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'Alien,' 'Harry Potter,' 'Doctor Who' actor John Hurt dies at 77


NewsHubActor John Hurt as the War Doctor in «Doctor Who. »
Actor Sir John Hurt , who appeared in over 200 films and TV shows , died Friday at the age of 77, his agent Charles McDonald confirmed to the Washington Post. The actor revealed in 2015 that he was battling pancreatic cancer.
Hurt’s 60-year career earned him two Oscar nominations. He played such memorable roles as wand maker Ollivander in three of the Harry Potter films; the deformed Joseph Merrick in «The Elephant Man;» Winston Smith in «Nineteen Eighty-Four» (1984) based on the George Orwell book; the Dragon in the » Merlin » TV series; Professor Broom in the » Hellboy » films; and the War Doctor in » Doctor Who ,» to name a few.
Hurt also voiced characters in such well-known animated features as «The Lord of the Rings» and «Watership Down. »
In Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi thriller » Alien ,» Hurt plays a character named Kane whose stomach explodes with an alien he unknowingly became a host to in one of the most graphic, memorable scenes in the movie. He would repeat a similar scene in Mel Brooks’s 1987 film » Spaceballs. »
Hurt’s characters often died dramatically, which made him once remark , «I think I’ve got the record. It got to a point where my children wouldn’t ask me if I died, but rather how do you die? »
There’s even a YouTube video titled » The Many Deaths of John Hurt » featuring all of his onscreen character deaths (40 in total). The video shows him being shot, falling off buildings, hanged, stabbed, burning and of course dying from an alien bursting from his chest.
Hurt most recently played the Catholic priest Father Richard McSorley alongside actor Natalie Portman in the film » Jackie. »
Directors and co-stars including Mel Brooks , Chris Evans , Elijah Woods and Alfred Molina left comments on social media about their love and appreciation for the accomplished actor.

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/alien-harry-potter-actor-john-hurt-dies-at-77/
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Zuckerberg criticizes Trump's executive orders on immigration


NewsHubMark Zuckerberg took to Facebook to criticize Trump’s executive orders on Friday.
Donald Trump’s not going to «like» this.
Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg took to his social network on Friday to call out the president’s recent executive orders, focusing on Trump’s anti-immigration policies.
In Trump’s first week in the White House, he’s signed executive orders to push forward his plans for a wall along the US border with Mexico, withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities and block refugees from nations like Iran, Iraq, Libya and Syria .
Zuckerberg, who is totally not running for president , criticized Trump’s actions by saying the US is a «nation of immigrants. » He shared that his great-grandparents came to the US from Germany, Austria and Poland, while wife Priscilla Chan’s parents were refugees from China and Vietnam.
«Like many of you, I’m concerned about the impact of the recent executive orders signed by President Trump,» Zuckerberg said in a Facebook post on Friday. «We need to keep this country safe, but we should do that by focusing on people who actually pose a threat. »
He urged Trump to keep the US’ doors open to refugees. «Had we turned away refugees a few decades ago, Priscilla’s family wouldn’t be here today. »
Zuckerberg said he taught a class at a middle school a few years ago and that some of his best students were «undocumented. » «They are our future too,» he said. The Facebook CEO also appreciated that Trump announced he’d find a solution for 750,000 immigrants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program under the DREAM Act.
Trump and Facebook’s top execs haven’t exactly seen eye-to-eye. Despite the olive branch Trump offered during his tech summit , Facebook’s bosses are still keeping their distance from the commander in chief.
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who was at that summit in December, sharply criticized Trump on Thursday , after his executive order to cut funding for international health groups that perform abortions or provide any information about the procedure.
The Trump administration did not respond to requests for comment.
Trump, who prefers to share his thoughts on Twitter , has yet to comment on Zuckerberg or Sandberg’s remarks.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/mark-zuckerberg-donald-trump-facebook-executive-order-president-white-house/
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Путин и Трамп не говорили об отмене санкций — Белый дом


NewsHubУ нового президента США не отрицают, что такие переговоры возможны
Вопрос санкций, введенных администрацией Барака Обамы против России, не обсуждался между президентами США и РФ в ходе телефонной беседы в субботу. Об этом заявил пресс-секретарь Белого дома Шон Спайсер.
Администрация США не принимала решение относительно снятия или сохранения санкций, отметил Спайсер.
«Мы еще не приняли никакого решения по санкциям… Это не обсуждалось вчера во время телефонного разговора», — заявил Спайсер в интервью телеканалу ABC.
В то же время он отметил, что «президент ничего не исключает», назвав при этом Трампа «переговорщиком мирового уровня». «Он (Трамп) не приходит к людям и не говорит им, что он намерен исключить (из переговорного процесса), чтобы добиться лучшей возможной сделки для этой страны (США)», — добавил Спайсер.
По его словам, Владимир Путин и Дональд Трамп в субботнем телефонном разговоре обсудили целый ряд вопросов, включая ситуацию в Сирии и в Украине.
Он подтвердил, что администрация США намерена обсуждать с Россией борьбу с терроризмом, в том числе в Сирии, и кризис в Алеппо. «Есть область, где мы должны работать с ними (РФ) вместе, если мы собираемся победить ИГ. Думаю, это первый шаг», — сказал Спайсер.
Непосредственно перед этим Трамп провел переговоры с канцлером ФРГ Ангелой Меркель , а после разговора с российским лидером побеседовал с президентом Франции Франсуа Олландом.
Ранее пресс-секретарь Путина Дмитрий Песков также заявлял, что Путин и Трамп не обсуждали отмену санкций .
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Только за первые сутки действия указа Трампа в аэропортах США задержали до 200 человек для высылки в их родные страны
Американский спецназ атаковал штаб-квартиру «Аль-Каиды» в Йемене в ходе операции, согласие на которую дал президент США Дональд Трамп
По словам Трампа, совместное заявление бывших кандидатов в президенты Джона Маккейна и Линдси Грэма — заблуждение
Президент отметил, что Америка является «гордой нацией иммигрантов», которая всегда испытывала сострадание к угнетенным
Информации о серьезных столкновениях или происшествиях во время акций протеста пока не поступало
Канада подчеркивает, что открыта для беженцев
Мо Фара выступил против запрета главы США в отношении беженцев и мигрантов из мусульманских стран
Возмущение певицы связано с ужесточением Трампом миграционного законодательства страны

Similarity rank: 12

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/putin-i-tramp-ne-govorili-ob-otmene-sankciy-belyy-dom-792943.html
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Защитник "Вильярреала" Пантич продолжит карьеру в "Динамо" — СМИ


NewsHubПо информации источника, Пантич отправился в Киев для прохождения медосмотра и подписания контракта. В услугах игрока также были заинтересованы «Селтик» и «Бурсаспор».
Первую половину сезона 24-летний серб провел на правах аренды в «Алавесе», где не смог стать основным и провел лишь 6 матчей во всех турнирах.
В составе «Вильярреала» Пантич сыграл 13 матчей с 2013 года, а в прошлых двух сезонах играл в «Кордове» и «Эйбаре» на правах аренды.
Ранее сообщалось, что покинуть «Динамо» в ближайшее время может капитан Андрей Ярмоленко .

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://zn.ua/SPORT/zaschitnik-vilyarreala-pantich-prodolzhit-kareru-v-dinamo-smi-237442_.html
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10 principles of a successful IoT strategy


NewsHubThe internet of things (IoT) presents an opportunity for enterprises to rewrite the rules of their industry. The potential upside is massive: According to research firm Gartner, there will be nearly 20 billion devices on the IoT by 2020, and IoT product and service suppliers will generate $300 billion+ in revenue.
[ 8 tips for building a cost-effective IoT sensor network ]
Rossman, who spent four years launching and then running Amazon’s Marketplace business, and who was also ran Amazon’s Enterprise Services business, initially set out to create a specific roadmap to help companies approach IoT. But in the course of developing the book, he realized that methods are highly situational. Principles, on the other hand, provide vision that allow leaders to develop an IoT strategy customized to their unique needs.
«I think of IoT in layers,» Rossman says. «In one way, it’s the technology component, the sensors that are connected to cloud computing and analytics that are able to make optimizations that go back out to devices in the field. On the next level, it’s really the use case that can be enabled. Whether its consumer or more industrial and business-to-business scenarios, there’s a set of developing use cases that come up. At the third level, it’s really the business models that can be developed, morphed and changed because of these insights and the ability to be always on. »
Rossman recommends that business leaders focused on IoT think of it as a journey, not a single step.
«You don’t implement IoT,» he says. «This is an ongoing portfolio or program or overarching strategy for a company. It’s a journey: how IoT is impacting your industry, where investors are going, where competitors are going. »
Here are the 10 principles Rossman believes you should take into account when developing your IoT strategy. «They aren’t all applicable to every company, but they do need to be contemplated,» he says.
First and foremost, Rossman says, pursue IoT projects only if you’re obsessed about your customers, their experiences and how you can use connected devices to solve their problems.
«Connected devices and sensors give yet another vehicle to improve the customer experience,» he says. «If it improves the customer experience, that’s probably enough business rationale to proceed with it. Figure out how to monetize it afterward. » Leaders start with the customer and work backward, Rossman says, and they work tirelessly to earn and keep customer trust.
At Amazon, he says, «obsession» means a willingness to do really hard things just to make life easier for customers, even if those things won’t drive short-term profit. It also means constantly reevaluating the customer experience and never settling for «good enough. »
In an IoT-enabled world, your customers will interact with you across a series of platforms and devices. «You need to focus on the omnichannel experience when you connect across channels and experiences,» Rossman says. «Providing that seamless customer experience is a really important part of improving that customer experience. »
The key to creating great omnichannel experiences is to master information continuity, Rossman says. For instance, if a customer has a faulty connected vacuum cleaner and calls one of your customer-service agents, that agent should already be able to see where the vacuum cleaner is and what’s wrong with it — better yet, that agent could contact the customer proactively with a solution.
Connected devices and IoT offer the opportunity to examine your processes like never before, providing the tools you need to drive change and improvements on a continuous basis. «You have access to much better data, much better signals,» Rossman says.
«That gives you the ability to create a whole new wave of visibility and process improvement within your organization. » Connected devices, he says, can give you real-time insight into the flow, status and state of key items in your process
IoT will help you collect data on your operations at a scale and magnitude beyond anything you’ve seen before, Rossman says, but the data isn’t enough. You need to leverage that data with models, analytics and algorithms that help you generate insight from it.
«Your operations can give you much better data, which can tell you what’s happening within your organization,» Rossman says. «With that, you can strive to create a formulaic understanding of your processes that will give you more insight and definition to tighten up and reinvent those processes. »
Within Amazon, Rossman says, teams spend as much, or even more time, defining and agreeing on how to measure a new feature, service or product as they do designing the feature itself. They consider the inputs and outputs of an operation and the data required to run that operation and understand its inner workings.
Successfully innovating with IoT requires vision, Rossman says. You need to think big if you’re going to create fundamental transformation. But big visions are brought into being with small, discrete projects that allow you to fail and iterate with experience gained from those failures.
«IoT is about a journey, and you should have a notion of what the long journey is,» Rossman says. «But you need to proceed in small, agile, low-risk bets as you seek to prove out what works and what doesn’t. Understand what the small bets are that you’re making relative to IoT and other innovations, de-scale the risk of those bets and they’re no longer a bet anymore. »
A platform business model, which allows other businesses to leverage your capabilities to build and grow their own businesses, creates a strong, sustainable competitive advantage for your business, Rossman says.
Seek ways to allow other businesses to leverage your connected devices. «A platform business is a type of business that enables others,» Rossman says. «IoT, for some companies, provides the opportunity to think about how your products and services could be a platform for other companies to offer insights and services to their customers. »
Selling products is well and good, but IoT-connected devices allow you to go a step further and sell outcomes. Under an outcome-based business model, customers pay for the results a product or service provides, rather than the product or service itself.
That, Rossman says, shifts ownership, effectiveness and maintenance responsibilities from the customer to the provider; it also aligns customer and provider interests. «This is about the opportunity for companies to get real-time insights into how their products are operating with customers,» Rossman says. «You transition to being a product with maintenance to providing the outcome that your customers want. »
These models encompass a number of variations, from self-monitoring services that replenish themselves automatically, to subscription services with a regular fee, to ‘as-a-service’ businesses with services tailored to individual needs. Rossman acknowledges that outcome-based business models are not the right fit for every business, but if they are, he says, they can increase your profits, improve your relationships with customers and increase customer loyalty.
Data just may be the new «black gold. » While Rossman says it’s as yet difficult to find examples of IoT-based companies that have successfully packaged and sold their IoT data, the time is coming. The confluence of sensors, cloud computing, third-party data sources and APIs will all feed into the market for IoT data brokerages.
«The data is the business model,» Rossman says. «If data is the new black gold out there, then IoT creates a lot of data. Some companies will have the opportunity to create value and monetize the data they’re creating from sensors. It’s a business model that you’ll see more and more of going forward. »
Some of that market is beginning to materialize, he says. Financial trading companies are buying cargo ship transit and port arrival information. Utility companies are buying building and appliance energy-consumption data. Smart home companies are selling data to advertisers and insurance companies.
Innovation is the name of the game. IoT creates opportunities for expansion up and down the value chain, Rossman says. «Enter business in one place in the value chain,» he says. «Then maybe partner heavily to get an overall solution. Learn the industry, looking upstream and downstream. Look for indicators of bad customer experience or trapped excess margin. Then look for strategies that would disrupt that industry value chain through IoT. »
A value chain is the end-to-end set of processes and activities for an industry, Rossman says. Imagine, for instance, an HVAC system provider. Its customers are commercial building manufacturers. It could install sensors that would allow it to take responsibility for maintenance of the HVAC system in an as-a-service model, creating a new revenue stream while reducing the building manager’s maintenance burden.
Rossman says that if you have a clear understanding of the systems dynamics — the flywheel — of your business, you can then use IoT to identify and execute on opportunities and risks in your business.
«As you’re developing your IoT strategy, seek to gain insight into who the right partners might be, where the threats might be,» he says.
For instance, he says, the big plays in IoT — the ones that will drive billions of dollars in revenue — won’t be rooted in proprietary connected devices themselves. Instead, the opportunity will be in providing the infrastructure and tools to help other companies and developers to design, build and operate their own IoT capabilities.
You need to understand the moving pieces that will give your IoT flywheel the momentum to carry you to bigger and greater things.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.itnews.com/article/3162995/internet-of-things/10-principles-of-a-successful-iot-strategy.html
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After three months out of stock, Microsoft's Lumia 950 has been removed from its UK store


NewsHubMicrosoft has completely removed one of its two flagship-class handsets from its UK store, as all of its Windows 10 Mobile devices reach the end of their retail lives.
The UK Microsoft Store ran out of stock of the Lumia 950 in October , but only now — three months later — has the company deleted its store listing for the device. The page has been removed , and instead redirects to the UK store homepage.
All of Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile devices have now been out of stock in the UK for seven weeks or more , including the range-topping Lumia 950 XL, which sold out two months ago , but is still listed on the site. The Lumia 650 is also still listed there , but the entry-level Lumia 550 was removed from the UK store earlier this month. The older Lumia 640 XL — for which Microsoft ran out of stock long before the 950 — is also still on the store.
Acer’s high-end Liquid Jade Primo is currently shown as ‘out of stock’ too. In recent days, Acer revealed that the device won’t be upgraded to the Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update , which Microsoft released over five months ago. The handset itself was unveiled in September 2015, but didn’t go on sale until the beginning of last year.
That leaves just one Windows phone available to purchase from the Microsoft Store in the UK — HP’s Elite x3, priced at £706.80 , which includes a desktop docking station.
Over in the US, Microsoft has also been removing Lumia handsets from its store. Its premier US carrier partner, AT&T, has ended sales of all new Lumia phones too, but it is now offering some refurbished models.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/rwNEPMMjxr4/after-three-months-out-of-stock-microsofts-lumia-950-has-been-removed-from-its-uk-store
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Ярмоленко: У "Динамо" много молодых ребят с большим будущим


NewsHubПосле контрольного поединка с «Сувон Самсунг Блувингз» нападающий нашей команды Андрей Ярмоленко прокомментировал встречу и рассказал о физическом состоянии футболистов:
— Сегодня было много борьбы, никто не хотел уступать. Наверное, это связано с тем, что мы с крупным счетом проиграли прошлый матч. Знаем, что нас смотрит много болельщиков, и «Динамо» не может так проигрывать даже на сборах. Так что сегодня все старались, бились, но, к сожалению, одержать победу не удалось.
К слову, Ярмоленко в ближайшее время может перебраться в АПЛ
— Когда вы были капитаном на поле, всех заводили и много подсказывали. Это обязанность капитана или ваша собственная инициатива?
— Считаю, подсказывать нужно всегда, вне зависимости от наличия повязки. Всегда легче играть, когда на поле есть деловой подсказ, это лучше, чем «пихать» друг другу. Тем более, сейчас у нас в составе много молодых ребят, которым нужно помогать. Это талантливые ребята, видно, что у них большое будущее. Мы можем им только подсказывать и направлять в правильное русло.
— В предпоследний день первого сбора можете сказать, насколько физическая форма команды далека от оптимальной?
— По себе могу сказать, что чувствую себя намного лучше, чем в начале сбора, когда и нагрузки были побольше, и легкости не ощущалось. Сейчас уже все более или менее нормально.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/sport-cat/futbol/3129211-yarmolenko-u-dinamo-mnogo-molodyih-rebyat-s-bolshim-budushhim.html
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Во время факельного шествия в Славянке прогремел мощный взрыв


NewsHubВ воскресенье, 29 января, в ходе факельного шествия в память о Героях Крут в Славянске прогремел мощный взрыв.
Об этом сообщают Новости Донбасса .
В Славянский отдел полиции Донецкой области около 17.30 часов поступило сообщение о взрыве.
Отмечается, что неизвестные бросили взрывпакет во двор центральной больницы. Взрывной волной выбило окна медучереждения на улице Шевченко.
Однако, по предварительной информации, пострадавших в результате инцидента нет.
«Повреждены окна медицинского учреждения, никто не пострадал. На месте происшествия работает следственно-оперативная группа отдела полиции. Взрыв прогремел в 100 метрах от факельного шествия, которое в это время проходило от площади Соборная по улице Шевченко», — сообщили в полиции.

Similarity rank: 5.4

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/proisshestviya/16502472.html
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Прем'єр Квебеку назвав терактом напад на мечеть у Канаді


NewsHub«Після цього теракту я звернувся в Національні збори Квебеку з проханням приспустити прапор Квебеку», — написав Куйяр в Twitter.
Прем’єр-міністр Канади Джастін Трюдо назвав атаку на мечеть «боягузливою».
«Сьогодні канадці сумують про тих, хто загинув у результаті боягузливого нападу на мечеть в Квебеку. Мої думки з жертвами і їх сім’ями», — написав Трюдо в Twitter.
Як повідомляє Radio Canada , невідомі, які влаштували стрілянину в мечеті, були в масках і кричали «Аллах Акбар», стріляючи в натовп. Поліція затримала двох підозрюваних.

Similarity rank: 7.9

© Source: http://dt.ua/WORLD/prem-yer-kvebeku-nazvav-teraktom-napad-na-mechet-u-kanadi-231644_.html
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Премьер Квебека назвал терактом нападение на мечеть в Канаде


NewsHub«После этого теракта я обратился в Национальное собрание Квебека с просьбой приспустить флаг Квебека», — написал Куйяр в Twitter.
Премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо назвал атаку на мечеть «трусливой».
«Сегодня канадцы скорбят о тех, кто погиб в результате трусливого нападения на мечеть в Квебеке. Мои мысли с жертвами и их семьями», — написал Трюдо в Twitter.
Как сообщает Radio Canada , неизвестные, устроившие стрельбу в мечети, были в масках и кричали «Аллах Акбар», стреляя в толпу. Полиция задержала двоих подозреваемых.

Similarity rank: 12

© Source: http://zn.ua/WORLD/premer-kvebeka-nazval-teraktom-napadenie-na-mechet-v-kanade-237441_.html
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