of Android 6.0. Like previous Honor devices, it does not have an app launcher, which is traditionally found on handsets that are released in the US. While this is not a deal breaker, since it can always be altered using a third party launcher, it will catch some new users off guard. Hopefully, when Honor updates to Android 7.0 with EMUI 5, it will be more suited for those in the US, as the latest version of its software comes with the option of using an app launcher by default.
The rear of the device probably houses the unit’s more interesting bits like the quick and reliable fingerprint reader and the dual camera setup that packs a 12MP and 2MP sensor. As far as image quality is concerned, the handset seems to focus fairly quickly out in the field, but after reviewing the images at home, some of them look at bit soft or out of focus. This is only a quick first impression and more time will be needed to fully test out the handset. But so far, for $249, this feels like a very worthwhile investment – even more so if you are able to take advantage of the flash sales that knock an extra $50 off of the aforementioned price.
Be sure to be on the look out for the upcoming review and if you have any questions about the device be sure to comment down below or message on Twitter .

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/m6sxEhiev_E/first-24-hands-on-with-the-honor-6x
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Here's some additional Switch content from Nintendo of Japan


NewsHubNintendo revealed more details about its Switch console a couple days ago and also made more than a few trailers available for upcoming titles on its YouTube channel. While the content on the general Nintendo channel has come to a halt , the Japanese channel has released several videos offering more footage of upcoming games. Unfortunately, the videos are not currently translated and while there are important details in some of the interviews, most will have to make due with enjoying the visual footage.
Super Mario Odyssey gameplay footage starts at 15:30 mark. It begins by showing off Mario’s move set like the triple jump, back flip, running jump and more. At the 17:30 mark, you’ll be able to see locations that Mario will explore in the title with some of them looking very different from previous games.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild segment wastes no time and jumps straight into gameplay footage at the 4:45 mark. The title will be available on the console’s release day with a variety of different offerings like a limited edition bundle.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe isn’t an entirely new title, but you can still watch a four player match-up starting at the 3:45 mark. Players are encouraged to use the new wheel accessory that will link with the upcoming Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controller.
いっしょにチョキッと スニッパーズ is a puzzle game that offers some very unique elements. The gameplay and character “molding” process can be seen at the 4:15 mark.
The Nintendo Switch will arrive on March 3 with pre-orders already underway in the United States from major retailers.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/2P-lnoR_-74/heres-some-additional-switch-content-from-nintendo-of-japan
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Xiaomi Redmi Pro review: Dual camera and 10 cores without breaking the bank


NewsHubIt was a rather busy year for Xiaomi, with many new device launches including the innovative Mi Mix and the powerful Mi 5s duo. Another interesting device that was launched by the company last year was the Redmi Pro, which was Xiaomi’s first smartphone with a dual lens camera and a deca-core processor. It was also the most expensive offering in the Redmi series at a starting price of $225. I managed to spend some time with the smartphone and was quite impressed by it.
The Redmi Pro has three variants based on the CPU, RAM, and storage, which are as follows:
For someone familiar with other Redmi series devices such as the Redmi 3 or the Redmi Note 3 , these may seem a bit too pricey. However, the device’s pricing is similar to the Moto G4 Plus ($249), which is widely considered as a good value for money smartphone, while aiming to offer an affordable flagship level product. I received the base variant of the Redmi Pro with 3GB RAM, 32GB storage, and the deca-core Helio X20 chipset clocked up to 2.11GHz. Read on to know more about the device.
Like most of its smartphone packaging, Xiaomi has gone with an iPhone-like box with minimal content inside for the Redmi Pro. The company isn’t providing any extra accessories such as adapter cables, screen protectors or back covers with the device.
Inside the box, there is the phone itself, a charging adapter, and a USB Type-C cable. Since the Redmi Pro is priced in the mid-range bracket, I was once again expecting Xiaomi to ship a pair of earphones with it. However, those were once again missing from the box.
The Redmi Pro looks great and feels even better in the hand. The metal unibody feels very sturdy and the brushed chrome finish helps the device look brand new all the time. On the front of the smartphone, it has a physical home button which is also the fingerprint sensor. This is a bit different from the Redmi 3S Prime, Redmi Note 3, and the Mi Max, which have rear-mounted fingerprint sensors.
However, in the case of the Redmi Pro, the rear side houses the dual-camera module and having the fingerprint sensor on the back would have made it look busy. The device looks a lot like the Galaxy Note 4 or the OnePlus 3 from the front, but the rear side looks rather unique due to the vertically positioned dual cameras.
The Redmi Pro is very slippery and slides off the palms often. Putting a cover on it is necessary, even more so if you have small hands like me. Other than this particular issue, the device is of top notch quality and I was very pleased with its build.
Unlike its other mid-range offerings such as the Redmi Note 3 and the Mi Max , Xiaomi has fitted the Redmi Pro with an AMOLED screen. The 5.5-inch display has a resolution of 1920×1080 (Full HD) which translates to a pixel density of 401 pixels per inch.
Xiaomi has done a decent job with the color calibration, but for certain colors such as orange and pink I felt that it was slightly off. The screen managed to brighten up significantly in direct sunlight and was quite visible until as low as 35% brightness. In normal conditions, the viewing experience with the Redmi Pro was very good. It is probably the best screen you would get in a mid-range smartphone and is an ideal one for watching photos and videos.
Cosmetically, the 2.5D curved screen doesn’t look as rounded as the UMi Max or the Nubia Z11 Max smartphones. This is mostly due to the plastic lining around the Redmi Pro’s edges. Overall, the display was pretty good and it’s nice to see a decent AMOLED unit in a mid-range device. Samsung has already begun shipping AMOLEDs in its entry-level J series smartphones and other manufacturers might also increase adoption of OLED in the near future.
The call quality on the Redmi Pro was average and I had to move around to get clear sound on many occasions. It was at its best in outdoor conditions but deteriorated significantly inside buildings. I used the smartphone on Vodafone India’s 4G network and Jio 4G throughout my time with it.
Since both carriers are still in early stages of 4G LTE rollout here, it’s rather difficult to say who is at fault for the call quality issues indoors. The data connectivity was quite good on both the networks, even in places where it fell back on 3G. Anyone looking to order the smartphone for use in the US or Europe should look for the supported bands.
The audio quality for music and other media was quite good from both the loudspeaker and the headphone jack. The loudspeaker is very loud and even at the highest volume level there was no tearing or crackling. I used a pair of Sennheiser earphones for testing the audio output from the 3.5mm port which I found to be quite good.
Xiaomi offers custom presets for its own earphones and headsets, but since none of those are bundled with the device, I cannot comment upon how they sound.
The most hyped feature of the Redmi Pro is its dual-camera and rightly so, as it is quite a promising module for a mid-range smartphone. I enjoyed using the camera and features such as Stereo mode for selective focus, 3D mode, and manual focus are very well implemented by Xiaomi.
Specifications-wise, the dual-camera is a combination of a 13-megapixel camera and a 5-megapixel camera, which captures images simultaneously and processes them to give a sharper image with sufficient lighting and depth of field. It isn’t an obvious difference from usual high-quality images, but zooming into some of the pictures reveals slightly more detail.
The rear camera is capable of shooting very good photos in most lighting conditions except very low light such as street lights. There is sufficient clarity in each of the images shot in daylight and the colors also look great. The Stereo mode allows the user to focus on certain objects and create a bokeh-like effect as well. Such images can also be seen in 3D mode, as in tilting the phone gives you an idea of the surroundings up to a very limited angle.
In case of video, the camera is capable of shooting at 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second, with higher framerates available at lower resolutions. The video quality is quite good in both day and night conditions. However, for distant shooting in low light, the camera loses focus and is not that useful.
You can check out some of the camera samples below:
Images taken with the 5-megapixel front camera were also quite good. However, the color retention left a lot to be desired. I was happy with the images produced by the Redmi Pro in most cases, even more so with those captured by the rear camera and I’d certainly call it a good camera phone for its price.
Like the Redmi 3S Prime , the Redmi Pro also comes pre-loaded with Xiaomi’s heavily customized MIUI 8 skin on top of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. However, this device is yet to hit global markets and comes with the Chinese MIUI build with basic English language support in Xiaomi’s own apps and no Play Store. Google apps can be installed using a third-party installer. Once Xiaomi releases a global ROM, it should contain Google apps and services.
The OS itself was very smooth on the Redmi Pro and there were barely any issues in regular smartphone usage, despite the lack of full English support. Apps and games functioned smoothly without any force close prompts. Microsoft Exchange sync was a bit problematic for me as it never managed to update contacts that I edited on the phone. Other than this particular issue, I didn’t have much to complain about the software.
It should be noted that the user experience is different from stock Android, and users who aren’t familiar with MIUI will need some time to get used to it. You can read a bit more about MIUI in our Mi Max review from last year.
The Redmi Pro is one of the few devices that use MediaTek’s flagship deca-core chipsets, the Helio X20 and X25. Our review device features the Helio X20 clocked at 2.11GHz and 3GB of RAM. Even though these are the lowest specs for this device, my experience with the device was very good. App load times and frame rates in games such as Clash Royale and Dead Trigger.
Benchmark results for the Helio X20 are also quite impressive as it managed to come close to some of the flagship chipsets such as the Snapdragon 801 and Snapdragon 810. This is not a bad metric at all, given the Redmi Pro’s $225 pricing. The smartphone is capable of handling heavy multi-tasking with ease and I never managed to fully utilize its RAM as Xiaomi has implemented some optimization under the hood.
In Geekbench, I was quite surprised to see that the Redmi Pro scored higher than Snapdragon 820-powered Galaxy S7 and Galaxy Note7 in single-core and multi-core tests. However, benchmark scores don’t often give you the complete picture and the device might be slow in certain tasks. In the case of the Redmi Pro, that wasn’t an issue either and its ability to perform regular tasks without slowing down is quite impressive.
The 4,050mAh Battery on the Redmi Pro lasts at least a day of heavy usage on a single charge, while moderate usage can keep the phone ticking for another half day. The same capacity battery on the Redmi 3S Prime lasts for two days, however, that smartphone is powered by the power-efficient Snapdragon 430 chipset and also features a smaller 5-inch 720p screen.
Xiaomi has added battery optimization features in MIUI, but these are often problematic since they stop push notifications from certain apps from going through. With the optimizations disabled, the battery life reduces by about a couple of hours. However, it is something the user might consider disabling if they are constantly missing notifications or experiencing delayed sync.
Like most smartphones available, the Redmi Pro too has a battery saver feature that can extend the standby time by up to three hours. It disables sync, background tasks and data connectivity, but can be configured as per priority and it works perfectly fine.
Charging the smartphone with the bundled charger takes about 2.5 hours, and there is no mention of support for any quick charging technology.
The Redmi Pro is a very good smartphone and once again Xiaomi has struck the perfect balance between features and pricing. Its top variants may be perceived as expensive by some, but they do have additional storage, RAM, and a better chipset in them.
While the Moto G4 and G4 Plus are highly recommended smartphones due to their availability in a majority of markets with guaranteed software updates, someone looking for a slightly premium smartphone with a dual camera, without spending a lot can consider the Redmi Pro. Another dual camera smartphone worth considering is the Huawei Honor 8 , which is now available for $120 more than the Redmi Pro, but supports US LTE bands and is available in many markets.
The biggest problem with the Redmi Pro for now, is that it can only be imported through Chinese retailers, since it is not launched outside of the country yet. That also means there won’t be any official support available for the device. If it launches in whichever country you live in, there shouldn’t be any doubt in opting for the smartphone, but that is largely uncertain for now.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/ziTB7vOjBvg/xiaomi-redmi-pro-review-dual-camera-and-10-cores-without-breaking-the-bank
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Sen Feinstein: ‘I Understand Why John Lewis Feels the Way He Does’


NewsHubSunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” commenting on Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) saying “I don’t see the president-elect as a legitimate president,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said she understood why Lewis “feels the way he does.”
Feinstein said, “Well, I understand why John Lewis feels the way he does. This is a very fearful and divided nation right now, and the Trumps have not done anything to bring it together. I really regret the president-elect’s response to what John Lewis said. It’s without understanding of his history, of what he went through, of the fact that this is Martin Luther King weekend and there is so much fear in this country. I come from the biggest state. I get tens of thousands of phone calls and emails of people that are fearful of what’s going to happen. It’s the job of this new president to reassure people that he is not just the president of his base, but he is the president of everyone, and that means a coming together now ”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Similarity rank: 7
Sentiment rank: 5

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/breitbart/~3/QZnSHXGx16s/
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Expect trouble as Shadow Brokers retire, give away hacking tools


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Need to upgrade your storage and memory? New RAM and a roomy new solid state drive should do it!

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/447673,expect-trouble-as-shadow-brokers-retire-give-away-hacking-tools.aspx?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=PC+%26+Tech+Authority+Software+feed
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Behold, the Xbox One S laptop!


NewsHubBen Heck has been known to create some amazing pieces in the past, but the Xbox One S laptop has to be one of the more unique creations to date. The project started several months ago when Heck tore down the Xbox One S and never rebuilt it. Instead of letting it lay in waste, he began working on the concept of an Xbox One S laptop. After several months and being filmed in stages, the laptop made its debut on his YouTube channel on January 6.
While the case construction alone is a tedious process, repositioning the innards was also equally as difficult. In order to slim down the already slim console even further, Heck took the core components of the device and spread them out. In order to maintain this dimension throughout the laptop, Heck also had to swap out some of the original parts like the monstrous cooling fan for something a bit more compact. In the end, the Xbox One S laptop looked absolutely marvelous and is a fully functional piece.
Source: Ben Heck via Engadget

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/QOYQp1Oaxsc/behold-the-xbox-one-s-laptop
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Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, pro-wrestling Hall of Famer, dies age 73


NewsHubJimmy “Superfly” Snuka, the trailblazing and controversial Polynesian professional wrestling star, has died age 73, his daughter said Sunday.
In an instagram post, Tamina Snuka, herself a pro-wrestler, shared an intimate last moment between the two.
I LOVE YOU DAD #FOREVERMYDAD #RestWell #FamiliesAreForever #BestDad #SnukaLegacy
A photo posted by SaronaSnuka (@saronasnukawwe) on Jan 15, 2017 at 11:19am PST
Snuka, a Fiji native, began his pro wrestling career in Hawaii in 1969. He became known for his signature move of flying off the ropes onto opponents, hence his nickname. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1996.
Wrestling stars and fans of all ages poured out their condlensces on social media to the influential wrestler who spent more than four decades in the ring.
Our family @TaminaSnuka asked me to share the sad news that her dad Jimmy Snuka has just passed away. Alofa atu i le aiga atoa. #RIPSuperfly
RIP Superfly. Only love HH
#RIPSuperfly one of the greatest icons in the history of our business. Sending our love and prayers to the entire family. https://t.co/AxmHKYrDj8
So sorry to learn of the passing of the legendary Jimmy Snuka. His career had such a huge impact on my life. pic.twitter.com/I4JZP7XICJ
One of the most iconic photos in wrestling. Before high risk was high fashion. Jimmy Snuka captured the imagination of us all. pic.twitter.com/1o1M3UBMpN
A Lehigh County judge on Jan. 3 dismissed the murder case against the retired WWE star in the death of Nancy Argentino, whose body was found in their Whitehall Township hotel room in 1983. Prosecutors allege she was beaten. Snuka maintained she died from a fall.
The decision to dismiss his case came a month after Snuka’s lawyer told the court that his client had dementia, was in hospice care in Florida and had six months to live. Earlier, he had given confused testimony to the court , and his lawyers blamed his condition on the many head injuries he sustained during his career.
Last summer, Snuka was one of the higher profile names on a lawsuit against the WWE over traumatic head injuries .
The case involves 53 “retired professional wrestlers and performers who sustained long term neurological injuries during their tenure with WWE,” including Joseph “The Road Warrior Animal” Laurinaitis and Chris Pallies, known as “King Kong Bundy.” Snuka was represented by a guardian after a judge declared him mentally unfit to stand trial for the 1983 beating death of his girlfriend.
The lawsuit states that the Stamford, Connecticut-based WWE “routinely failed to care for the Named Plaintiffs’ repetitive head injuries during their career in any medically competent or meaningful manner that complied with any known published contact sports return to play guidelines at the time the injuries occurred.”
The lawsuit also claims that the injuries sustained by wrestlers “involve a neurological disease and ongoing disease process called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as well as the effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) that occur as a consequence of repetitive head trauma sustained by the Plaintiffs as professional wrestlers in matches sponsored, controlled and created by WWE.”
WWE denies the allegations.

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© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jimmy-superfly-snuka-pro-wrestling-hall-of-famer-dies-age-73/
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