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Invisible unicorns: 35 big companies that started with little or no money


There’s a widespread belief among founders that venture capital is a precursor to success. VC is a common denominator of the most successful tech startups, ..
Venture capital is a hell of a drug, and it’s possible to overdose on VC, but for most founders that is a champagne problem. More often the question investors hear is “how do I get a VC to back my startup?” These founders aren’ t worried about how overcapitalization will make their IPO prospects trickier — they’ re scrambling to get someone, anyone, to sign their first term sheet.
There’s a widespread belief among founders that venture capital is a precursor to success. VC is a common denominator of the most successful tech startups, but it isn’ t a prerequisite, especially at the early stages.
Entrepreneurs can prove out quite a bit with little to no capital. Capital won’ t make your company insightful. If you can’ t creatively turn $1 into $10, why do you expect to be able to turn $1 million into $10 million?
To help illustrate how startups can move forward, here are 35 examples of companies that started with a few thousand dollars, or even just sweat equity, and went on to become exemplars of what I call “efficient entrepreneurship.”
Many of these companies have subsequently earned billion-dollar valuations, some even have billions of dollars in revenue, but none started with anything other than what would be considered a seed round. Most of these startups raised money from VCs, but only after they established the fact that their success would come with or without a wire transfer from an investor. Even now, many of them aren’ t widely known — they are the invisible unicorns of the tech industry.
So before scrambling to schedule meetings with investors, read these stories. They provide a counterbalance to the VC-centric outlook held by many founders, and provide alternative ways to think about funding.
What follows are brief and simplified descriptions of these companies (categorized by approaches they share) and links to stories where you can read more about them. Remember, taking venture capital should be a choice, not a compulsion. These companies show how it’s done.
You don’ t need venture capital to get started in most industries if you can solve a real problem for customers and charge money for it. Here are three ways to think about this:
Automate your workflow
The easiest way to build a useful product is to automate some part of your daily workflow. This will ensure you’ ve got proven demand for what you’ re building and a pre-existing funding source for your project.
MailChimp: Co-founder/CEO Ben Chestnut was running a design consulting business in the year 2000 and had a stream of clients who wanted email newsletters created. The only problem was that he hated designing them. So, to spare his team the tedium, he decided to build a tool that would streamline the process. MailChimp, a $400 million run rate business, was born.
Lynda: Lynda Weinman started as a teacher in need of tools to instruct web designers in the late 1990s. The offerings at bookstores were bland, so she began producing training films that better educated her students. Tutorial by tutorial her company helped software developers and designers improve their skills. She spent two decades building a content library and tech assets that had enough scale to entice LinkedIn to pay $1.5 billion to acquire the company.
Start with a capital-efficient product
Many entrepreneurs make frontal attacks on industry leaders, usually resulting in failure. This is especially true in the case of hardware. Instead of trying to compete with a company like Apple, these scrappy startups filled the gap left by RadioShack and built businesses worthy of respect and emulation.
AdaFruit Industries: Limor Fried started her DIY electronics e-commerce empire as a student at MIT by assembling DIY kits comprised of off-the-shelf parts. Fried merchandised the same building blocks found at electronics stores, but also crafted quirky content that made the prospect of soldering a replica Space Invaders cabinet seem reasonable. Now she has 85 employees and earns $33 million per year.
SparkFun: Similar to AdaFruit, Nathan Seidle started SparkFun out of his dorm room by selling electronics kits and oddball components to a coterie of engineers who wanted to explore exotic new sensors and systems. Now his e-commerce empire employs 154 and has revenues of $32 million per year.
Solve an existing problem and leverage an existing business model
Startups don’ t have to be particularly innovative in terms of business model. Building a better mousetrap on top of a more modern technical platform, or with a UX layer, can be enough. None of the companies that follow reinvented the wheel, but all wound up creating real value.
Braintree Payments: Exchanging money online, without being fleeced by fraudsters, is one of the oldest problems on the web. All parties to a transaction happily agree to pay a fair “tax” for a superior experience. Braintree built a better tech solution and survived on the proceeds of those transactions for four years before raising $69 million in two rounds of venture capital, which preceded an $800 million acquisition.
Shopify: Shopify’s founders were looking for a shopping cart solution when they were starting an e-commerce site for snowboarders. Unable to find one, they decided to scratch their own itch and built a bespoke solution on the then red-hot Ruby on Rails framework. It turned out to be a perfect solution for plenty more people, and the founders ran the business independently for six years on the revenue they generated. They ultimately raised money from VCs and later IPOed, which rewarded them with a billion-dollar valuation.
Many entrepreneurs waste their time “playing CEO, ” crafting a strategy and drawing up a dream org chart for what their business might become. Don’ t do that. Instead, figure out what you can do, today, to advance this idea using only the resources you have.
Ipsy: Sending boxes of makeup to amateur beauticians has become a growth industry thanks to pioneers like Birchbox. YouTube star Michelle Phan didn’ t have first-mover advantage, but she leveraged her online celebrity (8 million+ YouTube subscribers) , relationships with cosmetics brands and

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/pC-6QJ2evQg/
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Tourists, locals buy Nevada's legal recreational marijuana


Cheers and long lines of tourists and locals alike greeted the first day of sales of recreational marijuana on Saturday as Nevada became the fifth state with stores selling pot to the public…
LAS VEGAS (AP) – Cheers and long lines of tourists and locals alike greeted the first day of sales of recreational marijuana on Saturday as Nevada became the fifth state with stores selling pot to the public in a market that is expected to outpace all others in the U. S. thanks to the millions of visitors who flock to Las Vegas each year. Veteran consumers, first-timers, twenty-somethings and retirees were among those who defied triple-digit temperatures before they made it into stores across the Las Vegas area, some of which opened shortly after midnight and later provided free water, live music, valet parking and coveted promotions on their valuable product. Eager employees guided customers and answered questions from product potency to Nevada’s consumption regulations. Minnesota resident Edgar Rosas Lorenzo on Saturday flew with his family to Sin City for his sister’s wedding. But even before he checked in to his hotel, he stopped at a dispensary on the Las Vegas Strip. Lorenzo, 21, said he learned of the legalization of recreational marijuana in Nevada while he was at the airport waiting for his flight to depart. He drove with his sister and soon-to-be brother-in-law from the rental car facility in Las Vegas straight to the dispensary. They waited in line about 40 minutes before he could buy one-eighth of an ounce of marijuana and hemp wraps. « It was worth the wait. I’m going to come get some more tomorrow,  » Lorenzo said after paying about $60 in cash at Essence dispensary. « It helps me sleep. I get back pain. I have a slipped disk. » Some dispensaries took to social media to spread the word or tried to draw in buyers with special events. Some gave away free marijuana to their first 100 customers, and at least one entered buyers into a raffle for free pot for a year. Those 21 and older with a valid ID can buy up to an ounce of pot. Tourists are expected to make nearly two of every three recreational pot purchases in Nevada. But people can only use the drug in a private home as it remains illegal to consume it in public, including the Las Vegas Strip, hotels and casino floors. Violators face a $600 fine. « I have yet to figure that out,  » Lorenzo said of where he will smoke the weed he got at the Essence dispensary, which along with others had stacks of pamphlets stating the regulations in every checkout station. Meanwhile, Kristin Deneal got in line outside a pot shop at 5: 45 a.m., after a different store that opened at midnight closed before she could make a purchase. She brought a folding chair and sat by the door, striking conversations with the security guard and others as the line continued to grow before doors opened at 9 a.m. Deneal, a Las Vegas resident, said she is elated at being able to legally buy the drug that for decades she has had to buy through acquaintances. Smoking marijuana helps her cope with health conditions while also working a stressful job at a bank, she said. « It looks like they have enough stuff for everyone, it’s just a question of getting through the door,  » Deneal, 57, said. State Sen. Tick Segerblom, one of the main proponents of marijuana legalization in Nevada, made the first purchase at The Source dispensary at a strip mall. Deneal and others followed. An hour after the door opened, at least 80 transactions had been recorded. Some facilities are in strip malls, while others, in stereotypical Las Vegas fashion, are in neighborhoods shared by strip clubs. Some dispensaries have ATMs inside because they only accept cash transactions for marijuana. Lorenzo immediately posted photos of his stash on Snapchat. His friends have said they’re jealous and asked where he bought the products, he said. Lorenzo said he will plan another trip to Vegas specifically to be able to legally purchase marijuana, not to visit the city’s world famous casinos. « We just got here … Instead of looking around in Vegas, I’m in a dispensary,  » he said. Recreational marijuana sales began shortly after midnight, just months after voters approved legalization in November, marking the fastest turnaround from the ballot box to retail sales in the country. Hundreds of people lined up outside dispensaries that opened from 12 a.m. to 3 a.m. and had to turn away customers like Deneal. At Essence on the Strip, people were excited and well-behaved as a lone security guard looked on. A cheer erupted when the doors opened. Despite the limits on where people can get high and restrictions on where the industry can advertise, dispensaries worked furiously to prepare for the launch. They stamped labels on pot products, stocked up their shelves, added security and installed extra checkout stations. Nevada joins Colorado, Oregon, Washington and Alaska in allowing adults to buy the drug that’s still banned by the federal government. « I’ve been living in Vegas for 15 years, and I keep missing the cities that legalize marijuana and edibles. So I’m happy that it’s here now,  » said Babs Daitch, who was waiting in line. ___ Associated Press writer Sally Ho contributed to this report. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© Source: http://www.cbs46.com/story/35793974/tourists-locals-buy-nevadas-legal-recreational-marijuana
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Бойовики зменшили інтенсивність обстрілів у зоні АТО


У зоні проведення АТО з початку доби бойовики 9 разів обстрілювали сили Збройних сил України, більшість обстрілів відбулася до світанку.
У зоні проведення АТО з початку доби бойовики 9 разів обстрілювали сили Збройних сил України, більшість обстрілів відбулася до світанку.
Про це повідомили у прес-центрі штабу АТО 1 липня.
«Підрозділи російсько-окупаційних військ продовжують порушувати перемир’ я, зокрема застосовуючи заборонене Мінськими угодами озброєння. На Приморському напрямку бойовики застосовували зброю поблизу Донецька та на узбережжі Азовського моря, з танків, озброєння БМП та великокаліберних кулеметів обстріляли опорні пункти сил АТО поблизу Красногорівки. Біля Водяного бойовики застосували 82-мм міномети, біля Широкиного – гранатомети», – повідомили у штабі.
У напрямку Донецька бойовики вели вогонь на Світлодарській дузі в районі Луганського, використовуючи міномети різних калібрів, БМП та гранатомети.
Окрім того бойовики вели вогонь з протитанкових гранатометів та стрілецької зброї поблизу Авдіївки.
На Луганському напрямку вночі сили ОРДО здійснили обстріл неподалік Кримського з артилерійських систем калібру 152 мм.

© Source: http://zik.ua/news/2017/07/01/boyovyky_zmenshyly_intensyvnist_obstriliv_u_zoni_ato_den_proyshov_spokiyno_1124593
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В Виннице в помещение магазина одежды бросили взрывчатку


Сегодня в городе Виннице двое неизвестных бросили взрывчатку в помещение магазина одежды, в результате чего начался пожар, передает УНН со…
КИЕВ. 1 июля. УНН. Сегодня в городе Виннице двое неизвестных бросили взрывчатку в помещение магазина одежды, в результате чего начался пожар, передает УНН со ссылкой пресс-службу ГУ НП в Винницкой области.
“Сегодня около 11: 00 в г. Виннице по улице Стуса двое неизвестных бросили взрывной предмет в помещение магазина одежды, в результате чего начался пожар. Огонь быстро локализовали и потушили спасатели. На месте происшествия работают полицейские-взрывотехники и следственно-оперативная группа полиции”, — говорится в сообщении.
По информации правоохранителей, события происходили следующим образом: в магазин подъехали двое неизвестных на мотоцикле “Сузуки” бело-синего цвета. Водитель и пассажир были в мотоциклетных шлемах синего цвета. В момент, когда сотрудница магазина открывала помещение, один из мужчин брызнул неизвестным веществом в ее лицо. Другой злоумышленник бросил взрывной предмет в двери магазина. После этого оба скрылись на мотоцикле. После поступления информации на линию 102 на место происшествия выехали все службы оперативного реагирования полиции, скорая медицинская помощь.
Указано, что работнице магазина оказана медицинская помощь, ее жизни ничего не угрожает. В результате инцидента больше никто из граждан не пострадал.
Пожарные быстро локализовали и потушили огонь.
“Полицией принимаются меры по задержанию злоумышленников, введен план” Перехват “. На месте происшествия работают специалисты взрывотехнического отдела полиции, следственно-оперативная группа”, — добавили в пресс-службе.

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1673824-u-vinnitsi-v-primischennya-magazinu-odyagu-kinuli-vibukhivku
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New Jersey government shuts down in budget standoff


By Ralph Ellis and Deanna Hackney NEW JERSEY — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie shut down the state government Friday night after the legislature failed to pass a budget.
By Ralph Ellis and Deanna Hackney
NEW JERSEY — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie shut down the state government Friday night after the legislature failed to pass a budget.
Christie signed a state of emergency permitting the operation of essential government services such as state police, correctional facilities, welfare services, state hospitals and treatment facilities. Also shielded from the shutdown are New Jersey Transit, the state lottery, casinos and racetracks.
The shutdown forces the closure of tourist attractions such as all 40 state parks, recreational areas, historic sites, state beaches and Liberty State Park just as the July Fourth holiday weekend gets underway.
Campers who stayed in parks Friday night were asked to leave Saturday morning, Christie said. Public events in parks were canceled.
According to nj.com, the conflict in the legislature is about the finances of not-for-profit Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield, the state’s largest health insurer.
The state Senate passed a bill that allows the state government to control how much Horizon keeps in its surplus fund before it must contribute to a public health fund.
But Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, a Democrat, refused to allow the bill to come to a vote in the House, nj.com said.
Christie, a Republican, has promised to use his line-item veto to eliminate other bills in the budget unless the Horizon bill is passed, nj.com reported.
Christie addressed the legislature Saturday afternoon, saying Horizon is making huge profits without any control by state government, which created Horizon in the first place.
“Horizon doesn’ t want additional oversight. They don’ t want additional transparency, ” he said. “And unfortunately they have politicians who will do their bidding.”
Prieto issued a statement saying discussions about changing Horizon were not part of the budget process and that Christie was trying to “extort” Horizon’s ratepayers.
“I will consider it once a budget is signed. In fact, the Assembly Judiciary Committee stands ready to hold hearings starting this month, ” Prieto said.
The shutdown began at midnight and the governor ordered a special joint session of the Legislature to start Saturday morning to address the budget.
The governor told reporters Saturday that the state will do what it must to function, either via federal funding or by running up a tab. He cited state police as an essential service.
Asked whether more services will close if a shutdown continues, he said, “Probably not.”
Christie said, “We’ ve closed down everything” that officials believe is “not essential.”

© Source: http://fox13now.com/2017/07/01/new-jersey-government-shuts-down-in-budget-standoff/
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Gaming firm Razer seeks to raise over $600M in Hong Kong IPO


Gaming firm Razer has filed to go public through an IPO in Hong Kong as it looks to raise more than $600 million to go after growth opportunities. The..
Gaming firm Razer has filed to go public through an IPO in Hong Kong as it looks to raise more than $600 million to go after growth opportunities.
The U. S.-based company, which traces its origins back to Singapore, filed initial paperwork on Friday. Certain details — such as how much Razer is looking to raise, its valuation and the timing of the IPO — are not disclosed in the 345-page filing, but a source close to the company confirms it’s likely to be upwards of $600 million (earlier in the year, it looks like Bloomberg reported $400 million) . Razer’s last round of venture capital investment valued the firm at $2 billion.
The filing sheds some light on the company’s financials and details of previous M&A that it hadn’ t disclosed.
Razer makes money selling gaming peripherals and laptops, but it hasn’ t been profitable lately. It posted a $59.6 million loss in 2016 on revenue of $392.1 million. It was profitable in 2014 — to the tune of $20.3 million — but dropped into the red with a $20 million loss a year later, which the company put down to an aborted effort to list in the U. S. and increased stock options for staff.
Around half of its revenue comes from the Americas, with the remainder split roughly between Europe and Asia. China, where it claims to be the top games accessories brand, represents 13 percent of sales, the firm said in its filing. (Being established in China is a good reason to go public in Hong Kong, too, by the way.)
The company’s slogan — ‘For Gamers. By Gamers.’ — reflects its focus on building aspirational products for the global gaming community, which Razer estimates was worth $101 billion in sales last year and is primed for major growth.
Razer makes most of its money through the sale of peripherals, which counted for 76.2 percent of income last year and include items for PC and console gamers such as customized headphones, mice and joypads outfitted for gaming, colorful keyboards and large scale screens. Its other main source of revenue is highly specced laptops built for gaming, which cost close to $2,000, but it also offers a range of software services, which it claims have attracted 35 million registered users. Recently, Razer introduced a virtual currency aimed at connect the dots and generating more revenue from its loyal community of games lovers.
Razer is primed to enter new areas in the future, however.
It acquired smartphone startup NextBit earlier this year for $15 million in an all-share deal, as the prospectus reveals for the first time, and Razer also confirmed for the first time that it plans to launch its first mobile device by the end of 2017, or in early 2018. This is not too surprising considering that the core product released by the next bit team was its Robin smartphone. From what we understand, it’s not clear whether the mobile device will be a smartphone, although that’s one logical guess. Razer also acquired Ouya, which made an Android TV games console, and that deal could form part of this upcoming “mobile” product.
The company also hinted in filings that it may enter the games console space in the future. Again, as with Razer’s potential move into mobile devices, would be a logical move for the company, although one that will put it in closer competition with the likes of Sony and Microsoft.
Another product area where Razer plans to put more focus is audio, audiovisual products and services, and especially those that might see the company extend beyond gaming into adjacent areas of entertainment. In 2016, the company acquired THX, the iconic audio company founded by George Lucas in 1983 that focuses on developing premium audio and visual set-ups and providing audiovisual certifications. The filing reveals that Razer again paid around $15 million for the asset — this time in a combination of cash and shares.
“We believe the THX business will improve our ability to deliver premiere audiovisual products and allows us to extend our product offering for the broader entertainment segment, given the convergence of games, movies and music, ” Razer wrote in its filing.
The Razer sales model is divided between resellers, retails and its own direct sales. The latter comes primarily via Razer’s online store. The company has also developed a handful of concept stores — but nearly 80 percent of all revenue comes via distributors (50 percent) and third-party retailers like Amazon.
The company has 749 staff primarily in Asia and the U. S. and counts some big name investors including Foxconn, Intel, IDC-Accel and Hong Kong’s richest man, Li Ka-shing, who invested via his Redmount Ventures fund in Razer’s Series D.
And here is some more interesting detail on that Series D: when it was announced in May, we reported (per an interview with Razer CEO and founder Min-Liang Tan) that the investment was made through Ka-Shing’s Horizons Ventures and was for between $50 million and $100 million. The filing notes that the Series D, in fact, was for around $43 million and also included backing Binary Capital, the firm co-founded by Justin Caldbeck and Jonathan Teo which has been embroiled in a harassment scandal that is now kicking off a much bigger unfolding of related events across the VC world.
The IPO is likely to be a big win for angel investors in Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan’s native Singapore, who backed the young entrepreneur when he started his company in 2005. In its Series A, shares were valued around $76/share; and in its Series D, each preferred share was valued at over $2,304/share, a 30-fold increase.
Li Ka-shing’s involvement, in fact, is likely a major reason why Razer has picked Hong Kong for its listing. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange recently welcomed its largest tech IPO since 2007 when selfie app-maker Meitu went public. However that also provides a cautionary tale: the listing raised $629 million, but it ultimately underwhelmed.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/i7xhDTSuLRM/
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Little Rock club where shooting happened will be shut down, mayor says


The mayor of Little Rock says a nightclub where 28 people were injured when gunfire erupted will be shutdown.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Clubgoers screamed and scrambled for cover as dozens of gunshots rang out during a rap concert in downtown Little Rock early Saturday, leaving 28 people injured from an 11-second melee that police said may be gang-related.
Police Chief Kenton Buckner said investigators believe multiple people fired shots and that the shooting could be connected other violence in the city in recent days. All of the victims were expected to survive the shooting at the Power Ultra Lounge, and Buckner credited the work of first responders for that.
Twenty-five people between the ages of 16 and 35 suffered gunshot wounds, and three others were injured while fleeing the club. Two people were in critical condition Saturday afternoon, Buckner said. Police said they did not have any suspects in custody, and did not know how many shooters there were.
Courtney Swanigan, 23, told The Associated Press that when the gunfire rang out, « I just closed my eyes, got down on the ground and put my hands on my head. »
City officials said they would move Monday to shut down the club under a « criminal abatement » program. State regulators suspended the club’s liquor license earlier Saturday and Stodola said the property’s manager was delivering an eviction notice.
« We know we’ve got to use a hammer, we’ve got to use a big hammer on the people who would do violence with guns and hurt people,  » Mayor Mark Stodola said at an afternoon news conference.
He said the city must do more to « keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people » and suggested that people refuse to patronize clubs that seem to promote violence. Material advertising the concert by Tennessee rapper Finese 2Tymes showed a man pointing a gun at a camera.
« A promotional video with a gun on the front cover inviting people to a concert … should also be totally unacceptable in our community,  » Stodola said.
The shooting capped a violent week in Arkansas’ largest city. Police had responded to a dozen drive-by shootings over the previous nine days.
« This does appear to be a continuation of disputes from some of our local groups,  » Buckner said. « You’ve seen some of the things playing out in our streets that has resulted in drive-by shootings. »
The shooting occurred about 2: 30 a.m. to the club about 1 mile (1.61 kilometers) east of the state Capitol building. Top state officials offered to aid the city respond to an increasing number of incidents.
« Little Rock’s crime problem appears to be intensifying,  » Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson said in a statement. « Every few days it seems a high-profile shooting dominates the news, culminating with this morning’s event. I have spoken this morning with Mayor (Mark) Stodola and I have offered both my heart felt concern over this senseless violent tragedy and state assets as needed to address the continued threat of violence in our community. »
A Facebook video posted from inside the club included audio of at least 24 rounds fired in about 11 seconds. Darryl Rankin, who posted the video, said a friend of his who attended the Finese 2Tymes concert with him had a bullet « stuck in his spine. » Buckner said police had not yet spoken with the rapper, who he said has outstanding warrants in the state.
Calls to a number listed for Finese 2Tymes’ booking agent wasn’t returned Saturday, but a message was posted on the artist’s Facebook page offering thoughts and prayers for those injured: « THE VIOLENCE IS NOT FOR THE CLUB PEOPLE. WE ALL COME WITH 1 MOTIVE AT THE END OF THE DAY, AND THATS TO HAVE FUN. »
Police cordoned off the area as technicians collected evidence from the scene, which is near a Roman Catholic cathedral and a First United Methodist Church center. A number of worshippers gathered for a funeral at St. Andrew’s while police continued their work.
Glass from the Power Ultra Lounge’s second story windows littered the ground, along with empty drink cups. In the parking lot, a silver Toyota had what appeared to be a streak of blood on the front passenger-side door.
« I’m sick of all the killing and I’m tired of all the shooting. The kids getting hurt,  » said Raida Bunche, who was waiting outside the club after hearing from a friend that her son had been inside. She found out later that he had run from the club when the shooting started and was not hurt.
Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Control officials suspended the club’s alcohol license and set a hearing for July 10 on three potential charges: disorderly conduct, allowing possession of weapons on the premises and « failure to be a good neighbor. »
The club’s license has been suspended 11 times for failing to pay taxes, and it has been cited seven times for 14 various violations including unknowingly furnishing alcohol to minors and allowing alcohol to leave the premises since 2012, ABC Director of Enforcement Boyce Hamlet said.
In May, one person was killed and six people were hurt in a mass shooting at a downtown concert in Jonesboro, Arkansas, about 115 miles (185 kilometers) northeast of Little Rock. In that case, two men were charged with first-degree murder and six counts of first-degree battery.
Arkansas lawmakers earlier this year approved a measure expanding where concealed handguns can be carried, including bars if allowed by owners, for licensees who undergo additional training. The law takes effect in September, but the training likely won’t be available until early next year.

© Source: http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2017/07/little_rock_club_where_shootin.html
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Singer Adele cancels London shows due to damaged vocal cords


Singer Adele has canceled the two shows left on her world tour at London' s Wembley Stadium because of damaged vocal cords.
Singer Adele has canceled the two shows left on her world tour at London’s Wembley Stadium because of damaged vocal cords. After struggling the past Wednesday and Thursday nights on stage, a doctor advised her to not perform in London. The cancellation comes after hinting to fans that her current tour could be her last. Adele wrote an emotional open letter, saying « I’m so desperate to do them that I’ve even considered miming just to be in front of you and be with you. But, I’ve never done it, and I cannot in a million years do that to you. »She says refunds will be offered if the shows can’t be rescheduled.

© Source: http://abc7news.com/entertainment/singer-adele-cancels-london-shows-due-to-damaged-vocal-cords/2172110/
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Tokyo votes in local polls with national consequences


Tokyo goes to the polls Sunday in a local election that could have national consequences as the capital’s governor mounts a challenge to the party of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, whose popularity has slumped.
Tokyo goes to the polls Sunday in a local election that could have national consequences as the capital’s governor mounts a challenge to the party of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, whose popularity has slumped.
Former TV anchorwoman Yuriko Koike is hoping her coalition can beat the local arm of Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) , which holds a majority in the 127-seat Tokyo assembly.
Koike, who was elected as governor in a landslide last year, is rumoured to have her eye on Abe’s job.
The energetic 64-year-old quit the LDP this month to form her own party, Tomin First no Kai (Tokyo Residents First) , and is hoping to storm the male-dominated chamber after forging an alliance with the local chapter of the Komeito party.
Polls suggest the LDP could lose its leading position to Koike’s coalition.
With approval ratings topping 60 percent, Koike has pushed to rein in overspending on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic stadium and venues, cultivating an image that she would leave no stone unturned in cutting wasteful expenses under the LDP’s watch.
The popular politician has upturned convention by allowing television cameras into what were traditionally closed-door meetings.
A former defence and environment minister, she is also responsible for overseeing a controversial relocation of the world famous Tsukiji fish market.
A total of 259 candidates are running for seats in the chamber that administers a city that is home to nearly 14 million people.
Polls open at 7: 00 am (2200 GMT Saturday) and are expected to close by 8: 00 pm.
While the vote is local, it is an important indicator of national political sentiment and comes as Abe, who was elected prime minister in late 2012, suffers a series of setbacks.
This week, his defence minister Tomomi Inada was in hot water over remarks she made at a local LDP rally. She asked for voters’ support and said it was a request from her ministry and the Self-Defense Forces, Japan’s military.
The SDF is supposed to be politically neutral, and Inada retracted the remark.
Abe, 62, is also under fire over allegations he showed favouratism to a friend in a business deal.
The claims come a few months after the conservative premier was forced to deny he had connections to the controversial director of a school which had purchased government land at a huge discount — and counted Abe’s wife as its honorary principal.
A recent poll by public broadcaster NHK showed Abe’s government had a 48 percent support rating, down three percentage points from a month earlier. His disapproval rating rose six percentage points to 36 percent, the survey showed.
All of the LDP’s 57 candidates won assembly seats in the last city election in 2013 when Abe was riding high in the polls and pushing a plan to kickstart Japan’s long-lumbering economy.

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/tokyo-votes-in-local-polls-with-national-consequences/article/496615
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"Helmut Kohl wusste auch um seine Ecken und Kanten"


Das Requiem im Dom von Speyer würdigt den Menschen Kohl und schlägt versöhnende Brücken. An keinem geeigneteren Ort könnte er begraben werden.
Die Europäische Union hat den Altkanzler als Staatsmann geehrt. Das Requiem im Dom von Speyer würdigt ihn als Mensch – und schlägt versöhnende Brücken: An keinem geeigneteren Ort könnte der geschichtsbewusste Altkanzler begraben werden.
Man sagt, jemand geht durch das große Tor, wenn er einen großen Abschied bekommt. Der Tag zum Abschied von Helmut Kohl ist gestaltet als das größte nur denkbare Tor, und es hat eine besondere Symbolik, dass sein Sarg durch das Hauptportal nach draußen getragen wird. Der Dom in Speyer gehört zu Helmut Kohl ungefähr so wie Oggersheim und Saumagen, und vor 46 Jahren war es Kohl selbst, der dem Dom dieses Portal schenkte – als Ministerpräsident von Rheinland-Pfalz, der er damals war. Und jetzt verlässt er diesen Dom durch dieses Portal.
Die Europäische Union hat am Vormittag in Straßburg vor allem Kohl, den Staatsmann, geehrt. Hier in Speyer übernimmt die katholische Kirche. Bei ihr geht es um Helmut Kohl, den Menschen, und sie fährt alles an Pomp und Pathos auf, was sie zu bieten hat: die große, erst neun Jahre alte Orgel über dem Hauptportal; zwei Bischöfe, einen Erzbischof und Nuntius, zwei Kardinäle, Domchor und Domkantor. Es gibt Bach und Gregorianik, und wenn man genau darauf achtet, wer die Komponisten sind, so fällt einem auf, dass diese Auswahl wiederum auch Kohl, den Staatsmann, ehrt.
Es hätte ihm gefallen, hier nicht nur Bach und Schütz, sondern auch Maurice Duruflé und César Franck, Mozart, John Rutter und Rachmaninow zu hören – die Werke deutscher und französischer Komponisten, eines Österreichers, eines Engländers und eines Russen also. Die in Speyer gespielte Fassung des Sanctus hat Rutter, Jahrgang 1945, eigens für dieses Requiem geschrieben.
Der Speyerer Bischof Karl-Heinz Wiesemann leitet das Totenamt. Er legt erkennbar Wert darauf, den Menschen Kohl in seinen Stärken zu zeigen, aber bitte auch in seinen Schwächen. Schon seine Begrüßung: Er beginnt, indem er Maike Kohl-Richter nennt, die Witwe und schließt dann allgemein die « Angehörigen, Freunde und Weggefährten » an. Aber dabei belässt er es nicht: « In meinen Gruß möchte ich herzlich einschließen die Söhne unseres Verstorbenen, Walter und Peter, mit ihren Familien. »
Kohl hatte seine Nachkommen nicht mehr sehen wollen vor seinem Tod, und dort, wo bei einer Trauerfeier normalerweise die Kinder, Schwiegerkinder und Enkel gehen, hinter dem Sarg, da gehen bei diesem Verstorbenen Kai Diekmann, der langjährige Chefredakteur der Bild, und Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner, Kohls Anwalt. Zur Beerdigung wollten die Söhne nicht mitkommen, hatte Walter Kohl vorher angekündigt.
Ist es diese Konstellation, auf die der Bischof in seiner Predigt anspielt? Der Rahmen, den die Kirche liefert, ist ja perfekt; so perfekt, wie der Rahmen, den am Vormittag auch die EU lieferte. Bischof Wiesemann nutzt die Messe, um zu berichten von den letzten beiden Besuchen Kohls im Dom, kurz vor Weihnachten 2016 und vor Weihnachten 2015.
Sie hätten gemeinsam eine Kerze bei der Mutter Gottes angezündet, das Vater unser und das Ave Maria gebetet, und Wiesemann sagt: « Ich denke, Helmut Kohl wusste auch um seine Ecken und Kanten. Dass er viele Dinge erreichte, aber manches auch zu kurz gekommen war. » Dass er Kohl anschließend nicht im Familiengrab in Ludwigshafen beerdigen wird, sondern hier in Speyer, hinter der Kirche St. Bernhard, gut einen Kilometer vom Dom entfernt – Wiesemann will es als Geste interpretieren.
Die Kirche wurde 1953 von Deutschen und Franzosen zur Versöhnung gebaut, die Außenminister Schuman und Brentano setzten den Grundstein. Demnach kann Kohl, dieser so geschichtsbewusste Mensch, an keinem geeigneteren Ort begraben werden als hier; und nicht neben Hannelore, wie es die Öffentlichkeit vielleicht für geboten hält.
Wenn ein ehemaliger Bundeskanzler beigesetzt wird, kann das nie ein nur privates Ereignis sein. An einem solchen Tag vergewissert sich auch die Republik ihrer selbst, an einem solchen Tag werden Zeichen gesetzt.
Indem bei der Trauerfeier in Straßburg Felipe Gonzalez sprach, der langjährige Ministerpräsident Spaniens und ein Freund Helmut Kohls, wurde der Bogen zur Trauerfeier für Willy Brandt geschlagen: auch damals, 1992 in Berlin, hatte Gonzalez gesprochen. Und indem der Sarg Kohls von Straßburg über Ludwigshafen an den Rhein, ein paar Kilometer nördlich von Speyer gebracht wurde, schlug man den Bogen zur Trauerfeier für Konrad Adenauer 1967.
Dessen Sarg wurde damals auf einem Schiff von Köln nach Bad Honnef gefahren. Die Bilder von damals zeigen ein Meer aus Menschen, Zehntausende Trauernde, mindestens. Sie drängten sich am Ufer und auf den Brücken. Im Vergleich dazu ist die Anteilnahme in Speyer sehr viel geringer und, um es höflich zu sagen, anders.
Auf den Rheinwiesen, diesseits und jenseits des Ufers, verlieren sich ein paar Menschen. Auf der Brücke, direkt an der Anlegestelle: etwa drei Dutzend. Am Ufer immerhin sind es ein paar Hundert, aber sie erwecken kaum den Eindruck, Trauergäste zu sein: Es gibt am Ufer zwei Ausflugslokale, dort sitzen die Leute. Ein bisschen Aperol, ein bisschen Kuchen, und dazwischen Warten auf Kohl.
Einer am Wegesrand ist im Radlerdress gekommen, « Fred Rompelberg Bicycle Team » steht drauf, und wo es sonst, auch bei Helmut Schmidt vor anderthalb Jahren in Hamburg, üblich war, dem vorbeifahrenden Sarg zu applaudieren, sind in Speyer alle mit ihren Smartphones beschäftigt. Zum Dom hatten Trauernde nur auf Einladung des Bundesinnenministeriums Zutritt, aber als Bundeswehroffiziere den Sarg hinaustragen, sind die Ehrengäste auch nicht anders: All die am Bank-Rand halten mit ihren Handys auf die Szene.
Was wünscht man einem Verstorbenen? Bevor die Offiziere den Sarg nehmen und aus dem Dom tragen, gefolgt, von der Witwe, Kai Diekmann und Bill Clinton, in dieser Reihenfolge – vorher sagt Bischof Wiesemann, der Herr möge Helmut Kohl « Wohnung und Heimat bei dir geben ». So muss es ein Bischof sagen, so schreibt der Ritus es vor.
Aber man kann es auch anders sagen, ganz anders – so wie Jean-Claude Juncker das am Vormittag in Straßburg gemacht hat, in seiner Rede. Juncker nahm für sich in Anspruch, als Freund und nicht als EU-Kommissionspräsident zu sprechen, und als er zum Ende kam, äußerte er eine Bitte, vielleicht war es sogar eine Mahnung, an den Mann in dem Sarg neben ihn: « Du hast genug getan, ruhe in Frieden, Herr Bundeskanzler und Freund. Du hast Ruhe verdient, ewige Ruhe. » Und Helmut solle im Himmel bloß nicht als erstes auf den Gedanken kommen, einen CDU-Ortsverein zu gründen.

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/abschied-vom-altkanzler-helmut-kohl-wusste-auch-um-seine-ecken-und-kanten-1.3569556?source=rss
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